Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Dec 21st 2012...The beginning of a New Era not the end of the world
The beginning of a New Era!
The 21st of December 2012 was not the end of the World as so many people seemed to imagine it would be, but I do think that this date will be remembered as the beginning of a New Era.
What do I mean?
I am now 74 years old. I have reached the average life expectancy for my gender.
I was born just before the beginning of the 2nd World War a horrendous affair which I now know to have been completely staged by the so called Elite in their programme of Destruction and murder of the Human Race, and their quest for more money and more power.
25 years previously, they had organised and staged another terrible and extremely destructive World War, number 1, and so the 20th century ended as being the most horrific and violent 100 year page of HIS STORY since the beginning of HIS STORY.
Now during most of my life time we have been free from World War but not at all free from violence and stupid and pointless wars on a smaller scale than those 2 World Conflagrations of the last 100 years.
So what has really changed and what can we expect in this New Era?
I think the most important change is that the dumbed down hypnotized and manipulated and drugged population of the Masses, are beginning to wake up.
No longer do we blindly accept the fact that those at the top of the Pyramid are the good guys who have our interests at heart.
We know that was and is written in the GOOD OLD BOOK THE HOLY BIBLE, to be absolutely spot on when it carefully explains that Satan rules and has always ruled the world.
No longer do we think that the Royals, and the Megabankers and their Puppets the Politicians playing their Left Right or Center paradigm game of Politics deceiving the people that their particular brand of Politics is in control, are Christian at heart. We now know them to be in fact died in the wool fanatical Luciferians and in other words Satan worshipers and Satan followers.
Saint John's Gospel Ch 10 verse 10 now makes complete sense when The Master and Creator of the Universe and all that is in it tells us clearly that Satan's job is to...
STEAL KILL AND DESTROY while God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit wants to bestow on all of us an abundant life.
Thanks largely to the Internet and the Information revolution we now know that the Mainstream Media is bought up by the Megabankers and tells only the manipulating rubbish that they are forced and permitted to put out to the generally half dead public.
We now know that a lot of what we eat has been intentionally tampered with to slowly poison us to an early death and to diminish our IQ. The same applies to what we drink.
We now know that the deadly vaccination programmes are designed to slow kill us and sometimes not so slowly.
We now know that these so called elite number only about 6000 people and are out numbered by us drugged and hypnotized public by a million to one. They are rightfully terrified that this large imbalance will and can work against them especially when so many people are waking up to these facts.
We now know that our weather is being tampered with by HARP, look it up, and that those Chem trails are not the natural contrails from passenger jets but are intentionally poisoning us and changing our weather.
We now know that the False Flag Hegelian dialectic...look it up... is alive and well and is being practiced at every turn by the elite, almost on a daily basis..
Mind control has been and is being perfected and unless we wake up will take us all over.
We now know that all the above and I am sure that I have left out some more important points, to be true, but let that suffice for now.
These elite to whom I am personally related by blood as my Grandfather, Clement Samuel Horn, was a descendant of the last Catholic and rather wicked king James the 1st of England and 6th of Scotland and whose eldest daughter brought into the world her second son John Aspinal the Misanthropic maniac who falsely believed that humans could bond with Bengal Tigers and went on to watch not one but 5 of his private zoo keepers die proving that his idea were diabolically stupid.
John Aspinal was not the End of the story as now Lord Rothschild, the big white chief of the Banking world and thus the big white chief of the whole world...(Money talks and bullshit walks) has placed my cousin on the throne of the Chancellor of the exchequership a kind of Robin Hood in reverse, stealing from the impoverished masses and giving to the megarich.
So what can we expect??
The elite are worried and fearful.
Those who have no faith in the One True God and His Crucified Son Jesus Christ are always afraid and when they are afraid they react even more erratically and destructfully than normal.
World war 3 is on the cards along with an economic crash that will force people through starvation to accept the New World Order plan of total control of the masses who will be reduced in number from 7 billion to about a more manageable half a billion. 90% of us will have to be eliminated in the next few years if all goes according to their diabolical plan. The USA will be reduced to below a 3rd world standard along with Europe and only China and Russia will enjoy a temporary place at the top.
While the Masses, mass destruct themselves in Nuclear war the elite will bunker down in their underground cities already built and will then emerge with some kind of deadly plague which will wipe out all the brown and black, victorious Asians and Africans leaving them to do as they please without resistance.
All this has not brought in a factor which has purposely been left out. GOD. He will be doing His part and the outcome will be a resounding victory not to the Mass controllers but to those who honour Christ and go to His Holy Mass, a carefully chosen play on words. Not Mass destruction only but Holy Mass where the sacrifice of Christ's Crucifixion and resurrection is performed every day around the world.
When this Holy Mass is done away with which it will be by the decree of the NWO and a diabolical mass replaces the Holy Mass, then you will know exactly how many days are left until Christ takes over complete control in His New World Order of Peace, Justice, Forgiveness, Mercy and real Agape LOVE for ever and ever and ever.
So in a nutshell you know what to expect in the future. I think that the Lord has allowed me to be pretty accurate. Let us wait and see. We will not have long to wait.
GBY and KGFG and a very very happy exciting and eventful New Year as you place your 100% confidence in the King of Kings who incidentally has already won the battle at that famous victory won on a hill called Calvary 2000 years ago when satan was defeated game set match. He satan is only fighting a rear guard losing battle as he pretends with his deceitfulness to be winning.. Do not be deceived!!!! Once again
michael jaffray king.
Happy New Year being awake to all that will shortly take place and is even now well under way...
Monday, 24 December 2012
A Christmas message to all my kids and to all of you too
A Christmas message to my kids and to you all too!
This may well be the last Christmas that we will ever celebrate on earth.
I think that this Christmas is very special.
We never know exactly when the time of our departure will come.
We dread it... But should we?
Saint Paul said, "For to me live is Christ but to die is gain!" Phil ch 1 v 21.
What Christmas present do I really want and what Christmas present does Jesus want for us and for Himself???
I think the answer is actually very simple.
I have just finished watching a Charles Dickens classic.
"A a watched it a douzen times and I try to watch it at least once every Christmas..
It never fails to move me to tears and it shows me what the true value of Christ's Birthday is really all about. And real forgiveness.
It is about Family. The family unit. A unit where there is love and forgiveness in unlimited quantities.
My daughter Natasha, number 4 confessed in a facebook message to all eight of us that she loved us all.
Then came the additions and replies from all the remaining eight of us. We all agreed with her. We have an awesome family and yes, we do love each other in spite of all of our hangups and tantrums and deficiencies. These are bound to be there why? Because we are all different, and we are all human. God has made us so but He has made it possible for us to love one another just like He loves us. I tell people that He does not only love you but that He is crazy about you.
Watch A Christmas Carol and you will see what I mean.
A very Happy and Meaningful Christmas to all of you and to my seven children here in Germany and in the USA for Christmas holidays.
Also God bless all my other family members around the world... The Kings, the Osbornes and the Grants and all their children and relations too.
Granddad Clement is praying for all of us to make it and especially make it in the one area of real love coupled with real Fogiveness and Mercy just like He has and is always offering us and especially in 2012.
Friday, 21 December 2012
The Proud and Godless are always full of fear and especially of their DEMISE!
My Weekend blog one day after the end of the world!
I find this comforting...These really wicked people that rule over the world and have so much, fake made up cash running into the trillions of $, Euro, Pounds Stirling...are absolutely paranoid about their end.
I was reading about one of the worst tyrants.. A mega Tyrant... Joseph Stalin...Responsible for millions of deaths...He was so fearful of death and being murdered that he would not tell even his bodyguard in which of several rooms he would use for sleeping.
He went to bed at 4 in the morning, staying up drinking with forced friends to entertain him and keep him company.
I am sure this is also true for all the leaders of the satanic luciferian banking leadership who are running our world today. Outnumbered by 1,000,000 to 1, they are terrified of their demise and they are terrified that the masses that they so despise will wake up and put them all on trial and send them to the firing squads or gallows or electric chair or deadly inoculation.
It is natural to have some fear of death but remember the Word of God where Saint Paul says in his letter to the Philippians ch 1 v 21
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
I find those words very comforting. At 74, death is closer than it was before. The first part of this verse is also very live is Christ... If you are doing your best to live for Christ and promoting Him at every opportunity then like Saint Paul we too can say "to die is gain".
Stalin's daughter, who was there at his bedside “The death agony was terrible. He literally choked to death as we watched.” (Conquest, Stalin: Breaker of Nations, p. 312)
I believe that these totally satanic and luciferian leaders are well aware of this and are scared out of their wits. We must pray that they will repent and turn to the Living God and His Son Jesus Christ.
I look forward to your comments..
GBY and KGFG and please remember to send me a little financial help for Christmas and for my 74th birthday. As a full time Missionary I live entirely from donations. It is a great miracle how the Great God of the Universe so mercifully provides for my every need and often using people like you to do be a part.
A very very Happy Christmas and a Happy and exciting New Year.. We are in for a Roller Coaster...
He is able!!!!!!!!
Especially when I am unable!!!!
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
A great witnessing TIP...Share your faith!!!!
A great witnessing tip!!
Getting people to stop, and listen, is an art.
Some are better than others and others are often understandably too embarrassed to even try.
Recently the Lord showed me a way to talk to anyone and especially to groups of kids which gather outside the Cologne DOM Cathedral.. Germans, Dutch, French and English in the main.
