Thursday, 28 February 2013
The GOOD NEWS with Katherine Albrecht
The Good News
My new heroine Katherine Albrecht
Open at minute 39.. ...... or even better just listen to this lady who beat brest cancer and is a Harvard Graduate. She is my new heroine.. Please take the time to listen to tghis lady..
The solution is on its way or better we should say HE IS ON HIS WAY!! Just hold on tight and in the end the GOOD GUYS win.
2000 years ago a scraggy old man of 80 on the island of Patmos off the coast of Turkey, not Greece as most people think, told us exactly what would be happening 2000 years later. THE WORLD IS GOING TO HELL. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT!
The GOOD NEWS IS .......
So why do we fight it??
Because even though it is all going to end well, it is our responsibility to warn people..
The Titanic of this Luciferian world is sinking but there is time to get in the Lifeboat.
Accept Jesus as your Saviour and Lord today and start reading your Bible which is without a doubt THE WORD OF GOD.
Play them over and over until the information sinks in.
Thank God for this lady and pray for her and AJ.........
I am watching this over and over and please consider using Start Page instead of Google..
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Did Jesus reveal to us the name of the antichrist?
Did Jesus reveal to us the name of the antichrist?
Did Jesus reveal to us the name of the antichrist?
Watch this and as part of your own private investigation, make your own judgement.
Would love to hear what you think..
It is later than you think.
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
How to find God
How to find GOD!
For your first step, you do not need even a Bible or any book or equipment. You could be an uneducated native living in a remote Indian village or in the Amazon jungle and this will be sure to work.
Or you could be a high powered executive running big business.. It really does not matter who you are and what you are or even where you are.
You do not believe me?
Well let me set this out really simply.
Whether you believe in God at the initial stage is totally unimportant.
The first action you have to make is to put all your preconceived ideas and findings onto the back burner. I am a devout Atheist or Agnostic or Muslim or Hindu or Catholic or Protestant etc. Forget about it for now at any rate.
For this to work, you must be prepared to leave them, (these ideas) there for 2 weeks.
After that you can if you want to take them all up again if the experiment has failed for you.
If you do this right there will be no question of failure.
You do not even have to pray.. How do I know? Because I did not really pray.
Every thought you have whether it is an idle phantasy or a prayer is all recorded in a big book belonging to the Master of the Universe.
He is watching you like a hawk.
Of course you do not believe that, so why don't you start by thinking the following.
Why the heck am I here?
I was not here 50, 60, 70, years ago and I will not be around in 50, 60 70 years time.
So what is this about?
That is all you have to do. It is that simple and now just wait and see what happens.
It takes 2 weeks, not because God needs 2 weeks but you need 2 weeks. He will speak and maneuver events in your direction and for the first few hours you will hear yourself mutter. COINCIDENCE COINCIDENCE!!!
This will go on for as long as it takes and then eventually, in my case 2 weeks, the penny will drop and you will realise that it is highly improbable that so many coincidences could follow each other so often.
Exactly what God will do after your sincere thought process begins is totally up to HIM. He has a trillion ways of maneuvering events and circumstances.
Maybe you will meet people who love HIM or you will hear something on the radio or TV or just thoughts will start popping into your mind. I do not know but I do know that if you obey the rules which are to keep all possibilities open and not fall back on ANY ANY ANY of your preconceived ideas whether they be good or bad, you will be amazed at what the BIG BOSS and LOVER and CREATOR of HUMAN KIND and all that is in this extraordinary world, will do. He loves you so so so so much that once He knows that you mean business, He will move Heaven and Earth to reach out to you.
Do not believe me???? Just try it and let me know. It, (the method suggested above) will not fail. He will not fail.
Write and let me know what happens.
This simple formula or system can be applied to any questions that you may have as to which is the true religion or which girl to marry or boy if you happen to be a girl or what job to go for or or or or.I apply this rule to myself every day and I never ever stand still. If you stand still and stop making progress without a doubt you will start slipping back down the slippery slope in to the oblivion. Once you gather speed it becomes increasingly more and more difficult to find the brake. But never ever ever impossible.
