Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Dec 21st 2012...The beginning of a New Era not the end of the world
The beginning of a New Era!
The 21st of December 2012 was not the end of the World as so many people seemed to imagine it would be, but I do think that this date will be remembered as the beginning of a New Era.
What do I mean?
I am now 74 years old. I have reached the average life expectancy for my gender.
I was born just before the beginning of the 2nd World War a horrendous affair which I now know to have been completely staged by the so called Elite in their programme of Destruction and murder of the Human Race, and their quest for more money and more power.
25 years previously, they had organised and staged another terrible and extremely destructive World War, number 1, and so the 20th century ended as being the most horrific and violent 100 year page of HIS STORY since the beginning of HIS STORY.
Now during most of my life time we have been free from World War but not at all free from violence and stupid and pointless wars on a smaller scale than those 2 World Conflagrations of the last 100 years.
So what has really changed and what can we expect in this New Era?
I think the most important change is that the dumbed down hypnotized and manipulated and drugged population of the Masses, are beginning to wake up.
No longer do we blindly accept the fact that those at the top of the Pyramid are the good guys who have our interests at heart.
We know that was and is written in the GOOD OLD BOOK THE HOLY BIBLE, to be absolutely spot on when it carefully explains that Satan rules and has always ruled the world.
No longer do we think that the Royals, and the Megabankers and their Puppets the Politicians playing their Left Right or Center paradigm game of Politics deceiving the people that their particular brand of Politics is in control, are Christian at heart. We now know them to be in fact died in the wool fanatical Luciferians and in other words Satan worshipers and Satan followers.
Saint John's Gospel Ch 10 verse 10 now makes complete sense when The Master and Creator of the Universe and all that is in it tells us clearly that Satan's job is to...
STEAL KILL AND DESTROY while God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit wants to bestow on all of us an abundant life.
Thanks largely to the Internet and the Information revolution we now know that the Mainstream Media is bought up by the Megabankers and tells only the manipulating rubbish that they are forced and permitted to put out to the generally half dead public.
We now know that a lot of what we eat has been intentionally tampered with to slowly poison us to an early death and to diminish our IQ. The same applies to what we drink.
We now know that the deadly vaccination programmes are designed to slow kill us and sometimes not so slowly.
We now know that these so called elite number only about 6000 people and are out numbered by us drugged and hypnotized public by a million to one. They are rightfully terrified that this large imbalance will and can work against them especially when so many people are waking up to these facts.
We now know that our weather is being tampered with by HARP, look it up, and that those Chem trails are not the natural contrails from passenger jets but are intentionally poisoning us and changing our weather.
We now know that the False Flag Hegelian dialectic...look it up... is alive and well and is being practiced at every turn by the elite, almost on a daily basis..
Mind control has been and is being perfected and unless we wake up will take us all over.
We now know that all the above and I am sure that I have left out some more important points, to be true, but let that suffice for now.
These elite to whom I am personally related by blood as my Grandfather, Clement Samuel Horn, was a descendant of the last Catholic and rather wicked king James the 1st of England and 6th of Scotland and whose eldest daughter brought into the world her second son John Aspinal the Misanthropic maniac who falsely believed that humans could bond with Bengal Tigers and went on to watch not one but 5 of his private zoo keepers die proving that his idea were diabolically stupid.
John Aspinal was not the End of the story as now Lord Rothschild, the big white chief of the Banking world and thus the big white chief of the whole world...(Money talks and bullshit walks) has placed my cousin on the throne of the Chancellor of the exchequership a kind of Robin Hood in reverse, stealing from the impoverished masses and giving to the megarich.
So what can we expect??
The elite are worried and fearful.
Those who have no faith in the One True God and His Crucified Son Jesus Christ are always afraid and when they are afraid they react even more erratically and destructfully than normal.
World war 3 is on the cards along with an economic crash that will force people through starvation to accept the New World Order plan of total control of the masses who will be reduced in number from 7 billion to about a more manageable half a billion. 90% of us will have to be eliminated in the next few years if all goes according to their diabolical plan. The USA will be reduced to below a 3rd world standard along with Europe and only China and Russia will enjoy a temporary place at the top.
While the Masses, mass destruct themselves in Nuclear war the elite will bunker down in their underground cities already built and will then emerge with some kind of deadly plague which will wipe out all the brown and black, victorious Asians and Africans leaving them to do as they please without resistance.