So this is how it works...
Hi!!! Would you like to hear some news??? Good news and bad news? Which would you like to hear first?
If there is disagreement then I take a quick majority vote and usually bad news wins..
"O.K.Well the bad news is that one out of every one of us is going to die!"
To emphasise my point, I usually draw my hand across my throat like it is getting cut. A little bit of drama is needed to keep their attention.
Then I say, " The IPOD stays... The snazzy cell phone stays... the little dog and cat stay...
boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister, mum and dad all stay behind...
Now for the Good News.."If you say this little prayer...Dear Jesus Christ please come into my heart, forgive my sins and fill me with your Holy Spirit of Love and give me the free gift of Eternal Life, thennnnnnnnnnn you take something very good with you..
Please say this prayer after me and then I get them to repeat it. If they are rather reluctant, then there is usually one or two who do follow the prayer and these I make a great show of congratulating them for their bravery and vigorously shaking their hand. Then I give the rest a second chance and you would be amazed to see how many will now very sheepishly pray along. This works for adults too with a little adaption to suit the circumstances. Then I give them the lit with my address and email and telephone number, and the prayer which they just prayed written on it, and then I offer them the home produced rosaries for a small donation. Around 5 Euros..4 3 and even 2.
Hope that was a help.
I also tell them that if they try this out on others then they too become a missionary, just like me and Irmgard.
Have great fun trying. You will get a special blessing from God if you pluck up courage and give it a go....
I also tell them and this could be very important too.
"You will forget many instances in your life but you will never ever forget this one.!"
I say this to them even if they refuse Jesus!!!!!!
GBY and KGFG and please continue to pray for us and send us help too. Matthew Ch 7 v 7!!!!
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Why Guns are still in the hands of Civilians in the USA?
Sunday Blog 16th December 2012.
5 days until the end of the world...Ha!!!
To understand the 2nd amendment and the Gun Laws of the USA, it would be helpful to drift back into the 18th century and see what was going on in those British Colonies.
Britain was ruling the waves and waving the rules.
The Colonists were heavily taxed and dominated by England with its standing army. The King of England was the King of the The North American continent.
Ideally a Government is meant to be servant of the people who elect it into position.
Sadly this is very rarely the case and the Colonists knew this having escaped from the oppressive regimes in Europe for just that reason.
The name Prime minister even means the Chief Servant and not the Chief Dictator.
Sadly all through History even when Governments begin on the right foot, they soon become corrupt as all power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This especially happens when the Money supply is taken away from the people, and their elected governments, and given to private individuals.
The Federal Reserve bank and the Bank of England sound like Government controlled with their Government sounding names. They are not but are Private Banks run by the mega rich.
Those early settlers had deserted Europe where they had been oppressed by overbearing and unjust governments to found a new land of hope. Most were Bible believing Christians and had been persecuted for their faith back in their homelands in Europe.
The war of independence started when the British tried to take away the arms that were in the hands of the colonists.
They won their independence and successfully threw out the Brits and began ruling themselves.
There is nothing that a Government fears more than an armed population that they are trying to rule over. The founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson knew about this tendency for Governments becoming oppressive and so the people were allowed to- have arms to deter any Government from becoming totalitarian.
The 2nd amendment specifically allows this.
Even with their guns, still in tact, the money mad mega rich, lead from London, were able in 1913 to take over the money supply and thus gain control over the people. Mega banks especially under the control of the Rothschild families gained total control of the money supply and as the famous quote from this famous Luciferian family said..." If we control the money supply we do not care who makes the laws".
Today as we have been trying to tel l you on so many occasions those same mega rich are trying to bring in their New World Order and take over complete Dictatorial control of the world under satan.
I have also told you that about 20 families consisting of about 6000 so called elite are doing all they can to grab the world away from the 7 billion. To do this they are continually implementing their Eugenicist and Misanthropic demonic programmes. That is why we have so much war and financial crises. That is why we are so heavily taxed while the same mega rich pay no taxes. That is why the water supply is poisoned with Fluoride and other toxic waste. That is why the air is polluted on a daily basis by Chemical trails left by special aircraft who crisscross our skies. That is why we are getting involved in Regime change all over the Middle East and that is why the same Elkaida that is being blamed for 9/11 are now being funded to bring hell and destruction to first Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria an soon to Iran. That is why we have an orchestrated financial crisis and that is why our whole world is in such a hell of a mess. That is why Christianity is being persecuted and the Holy Bible is being thrown out of schools and Government run organisations.
These school shootings and Theater shootings whether orchestrated or just pure coincidences are playing into the hands of the Governments who want to disarm their people. It is like saying that spoons are responsible for overweight people. Lets take away the spoons so overweight people cannot feed themselves, It is just that ridiculous.
Personally as I try to follow Jesus Christ, I believe that he that lives by the gun whether they be Government or Private individual will also die by the Gun.
We know the endgame. Jesus Christ will come back and utterly smash those evil demonic forces that have always been trying to take over complete control of the world ever since time immemorial.
It is much later than you think.
Please pray for those poor wretched families who have been bereaved at this school shooting and through 9/11 and through the death and destruction of these wicked and totally unnecessary wars the rage around the world feeding the financial pockets of the Military Industrial Complexes which are totally under control of satan and the mega rich who worship him.
Pleas get back to me and I would love to hear your reaction. Please send us some help for Christmas and continue to pray for us.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Robin Hood in reverse
Robin Hood in reverse..
The NWO..The New World Order!!!!
What was Robin Hood so famous for??? He stole from the Rich and distributed the stolen wealth to the badly oppressed poor.
The NWO works on a similar basis but in reverse. It steals and taxes the poor and distributes the collected wealth from the masses and distributes it to the MEGA RICH!
The whole idea is to bankrupt the Middle Class and the poor and make them all poor and slaves of the Mega Banks and Mega Corporations.
If you do not believe me do your own investigation on the Internet.
But before you do be sure to pray to the GREAT GOD of the Universe to help you find out what is really going on behind the scenes.
This has always been the case ever since HIS STORY began.
It is all about control..
The Mega Banks would have already taken over the whole world if it was not for the confusion of the languages at Babylon, thousands of years ago. See the following
Genesis.. The first book in the Holy Bible...Chapter 11 verses
11:1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
11:2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
11:3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
11:5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
So there you have it!!
Now in these modern days, lord lucy, satan or just the plain devil is about to try and take over the whole world again.
The langauge barrier and Nationalism is still a barrier but by clever bankrupting the whole world and every Nation, he will attempt once more to be the complete and total ruler of the world we live in.
Just as God raised up His Son Jesus the Messiah, the Christ and the only begotten Son of God, lucy will raise up the devil's messiah to be the Dictator of the world.
Like we saw in a previous blog he will fight against God's children and shall overcome them and then set up the Abomination of Desolation in place of the Holy Mass in all the Churches and Cathedrals of this world
Rev 11:7
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and killthem.
threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
Revelation Ch 11 verses
11:4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
11:5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
11:6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
11:9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
11:10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
11:11 And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
11:12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Matthew 24
24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
24:10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 24:18Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
Maybe I will not be alive on earth to see these days but most of you will..., Very very exciting...
When will the world end?????
For each one of us it ends when we die and depart from this world and enter the everlasting spiritual world.
Unless you die on December the 21st, there will be no end of the world for you then.
It is all ascam to get you to take yor eyes of the Criminality and wickedness of the NWO with their ridiculous wars of Regime Change using the very forces of their supposed to be arch enemies Elkaida to replace a government that has not attacked any western Nation since very ancient times.
Have you noticed that all the World Powers of Daniel and Revelation,Assyria..SYRIA. Babylon..IRAQ. Persia..IRAN. ..GREECE. Italy..ROME
are all cntre stage today....
It won't be long now...
Who says life is boring?
I am 74 and I am learning so much every day...
I am not a has been but an Am Being and a Will Be, until He allows me to be killed or die of old age. Either way I have gort it made and so have you if you put your faith in Him...JESUS CHRIST, who died for your sins and rose frrom the dead to conquer death for you if you will only believe and forsake your PRIDE
The Daily Sacrifice
The Daily Sacrifice!
Dan 8:11
Yea, he magnified [himself] even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily [sacrifice] was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.
Dan 8:12
And an host was given [him] against the daily [sacrifice] by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to theground; and it practised, and prospered.
Dan 8:13
Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain [saint] which spake, How long [shall be] the vision [concerning] the daily [sacrifice], and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
Dan 11:31
And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute thesanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily [sacrifice], and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
Dan 12:11
And from the time [that] the daily [sacrifice] shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, [there shall be] a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
When I was a Protestant and extremely interested in Bible Prophecy and End Time events, I always imagined that this so ofetn talked about DAILY SACRIFICE had something to do wit the restoration of the Jewish Temple and that the Jews would revert to their sacrificing of animals just as they did in Jesus' time and before.
Now I see it quite differently.
The Jewish Temple sacrifice is defunct, outdated and done away with and now we have a new Daily Sacrifice which takes part every day all around the world in every Catholic Church and Orthodox too for that matter, when they celebrate the Holy Mass.
I do not believe that the Temple will ever be rebuilt. It is outdated by the New Covenant so why should God allow the Jews to build or rebuild an outdated sacrifice?? It does not make sense.
But soon under the Devil's Messiah, he will make sure that the Daily Mass is abolished and he will allow and enforce some other kind of demonic sacrifice to take place in Roman Catholic Churches around the world.