God bless you and have fun putting this simple Biblical formula into action.
I have purposely left out quotes from Holy Books etc because at this initial stage they are not needed. God will show you when and how to take them up.
Sunday, 17 February 2013
I had two thoughts strike me while on my daily train journey.
The first was the need to pray for all of these disciples of lucifer.
Instead of getting angry we should all pray for these 6000 elite so called who have been successfully brainwashed by satan and the news media and the entertainment media to believe in and support his wicked lies.
I too was deceived like many of you and some of you like my old friend SW think that these wicked people are really quite good as they give lots of money to charity. When you check out the charity it is usually for supporting some eugenics drive on birth control or the scam of global warming.
It shows that you do not know your Bible..
Now my second thought is on B 16 and his resignation.
I do not know of one case in the Holy Book where God persuaded a character to step down from his appointed post.
Judas???? No!!! He just had to repent and be forgiven and keep going.
This man sadly has shown the world that he is unable to trust God for his old age and frailties. Who gives a damn whether he believes he is fit or not! The Holy Book tells us that our weaknesses are perfect possibilities for God to shine through with his strength.
Not an opportunity to cop out.
JP 2 was a perfect example of that.
Yes it seems that Ratsinger went to Bohemian Grove as a young Priest and watched and hopefully did not actually take part in a satanic killing of a young boy...
He is also accused of covering up for Priests and even Bishops in the sex abuse scandals.
The elite only allow one to have top positions when they have you completely compromised in some event of wickedness and then blackmail can be applied. This is a well known trick of these luciferian disciples who run our world.
I made up a cute little song which I sang as a skit demonstrating it with actions..
This song is 100% Biblical and it goes like this..
"If you fall, if you fall (I would fall on the ground)
Don't just lie there, don't just lie there
Get up and start again, get up and start again get up and start again(Rise to ones feet
If you fall, if you fall and so on until the end of time.""
Now for a very famous quote from the leader of a sect that I used to be in which was not all bad, as some try to make out
"You can never be too bad for Jesus but you sure can be too good!"
The next papa will probably be even more compromised,,,Let's see what God will allow next!!!!!!!!
Please wake up and do your own research...It is later than you think.....................
Friday, 15 February 2013
The Final dots
Connecting the last dots!
I am incredibly blessed by God.. It is a work of complete and total GRACE! (God's Reward At Christ's Expense), that I can see as well as I do. Why did God choose me and not the billions of others who see no further than their noses or their bank books? I really do not know the answer to this question but maybe and only maybe it has something to do with having an inquiring mind. There is still so much for me to discover!
On that railway train snaking its way through West Sussex and then Surrey on its way to London Bridge station, I first had enough time on my hands to think. I do not remember praying, just thinking aloud to my soul. Why am I here? What the hell is this crazy life all about? My brother, 8 years my senior was already dead, having tragically lost his life in a sailing accident on May the 5th 1954. Three of my best friends at the Naval College were dead in plane crashes. I, who have been in involved in 4 serious air incidents, was still alive.
The Osborne branch of the family were becoming fabulously wealthy, involved in designing wall paper allegedly getting their extraordinary designs while under the influence of LSD. Mary Osborne's illegitimate son, John Aspinall was busy killing off his zoo keepers under the false and extremely stupid belief that humans could bond with Bengal Tigers.
Well God was listening in to these thoughts of mine just as He is listening to all yours too and He answered me without really being asked by showing me a simple child like faith in Jesus Christ.
From there I have progressed in spiritual knowledge uncovering the GOOD and the evil and today I can tell you that without a single doubt that this world is ruled over by the devil and his luciferian disciples. Everyone at the top of the world pyramid of leadership is tainted with pedophilia, mass murder and satanic ritual worship which involves the killing of small children. These 6000 approximately, are to the man luciferian and to the man misanthropic. They hate the creation of God the human race and believe that they are elite. They believe that they have the right to cull us like they would an overgrown seal population. To these people, and half my family belongs to them, humanity is a plague..The words of the Duke of Edinburgh, husband to the queen of England. This is not just a recent trend in HIS STORY but has always been the case.