All this has not brought in a factor which has purposely been left out. GOD. He will be doing His part and the outcome will be a resounding victory not to the Mass controllers but to those who honour Christ and go to His Holy Mass, a carefully chosen play on words. Not Mass destruction only but Holy Mass where the sacrifice of Christ's Crucifixion and resurrection is performed every day around the world.
When this Holy Mass is done away with which it will be by the decree of the NWO and a diabolical mass replaces the Holy Mass, then you will know exactly how many days are left until Christ takes over complete control in His New World Order of Peace, Justice, Forgiveness, Mercy and real Agape LOVE for ever and ever and ever.
So in a nutshell you know what to expect in the future. I think that the Lord has allowed me to be pretty accurate. Let us wait and see. We will not have long to wait.
GBY and KGFG and a very very happy exciting and eventful New Year as you place your 100% confidence in the King of Kings who incidentally has already won the battle at that famous victory won on a hill called Calvary 2000 years ago when satan was defeated game set match. He satan is only fighting a rear guard losing battle as he pretends with his deceitfulness to be winning.. Do not be deceived!!!! Once again
michael jaffray king.
Happy New Year being awake to all that will shortly take place and is even now well under way...
Monday, 24 December 2012
A Christmas message to all my kids and to all of you too
A Christmas message to my kids and to you all too!
This may well be the last Christmas that we will ever celebrate on earth.
I think that this Christmas is very special.
We never know exactly when the time of our departure will come.
We dread it... But should we?
Saint Paul said, "For to me live is Christ but to die is gain!" Phil ch 1 v 21.
What Christmas present do I really want and what Christmas present does Jesus want for us and for Himself???
I think the answer is actually very simple.
I have just finished watching a Charles Dickens classic.
"A a watched it a douzen times and I try to watch it at least once every Christmas..
It never fails to move me to tears and it shows me what the true value of Christ's Birthday is really all about. And real forgiveness.
It is about Family. The family unit. A unit where there is love and forgiveness in unlimited quantities.
My daughter Natasha, number 4 confessed in a facebook message to all eight of us that she loved us all.
Then came the additions and replies from all the remaining eight of us. We all agreed with her. We have an awesome family and yes, we do love each other in spite of all of our hangups and tantrums and deficiencies. These are bound to be there why? Because we are all different, and we are all human. God has made us so but He has made it possible for us to love one another just like He loves us. I tell people that He does not only love you but that He is crazy about you.
Watch A Christmas Carol and you will see what I mean.
A very Happy and Meaningful Christmas to all of you and to my seven children here in Germany and in the USA for Christmas holidays.
Also God bless all my other family members around the world... The Kings, the Osbornes and the Grants and all their children and relations too.
Granddad Clement is praying for all of us to make it and especially make it in the one area of real love coupled with real Fogiveness and Mercy just like He has and is always offering us and especially in 2012.
Friday, 21 December 2012
The Proud and Godless are always full of fear and especially of their DEMISE!
My Weekend blog one day after the end of the world!
I find this comforting...These really wicked people that rule over the world and have so much, fake made up cash running into the trillions of $, Euro, Pounds Stirling...are absolutely paranoid about their end.
I was reading about one of the worst tyrants.. A mega Tyrant... Joseph Stalin...Responsible for millions of deaths...He was so fearful of death and being murdered that he would not tell even his bodyguard in which of several rooms he would use for sleeping.
He went to bed at 4 in the morning, staying up drinking with forced friends to entertain him and keep him company.
I am sure this is also true for all the leaders of the satanic luciferian banking leadership who are running our world today. Outnumbered by 1,000,000 to 1, they are terrified of their demise and they are terrified that the masses that they so despise will wake up and put them all on trial and send them to the firing squads or gallows or electric chair or deadly inoculation.
It is natural to have some fear of death but remember the Word of God where Saint Paul says in his letter to the Philippians ch 1 v 21
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
I find those words very comforting. At 74, death is closer than it was before. The first part of this verse is also very live is Christ... If you are doing your best to live for Christ and promoting Him at every opportunity then like Saint Paul we too can say "to die is gain".