When you read those above verses from Danie Ch 8 and 11 and Daniel 12 and instead imagine all of this related to the Daily Sacrifice of the Mass, it takes on a whole new meaning.
That is all for now.
Friday, 7 December 2012
the two kingdomas
Sunday blog 9th of December 2012.
The two kingdoms..
a perpetual war between
the kingdom of satan(lord lucifer)
and THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
This war, as the title of this blog suggests, is an ongoing one since the beginning of HIS STORY (history).
Let us have a look at the players..and their leaders...
Leaders first..
The Great and All powerful(omnipotent) and omnipresent, TOTAL LOVE, TOTAL MERCY, TOTAL GOODNESS, TOTAL MORALITY, God the Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, together with God the HOLY SPIRIT......
and on the other side...
lord lucy..a creation of God that rebelled. His agenda of ROBBERY, MURDER AND DESTRUCTION..He is a spirit and is NOT OMNIPRESENT and is not omni powerful. TOTAL IMMORALITY..TOTAL WICKEDNESS..TOTAL DECEPTION..
Actually he plays an important role in the overall plan of things because he is the instrument whereby God ensures that we have free choice. Without an alternative, to the amazing awesome and most wonderful Creator of the Universe, we would not have free choice. We would automatically choose GOD because He would be our only choice.
We have all been given the most beautiful gift of free choice.
When we choose GOD we are choosing VOLUNTARILY the Kingdom of God..God wants volunteers and not robots.
Lucy's kingdom is only a copy of the KINGDOM OF GOD..
Every day I am learning new facts about the Spiritual world which is the world that we already live in, if we are even a little bit spiritual, and will all live in permanently, eventually after our departure from this life.
I try to have an open mind about everything. Link this open mind with prayer and you will definitely make progress. That is a promise..
Just very recently I have learnt much more about how both these kingdoms are divided. What I mean by that is their EARTHLY representatives. The Earthly Kingdom of God is made up of 38,000 denominations, instead of just one, and thank the Lord, lucifer's kingdom is also divided.
For me this is a new thought which until recently, I did not really understand. For example, lord lucy needs deceived people with a great deal of integrity to run his earthly kingdom.. Let me give you an example. In the Masonic Lodges, the Free Masons, 99% of the people have Integrity and are basically good people. Only at the very very top do they have totally convinced and practicing luciferians. Satan needs these people with integrity to run his world. The world is full of very good and useful products which are not made by dedicated Christians.
When we take a closer look at the Earthly Kingdom of God we soon see that there are many evil people who have infiltrated and divided and watered down the TRUTH.
When we take a closer look at our selves, sadly we can see that we are from perfect and that is why the Lord Jesus taught us to pray.."Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.!!!"
satan's copy of the TRUTH suffers from the same problem. On earth he has not taken over all the hearts. Some a very few, about one in a million, approximately six thousand controlled by not more than 20 families and by one in particular.. Rothschild which has now amalgamated with their agents the Rockefeller, leads the bandwagon. Even among these so called elite there is plenty of evil jealousy and competition for power. There is very little unity and they control each other with fear just as TRUE CHRISTIANITY is controlled by PERFECT LOVE.
To bring in their perfect unity, they need a messiah. The devil's messiah. A dictator of total evil controlling not only the people of the world who remain alive, having completely defeated the prosperous middle class, but is also able to control his evil own. I hope you can see that. Without their messiah they are still somewhat floundering and are not able to bring in evil to a perfection until... watch this carefully...they have bankrupted every creature and forced them to take the financial mark of the beast without which they will not be able to buy or sell and so they have to accept their messiah and his total evil dictatorship, or starve to death.
Those who refuse to take this mark will be forced to TRUST THE LORD JESUS who will take care of them, but unless they are used to trusting HIM, they will find it very difficult as they will not have the years of practice at living a life of faith and will be thrown in at the deep end not really having learnt how to swim. Yes they will float and God will take care of them but it is better to start really trusting in Jesus right now so that it will not be such a trauma when all the props are taken away.
Let me give you a really good example from Yesterday's witnessing escapade outside the DOM Cathedral. Irmgard has been wearing warm boots which are not waterproof. Once the slushy melted snow water seeps through, her feet become so cold that it is extremely difficult for her to continue her task.
Well yesterday, this happened and then what seemed like out of the blue a lady approached with a brand new set of waterproof warm boots of exactly the right size and her favourite maroon colour. She had bought shem for someone else but when Irmgard explained about her predicament of wet feet, she gladly gave them to her. Irmgard did not even know that she had boots in her bag. Just imagine the timing of this and the fact that they fit and were in Irmgard's favourite maroon colour. Yes God is truly good and knows best.
So all that to say that in spite of all the wickedness that is staring us in the face like right now with a third very unjust war which is looming over the world. First Iraq with its non existent weapons of Mass Destruction and then Gaddafi in Libya who was getting in the way because of his pan African ambitions to bring prosperity not only to Libya but to all Africa and was cooperating 100% with the Western leadership.
Now they have to get rid of Assad who is not the evil dictator that he is bumped up to be. He is not perfect but is a man of great deal of integrity which we cannot say about our own leadership.
We are moving quickly in satan's direction. satan's plan is to reduce the world population from seven billion to half a billion. This is a 95% reduction. This he will do with all kinds of war, civil and Nuclear too, compulsory Vaccines, deadly contagious diseases manufactured in laboratories, abortion, euthanasia, and STARVATION and any and all other means imaginable. His aim is the total destruction of the human race created by his arch enemy God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now a quick look at the agenda of God..Saint John Chapter 10 verse 10,I HAVE COME THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE ABUNDANT LIFE!!!!!
The Holy Bible is vital for your information. If you do not know and love the Holy Bible you do not really love and know God.
The WORD which is another name for JESUS CHRIST is of paramount importance. I am starting a Word memory project and I suggest you do too.
In times to come, the only Bible that you will be allowed to have will be the one that you have memorised in and laid up in your heart.
God bless the Baptist Navigator Topical Memory system that I was brought up on. Carry a Bible with you. It is your Spiritual Weapon...Be ready to share it with people.
Because in The book of Hebrews Chapter 4 verse 12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
To be in God's Kingdom, we have to be perfected in one really important attribute...LOVE.
This is a lifetime process with many trials and sufferings to be endured until the finished product can be accepted into heaven..
Matthew Ch 10 verse
22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
So here ends my Sunday blog..
Hope this was a help.
I very much look forward to your reactions whether good bad or indifferent.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you really know Jesus?
This is a question I often ask myself too!
Philippians Ch 3 v 10
This verse of Our Holy Bible from Saint Paul, he puts it like this..
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
And then the verses which precede this beautiful verse from God's WORD.
8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
Can we say this like Saint Paul said it????????
For myself, I can answer this question by saying a very firm YES...
Jesus is everything to me..
I have been accused by some of using Christ as a CRUTCH and that if I was more of a man, then I wouldn't need this crutch through life...
I can say like someone else told me..."You are wrong!!! He is not my CRUTCH but my WHEEL CHAIR!!!". He is my everything.. Without HIM, I would be like an Astronaut detached from his spaceship and travelling aimlessly through space without hope of anything except a slow and terrifying death.
These next verses are scary and should be taken seriously too!!
Luke ch 13 verses
26 Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.
27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
How can I tell if I really know Christ Jesus? How can you tell?
Ask yourself these following questions?
Who do you chat to? I mean throughout the day? Yes I have serious times when I pray set prayers and meditate on what they say and they are invaluable. But in my opinion, that would not be enough!
It would be like having formal talks with your spouse. Not really the key for a loving and lasting relationship.
So chatting away to my awesome and brilliant Lord is only one part of the equation.
How does He talk to me and now I am going to hit on a really very important part without which your relationship would only be a one way street.
How does He get through to you?
Well I can feel His responses in my thoughts. To a certain extent this is true, I can feel His responses through my conscience. But that is not a very sure way... So what is the sure way????...
I used to often say that there were three really important priorities in my life..
The first one was...
the WORD, the HOLY BIBLE...
and the second one was...
the WORD, the HOLY BIBLE...
and then of course the third one was...
the WORD, the HOLY BIBLE...
The Bible is a collection of BOOKs from the Old Testament and the much smaller New Testament.
With so many books to choose from, it would be good to have a priority list. There are some verses and passages which are really key.
All are important to one degree or another, but some are absolutely vital.
I am thankful that when I first seriously picked up the Bible as a brand new born again Christian, someone had the sense to tell me where to begin. He said to read the Gospel of Saint John.
I did and I was knocked over and have never been the same since. This Book really woke me up and it is from this book that I have memorized many key verses and passages.
Then I expanded out to the rest of the Gospels and the letters of Paul, and then to the Psalms and Proverbs and all of the Old Testament books. It is a mine of the most wonderful Truths and will keep you going for a lifetime.
When Irmgard and I hitch hiked without funds from Brazil to India, it was a mammoth task. However it began with a first step. I so well remember making that step as we went through the gates of our Community onto the open road and hitched our first lift. 350 lifts and four months later, we were in Singapore. It took 19,000 kilometers of 1,900,000 more steps to get to our destination.
What really helped me with the Bible was a system of memorising key verses....