If you do not believe me then do your own research which has been made extremely easy for you with the introduction and use of the internet. Now for a final word from Saint Raphael Baron who only lived 27 years on this earth. God Bless him and thanks dear Raphael for putting it so well. This is taken from today's Liturgical readings of the Roman Catholic Church and should be read along with
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 5:27-32.
Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the customs post. He said to him, «Follow me.»
And leaving everything behind, he got up and followed him.
Then Levi gave a great banquet for him in his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were at table with them.
The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples, saying, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?"
Jesus said to them in reply, "Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do.
I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners."
Commentary of the day :
Saint Raphael Arnaiz Baron (1911-1938), a Spanish Trappist monk
Spiritual writings, 15/12/1936 (trans. 'To know how to wait', Mairin Mitchell)
"Leaving everything behind, the man got up and followed him"
Above the monastery some planes are cutting through the sky at tremendous speed. The noise of the engines frightens the birds who take shelter in the cypresses of our cemetery. In front of the convent and crossing the land is a tarred road along which lorries and carloads of tourists, for whom the sight of the monastery has no interest, run at all hours. One of the principal Spanish railways also runs through the fields of the monastery... People tell you that all this is freedom... But the man who reflects a little will see how deluded the world is in the midst of what he calls freedom...
Where, then, is true freedom? It is in the heart of one who loves nothing more than God. It is in the heart of one who is attached neither to spirit nor to matter, but only to God. It is in that soul which is not subject to the “I” of egoism, which soars above its own thoughts, feelings, suffering and enjoyment. Freedom resides in the soul whose one reason for existence is God, whose life is God and nothing else but God.
The human spirit is small, impoverished, subject to a thousand changes of mood, ups and downs, depressions, disillusionments, etc., and the body to so much weakness. Freedom, then, is in God, and the soul which truly, in soaring above everything, makes her abode in him, can say that she enjoys freedom to the extent that is possible for one still in the world to do so.
Now for my last famous quote by Forest Gump..
"""That is all I have to say about the Vietnam war."""
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Connecting the dots
Connecting the dots!
I will have to do this in instalments as there is so much to cover and this first part will be my Sunday Blog for the 10th of Feb 2013.
I have a feeling that this is going to be one of my very best blogs yet. This could also be an introduction to the rewriting of my auto biography. So let's see what happens. This is my third day of not doing my job in Cologne and I have stayed behind to help take care of my son Mikey who has been extremely ill with Bronchitis? Pneumonia? And is now on a strict course of antibiotics and the object of much prayer, and thankfully doing a great deal better. Like I already wrote I was very miraculously healed after only one day with a high temperature.
THE FIRST DOT begins with my Grandfather. Known to me and all his grandchildren 12 in all including 2 illegitimate ones whose names are hidden from us all except God, as Granddad. My Gran we all called Mum's mum. So here we go, Granddad Clement and Mum's mum Juliet.
Clement Samuel Horn husband of Juliet Ivy Horn worked in India as the Chief Railway Engineer on the Bengal Nagpur Railway up to the time of its completion before the turn of the 19th Century well over 120 years ago. He was one of the British elite in India and could trace his ancestry back to James the 1st of England and 6th of Scotland. One of the last Catholic Monarchs and in my opinion a pretty bad one at that.
Granddad and Mum's mum were the sweetest couple that you could imagine and they had three daughters. Mary Grace, Joy and Helen Queenie who was my mum.
As far as I can see at present and maybe by tomorrow I will see more, there are many classes of Elites.
Class 1 who number only about 6000 in the whole world..These would have nearly all been educated at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard or Yale. They would have gone as teens to Eton or Harrow.