Stalin's daughter, who was there at his bedside “The death agony was terrible. He literally choked to death as we watched.” (Conquest, Stalin: Breaker of Nations, p. 312)
I believe that these totally satanic and luciferian leaders are well aware of this and are scared out of their wits. We must pray that they will repent and turn to the Living God and His Son Jesus Christ.
I look forward to your comments..
GBY and KGFG and please remember to send me a little financial help for Christmas and for my 74th birthday. As a full time Missionary I live entirely from donations. It is a great miracle how the Great God of the Universe so mercifully provides for my every need and often using people like you to do be a part.
A very very Happy Christmas and a Happy and exciting New Year.. We are in for a Roller Coaster...
He is able!!!!!!!!
Especially when I am unable!!!!
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
A great witnessing TIP...Share your faith!!!!
A great witnessing tip!!
Getting people to stop, and listen, is an art.
Some are better than others and others are often understandably too embarrassed to even try.
Recently the Lord showed me a way to talk to anyone and especially to groups of kids which gather outside the Cologne DOM Cathedral.. Germans, Dutch, French and English in the main.
So this is how it works...
Hi!!! Would you like to hear some news??? Good news and bad news? Which would you like to hear first?
If there is disagreement then I take a quick majority vote and usually bad news wins..
"O.K.Well the bad news is that one out of every one of us is going to die!"
To emphasise my point, I usually draw my hand across my throat like it is getting cut. A little bit of drama is needed to keep their attention.
Then I say, " The IPOD stays... The snazzy cell phone stays... the little dog and cat stay...
boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister, mum and dad all stay behind...
Now for the Good News.."If you say this little prayer...Dear Jesus Christ please come into my heart, forgive my sins and fill me with your Holy Spirit of Love and give me the free gift of Eternal Life, thennnnnnnnnnn you take something very good with you..
Please say this prayer after me and then I get them to repeat it. If they are rather reluctant, then there is usually one or two who do follow the prayer and these I make a great show of congratulating them for their bravery and vigorously shaking their hand. Then I give the rest a second chance and you would be amazed to see how many will now very sheepishly pray along. This works for adults too with a little adaption to suit the circumstances. Then I give them the lit with my address and email and telephone number, and the prayer which they just prayed written on it, and then I offer them the home produced rosaries for a small donation. Around 5 Euros..4 3 and even 2.
Hope that was a help.
I also tell them that if they try this out on others then they too become a missionary, just like me and Irmgard.
Have great fun trying. You will get a special blessing from God if you pluck up courage and give it a go....
I also tell them and this could be very important too.
"You will forget many instances in your life but you will never ever forget this one.!"
I say this to them even if they refuse Jesus!!!!!!
GBY and KGFG and please continue to pray for us and send us help too. Matthew Ch 7 v 7!!!!
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Why Guns are still in the hands of Civilians in the USA?
Sunday Blog 16th December 2012.
5 days until the end of the world...Ha!!!
To understand the 2nd amendment and the Gun Laws of the USA, it would be helpful to drift back into the 18th century and see what was going on in those British Colonies.
Britain was ruling the waves and waving the rules.
The Colonists were heavily taxed and dominated by England with its standing army. The King of England was the King of the The North American continent.
Ideally a Government is meant to be servant of the people who elect it into position.
Sadly this is very rarely the case and the Colonists knew this having escaped from the oppressive regimes in Europe for just that reason.
The name Prime minister even means the Chief Servant and not the Chief Dictator.
Sadly all through History even when Governments begin on the right foot, they soon become corrupt as all power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This especially happens when the Money supply is taken away from the people, and their elected governments, and given to private individuals.
The Federal Reserve bank and the Bank of England sound like Government controlled with their Government sounding names. They are not but are Private Banks run by the mega rich.
Those early settlers had deserted Europe where they had been oppressed by overbearing and unjust governments to found a new land of hope. Most were Bible believing Christians and had been persecuted for their faith back in their homelands in Europe.
The war of independence started when the British tried to take away the arms that were in the hands of the colonists.
They won their independence and successfully threw out the Brits and began ruling themselves.
There is nothing that a Government fears more than an armed population that they are trying to rule over. The founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson knew about this tendency for Governments becoming oppressive and so the people were allowed to- have arms to deter any Government from becoming totalitarian.
The 2nd amendment specifically allows this.