One verse really stands out and believe it of not, it is not from the New Testament and is not in the Gospels but in the Psalms of King David. Jesus spoke through David when He, THE WORD OF GOD, A GREAT NAME FOR JESUS CHRIST, said in Psalm Ch 119 verses 9 and 11,
How can a young man, or woman, cleanse his or her way? By taking heed according to thy WORD. Thy WORD have I hid in my heart (Memorized), that I might not sin against YOU!
I hope this has helped you.
It is Christmas time again...
Will the world end on December the 21st???
Most definitely not but there could and most probably will be an entry into a new age of stepped up evil even greater than we are experiencing now.
What is my answer to all of this??? I am now talking to you and to myself..
Get to know Jesus even better and better each day and He will lead you and take care of you through it all. Through the GREAT TRIBULATION right up to the end of time or just even to the end of your and my life.
Please!!! If you have been blessed and if God has touched your heart, would you be able to send us a donation, and if you already help and at least 5 of you do, then a little extra???? for Christmas.
At the end of the year there are big bills coming up and the kids all 7 of them need something from us to help them hopefully find the TRUE meaning of Christmas which is the GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD.
Paypal to
or to our bank account, which is always pretty low but always just enough, because of your and HIS help.
Bank account details...
Account number (Kontonummer)....135409852
Bank number (Bankleitzahl) 76010085
IBAN...... DE 5876 0100 8501 3540 9852
God bless you with a wonderful Christmas with your family and all the very best for the New Year of 2013...
Thursday, 22 November 2012
my 74th birthday
My 74th Birthday Nov 22nd 2012
A famous little old Polish Nun named Sister Faustina, after seeing some beautiful visions of Jesus, accompanied with a message of Divine Mercy, died on my Mother's Birthday, 5th October 1938. Mum was 27 years old and then 47 days later on Nov 22nd, I arrived on the scene, the 2nd son of Major Rodney Stuart King, and Helen Queenie King, at Bolarum Military Hospital in Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
What are some of the main lessons that I have learned in my seventy eighth year of life on planet earth?
Let's take the bad news first.
I had always hoped that at the top of the Pyramid of those controlling and running this world, that there were some decent chaps like I had been lead to believe in the expensive educational establishments that I had attended in my youth.
Sad to say, the more I learn on this subject the more I realize that those in charge are a bunch of Mafia Criminals, with no obvious exceptions.
Actually it has always been this way but has been cleverly covered up by the mass manipulation of the population by the bought up and controlled main line Press.
Some of them have a pretense of being some kind of Christian but deep down they are convinced and practicing Luciferians. Misanthropic Eugenicists like their lord and master lord lucifer himself.
I have written a great deal about my discoveries, thanks to the information explosion on the Internet. is my blog address for all to see.
If I was more important in the affairs of this world, I would long ago have been permanently silenced, like so many who dared to expose these Mafioso for what they really are, but thankfully I am very small fry and not worth the trouble and anyway it would tend to high lite my writings and beliefs.
God bless Alex Jones of Infowars and Prisonplanet fame and his daily uncovering of the wickedness that satan is perpetrating on a daily basis.
Please pray for him and all the excellent guests that he has on his show that are doing their very best to expose the NWO, the new world order.
If I have learned anything new on this subject, it is that matters are far worse than I had originally believed.
Satan and his 6000 disciples are hell bent on stealing and killing and destroying mankind. Lead, by and large, by the Rothschild dynasty with their hundreds of trillions of fake money backed by thin air, we will see very shortly how their plan of world take over and the destruction of the Middle Class is almost complete.
Now for the Good News.
2000 years ago, a very famous battle was fought and won by the true Son of God, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on a small mound called Calvary.
That is the Good News and saint Faustina was shown just how Merciful and Forgiving, Jesus Christ really is If,and there is a very big IFFFFFF, we turn to Him in repentance. Even for those wicked Luciferians, there is plenty of HOPE if they forsake their lord and master lucifer the great deceiver.
This brings me back to you and me. Please do not forsake such a wonderful and loving and forgiving and merciful plan of salvation which is offered right up to the very last second for those who want it.
P.S. Irmgard, Jazzy, Jemmy, Shelly and Mikey attended and organised the most scrumptious cake and roast with lots of wine and drinks to go with it.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
The strength of the wicked is due to the weakness of good men
Instead of my Sunday Blog, I send this to you instead!!! Please read and comment
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Michael Jaffray King
To: Courageous Priest
Sent: Sunday, 18 November 2012, 5:00
Subject: Re: The Strength Of The Wicked Is Due To The Weakness Of Good Men!
Totally true!!!!!!
God help us all!!!
Amen! Amen! and again I say Amen!!!
From: Courageous Priest
Sent: Saturday, 17 November 2012, 22:23
Subject: The Strength Of The Wicked Is Due To The Weakness Of Good Men!
The Strength Of The Wicked Is Due To The Weakness Of Good Men!
The Strength Of The Wicked Is Due To The Weakness Of Good Men!
Posted: 16 Nov 2012 04:39 PM PST
“The Fort Has Been Betrayed By Those Who Should Have Defended It.”
Fr. A. Horvath-We read in St. John 8:32 that “the truth shall make you free.” Does that mean that many today are not free, because they accept untruths? Lucifer, as we know, is a liar, “and the truth is not in him” (1 St. John 2:4).
In our time more than ever before, the chief strength of the wicked lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men… All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to the easy-going weakness of Catholics. Oh! If I might ask the Divine Redeemer, as the prophet Zachary did in spirit: What are those wounds in the midst of Thy hands? The answer would not be doubtful: With these was I wounded in the house of them that loved Me. I was wounded by My friends, who did nothing to defend Me, and who, on every occasion, made themselves the accomplices of My adversaries. ~Pope St. Pius X, Discourse at the Beatification of St. Joan of Arc, Dec. 13, 1908
St. John Fisher, who had been martyred during the 16th-century Protestant Reformation, declared: “The fort had been betrayed by those who should have defended it.” I m sure that those words can be readily applied to our post-conciliar era, in which we now live. The traitors are many now in the Church. Cicero once said that a traitor is to be feared more than a murderer. He speaks the same words and wears the same clothes of those within the camp. He is sly and deceptive, and is difficult to detect. He is well trained to undermine whatever he undertakes to undermine. He (and , for that matter, she) can be found in chanceries, seminaries, universities, convents, monasteries, episcopal conferences, etc.
Unfortunately, at the present time, we do not have enough courageous leadership to expose the “traitors and faith destroyers” currently operating in our Church and her Institutions. There will not be a true renewal while these Catholics are allowed to operate freely.
(with slight editing)
No related posts.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Ron Paul's Farewell speech!
Ron Paul's Farewell speech!!!
Dear God please raise up many Ron Pauls!!!
God bless and protect this CHAMPION OF FREEDOM!!!!!!
PLEASE WATCH and take note!!!!
At this crucial cross roads time in HIS STORY we need many more RON PAULs
GBY and KGFG!!! God Bless you and Keep Going For God!!!
We are in the most horrific engineered and organised and controlled crisis that has ever hit this world...
Worse than WW1
Worse than WW2
2012 is the very most important year of our His Story to date.
15th of November 2012 the most important day since the birth, death and resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago.
Love to hear from you!!!!!
Ron Paul's Congressional Farewell Speech - C-SP...By eduardo89rp| 1 video
Total evil exposed!!!
Total Evil Exposed!!!!
The Alex Jones Show 2012-11-15 Thursday - Edwin Vieira - Porter Stansberry - Lew Rockwell
The New World Order is Globalist LUCIFERIAN!!!!!!!!°
That means Satan is doing everything he can to take over the world.
That means banning the Most Holy Bible which is the WORD OF GOD!
That means the promotion of COMMUNISM which is satan's plan for taking over the world.
That means the destruction of the FAMILY...
That means the banning of all religions and especially Roman Catholic Christianity, and replacing it with a NWO Religion.
That means embracing EUGENICS, the slow or quick murder of the population, leaving the 6000 so called ELITES to run the world of about 1/2 a billion instead of 7 billion.
That means getting rid of you and me for sure...
That means a false money system made from thin air and backed by ZERO...NOTHING...
That means that the megabanks, under, the in the background, Rothschild family, a family that controls every other megarich family...
That means the latest speech by Ron Paul really exposes the Hell that has been planned.
That means many FALSE FLAG operations will take place in the immediate future.
That means that everything that is happening now has been planned for many years.
There is much more which surely I have missed but for the FINAL That means..
THAT MEANS that only a total commitment to God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, will see us through this into ETERNAL LIFE with HIM for ever...
That means that every one of these who have embraced the NWO will languish in Hell for eternity.
As for me and my wife we will continue to choose GOD JESUS THE HOLY SPIRIT and the Saints in Heaven including THE HOLY MOTHER MARY our mother and His Mother.
It is much later than you think!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 11 November 2012
5 of 9 Cardinal Archbishop O'Connor The Reign of the Antichrist
For the full playlist go to the following
I have often wondered why the Roman Catholic Church has never come out openly on the following...
The religion of the AntiChrist...
The New World Order...The Globalist take over of the world..
Acceptance of Homosexuality as an alternative life style..
The rule of the Banksters.. The Rothschild and the Warburgs etc.
The total take over the Media and the Press.
The New Age movement has infiltrasted the Catholic Church at all levels.
We are all God so of course Jesus is God...
The paper money scam...
Well it has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check out the link above......
Communism is not dead as we all suppose but is waiting in the wings.
My own thought is that with the reelection of Obama we now have a Communist Leader whose spiritual father and mentor and maybe his real father is Frank Marshall Davis a communist secret agent.