These represent a fraction of 1 % and I am certainly not in this bracket anywhere near.
Then there are what I call the top 5%..
These would have been educated in one of the many Preparatory and Public schools not as famous as Eton or Harrow but run on similar lines. Then these students would go onto redbrick Universities like Edinburgh Leeds Brighton etc. Or Sandhurst, the Army Officer College or Dartmouth for the Royal Navy or Cranwell for the Royal Air Force.
I would fall into that bracket as would my Dad and Mum and my Granddad Clement.
Now these three daughters of his, will play a very important part in my further analysis.
India at that time numbering a population of half a billion was held together by just 50,000 Brits including Women and Children. Maybe only 10,000 active men in Military or Police or Civil Service. Amazing!! If you think about it!!
The reason so few could take control of so many was by extremely powerful management of military and financial control over extremely impoverished and divided people. Mahatma Gandhi was able to unite the divided people and throw out the tyrants.
In the late 18th century the British Colonies of the new nation of the Americas were able to defeat the oppressive Colonisers the British by uniting and fighting together for a just cause.
The governing banking monopolies of Europe were replaced by a carefully prepared constitution which guaranteed that the banks would be in the hands of the people. No longer would private individuals be able to gain absolute corrupt control. The famous Rothschild family was able in 1913 to cleverly decieve the masses and once again the Money Power was in their hands and thus most of the world was slowly but surely coming under their influence. However there was still one great problem and that was the USA citizens were encouraged to bear arms. That is why today there is a massive campaign going on of false flag staged mass shootings at schools and movie theaters to demonise the 2nd amendment which allows citizens to bear arms.
Mary, Joy and Helen were stunning beauties and in their late teens and early 20s were the most sought after by suitors from the British ruling class. They must have given Granddad and Mum's mum many headaches.
Granddad Clem was a committed Christian as I later found out.
When the Prince of Wales who later became king for a few months before abdicating, toured India in 1921 and 22, Mary, Clem's eldest daughter was chosen to accompany him.
Now I have since found out that all the Royals, and I mean all of them are Misanthropes. This simply means that they despise all classes of Human beings that they consider inferior to them. So that would be all non elites. These humans would be regarded as little better than cattle. They are also all Eugenicists. They believe in just the same way you Cull Seals, so Humans should be culled to keep the world population down to manageable and controllable sizes.This can be done through staging and organising and orchestrating the following:- Civil war and all out World war. Economic collapse resulting in famine, or abortion, birth control, vaccinations, staged orchestrated and engineered plagues... False flag operations also known as the Hegelian dialectic are for this class of people the normal. This is nothing new and can be traced back 1000s of years. Nowadays of course it has become vastly more sophisticated. The Name of the Elite's game is CONTROL..( Control through manipulating and controlling the Money Supply...This is why the Global Bankers under the leadership of the Rothschild dynasty rule the world and not the Politicians with their Left, Centre, Right Paradigms of deception) For many hundreds of years, these elites and Royal families who by the way are also controlled by the Banksters, refused to marry outside their elite group and this lead to serious inbreeding diseases which at first they did not understand. All of this one can find out by searching through History. This small digression is necessary as it in this relationship and encounter with the POW, Prince Edward, is where I believe that Mary Grace first started to get severely off track buying into his satanic elitist ideology.
Even the lower class elites, from which I came, had very similar beliefs. My dad would often tell me how superior the British were as a race and all other Europeans such as the French and Italians were really just WOGS, taken from the idea of Golliwogs which were blacks. He would jokingly, but maybe more seriously than I dreamed to think, said that WOGS begin at Calais. WOG...Westernised Oriental Gentleman...
My Dad had the same idea against Catholics. He would often offer the cuss word of "God Burn the Pope!". Even the word Bloody as in Bloody fool may well come from a rendering of By Our Lady, invoking the Virgin Mary in a derogatory and blasphemous way.
