Friday, 25 January 2013
By Design, satan's plan
Sunday blog written 26th January 2013!!!
James Garrow an interview on Infowars with Alex Jones!!!
If you believe in ultimate good....GOD and JESUS CHRIST and the plan of our redemption.
If you believe in ultimate evil......devil...lucifer...satan...
Then what you are about to read from me and from the above link where James Garrow lays it out so clearly, will not be hard to believe..
Since I was just a little boy educated at an expensive Preparatory school, Ashdown House, and then for 3 years at Cheltenham College prior to going to the BRNC Dartmouth Naval college, and then a Navy Officer, I HAVE COME A VERY LONG WAY from being falsely lead to believe that the establishment is basically good and has our interests at heart.
Now there are many people with INTEGRITY within lucifer's camp. They are not all demons. They need good Engineers and Doctors and Scientists and School and University teachers and all the other professions as otherwise the SYSTEM would be so black, no one would buy into it.
It is all about extreme cunning and DECEPTION!!!
DECEPTION that creeps along Incrementally. If it progresses too fast then people would wake up. Even what I am about to relay to you may happen slowly or as I tend to believe now, will happen very quickly and much will happen in the next few months and weeks rather than years and decades.
So from listening carefully to this link and then connecting all the dots so far let me try and lay it out in layman's terms.
The luciferian lead Mega banks have been slowly maneuvering the Western World into debt. Their goal is ultimate total control under lucifer their spiritual leader. The antichrist!
They particularly hate the great world power the USA! Why? Because 90% of the population believe to one degree or another in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of mankind.
That really infuriates them so this world power must be taken down, and replaced by a more demonic one.
The huge debt of the USA has been taken over by Communist China. By the way.. Communism is the brainchild of satan. Huge nanny state government and a dumbed down half drugged slave population totally under the control of the ruling regime.
China, just like Japan would never want to invade America as long as the citizens have weapons. So they are urging THE MONKEY Obama, to get those guns at any cost. The chinese name for OBAMA, MONKEY, implies a puppet that is controlled and told what to do.
THEY WANT A CIVIL WAR IN THE USA AND THEY WANT OBAMA TO DECEIVE THE PEOPLE INTO THINKING THAT HE IS A NEW ABRAHAM LINCOLN. He will lead the war against the USA citizens of the Right and all 2nd ammendment believers and 1st amendment too, so called terrorists who will not willingly lay down their arms, and give up their Constitutional RIGHTS and comply with his order to turn them all in. First it will be the Assault weapons and then all weapons.
As I type this, high up Military leaders are being asked in a kind of Litmus test, if they would be willing to kill USA citizens who are still following the 2nd ammendment and are refusing to hand in their weapons?
If they answer NO then their commissions are being terminated and they are being replaced by those who will obey their Commander in Chief the Puppet President.
James Garrow points all this out...
Civil war in the USA is being promoted... It will help kill and destroy many USA citizens and reduce the population. Population reduction is all a part of the Eugenicist Misanthropic plan of the one who wants TO STEAL KILL AND DESTROY as opposed to the ONE who wants us to have LIFE WITH A CAPITAL L AND HAVE IT ABUNDANTLY. John Ch 10 v 10..
So that is it for this BLOG and I hope you will not believe a WORD but go and do your own research and see if what I am relaying to you... Relaying is the key word because I get all my info from the Holy Bible... soon to be banned... and from Internet research.
Why am I still alive??
First noone will kill me while I am protected by God..
Second if they do kill me, I am going to die one day soon anyway.
Third it actually suits their plan for this info to get out as they actually want a Civil War.
It is all part of their Eugenicist policy..
The Big Joke is that they too will die sometime soon and who would want to be in their shoes. If you want to check out the most horrible death, take a look at the death of Joseph Stalin, who did not die peacefully in his bed but in abject pain and terror.
Hail Mary full of grace... The Lord is with you... Blessed are you amongst women and Blessed is the Fruit of your womb, JESUS!
Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death!
Do you think that Jo Stalin the man of steel prayed that prayer before he died???
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Over 9 million views in as many days..
What is going on???
It is Sunday the 20th of January 2013.