Father Robert Barron...EWTN... Here is something to get your teeth into...
If we do not expose the enemy...How can we expect to win if we do not expose our enemy...
I am so proud of this Great Cardinal Archbishop... He is my man!
I am sure that he is helping us all from his vantage point in Heaven as he left us in the year 2000.
If you do not have time to watch all 9 parts then please watch this amazing EXPOSURE OF THE the immediately above link..
Much the best would be to watch all 9 parts..
Alex Jones has very much in common with this amazing teacher of the Catholic Church..
A great explanation of the number 7...
The Homosexual network....
This is really a learning process.
All you need is to have an open mind and keep ASKING SEEKING KNOCKING, GOD. He is faithful.........Matthew Ch 7 v7.....
I am not the same person that I was, even yesterday....., let alone last year...
The secret is to keep asking... You will not get it all in one go but in steps... just like I have...
GBY and KGFG He is faithful!!!!!!!
Friday, 9 November 2012
The Great Tribulation
The Great Tribulation!!!
Sunday 11th of November written on the 10th!!
I have always been fascinated by Bible prophecy.
Matthew Ch 24 and Daniel Ch 8 in particular.
I think many people would now say that our world is on the brink of the Great Tribulation.
Obama, a President without a valid birth certificate, and whose real father was most probably Frank Marshal Davis, and who is pro abortion and is really a communist just as his real father was. Look it up and see for yourself.
It is also now admitted that the world is being run by the big banking corporations. Money Rules. Money and the Love of it which is the root of all evil.. Did you get that?? The Good Old Holy Book says that the Love of Money is the RRRRRROOOOOTTTTT of all evil. The root. Where would you expect to find the evil dark side???? Money control means Power control.. It is really very simple..The enemy and the dark side in other words the devil, satan or lord lucy has always been controling the world through money.
The Banks and the Banksters now openly admit that they are controlling the world. Before it was hidden from the dumbed down public but now it is out in the open. Banks rule and the Chief Bankster Rothschild and all his agents like Rockefeller and Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and the Fed and the Bank of England and the IMF and the World Bank and the European Central Bank are all agents of that amazing family to come out of Frankfurt 200 years ago. They were Bauer and changed their name to red shield or Rothschild and slowly took over the world.
Anyway to get back to Bible Prophecy. We hear that the Daily Sacrifice will be taken away. I will give references at the end and you can look them up yourselves.
I always thought that the daily sacrifice had something to do with the restoration of the Jewish Temple and then there would be a daily sacrifice. How wrong I was..
The Daily Sacrifice is the Daily Sacrifice of the Holy mass which takes place all over the world in the Roman Catholic Church.
What is the biggest thorn in the side of the New World Order??
The 15th Pentecostal Church on 6th street, or the disunited group of 38,000 different denominations?? or or...
That anti birth control, anti abortion and still quite powerful Roman Catholic Church.
The Cats are the biggest thorn in Obama's side. He could not give a darn about the Prots. They are easy to infiltrate ad control. But those Cats even with all their corruption and dandy bad example of wicked Priests and even Cardinals still practise the Holy Mass the Holy Sacrifice of the Holy Mass every God darned day all over the world. I should say God Blessed day!!!!
So very soon we are going to see the setting up of a new religion and instead of the Holy Mass in the Cathedrals and Churches of the world we will see a new form of total wickedness in its place.
It is called the abomination of desolation yes that is what it is called and then shall be great tribulation such as was never before seen nor ever shall be.
Now for your Home work.....
Matthew 24 21
Rev 2 22
Rev 7 14
Daniel ch 8 verses 11 to 13
Daniel 11 31
Daniel 12 11
According to many modern day seers, there will be a warning giving everyone a chance to repent and see that God is real and that He is not playing around.. I hope this is true.
They say that an earth shaking event will appear in the sky and everyone yes everyone will see the wickedness of their souls and will be given a chance to repent before total wickedness will be allowed to completely take over the world. I hope this is true.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
What can we expect now?
Obama is in for four more years.
Whenever I am not sure about the future, I go back to the Good Old Book!!!
Gospel of Saint John Chapter 10 verse 10. Jn 10 10, easy address to remember for all.
When in doubt, go back to this total TRUTH.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
This was true in the 1st Century and is true today in the 21st Century.
satan, lucifer the devil, wants to steal from you. he wants to kill you, he wants to destroy you. What does Jesus want??? He wants to give you a wonderful LIFE with a capital L..
This has always been the case..Isn't it comforting???
Obama? Romney? JESUS CHRIST?
Make your choice!!!!!
If a leader wants to, by his example, follow Jesus Christ, declaring HIM to be His Lord and Saviour, then I would really suggest voting for him.
Am I surprised at the Political game of WAR??? Genetically modified poisonous food??? Fluoride in the Water??? Aspartame in soft drinks and sweets???? Poison in the vaccinations??? The eugenicist policy of the 6000 luciferian elite???? The Misanthropic attitude of the same??? Weather modification??? And more and to cap it all..TOTALLY DECEIVING THE PEOPLE!!! Making them believe that government loves you!!! How can a satanic non Christian government love you.??? It cannot!!! It is impossible!!! Only Jesus Christ can do that!!
So here I suggest you check out the following verses from The Holy Book!!
Matthew Ch 6 v24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Matthew Ch7 verse13
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Luke ch21 v 8
And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
That is something to get your teeth into..
GBY and KGFG!!!!!!!!!
Without HIM we would be truly lost in space for ever....
Unless we turn to HIM, the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
2nd Chronicles Ch 7 verse 14..
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
From my heart!
Sunday blog 4th of November 2012..
Dear Readers of this blog.
I write a great deal and for this you can check into..
I write from my heart and as time races along, my convictions and ideas change to some degree.
I am not the same person I was last year and not even last month, week or even yesterday.
As a Christian and a committed one at that, the Great Power of the Universe, our most awesome God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, continue to enlighten me.
HE keeps educating me as long as I have an open mind.
OPEN MIND IS THE KEY! 1st Corinthians Ch 13.
9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
From the above verses from the Most Holy Bible which is the Word of God we can be reminded of a chapter that most of us know pretty well. We have read it many times and we glibly say, "Love is the most important thing!"
Now there is no more need to read it again. It is so obvious.
I think that is a wrong attitude. The Bible is a spiritual book and the above passage clearly points out that life is in a progression from childhood to old age and ultimate departure from this world int ETERNAL LIFE.
To progress one has to have an open mind right up to the point of taking ones last breath.
God cannot and will not show you more if you hang on to preconceived ideas and thoughts from the past. To progress all past experiences and ideas must be put on the back burner so as to give place for the Supreme Master to inject a new facet of HIS TRUTH.
The new truth may well totally replace what was there before or it may simply add a new and wonderful angle which had been hidden and is now revealed.
I meet dozens of people every day in my evangelistic efforts in front of the DOM Cathedral in Cologne Germany. Most of the people I meet have very little understanding of the Spiritual world. There are a growing number of people who call themselves Atheists. They have become so disillusioned with the Christian example that they throw the baby out with the dirty bathwater.
Then there are others, Buddhists, and varying degrees of Bible Christians and so many Moslems. Some of the most difficult to talk to are Roman Catholics!
Nearly all these people are absolutely stuck on their position and are self satisfied and do not want to hear anything that might help them to become unglued and make progress.
This letter to you will I hope help you to see how I deal with these people. I have said this before but I think it is worth repeating.
I say something like this with variations depending on the circumstances.
"If there is a Loving God? If there is a God who is crazily in love with you, His creation? If this God knows about every thought and every action that you have ever had up to this point in time? If He does not just want to condemn you for all the mistakes and sins but wants to get through to you in new and wonderful ways? If He desperately wants to be your Companion and Very Best Friend and Guardian and Closest Relation? Then, don't you think it would be a good idea to give HIM a chance????
So how do we do that?
We have to make the first move. Matthew Ch 7 verse 7. We have to do the ASKING, LOOKING and KNOCKING! Why because any other way would
mean that HE was forcing HIMSELF on you.
Unlike the Godfather who gives you choices that you cannot refuse, the FatherGod gives you choices that you can refuse. Why??? He does not want robots. He wants you to choose HIM above everything else.
I usually say give Him two weeks to get through to you. Not that He needs 2 weeks but you will probably brush off His attempts to get through to you, now that you are open, by saying that these events are just coincidences. After 2 weeks of coincidences then the penny will probably drop and you will accept HIM and what He is trying to show you, thankfully. That is what I discovered for the first time some 45 years ago in a railway train travelling up to London from Arundel in West Sussex.
Now let me telly you about my most recent revelation. I have seen this before but now it is crystallising in a new way.
Today I will go to Holy Mass in the DOM Cathedral at 12 noon.
There will be no guitar music..The priest may well give a rather boring sermon..There will be no fellowship meeting at the end with a meal..a Pot Luck!! Nobody will greet me and take an interest in me or my wife. We just go and participate in the ceremony and time travel sacrifice and events of Christ's Passion, and then we leave.
Why go to such, what many would consider an ordeal? No entertainment. No fun.????
So this brings me to my next point..... The Mystery of the Spiritual world. The Spiritual World is very, very mysterious. It is absolutely fascinating. It allows me to enter a dimension that far surpasses my physical senses of pleasure and fun and entertainment.