Even with their guns, still in tact, the money mad mega rich, lead from London, were able in 1913 to take over the money supply and thus gain control over the people. Mega banks especially under the control of the Rothschild families gained total control of the money supply and as the famous quote from this famous Luciferian family said..." If we control the money supply we do not care who makes the laws".
Today as we have been trying to tel l you on so many occasions those same mega rich are trying to bring in their New World Order and take over complete Dictatorial control of the world under satan.
I have also told you that about 20 families consisting of about 6000 so called elite are doing all they can to grab the world away from the 7 billion. To do this they are continually implementing their Eugenicist and Misanthropic demonic programmes. That is why we have so much war and financial crises. That is why we are so heavily taxed while the same mega rich pay no taxes. That is why the water supply is poisoned with Fluoride and other toxic waste. That is why the air is polluted on a daily basis by Chemical trails left by special aircraft who crisscross our skies. That is why we are getting involved in Regime change all over the Middle East and that is why the same Elkaida that is being blamed for 9/11 are now being funded to bring hell and destruction to first Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria an soon to Iran. That is why we have an orchestrated financial crisis and that is why our whole world is in such a hell of a mess. That is why Christianity is being persecuted and the Holy Bible is being thrown out of schools and Government run organisations.
These school shootings and Theater shootings whether orchestrated or just pure coincidences are playing into the hands of the Governments who want to disarm their people. It is like saying that spoons are responsible for overweight people. Lets take away the spoons so overweight people cannot feed themselves, It is just that ridiculous.
Personally as I try to follow Jesus Christ, I believe that he that lives by the gun whether they be Government or Private individual will also die by the Gun.
We know the endgame. Jesus Christ will come back and utterly smash those evil demonic forces that have always been trying to take over complete control of the world ever since time immemorial.
It is much later than you think.
Please pray for those poor wretched families who have been bereaved at this school shooting and through 9/11 and through the death and destruction of these wicked and totally unnecessary wars the rage around the world feeding the financial pockets of the Military Industrial Complexes which are totally under control of satan and the mega rich who worship him.
Pleas get back to me and I would love to hear your reaction. Please send us some help for Christmas and continue to pray for us.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Robin Hood in reverse
Robin Hood in reverse..
The NWO..The New World Order!!!!
What was Robin Hood so famous for??? He stole from the Rich and distributed the stolen wealth to the badly oppressed poor.
The NWO works on a similar basis but in reverse. It steals and taxes the poor and distributes the collected wealth from the masses and distributes it to the MEGA RICH!
The whole idea is to bankrupt the Middle Class and the poor and make them all poor and slaves of the Mega Banks and Mega Corporations.
If you do not believe me do your own investigation on the Internet.
But before you do be sure to pray to the GREAT GOD of the Universe to help you find out what is really going on behind the scenes.
This has always been the case ever since HIS STORY began.
It is all about control..
The Mega Banks would have already taken over the whole world if it was not for the confusion of the languages at Babylon, thousands of years ago. See the following
Genesis.. The first book in the Holy Bible...Chapter 11 verses
11:1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
11:2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
11:3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
11:5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
So there you have it!!
Now in these modern days, lord lucy, satan or just the plain devil is about to try and take over the whole world again.
The langauge barrier and Nationalism is still a barrier but by clever bankrupting the whole world and every Nation, he will attempt once more to be the complete and total ruler of the world we live in.
Just as God raised up His Son Jesus the Messiah, the Christ and the only begotten Son of God, lucy will raise up the devil's messiah to be the Dictator of the world.
Like we saw in a previous blog he will fight against God's children and shall overcome them and then set up the Abomination of Desolation in place of the Holy Mass in all the Churches and Cathedrals of this world
Rev 11:7
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and killthem.
threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
Revelation Ch 11 verses
11:4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
11:5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
11:6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
11:9 And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
11:10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
11:11 And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
11:12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Matthew 24
24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
24:10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 24:18Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
Maybe I will not be alive on earth to see these days but most of you will..., Very very exciting...
When will the world end?????
For each one of us it ends when we die and depart from this world and enter the everlasting spiritual world.
Unless you die on December the 21st, there will be no end of the world for you then.
It is all ascam to get you to take yor eyes of the Criminality and wickedness of the NWO with their ridiculous wars of Regime Change using the very forces of their supposed to be arch enemies Elkaida to replace a government that has not attacked any western Nation since very ancient times.