The day before obama's inaugeration..
Here is the 30 minute 19 second link to you tube..
It is a must watch and is guaranteed to change your life for ever..
Do not be scared of satan... he is a punk and the very worst he can do to you is to kill you.
You are going to die one day anyway so what is the big problem?????
My Holy Bible says very clearly,
in the Gospel of Saint Matthew chapter 10 verse 28
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
For writing this Sunday blog, I might get into trouble...
My death may be staged, or a suicide, or me found killing my own...
I can assure you that I will try to continue to live as long as I can in my effort to wake people up to the fact that both THE ALMIGHTY AND ALL LOVING AND OMNIPOTENT GOD,THE FATHER AND THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT are all very real and that satan the deceiving punk is real too.
It really is much later than you think and you need to do some real thinking and making sure that you are on the right side.
Saint Michael, the archangel, defend me and mine, (and you and yours) in this day of battle. Be our defence against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May GOD rebuke him I humbly pray and do thou o prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine power of GOD, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits which prowl around the world seeking the ruin of souls.
We address you Saint Michael in this prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the LIVING GOD who died for us on Calvary's hill and rose again conquering death for ever and granting Eternal Life for those who believe and embrace YOUR TRUTH in the Holy Bible.
Like I have said many many times in my previous blogs.. There is a war raging between Good and evil..
Take away one o out of good and you get GOD!!!!
Add a d infront of evil and you get the enemy of GOD the devil or lucifer or satan.
The immediate future and all throughout 2013 will bring about the very real rule of the antichrist... It is going to be a bumpy and very exciting ride, so please make sure that you stay in the saddle and do not fall off into satan's camp. Ride that Gospel Horse and hang on tight to the reins and grip tight with your knees.
False flags are nothing new..
Here is a link of the more notable ones in recent and past HIS STORY
It leaves out Operation Gladio so here is a link for that atrocity... All false flags are attrocities of murder and destruction carried out by satan and his ruthless followers in order to decieve us...
This as you will see if you go to the link, is nothing new....
Here is another.
Personally I do not believe that I am an important enough fry to be bothered. I am just a sparrow and there are many more bigger birds than sparrows.
But I tell you that it might be possible and if I do disappear or allegedly do some atrocity please do not believe it.
Do not be deceived any longer...
Saint Faustina's image of Jesus has the Inscription written below it..
Please trust in HIM..
Do your very own investigation...
Friday, 18 January 2013
Do you want to be a winner for Jesus Christ?
I hope that your answer to this question will be a sound and resounding YES!!!!!
First let's look at how God became a winner when He Won us.
What did He do??
He took a huge risk by coming to this world to save us.
He did not sit comfortably on His Throne in Heaven but He actually went on a 33 to 34 year Journey into our time and space and became a man.
We of course know the story well.
Just imagine if He had not done that, then we would not be here in the state of mind of a Christian.
God sent Jesus and in the same way that God sent Jesus, He sends us. I will give you the verse which proves what I am saying.
John Chapter 20 verse 21...
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.
We used to have a saying in the Missionary movement to which I used to belong to and it went like this...
"If you witness, you always win!!!!"
When examining a statement like that it is always a good idea to check out the converse or the opposite.
"If you do not witness then there is no winning!"
It is like Matthew ch 7 verse 7..
If you do not ask, you get nothing... If you do not seek, you find nothing... and if you do not knock then no doors will open...
If Jesus had not been sent by His Father then there would be NO CHRISTIANS!!!! No way Hosey!!!
Well let's have a quick look why Christians just do not bother to witness.
They do lots of Good Things... They Go to Church and to Holy Mass...They are reasonably decent people most of the time!
They are nice to their friends but they do not risk going out to explain to people the wonderful Good News of the GOSPEL..
You are right it is pretty tough when you go up to someone with a Gospel tract and ask them to read it or even better to have a chat with you and they rudely give you the finger and tell you to go to Hell!
After that has happened a few times most people are ready to pack up and go home.
We had a good friend and her teenage daughter spent a whole day on a doubledecker bus parked in a busy street and they were inviting people to come on board and have a free coffee and talk about Jesus.