There is a depth that is actually unfathomable but the deeper you go the more exciting and totally amazing it is. It takes an effort to brush off those feelings of just being in this world with all of its misery and wickedness and very temporary fun. There is nothing wrong with fun but when it dominates and rules what we do we soon get bored with it and it turns out to be totally unsatisfying.. And now for a Biblical explanation of what I am trying to get across...
7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
My advice to you is .. Why don't you try and see into this extraordinary Spiritual world that surrounds us at all times. Even a short glimpse of it will send you into ecstasies!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Remember the fun and joy is good but the Ecstasy of the Spiritual world is even better. It is not either or but BOTH / AND.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
What my church has to say about socialism!!!
What my church has to say about SOCIALISM...I totally agree!!! What about you and your Church??????
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Robert Ritchie - America Needs Fatima
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2012, 17:31
Subject: What Have The Popes Said About Socialism?
Dear Mr. King,
May Our Lady, Queen of hierarchy and order, save America from the socialist agenda!
What the Popes Have to Say About Socialism
"Hideous", "destructive", "wicked", and "perverted" are only some of the adjectives used by the Popes to describe socialism. From Pius IX to Benedict XVI, the popes have thoroughly and consistently condemned socialism. Given the advance of socialism in America, TFP -- America Needs Fatima is glad to offer its readers a brief selection of thought-provoking quotes from the Popes on the topic.
12 Hard-Hitting Facts about Socialist Ideology
The socialist ideology can be summarized in twelve main points:…
10 Reasons To Reject Socialism
Why we must protect the family, private property and America from the dangers of socialism…
A Specter is Haunting America — Socialism
Is Communism Dead?
Talking about communism is similar to talking about socialism, for communism is only an extreme form of socialism. After the fall of the “Berlin Wall" in 1990, many thought communism was dead and could be relegated to the "dustbin of history."
However, is communism really dead? It is hard to support this assertion. We hold that neither socialism nor communism have died. In fact, although the political power of communism and socialism has declined, …
Socialist Intervention in the Private Sector is Not True Health Care Reform
Is There a Right to Health Care and Must the State Provide It?...
Here’s A Great Way To Practice Charity
about these articles.
Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Man made Frankenstorm hegelian dialectic
This is so important to watch and understand. Frankenstorm.. man made and produced steered on purpose. Hegelian dialectic. false flag
produced to cause mayhem in the USA. We not only have deadly eugenicist genetically modified food to eat but now we have man made and directed storms.
Please watch this and now you will understand more about those Chem trails which have been going on for almost 2 decades. Vapour trails from jet plains???My foot!!!! This is puposely sprayed for weather modification and to poison the human race.
Ple ase wake up!! For God's sake and your own sake and your families sake wake up as this world is being directed to HELLLLL!!!
by the so called elite wicked satanic world controllers!!!!
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Mike Funovits
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2012, 4:28
Subject: Fw: HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!!
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Suzanne McNeil
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:06 PM
Subject: Fw: HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!!
HI EVERYONE''please read what I wrote below'''''thanks but also I forgot to mention that this HAARP engineered --man made produced''''''''''''storm ''''''''''the woman meteorologist said is diabolical'''''''''''''. She shows proof of this as they can see the radio waves in the satellite pictues. Our navy has this weapon of mass destruction and if you do as I suggested below and write HAARP on the search line you can read all about it. These radio waves can also cause earthquakes and many think the HAARP was responsible for the purposely/on purpose use of HAARP that created it, Suzanne
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Suzanne McNeil
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 10:59 PM
Subject: Fw: HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!!
hi everyone''CRUCIAL''''''this video is very important: our govt-US Navy and military know how to use radio waves to produce hurricanes and major storms and direct them to where they want the storm to go. ON YOUR SEARCH LINES'''''''''''''''PLEASE WRITE''''''''''''''''''''' HAARP and you will come to many links to explain this. IN OTHER WORDS THIS FRANKENSTORM IS BEING MAN-MADE PRODUCED ON PURPOSE. ON THIS VIDEO A WOMAN EXPLAINS HOW THIS IS ALL DONE''''''''OK. SUZANNE
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 10:35 PM
Subject: HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!!
Matthew 13:15 SDG
HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sand...By revmichellehopkins| 1 video
Saturday, 27 October 2012
ME! Littleoleme!!!
As there seems to be some questions about ME, I thought I would make a general statement for all to see who are interested.
So who is this me?
Me is almost 74 years old born on November the 22nd 1938 in a Military Hospital in Bolarum Secunderabad, Andrepradesh India.
48 years ago I made the most important step of my life. I decided to become a fully committed Christian.
Today, I am a fully convinced Roman Catholic Christian.
I attend Holy Mass every Saturday and Sunday.
I try to go to confession at least once a month.
I should go more often but that is the best I can do at the moment until I find a good Spiritual Director.
I realise that the RC Church has a terrible track record and has been and may still be involved in CORRUPTION. Wherever there is lots of cash, there is bound to be corruption, sad to say!
However the Apostle's doctrine is still held firm and dates right back to the time of the Apostles and not just to Martin Luther and Henry the 8th.
I agree with Cardinal John Henry Newman that if one would bother to research Church History, then one would cease to be Protestant.
I AM TOTALLY AGAINST VIOLENCE of all and every kind.
Although I would support the right of US citizens to bare arms, I would never want a firearm in my house as I believe that those who live by the gun will die by the gun.
I believe that if those of you who disagree should have the right to do so.
I believe that everyone should have the right to choose to be an Atheist, a Moslem, a Protestant, a Hindu or whatever. I believe in free choice as long as it does not endanger others.
I was brought up to be a warrior and so it has taken me a long time, even as a committed Christian to get all this warrior stuff out of my system. Even to this day, it is a battle not to get involved.
I believe that the time is coming and may even have come that those of us who think like me will be disposed off. I am prepared for that. That is what they did to my predecessors in Rome and around the early Christian world and of course is happening all over the world and especially in the Middle East today.
I believe strongly in Life after death and that all who confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour will be accepted in Eternal Life.
I believe the Holy Bible is the WORD of GOD.
That does not mean I totally understand all of its precepts and I am thankful for those who lend a hand in interpreting certain tough passages. The Bible is not just a literal History Book but is a collection of Books inspired by the Holy Spirit. These were put together by the Catholic Church in the 5th century. I believe therefore that the Bible is a Catholic Book and not a Protestant Book although many Protestants try to use it as their yardstick.
I also believe implicitly that THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL!
That is why we are in such a mess today and in all the past. Satan is at the base of all this cash and the temporary power that it gives those who control the money supply.
I believe that our world is on the brink of the most traumatic events of History. Why?? Because very evil disciples of lord lucifer have taken over and are plunging our world into spiritual darkness.
God has allowed this temporary state of affairs to bring judgement to all those who have rejected His Great Love and plan of SALVATION through His sacrificial death on the Cross of Calvary 2000 years ago. We are getting what we deserve. Thank God for the final outcome where all His enemies will be defeated at the battle of Armageddon. Of course He has already won the victory 2000 years ago when he defeated satan by going to the cross voluntarily and died and rose gain for all my and your sins if that is what you desire. So please as you read this, turn to HIM NOW!
I am very thankful for people such as Ron Paul, Alex Jones as they have committed themselves to exposing the wickedness that surrounds us all.
However bad it gets I have no intention to get involved in any violence but will oppose the New World Order so called with every ounce of strength that is within me by peaceful resistance. The Great Mahatma Gandhi was a very good example of how to throw off tyranny.
To quote dear ole Forest Gump, "That is all I have to say about the Vietnam war."
I hope that was a help and I will post this on my blogspot and on face book and send it to my mailing list.
As a short final statement or statements I would summarise by saying.
There are 2 forces in this world. One is controlled by FORGIVENESS, MERCY and JOY and the other is easy to find by JUST FOLLOWING THE MONEY.
In the movie the Godfather one is given an offer that cannot be refused but My Father God gives one an offer that can be refused. Please do not refuse HIM!!!
So with those two final thoughts, I will sign off.
Michael jaffray king.
The Perfect Storm!
Sunday 28th October 2012.
By the way this letter is from the real Michael Jaffray King and not the usurper from Madrid Spain. I have changed my password and should do so often to avoid this happening again!
I have deleted many from my mailing list as frankly I have lost track as to who is who. I have some very loyal replies from those who read my letter 2nd Chance and of course they chose number 1 (one), God bless em!!!
The October surprise looks like it might have been postponed until the beginning of Novemeber.
Obama needs a a false flag to help him win the Presidency. It seems that Mother Nature,(OR???????) has given him the perfect event. A Perfect Storm! (Some say the biggest for 100 years and may be the biggest ever!) This is brewing over the Western Atlantic and could cause major mahem all over the East Coast of the USA. This will give Obama the chance to act extremely Presidential and take care of his flock during the emergency power cuts and flooding and and and and while Romney is left wallowing in his wake.
Weather modification has long been used as a way of guaranteeing both good and bad weather since the end of World War 2. By now it has been perfected and can be used as a very effective weapon in warfare.
Those ever persistent CHEM TRAILS may well have something to do with it.
But check out this verse from that time honoured God given Book, the Holy Bible in Saint Paul's letter to the Ephesians...
1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of
this world, according to the prince of the power of the air,
the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)
6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
So we all know, or we should know, That lord lucy or satan or just plain wicked old devil, has been given by God the Power and the authority to rule the world. If he did not have this, then we would not have the free choice to reject him and instead choose HIM who is the Author and Finisher of our faith.