Have you noticed that all the World Powers of Daniel and Revelation,Assyria..SYRIA. Babylon..IRAQ. Persia..IRAN. ..GREECE. Italy..ROME
are all cntre stage today....
It won't be long now...
Who says life is boring?
I am 74 and I am learning so much every day...
I am not a has been but an Am Being and a Will Be, until He allows me to be killed or die of old age. Either way I have gort it made and so have you if you put your faith in Him...JESUS CHRIST, who died for your sins and rose frrom the dead to conquer death for you if you will only believe and forsake your PRIDE
The Daily Sacrifice
The Daily Sacrifice!
Dan 8:11
Yea, he magnified [himself] even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily [sacrifice] was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.
Dan 8:12
And an host was given [him] against the daily [sacrifice] by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to theground; and it practised, and prospered.
Dan 8:13
Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain [saint] which spake, How long [shall be] the vision [concerning] the daily [sacrifice], and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
Dan 11:31
And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute thesanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily [sacrifice], and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
Dan 12:11
And from the time [that] the daily [sacrifice] shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, [there shall be] a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
When I was a Protestant and extremely interested in Bible Prophecy and End Time events, I always imagined that this so ofetn talked about DAILY SACRIFICE had something to do wit the restoration of the Jewish Temple and that the Jews would revert to their sacrificing of animals just as they did in Jesus' time and before.
Now I see it quite differently.
The Jewish Temple sacrifice is defunct, outdated and done away with and now we have a new Daily Sacrifice which takes part every day all around the world in every Catholic Church and Orthodox too for that matter, when they celebrate the Holy Mass.
I do not believe that the Temple will ever be rebuilt. It is outdated by the New Covenant so why should God allow the Jews to build or rebuild an outdated sacrifice?? It does not make sense.
But soon under the Devil's Messiah, he will make sure that the Daily Mass is abolished and he will allow and enforce some other kind of demonic sacrifice to take place in Roman Catholic Churches around the world.
When you read those above verses from Danie Ch 8 and 11 and Daniel 12 and instead imagine all of this related to the Daily Sacrifice of the Mass, it takes on a whole new meaning.
That is all for now.
Friday, 7 December 2012
the two kingdomas
Sunday blog 9th of December 2012.
The two kingdoms..
a perpetual war between
the kingdom of satan(lord lucifer)
and THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
This war, as the title of this blog suggests, is an ongoing one since the beginning of HIS STORY (history).
Let us have a look at the players..and their leaders...
Leaders first..
The Great and All powerful(omnipotent) and omnipresent, TOTAL LOVE, TOTAL MERCY, TOTAL GOODNESS, TOTAL MORALITY, God the Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, together with God the HOLY SPIRIT......
and on the other side...
lord lucy..a creation of God that rebelled. His agenda of ROBBERY, MURDER AND DESTRUCTION..He is a spirit and is NOT OMNIPRESENT and is not omni powerful. TOTAL IMMORALITY..TOTAL WICKEDNESS..TOTAL DECEPTION..
Actually he plays an important role in the overall plan of things because he is the instrument whereby God ensures that we have free choice. Without an alternative, to the amazing awesome and most wonderful Creator of the Universe, we would not have free choice. We would automatically choose GOD because He would be our only choice.
We have all been given the most beautiful gift of free choice.
When we choose GOD we are choosing VOLUNTARILY the Kingdom of God..God wants volunteers and not robots.
Lucy's kingdom is only a copy of the KINGDOM OF GOD..
Every day I am learning new facts about the Spiritual world which is the world that we already live in, if we are even a little bit spiritual, and will all live in permanently, eventually after our departure from this life.
I try to have an open mind about everything. Link this open mind with prayer and you will definitely make progress. That is a promise..
Just very recently I have learnt much more about how both these kingdoms are divided. What I mean by that is their EARTHLY representatives. The Earthly Kingdom of God is made up of 38,000 denominations, instead of just one, and thank the Lord, lucifer's kingdom is also divided.
For me this is a new thought which until recently, I did not really understand. For example, lord lucy needs deceived people with a great deal of integrity to run his earthly kingdom.. Let me give you an example. In the Masonic Lodges, the Free Masons, 99% of the people have Integrity and are basically good people. Only at the very very top do they have totally convinced and practicing luciferians. Satan needs these people with integrity to run his world. The world is full of very good and useful products which are not made by dedicated Christians.