All this is to point out that as I am connecting these dots, in my own life experience I am
beginning to see how far removed these so called Elites of Royalty and their Courtiers and Lords and Ladies and Dukes and Duchesses and Earls and Counts and Countesses and Baronets and their Baronesses, are from the simple teachings of Love Mercy and Forgiveness and examples of My Lord and Master Jesus Christ and His Father and the Holy Spirit and His queen the Virgin Mary. As I examine the lives of the saints and the Church Fathers, I am beginning to see that this Elite order is not at all from God but rather from the side of the arch enemy satan, the devil. It is so important to realise this as otherwise we will so easily be manipulated and hypnotised into believing that our leaders are the good guys and we can trust them. They have been deceitful and out for their own ends since day number one. The sooner we realise this the better. However it is very true to say that many of the people that they employ at lower levels are people of integrity. They have to be as a society run by demons would not last long.
Now to get back to my childhood memories, and much of what I say can easily be verified by going to a search engine on the Internet.
Mary Grace soon divorced her husband Robby Aspinall after having illegitimately conceived John Aspinall, an important New World ORDER operative, at an Army Dance with a Soldier George Bruce. When Mary realised she was pregnant, she rushed back to join her real husband Army Doctor Robert Aspinall. I remember Aunty Mary for really only one reason. She hated my mum and looked down on her and was always bragging about her parties with her son John who was her favourite, and took great pleasure in front of me of explaining how stupid she felt my mum was and what a loser she was. I was about 9 or 10 or maybe even 8 at these times and would then tell my mum and she would burst into tears. My Mum was a kind of a Christian and was definitely the favourite of Clement and maybe that is what infuriated my aunt Mary or Lady Mary as we referred to her.
Her husband Sir George Osborne, I also remember well and he seemed to me to be a very upright person and full of integrity. My Dad with all of his stupid elite ideas was by comparison a what we would call, a damn decent chap. Sir George would in my book be in the same bracket. Both of them were Colonels. Sir George was a Colonel in the Royal Sussex regiment and my dad had retired as a Brigadier but took the lower rank of Full Colonel to get out of the army sooner than his official time of release..
Now a quick look at dear Aunty Joy. I really loved aunt Joy and she was always very good to me and when her own kids were away and I was alone with her in Karachi she was a super aunt. She too had an affair with A Naval Officer and produced a child. Her husband John agreed to allow her back home if the child was adopted. I think my mum made it through the war without compromising her marriage in spite of all the amorous attentions of officers on leave because of her connection to God and her underlying sense of loyalty to her husband and family.
The News Media and especially the BBC and of course CNN always gave the elitist point of view. This was successfully transmitted down through the Mainstream Press and so 99% of the population and including the so called Christian side would believe everything that was in the Newspapers or on Television or Radio. So clever was the antics of the enemies of God and it is only today that many are waking up to their wiles.
Just like my dad and just like all my contempories, I was completely convinced and it is still hard to believe that the world is really controlled by satan. Only with the arrival of the Intenet and the information explosion which has resulted in especially the last 10 years are people beginning to wake up. Even until quite recently I would never have believed that the fabulously wealthy Rothschild family funded Hitler, Pol Pot, Lenin, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Mao. No Empathy and absolutely no scruples these Luciferian believers are hell bent on controlling our world. They are well on the way and God is allowing them as part of the judgement that the world deserves for turning its back on their creator. We must pray and especially the Rosary prayer packs the spiritual atomic nuclear power to help change the world for the better...
I have lots more to tell you as related to my own family and experiences but that will suffice for now and so be ready next week for the next installment.
Friday, 8 February 2013
Miraculous healing after a day and a half in bed
Miraculous healing after 48 hours as sick as a dog!!
I never get sick and have to lie in bed. I cannot remember the last time that happened. 5 years ago?? 10 years ago?? I really do not know and cannot remember.
Anyway, three days ago I felt ill while out witnessing in our usual International spot around the DOM Cathedral in Cologne. The first hour I was OK and then I knew that I had been smitten. Mikey my eldest was already bed ridden with the bug and now I had it too. As soon as I got home I went straight to bed with a temperature of 38.9 and climbing.