So my advice to all of you in this very short Sunday Blog is to keep storming Heaven with your questions. Asking Questions is the name of the game. If you keep an open mind and get rid of your preconceived ideas allowing The Lord Jesus Christ and His Father and the Holy Spirit to bring you the answers, then He will. He, not They, as the Trinity is a mystery of three in one and one in three.
Looking for the Truth is not a lottery when only some find it, but is a guarantee from GOD that all those who ask, seek and knock WILL GET THE RIGHT ANSWERS. Matthew Ch 7 verse 7. It is just that easy. He has made it that way because HE is crazy about you and loves you beyond words or imagination. Try and remember that in all situations. He knows everything there is to know about you. Every thought, whisper and utterance is recorded in a loving and not condemning way and He is always at your side longing for your companionship to keep communicating with HIM. Pray (or just talk) to HIM without ceasing..GBY and KGFG1
I just received the bill of 303, 24 Euro for materials received from Konrad Kaiser, and if you could either send them direct a contribution towards this amount, quoting the following..
Datum 23.10.2012
Rech Nr 2012623
Kunden Nr 1024
Their account number is 774 794 809
Their BLZ bank number is 700 100 80
or just send to my account 135409852
BLZ Bank number 760100852
We have already received 40 Euro towards this bill
from the genuine Michael Jaffray King in Bielstein Germany and not in Madrid Spain
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Treasure in Heaven
Treasure in Heaven!
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Sunday Blog 21st October 2012...Emphasis here are the words, TREASURE IN HEAVEN!
We have no Treasure worth while hoarding but if you do and you do not have the gift of having the crazy faith that we have been given, please convert most of your paper assets into Gold and Silver coins. One Kruger rand, a one ounce gold bullion coin, presently worth 1600 US$ is likely to go to 10,000 US$. A one ounce silver coin worth 30 US$ will be worth 500 US$.....Let's remember that just a few years ago gold was at 600 US$ and silver at 10 US$...
I want to add, I do not possess either. Not one single coin....
Irmgard and I have just completed one year of going to Cologne. Here are some interesting statistics..
Out of the 365 days, we have been there in Cologne meeting people from all over the world for 360 days, so we have only missed about 5 days.
We have spent 2300Euro on travel.
We have spent 800 hours on the train.
WE HAVE DISTRIBUTED approx 3600 Home made Rosaries....
We have personally prayed with 7500 people to repeat the ASK JESUS TO COME INTO YOUR HEART prayer
We have distributed 10,000 pieces of Gospel Literature containing the above prayer together with our Internet address and personal telephone number and street address. Also a brochure in pictures of the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of our Hero, Lord, Saviour and best Friend Jesus Christ.
The number of people who have seen us and either smiled, declined, hurried past, or on rare occasions offered abuse could be estimated as a Mass witness of about 2000 a day so that would add up to 720,000.
Now this is where we need your help so that we can continue to do this work. We are not looking for time off to take a holiday and rest. We love our work and consider it a great privilege to be allowed to do this and I am sure there will be a rest in Eternity in the next world.
1000 rosaries cost approximately 680 Euro to pay for the cord, the beads, the crosses and the postage.
Right now I have ordered 300 Euro worth of material, by faith and am hoping that you might be able to help towards this cost.
By contributing, it means, that you will be accompanying us on our daily trip to evangelise representatives from just about every country from this world.
Let's take a look at some of the countries that we know have taken our literature and Rosaries... I am randomly thinking..
China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Russia, all Scandinavian countries including Iceland, Ukraine, Venezuela, Brazil, India, Pakistan, African countries and especially South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia, Somalia All European countries without exception. To be fair I cannot remember somebody from Monaco, but there may have been.
Bank account details
Michael King
Account number 135409852
Bank number 76010085
or to paypal
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Sunday blog 14th Oct 2012 The Sun Dance and A New Heaven and a New Earth
Please watch the following at the end of reading this blog!!
We have only raised 40 Euro towards our purchasing of Rosary beads. We need 300 so please see what you can do to help.
Yesterday October 13th was the 95th anniversary of the Sun dance episode in the Fields of Fatima
This is a must watch for all you sceptics... Only just over 2 minutes and if you never read one of my blogs ever again just watch this and be enthralled and encouraged for ever! Yes! Fvor ever!!
A New Heaven and a New Earth! WHY?
Sunday Blog 14th of October 2012.
Revelation Ch 21 verse 1!
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
I was thinking about this recently and it was in the one of the Liturgical readings during the Holy Mass.
I have told you so many times that the devil's goals are death and destruction.
John's Gospel Ch 10 verse 10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
HIS STORY, History is full of war and so many examples of man's inhumanity to man, always inspired and lead by satanand his demonic forces. A dumbed down and drugged down humanity is easy meat for lord lucifer.
Right now our Money MAD and Money worshipping leaders are promoting regime change in the Middle East under the false pretext of their desire to impose Democracy and all the time fully realising that this so called replacement Democracy will be the Muslim Brotherhood and Elkaida imposing their Sharia Law and driving us back into the Middle ages.
They are also bringing down the Empires of the USA and Europe in favour of China. The economic collapse is their well engineered plan and is well under way to bring down these two giants, in other words the Western World.
This is planned and is part of their Goal to control the Whole world and what remains of it under the Power of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT or A NEW WORLD ORDER, that will be run by theBanksters, the Money Mad Control Freak Banksters using the United Nations as their seat of Government and NATO as their standing army.
China will emerge as their new easy to manipulate puppet.
How ever all will not go their own way.
There are 430 Fukishima like Power plants around the world but as soon as there is a Nuclear war, and there will be one sooner or later, then these power plants will erupt just like Fukishimadid and now it is dangerous to eat Tuna that has been caught from the contaminated waters around Japan.
So not content with spraying us with poison from their Chem Trails that have ruined are clear blue skies and not content with slow killing us in other slow death Misanthropic Eugenicist programmes of vaccinations and GMO food and Aspartame a deadly sweetener in Soft drinks and a deadly form of Fluoride in the water and the forcing of Big Pharma drugs on all of us to control our NATURAL GOD GIVEN moods and almost worst of all, turning us into Zombies with hours a day of watching watching watching instead of doing doing doing, through the IDIOT TV causing Altheimers and serious concentration defects among children.
Radiation from Nuclear Bombs disperses comparatively quickly in as little a time as two days but the fall out and radiation from Nuclear Power plants have a half life of 1000s of years.
The Earth will become uninhabitable and I believe that is why God will have to construct a New Heaven and a New Earth.
Let's see what happens. We will not have long to wait.
If you give the devil enough rope he will hang himself.
And to end on a really positive note read study and memorise the following:-
Romans Ch 8 verse 28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
We have only raised 40 Euro towards our purchasing of Rosary beads. We need 300 so please see what you can do to help.
Yesterday October 13th was the 95th anniversary of the Sun dance episode in the Fields of Fatima
This is a must watch for all you sceptics... Only just over 2 minutes and if you never read one of my blogs ever again just watch this and be enthralled and encouraged for ever! Yes! Fvor ever!!
Monday, 8 October 2012
You do have a choice!!!!
Yes!!!!!! You do have a choice!
Evil and then add one letter the letter d D (I like to use the lower case for this created spiritual being...d)
and you get devil.
If God had not allowed this evil spirit to be UNIVERSAL then you and I would just be ROBOTS!
So my question to you is.......???????
What are you continually choosing?
It is no good just choosing GOOD once but it has to be a choice every moment of every day.
Now there is a problem though.... evil is so darn clever that he does not come at you dressed in red with horns sprouting out of his head.
He usually wears a suit and tie and looks extremely respectable.
He or she is usually very well off and has great positions of responsibility.
He is well known and looked up to.
He has a great publicity campaign in place 24/7 as he and his associates own and control 90% of all the Media outlets... I mean all the famous ones that every one has heard of.
Now my Mentor, my Lord and Saviour has told me in HIS BOOK that the majority of the people in this world are on evil's side... Matthew Ch 7 v 13 and 14
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14..14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. King James Bible "Authorized Version", Pure Cambridge Edition
I am very seriously asking you today the 9th of October to make a continuous choice.. Not just once but continually for every moment of your life from now on. TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Think about it and if I were you I would ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help you to do this. You will not be able to make it without HIS help! I would also ask the Heavenly Host of saints and our Holy mother to pray for you as well.
I am doing that right now and I will continue to pray for help for the rest of my life.
Now our enemy, lucifer, satan, the devil is a master at deception. He will convince you that everything is OK and the world is not headed for war and economic collapse. We are not headed for the Great Tribulation period and a time unprecedented in all of HIS STORY and that this is just around the corner.
We have had almost 70 years of comparative peace in the West at least and no World war and no Nuclear Holocaust. The human race has learnt its lessons from HIS STORY and now all will be well. Or will it?
George Bernard Shaw, among others too I am sure, said, " The one thing we learn from History is...that we never learn from History".
At this moment, and frankly it has always been bad but now it seems that we can use the word EXTREMELY, extremely evil people are and have taken control of our sad and hurting world.They have done this by taking over the money supply and the control of it.