She told her mother that it was so exhausting and nerve shattering that she had to take three days off to get over this terrible experience! Ha!!!
Thank God that Jesus obeyed HIS DAD and came to this SICK HURTING WORLD to rescue me and you!!! Amen???
Well dear Irmgard and I do this every single day of our lives including Sundays after going to Holy Mass in the Cathedral DOM in Cologne Germany.
I can just hear the Pharisees saying..."So you work on a Sunday!!!!"
Shame on you!!! Keep the Sundays Holy!!!
Well what could be more Holy than obeying John Ch 20 verse 21???
Now for a shocker...
I am going to tell you that it is much later than you think!!!!!
When we die, then that is the end of the world for us! That is our endtime!
I have always been fascinated by Bible Prophecy ... Daniel... Revelation... Matthew 24 etc etc.
I gobble this stuff up.
I am sure that many of you are familiar with the verse in Matthew Ch 24 verse 15...
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
This is a passage which is usually correctly interpreted to mean the beginning of the GREAT TRIBULATION
As a Protestant I was always lead to believe that the HOLY PLACE was inside the soon to be built Jewish Temple..
Well now I definitely do not believe that the Jewish Temple will ever be rebuilt.. It has been superseded by Jesus' New Covenant and God is no longer demanding for the blood of animals because His Own Son has shed His Blood for us for the full remission of sins in the most perfect sacrifice ever imaginable!!
So where is the Daily Sacrifice today??
Every day there is a Holy Mass sacrifice all over the world in the Roman Catholic Church.
This is the only notable Church to stand up against the murder of the unborn, 50,000 000 since Roe v wade 40 years ago in the USA alone.
Not only will the great obama the great barac obama try to grab the guns so as to bring in the satanic luciferian new world order and agenda 21 the devil's agenda for the 21st century but he will force the Roman Catholic Church to comply with abortion or murder and force them to take part in his misanthropic eugenicist programme of destroying 4/5ths of the human race....
It is later than you think...IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK!!!!!
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Dialogue between Christ and a Muslim
By Robert Reilly
Scene: Before the heavenly Throne.
Muslim (upon seeing Christ): “Is this a dream?”
Christ: “No. Something much better.”
Muslim: “I didn’t expect to see you here far above everyone. I thought you were coming back at the end of time to break the Cross, as we Muslims believe.”
Christ: “No, I’m not coming back to break the Cross. Rather, I was broken on the Cross, which is why you’re able to appear before me today.”
Muslim: “But we believe that the all-powerful God would not allow one of his prophets to be treated that way. That is why we refuse to believe you were crucified. It was some other man, or a shadow.”
Christ: “But I am not simply one of the prophets. I am God. I chose to allow myself to be treated this way to fulfill what the prophets foretold of the Suffering Servant.”
Muslim: “But God can’t do that! He can’t suffer and die.”
Christ: “Who are you to limit what God can do?”
Muslim: “But we are the true defenders of God’s absolute omnipotence. God is whoever is all powerful."
Christ: “So, right is the rule of the stronger?”
Muslim: “Yes. God decides because He is the strongest.”
Christ: “And He can decide anything?”
Muslim: “Yes, anything, and whatever He decides is just.”
Christ: “He is not bound even by His own word?”
Muslim: “No, not by anything.”
Christ: “But I am the Word. I am true to Myself. Pure will and power are arbitrary, tyrannical. I would be a despot.”
Muslim: “But we were taught that God cannot be confined by our human ideas of justice.”
Christ: “From where did you think you got those ideas of justice in the first place, if not from Me?”
Muslim: “I don’t know. Islam tells us to submit without questioning. The great al-Ghazali taught us that, ‘the mind. . .once it testifies to the truthfulness of the prophet, must cease to act.’”
Christ the Redeemer by Andrea Mantegna, 1493
Christ: “That it is a betrayal of Me. I seek rational consent, not cowering subjection. Tell me: can the all-powerful God enter his creation?”
Muslim: “Yes, but only through his word to his prophets to give us his commands.”
Christ: “But, as I said, I am the Word.”
Muslim: “But you are flesh.”
Christ: “Yes, the Word made flesh, because God is also Love and wishes to save you. Though I am the strongest, I made myself the weakest out of love for you.”