When we take a closer look at the Earthly Kingdom of God we soon see that there are many evil people who have infiltrated and divided and watered down the TRUTH.
When we take a closer look at our selves, sadly we can see that we are from perfect and that is why the Lord Jesus taught us to pray.."Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.!!!"
satan's copy of the TRUTH suffers from the same problem. On earth he has not taken over all the hearts. Some a very few, about one in a million, approximately six thousand controlled by not more than 20 families and by one in particular.. Rothschild which has now amalgamated with their agents the Rockefeller, leads the bandwagon. Even among these so called elite there is plenty of evil jealousy and competition for power. There is very little unity and they control each other with fear just as TRUE CHRISTIANITY is controlled by PERFECT LOVE.
To bring in their perfect unity, they need a messiah. The devil's messiah. A dictator of total evil controlling not only the people of the world who remain alive, having completely defeated the prosperous middle class, but is also able to control his evil own. I hope you can see that. Without their messiah they are still somewhat floundering and are not able to bring in evil to a perfection until... watch this carefully...they have bankrupted every creature and forced them to take the financial mark of the beast without which they will not be able to buy or sell and so they have to accept their messiah and his total evil dictatorship, or starve to death.
Those who refuse to take this mark will be forced to TRUST THE LORD JESUS who will take care of them, but unless they are used to trusting HIM, they will find it very difficult as they will not have the years of practice at living a life of faith and will be thrown in at the deep end not really having learnt how to swim. Yes they will float and God will take care of them but it is better to start really trusting in Jesus right now so that it will not be such a trauma when all the props are taken away.
Let me give you a really good example from Yesterday's witnessing escapade outside the DOM Cathedral. Irmgard has been wearing warm boots which are not waterproof. Once the slushy melted snow water seeps through, her feet become so cold that it is extremely difficult for her to continue her task.
Well yesterday, this happened and then what seemed like out of the blue a lady approached with a brand new set of waterproof warm boots of exactly the right size and her favourite maroon colour. She had bought shem for someone else but when Irmgard explained about her predicament of wet feet, she gladly gave them to her. Irmgard did not even know that she had boots in her bag. Just imagine the timing of this and the fact that they fit and were in Irmgard's favourite maroon colour. Yes God is truly good and knows best.
So all that to say that in spite of all the wickedness that is staring us in the face like right now with a third very unjust war which is looming over the world. First Iraq with its non existent weapons of Mass Destruction and then Gaddafi in Libya who was getting in the way because of his pan African ambitions to bring prosperity not only to Libya but to all Africa and was cooperating 100% with the Western leadership.
Now they have to get rid of Assad who is not the evil dictator that he is bumped up to be. He is not perfect but is a man of great deal of integrity which we cannot say about our own leadership.
We are moving quickly in satan's direction. satan's plan is to reduce the world population from seven billion to half a billion. This is a 95% reduction. This he will do with all kinds of war, civil and Nuclear too, compulsory Vaccines, deadly contagious diseases manufactured in laboratories, abortion, euthanasia, and STARVATION and any and all other means imaginable. His aim is the total destruction of the human race created by his arch enemy God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now a quick look at the agenda of God..Saint John Chapter 10 verse 10,I HAVE COME THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE ABUNDANT LIFE!!!!!
The Holy Bible is vital for your information. If you do not know and love the Holy Bible you do not really love and know God.
The WORD which is another name for JESUS CHRIST is of paramount importance. I am starting a Word memory project and I suggest you do too.
In times to come, the only Bible that you will be allowed to have will be the one that you have memorised in and laid up in your heart.
God bless the Baptist Navigator Topical Memory system that I was brought up on. Carry a Bible with you. It is your Spiritual Weapon...Be ready to share it with people.
Because in The book of Hebrews Chapter 4 verse 12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
To be in God's Kingdom, we have to be perfected in one really important attribute...LOVE.
This is a lifetime process with many trials and sufferings to be endured until the finished product can be accepted into heaven..
Matthew Ch 10 verse
22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
So here ends my Sunday blog..
Hope this was a help.
I very much look forward to your reactions whether good bad or indifferent.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you really know Jesus?