They are the BANKERS and the Politicians are just their well paid and bought out puppets. The Media, and by that I mean the main stream media so called has also been bought out. So we have the Banksters and the Presstitutes and the puppet politicians and then we have the dumbed down and drugged Sheeple, you and me. We are fed GMO and we have Fluoride in our water and Aspertame the deadly sweetener in all diet drinks and in many sweets including all brands of Chewing Gum. We are continually being sprayed with Chem Trails on every clear blue skied day. Bill Gates has openly said on youtube for all to see that population reduction can be controlled through vaccines. Bill Gates and all the Elites are self proclaimed Misanthropic Eugenicists, just like their lord and master lord lucy. Misanthrope means A HATER OF THE HUMAN RACE!
So what am I getting to.
This is your choice!!!!
I know what mine is!!!
How about you??
Please write me and let me know what you are doing about this.
Shall we just allow the NWO to ride all over us or shall we try to peacefully and prayerfully resist this extremely evil force?????
Here is an up to date alternative news media to listen to. Here is the link...
2 hours to help wake you up.
Will you wake up???
Will you just turn over and go to sleep????
Sunday, 7 October 2012
I wish I was WRONG!
I really wish that I was wrong!
Nothing would please me more than to find out that I am just another one of those stupid conspiracy theorists.. Michael there is nothing whatsoever to worry about! The ruling elite love us and have our welfare at heart. These Billionaires really do love me and you. They want us to succeed. There is no question of them being in league with Satan. That Bible verse which says that the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil, is a printing and translation error. Ist Timothy Chapter 6 verse 10. Saint Paul was a bit of a whacko and was giving false info to his young disciple Timothy.
I wish it was true that building number 7 fell at free fall speed because of a few office fires and not because it was demolished by specially placed explosives. I wish it was true that Ron Paul just did not cut the mustard and was legitimately ousted from the Presidential Campaign. I wish it was true that the Underwear Bomber and the Shoe Bomber were really true terrorists and not just patsies, and Elkaida is really under every bed and that is why you need to be groped by the TSA as they put their hands on and into your genitals. The Financial situation has nothing to do with The Derivatives market where the Megabanks have purposely gambled billions and trillions of dollars and are bringing down the economy in an effort to take over the world in a New World Order. Who wants the Old World Order set up by God and HIs Prophets and His Son Jesus Christ who made and designed all things. The Rothschild family(The ex Bauer family from Frankfurt some 200 years ago) worth just 500 trillion pounds sterling, the London Branch, earned their unlimited cash legitamately and are not the leading Luciferians that control the banking world and all wars and economic collapses from behind the scenes. These people are really Jolly Good Chaps and play Cricket and Rugby Football in a decent manner and would never dream of cheating.
Then there are the forced vaccinations with deadly slow killing mercury and other poisons in them to help the Eugenicist programme of the 6000 Elites and the 13 families that run this world under their god lucifer or satan or the devil.
Those Chemical trails which have obliterated our beautiful blue skies are just condensation trais and are harmless. Global warming is the fault of humans who breathe out the deadly Carbon Dioxide gas with which all plant life needs for survival and so it is imperative to reduce the world population from 7 billion to a mere half a billion, 500 million in other words. They want a Post Industrial world where there are the Elite and a drugged and dumbed down serfdom.
Please remember too that the Bible is BAD and the Cross of Jesus is BAD and we need these NWO Megarich freaks to replace God and Jesus Christ. Presbiterians are banning the cross from their Churches. WOW!!!!!!!
I WISH I WAS WRONG BUT SADLY I AM DEAD RIGHT. Dead is where I and you will end up sooner or later anyway but I am sure happy that I am on HIS SIDE. The side of the OWO and not the NWO. In case you are baffled as to these initials.. Old World Order and the New World Order.
I realise that maybe you do not want to help me make more Rosaries, the Lord will help us to do that with or without your help. It would just be nice if you were to take a part and be a part and then all the rewards would have to be shared which would give me so much joy.
Please wake up and please do not just believe me but do your own investigation using this God given media of the WWW the World Wide Web, so much easier and quicker than pulling out heavy books from the local library.
Unless we wake up and pray and help others to wake up and pray, the future for our children and those alive today is absolutely horrible.
I WISH I WAS WRONG ON ALL THESE POINTS. There are many more but let that suffice for now.
I do not have time to send this to you individually and personally and so you will receive this BCC..Blind Copy.
God Bless You and Keep Going For God!
michael jaffray king
Saturday, 6 October 2012
October Surprise
October Surprise!!!!
There has been throughout the year of 2012 a great deal of talk about an OCTOBER SURPRISE...
In my Sunday blog of 7th October 2012, I thought we could take a look at some of the possibilities.
Our World is facing a particulary traumatic time in HISTORY..(HIS STORY)
World war 3 for all intents and purposes has already started..
The orchestrated economic collapse is taking place and is designed to bring everyone to their knees crying out for food and water and shelter.
One thing is for sure and that is that there is no limit to the evil that is being planned as I write this blog.
The small flames are there ready to be fanned into full scale BLAZE of FIRE of unprecedented proportions.
Can those small flames be put out?
Of course they can.
But only if there is a will on behalf of the 6000 Elite who run this world to do so, and if there is enough opposition to stop or delay their plans.
If it is within their interests, (The bringing about of the NEW WORLD ORDER) then of course they will stop at some point.
Right now what looks like a FALSE FLAG situation is dominating the news. The wicked so called Assad is shelling Turkey!
Do you really believe that this is true?
Think for a moment.. What would be Assad's purpose in escallating the fight further.
Why would he want to annoy Turkey?
It is just ridiculous as there is absolutely no motive for this move.
But the opposition terrorists made up of Elkaida and the Muslim Brotherhood would very much like Turkey to come and help them overthrow the regime of Assad. So for them to lob over mortar shells into civilian areas of Turkey and kill innocent children and families would be a great false flag provocation.
Our world has always been controlled by satanic powers whose one aim is the following rather small word with a huge meaning...CONTROL, TOTAL CONTROL.
The New world order according to satan and his followers is just that. Him and the so called elite in control and the rest of us that are allowed to live as his slaves and serfs.
It has always been his goal since the garden of Eden and even in the temptation of Jesus Christ, he offered this control to Our Lord and Saviour as he lead HIM up to the top of a mountain and said the following.. Luke chapter 4..
5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.
8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Why does God allow him to have all this power?
If he did not we would not have free choice to follow Jesus and we would be useless robots.
I still believe that our greatest offensive weapon against this evil is PRAYER.. and that brings me on to my next subject.
There are well ove a Billion Christians in this world. Over 1/6 th of the population have some sort of connection to Christianity.
So how should we pray?
Well there are the normal contemporary prayers like "Dear Jesus please put a stop to all this wickedness!"
Then there is the Lord's own Prayer which He taught His disciples to pray..."Our Father which art in Heaven...."
That has a proviso which is not so popular..."Thy will be done!"
Maybe it is God's will to allow evil to have its best shot so as to wake all of us lazy Christians up! We as Christians know the following and very comforting verse from the Paul's letter to the Romans in Chapter 8 verse 28 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
I find that very encouraging...
It does not mean that I do not pray... If I truly love God then I will pray a great deal. He is my Lord and Master and my very best friend and I want to keep in touch with Him at all times..
Then there is my very favourite prayer and yes you have guessed right. THE ROSARY PRAYER..
For me this stands head and shoulders above all prayers..
It takes time.. One needs 25 minutes of uninterupted quiet..
That most famous of all prayers is contained within it...6 times... the Lord's own prayer is repeated.
Jesus' name is mentioned around 70 times.
And then to cap it all there are 20 snap shots, 5 in each session, depending on which day of the week, and these are the meditations for us to concentrate on, taking us from the his birth and the events leading up to it, and then to his ministry, and passion and crucifixion, to his resurrection and ascension and a little beyond.
Try to beat that!!
No wonder Padre Pio now Saint Pio of Petrocina has declared this prayer to be a Spiritual Atomic weapon against the activities of the enemy satan.
So please pray the ROSARY and here is a link for you to use so that you can pray along anytime of the day or night with people from all around the world. The number of people praying and if you open the icon next to the numbers praying at any particular time, you can see the world map with the locations of those praying.
I am nearly 74 and my wife and partner in faith Irmgard and I are determined to devote the rest of our lives to the promotion and distribution of this prayer, along with a picture brochure showing the snapshots in detail with Bible references.
Thanks so much for reading up to here.. This is a long letter and we are in very dramatic and extraordinary and dangerous times for humanity.
In the last year we have distributed about 3500 Rosaries, 18000, pieces of Gospel literature and prayed with over 4000 people to repeat the simple prayer of.. "Dear Jesus please come into my heart! Forgive my sins and fill me with Your Spirit of Love and please give me the free gift of eternal life!"
We call this the first step prayer..
Out side the DOM in Cologne where we go every day of the week... no holidays...the Lord has enabled us to reach so many different nationalities including Chinese, Indians, Moslems, all European and American and African and Asian countries. I cannot think of a nation that we have not reached as they all come to see this shrine of the DOM Cologne.
Our bank account details are as follows..
Michael and Irmgard King ( we have a joint account)
Account number 135409852
Bank number 76010085
and then if you are outside Germany
IBAN 5876 0100 3540 9852
or use Paypal
God bless you and please pray for our hurting world and do all you can for Jesus and others.
GBY and KGFG....
I am sending this out to my entire mailing list of about 150 but will also send it to you individually when I have more time.
Thanks and God bless and keep you and strengthen you and encourage you for the difficult times ahead.
michael jaffray and irmgard king
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