Muslim: “We are taught that God can only favor us (if we obey Him) because He is complete in Himself, and loving us would indicate some lack in Him. So, this kind of love cannot be. It is a forbidden thought.”
Christ: “You cannot forbid Me. I suffer no lack from this love. I do not need to complete myself, but to complete you. You have a hole in your soul. Only I can fill it. I became man for this purpose.”
Muslim: “Yes, we thought you were a man, certainly not the son of God. That would be blasphemy.”
Christ: “I know. You have a false idea of Me from the Qur’an, just as it mistakenly tells you that the Trinity is composed of Father, Son, and Mary. Neither did you believe that God is your Father, but some infinitely distant, unknowable Being, who could not possibly be in relation to you, except as a master to a slave.”
Muslim: “Yes, that is my name – Abdullah, ‘slave of God.’”
Christ: “But I am the Son of God, who made you my brother. I became human, so you could become divine. That’s how you became children of God. You have no idea how dear you are to me.”
Muslim: “But I can’t possibly be a child of God! God is infinitely above me.”
Christ: “But We made you in our own image and likeness.”
Muslim: “We say in Islam, ‘bila kayfa wala tashbih’ – which is: ‘without asking how and without comparing.’ It is forbidden for us to compare anything to God, much less ourselves. So, I find all this inconceivable.”
Christ: “I know. In fact, it required Conception – my Incarnation. But I am not telling you anything against your reason.”
Muslim: “We abandoned reason and submitted ourselves to the text of the Qur’an.”
Christ: “In doing that, you abandoned me, for I am Logos. Iam Reason. That is why my pope, Benedict XVI, proclaimed that, ‘not acting reasonably is contrary to God's nature.’ This is why so many of you have behaved unreasonably, and why you could not find Me.”
Muslim: “Since we do not believe any of these things, how did I get here then?”
Christ: “You got here by the merits of the very things you deny, my Sonship and my sacrifice, because you had no chance to accept them. You knew nothing but Islam. And yet you lived a good and decent life by the lights you were given. I love you none the less for that. I died for you, too.”
Muslim: “I thought there would be only Muslims here, and that the Christians would be in Hell. But now that I see what the Christians said is true, why am I not in Hell?”
Christ: “I only send to Hell those who choose it. In fact, they send themselves.”
Muslim: “How can you forgive me for being so blind?”
Christ: “You knew not what you were doing.”
Muslim (falling on his knees, forehead to the ground): “My Lord and my God, how can I adore you now?”
Christ: “By loving me back. Now that you see me as I Am, you can do this. Welcome. One of my priests martyred in Algeria in 1998, Fr. Christian, prayed before his death that he ‘could contemplate with the Father his children of Islam as He sees them.’ He is with my Father doing that now. You may join him and see for your self. Then pray for your fellow Muslims that they, too, may see. I want them all for Myself.”
Robert Reilly is a former director of the Voice of America. He has taught at the National Defense University and served in the White House and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. His most recent book is The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist.
Sunday blog 13th of January 2013.
It has taken me all my life up till now to realize this and I am still trying to put it into practice. So what is it?
Without reading any further, why don't you have a try at getting the answer?
Let us look at some possibilities....
Reading and studying and even memorising the Bible?
Going to Daily Mass?
Taking part in as many Christian activities as possible?
Being a pillar of your Church?
Being a Priest or full time worker for Jesus?
Dedicating your life to helping and feeding and clothing the poor?
There must be so many more...
So what is the most important??????
What is the one thing that even if we did all the above, we fail miserably??
Think a moment........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
To get the answer, of course one must go to the WORD!!!!!!
It has to be there somewhere....
But as well as in the WORD of GOD it would be well to look at Church History.
What really won over all those enemies of the early Church???
What will really win over the many enemies that we have today????
Think again..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
As I look at the real answer, I have to admit that I am deeply ashamed..
Because I fall so far short.... How about you????
Yes you have guessed it....
Loving ones tormentors...Loving those who go out of their way to discourage us.. Many and most times they are so called influential Christians. So sad!!!!