This is a question I often ask myself too!
Philippians Ch 3 v 10
This verse of Our Holy Bible from Saint Paul, he puts it like this..
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
And then the verses which precede this beautiful verse from God's WORD.
8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
Can we say this like Saint Paul said it????????
For myself, I can answer this question by saying a very firm YES...
Jesus is everything to me..
I have been accused by some of using Christ as a CRUTCH and that if I was more of a man, then I wouldn't need this crutch through life...
I can say like someone else told me..."You are wrong!!! He is not my CRUTCH but my WHEEL CHAIR!!!". He is my everything.. Without HIM, I would be like an Astronaut detached from his spaceship and travelling aimlessly through space without hope of anything except a slow and terrifying death.
These next verses are scary and should be taken seriously too!!
Luke ch 13 verses
26 Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.
27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
How can I tell if I really know Christ Jesus? How can you tell?
Ask yourself these following questions?
Who do you chat to? I mean throughout the day? Yes I have serious times when I pray set prayers and meditate on what they say and they are invaluable. But in my opinion, that would not be enough!
It would be like having formal talks with your spouse. Not really the key for a loving and lasting relationship.
So chatting away to my awesome and brilliant Lord is only one part of the equation.
How does He talk to me and now I am going to hit on a really very important part without which your relationship would only be a one way street.
How does He get through to you?
Well I can feel His responses in my thoughts. To a certain extent this is true, I can feel His responses through my conscience. But that is not a very sure way... So what is the sure way????...
I used to often say that there were three really important priorities in my life..
The first one was...
the WORD, the HOLY BIBLE...
and the second one was...
the WORD, the HOLY BIBLE...
and then of course the third one was...
the WORD, the HOLY BIBLE...
The Bible is a collection of BOOKs from the Old Testament and the much smaller New Testament.
With so many books to choose from, it would be good to have a priority list. There are some verses and passages which are really key.
All are important to one degree or another, but some are absolutely vital.
I am thankful that when I first seriously picked up the Bible as a brand new born again Christian, someone had the sense to tell me where to begin. He said to read the Gospel of Saint John.
I did and I was knocked over and have never been the same since. This Book really woke me up and it is from this book that I have memorized many key verses and passages.
Then I expanded out to the rest of the Gospels and the letters of Paul, and then to the Psalms and Proverbs and all of the Old Testament books. It is a mine of the most wonderful Truths and will keep you going for a lifetime.
When Irmgard and I hitch hiked without funds from Brazil to India, it was a mammoth task. However it began with a first step. I so well remember making that step as we went through the gates of our Community onto the open road and hitched our first lift. 350 lifts and four months later, we were in Singapore. It took 19,000 kilometers of 1,900,000 more steps to get to our destination.
What really helped me with the Bible was a system of memorising key verses....
One verse really stands out and believe it of not, it is not from the New Testament and is not in the Gospels but in the Psalms of King David. Jesus spoke through David when He, THE WORD OF GOD, A GREAT NAME FOR JESUS CHRIST, said in Psalm Ch 119 verses 9 and 11,
How can a young man, or woman, cleanse his or her way? By taking heed according to thy WORD. Thy WORD have I hid in my heart (Memorized), that I might not sin against YOU!
I hope this has helped you.
It is Christmas time again...
Will the world end on December the 21st???
Most definitely not but there could and most probably will be an entry into a new age of stepped up evil even greater than we are experiencing now.
What is my answer to all of this??? I am now talking to you and to myself..
Get to know Jesus even better and better each day and He will lead you and take care of you through it all. Through the GREAT TRIBULATION right up to the end of time or just even to the end of your and my life.
Please!!! If you have been blessed and if God has touched your heart, would you be able to send us a donation, and if you already help and at least 5 of you do, then a little extra???? for Christmas.
At the end of the year there are big bills coming up and the kids all 7 of them need something from us to help them hopefully find the TRUE meaning of Christmas which is the GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD.
Paypal to
or to our bank account, which is always pretty low but always just enough, because of your and HIS help.
Bank account details...
Account number (Kontonummer)....135409852
Bank number (Bankleitzahl) 76010085
IBAN...... DE 5876 0100 8501 3540 9852
God bless you with a wonderful Christmas with your family and all the very best for the New Year of 2013...
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