I have been tormented by so called Christians, who are in so called authority, and who tell me that the work that I do every day in taking the Gospel into all the world outside the shrine of the DOM Cathedral in Cologne is a worthless job and what they do is so much better. What do they do??? Many of those above listed things but EXCLUDING taking the Gospel, THE GOOD NEWS to the LOST and hurting world. That they do not do and that they would not even dream of doing... because it costs too much on ones pride and just effort.
Very soon as the Courageous Priest has pointed out we are going to reap the results of our apostasy and disobedience in the Great Tribulation which is just around the corner and which is already taking place for Christians in the East and Middle East. It is coming here and then like the Early Persecuted Church we too will get our chance to look our tormentors in the face as they tare us limb from limb in excruciating pain and tell them that Jesus Christ loves them and that we love them too.
LOVE YOUR ENEMIES,,, much easier said than done.
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
I would love to hear your reaction and maybe next we should examine how we can best accomplish such a totally seemingly impossible task.
Next I will send you the latest from COURAGEOUS PRIEST...coming up next!!!!
Please respond as truthfully as you can.
michael jaffray king
Welcome to SODOM
Please give this Monsignor a cigar!!!
Amen!!!! Amen!!!! and again I say Amen!!!!!!
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Courageous Priest
Sent: Friday, 11 January 2013, 22:13
Subject: Welcome To Sodom!
Welcome To Sodom!
Welcome To Sodom!
Posted: 10 Jan 2013 04:01 PM PST
We Should Not Be Surprised By The Coming Confusion, Conflict, And Catastrophe!
By Msgr. Edward Filardi, Maryland: Welcome to Sodom. Yes, that is what Maryland has now become. Sodom with its neighbor Gomorrah was a city of antiquity whose disregard for the natural law of human love led to its destruction. That same disregard is now written into state law. The distinctive physical and life-cultivating complimentarity of woman and man has been dismissed as a basis for marriage. Additionally, those who cannot honor this diluted definition in their personal and business activities will be held legally liable for discrimination and punished accordingly.
Already, the owner of a trolley service in Annapolis seeing this coming announced he will no longer offer wedding services. By doing so he will lose much of his business, but he cannot in good faith go along with treating as normal what is not, neither can we.
It is a great sadness that many of Satan’s helpers in ushering in this demonic distortion of marriage were Catholics, such as our governor. In promoting this desecration they have not only brought dishonor to our holy faith and shame to all Catholics, but invite the real possibility of damnation on themselves. We must pray that they recognize this error, repent and make reparation.
Some may interpret my words as an unfair disregard for individuals who bear same-gender attraction. It is not. Such
brothers and sister must be loved and embraced. Indeed, we must make greater efforts of proper inclusion and support. At the same time true love is not allowance for any activity. It has no authority to overlook what is written in nature. Love cannot comply with a lie. It first honors what God has designed, and then encourages all to live in authentic love that leads to true fulfillment.
Nothing changes for us, because God defines marriage. This has not changed. The purposeful union of man and
woman was the crown of God creation. Anything else by that name mocks what God has created, and therefore mocks God.
Maryland is our home. It is where we are placed, and it is where we will continue to live. But especially now we must
live upholding in word and honor the truth of marriage with clarity. We cannot betray what God has created without betraying God. This means never placating or playing along with a false notion, no matter how “well intention” some may
be. It will not be easy. We do so at the risk of the ire and even legal sanctions this will invoke.
Our beloved state is now a modern-day Sodom. We should not be surprised at the coming of confusion, conflict, and even catastrophe. We reap what we sow.
May God have mercy on us.
Msgr. Edward J. Filardi
Discover More
Is Our Culture Worse Than Sodom And Gomorrah?
Bishop Admonishes Catholic Govenor Over Same-Sex “Marriage”
Who Claims “Gay Marriage” As Its Poster Child?
Please help me by exposing the wickedness that is taking over our beautiful God created world.
Maybe we can turn this around and at the very least we are showing others where we stand.
Good versus Evil
Take away one o from the word good and we get GOD
add a D in front of evil and what do we get?????
This is a spiritual war of God versus the devil
The devil is already defeated on that famous small mountain called CALVARY.
That defeat spelled game set match to GOD..
The devil is playing a game of DECEIT as he has already lost...TYJ!!
Thank You Jesus!!!!
Like · · Share · Promote · A few seconds ago ·
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Stats for 2012
Or just plain STATS!!!
The enemies job, task, is always to discourage one. He wants us to doubt God. That is how he tricked Eve in the garden...
Genesis Chapter 3 verse 1..Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord had made. And he said unto the woman, "Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden?"
So here he goes trying hard to get Eve to doubt."Hath God said???" Of course He had said!!!
It is made more difficult when those people who one would think would know better like some priests and leaders of our Christian movement, belittle our efforts at trying to follow Jesus in His command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.
So in an effort to cheer myself up and to refute those who accuse me of doing badly in my job, I have put together the statistics for 2012.
What did we achieve in the year 2012 for God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?
Exact records were not kept but the following is a conservative
estimate of what has been achieved by Irmgard and myself in the
year 2012.
The following are statistics for the year 2012.
1080 hours in front of the DOM Cathedral.
800 hours travelling by train
15000 pieces of Christian Literature distributed
8000 people counselled and prayed with..
50,000 people told "Jesus Loves you!" and "God Bless you!"This is the essence of the GOSPEL!!!!
200,000 people saw our witness and Rosaries (This may have been as much as 500,000)and were forced to think about Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother The Virgin Mary!
300 Rosaries given away for free..
4000 Rosaries given away for very small donations.
50 Holy Masses attended at the 12 am Sunday Service.
At least 7 visits to the confessional. Lord help me, we should have gone more times and we will try to go at least once a month in 2013.
Yes!!!!! We live entirely from donations so please help us to do better in 2013 and be a part of our ministry to all the countries of the world which visit this unique Shrine of the DOM Cathedral in Cologne!
Paypal to
or to our bank account, which is always pretty low but always just enough, because of your and HIS help.
Bank account details...
Account number (Kontonummer)....135409852
Bank number (Bankleitzahl) 76010085
IBAN...... DE 5876 0100 8501 3540 9852
A very Happy New Year in His service..
michael and irmgard king
Monday, 7 January 2013
Falling in love with His Church!
Falling in love with His Church!
I have a deep down resentment for Church Buildings and Ceremonies and gaudily dressed Priests and Bishops and Cardinals... I have felt like this for most of my life!!!°
However recently it has begun to dawn on me that the Kingdom of God in Heaven is a really beautiful and awesome place.
There are thrones and Princes and Courtiers and splendidly dressed men and women and many in just plain White Robes, whiter then white.
The Heavenly Kingdom is not a dreary place where only Jesus Himself is doing everything in a dreary drab room.
Our Protestant Brothers and Sisters are quick to forget that Jesus did not act all alone. He appointed 12 to be with Him and many there were who helped Him in His Mission.
He has a Heavenly Army, a Heavenly Host, and millions of helpers. Jesus does not act alone and is surrounded by saints and saved souls. Also do not forget the total importance of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit! It is not just Jesus God the Son.
We believe in a Triune God. If there was only one God alone, how could they have LOVE???? Love depends on having others to love..
So what I am trying to say is that yesterday at the feast of the Epiphany which in Cologne has extra importance and significance, as it is here that the bones of the three wise men are laid to rest,
I began to see and understand that our Church which represents the Kingdom of God in Heaven is a truly awesome spectacle and is meant to be so. It is a copy and of course only a limited copy of that great and glorious place, which eye has not seen nor ear heard nor entered into the heart of men, that God has prepared for those who love Him.
Men and not angel spirits are the representatives with all their great shortcomings. Sinful men who are dressed up and trying to the best of their ability to be representatives of the Heavenly Kingdom.
Yes!! Yesterday I fell in love once again with my Church. Even though the greater part of my Church do not understand or even appreciate me for the work that I do, it does not matter. I am comforted by the words that are in the Gospel of saint John... He came unto His own and His own received Him not... But to as many as did receive Him he gave the power to become the Sons of God.
I am in very good company and pray for my enemies especially those who should know better but are blinded by pride and Pharisaical selfrighteouness. Yes I love them too and pray for them regularly.
I Love my Church with all of its deficiencies and shortcomings. I too have plenty of those as well.
Friday, 4 January 2013
The Saint Michael Prayer 2
The Saint Michael Prayer 2
Why do we need such a strong and extremely effective prayer today the 5th January 2013????????
Just take a look around you and see the following..
The Western world is bankrupt by design..
DESIGN and EUGENICS are the Key Words...All the evil is being carefully planned and implemented by a few disciples of the wicked one...
Our world is being kept going by more loans which only take us deeper into debt.
The final outcome will be starvation and then forced implementation of the NWO agenda 21 to make slaves out of us all and only allow a small elite to live in riches. A return to a preindustrial existence of Elite, and slaves dumbed down and with very low intelligence because of carefully planned damaging of our brains.
The Military Industrial complexes are waging pointless wicked wars for regime change and then putting in much worse regimes in their place using and funding and arming our arch enemy Elkaida to do their wicked job.
50,000 infants have been butchered in the USA alone since Roe versus Wade 40 years ago.
The Medical and Pharmaceutical Industrial complexes are making trillions by making sure that we are all given deadly drugs through enforced vaccines and psychotropic drugs to slow kill us and brain damage us.To make us into lifeless Zombies.
The Mega Banksters have taken over control of the world and are Hell bent in bringing in their New World Order under their control and under the devil's messiah who will soon emerge onto the world scene. YES!!!!!THE LOVE OF CASH IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL!!!!!!!!
YES!!!!! there is no getting around it.
Every effort is being made to defeat the TRUTH in Christianity.
Christians are being slaughtered by the Muslims and the Bible was long ago thrown out of schools and government.
Christianity has been cleverly divided into 38000 fragments with only one church standing firm and under continual attack.
Satan is up to his old tricks and he is doing extremely well!! Why?? Because most of us are asleep to what is really going on.
Our family life is being corrupted and dismantled by allowing men to marry men and women to marry women.
The political system is FAKE and is nothing more than a puppet of the Banksters.
Deception everywhere!!!
GMO food and Fluoride and deadly chemicals added to the water supply are making sure that we are sick and that cancer will increase and thus make us dependent for the remainder of our shortened lives on the drugs produce to so call cure them.
Then there are the Chem trails which relentlessly occur in our skies poisoning the country side and manipulating our weather.
The Hegelian dialectic of false flags are being practiced almost on a daily basis. If you do not read and digest the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA you will not really know what is happening. However even the so called Presstitute main stream media is allowing the cat out of the bag as you read between the lines.
Why has God allowed all of this????
Because we all have that most valuable of GIFTS...
And we have chosen to ignore our God and go on our own way.
We have left the security of the Divinely Heavenly space ship and have set out into outer space all alone and easy meat for the devil.
He is feasting on us BUT we can turn this around with the following prayer... LONG VERSION
A Most Efficacious And Relevant Prayer For Our Times
A Most Efficacious And Relevant Prayer For Our Times
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 07:30 PM PST
Pope Leo XIII’s Long Version Of The Saint Michael Prayer.
“O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of Satan.
“Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. That cruel, ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.
“These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be.
“Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of the Lord; and vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.
V. Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers.
R. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered the root of David.
V. Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord.
R. As we have hoped in Thee.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.
Let us pray.
O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy holy Name, and as supplicants, we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin Immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious St. Michael the Archangel, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all the other unclean spirits who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen.
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Hope!! The Saint Michael's prayer for today
The Saint Michael's prayer for today!
The shortened version....
On Sunday April 24th 1994, Pope John Paul II recommended this prayer be used by all Catholics as a prayer for the Church when he said:
'"May prayer strengthen us for the spiritual battle we are told about in the Letter to the Ephesians: 'Draw strength from the Lord and from His mighty power' (Ephesians 6:10). The Book of Revelation refers to this same battle, recalling before our eyes the image of St. Michael the Archangel (Revelation 12:7). Pope Leo XIII certainly had a very vivid recollection of this scene when, at the end of the last century, he introduced a special prayer to St. Michael throughout the Church. Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world."'
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Please say this prayer very often!! At least once a day and in a later post I will explain why...
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