The next day I lay pretty still and drank tons. I was not well enough to listen to anything on youtube and I took a pain killer and fever reducer every 5 hours but at the end of the 2nd day it looked like it was going to be along drawn out thing. Just like poor Mikey. He was very concerned and wanted me to go the hospital as people my age..... dangerous.... you know how it goes....
This morning, the beginning of the 3rd day looked pretty sinister.. 37.5 for the morning means usually 38 39 in the evening. I still felt pretty bad. Mikey decided he needed to take an Antibiotic and so I dragged myself out of bed and dropped mum off at the station and got the AB from the Pharmacy and delivered it to Mikey. I was talking to him about what is not his favourite subject..Jesus... and he was giving me his usual doubts etc and then in front of him I had a very severe Kidney pain such as I have never experienced before in my life and fell to the floor in pain. It was quite dramatic and then the pain left.I asked for the thermometer and pretended that I could not see the reading. Having started out with 37.5 and doing all that running around, it was bound to be up. IT WAS 36.4..
I then went to Cologne to meet up with Mum and now I am writing to you
God is good and for those of you who, like me until very recently, do not think that Mary is important... She is and to prove it... There would be no JESUS without Mary.. Do you really understand that? Of course God could have used any method to get Jesus here to earth.. Space craft or whatever, but He didn't and as prophesied he was born of a Virgin... So no Mary, no Jesus. She also suffered as is brought out in the Story of the Passion movie on Youtube.. Well worth watching. She is not divine but a creation and a very special one at that.
She is the Queen full of Grace and dispenses Grace on all of us for the asking. Her first dispensation of Grace upon all of us was to bring Jesus into this world. The Old Tabernacle of precious wood and gold with the word carved in stone was replaced by a new tabernacle of flesh with the flesh person of the WORD made FLESH. She suffered terribly as Simeon predicted about the sword that would pierce her heart and was with Our Lord right through His Passion on to His crucifixion and beyond..
The prayer to her in the Rosary is a daily meditation on the main events that punctuate Our Lord's existence on earth. She is the New Eve just as Jesus is the new Adam. Together they reverse the curse from the Garden of Eden. And well worth remembering that in the Old Testament Royalty the queen was not one of the many wives but always the Mother. So Jesus did not need a wife to be his queen but a mother. Don't believe me look it up.
If we all have open hearts, we can learn something new from God every day.
Monday, 4 February 2013
My very latest Epiphany!!
I was sitting down to make Rosaries and as usual I would switch on the Internet News or the latest from Alex Jones and suddenly I just could not do that any more.
In the last two or three years, I have learned that the Leadership of this world is Rotten! It is run by satan or lucifer or the devil or whatever you want to call him.
Of course it is rotten and now that the majority have forsaken their God and Creator, He is allowing it to become even worse, leading up to a last ditch effort by the evil one to take over the world in his new world order or agenda 21 (21st Century). This will be the precursor to Christ's return in Glory and Splendour to punish the wicked and to save His People.
We have enjoyed almost 70 years of comparative peace without a devastating World War, and in this comparative calm, we as a people of this planet, have not really taken the opportunity to get back to God and His Son Jesus Christ.
I kind of used to believe that if only enough people would wake up, then we could get our world back again..This is the AJ theory. Also we should prepare and be ready for a MASSIVE FULLY ORCHESTRATED FINANCIAL COLLAPSE, followed by Famine and Plagues and Starvation and Thermo Nuclear War, which is just around the corner. Well with 500 Euro in the bank and 1500 Euro under the mattress, there is not much I can do in a material sense about this inevitable AGENDA 21, and NEW WORLD satanic ORDER.
In my last letter on Saturday called, "We get the Leaders we deserve!" I pretty much realised that the every best thing to do is to get as right as we can with God before all comes tumbling down around our ears.
I switched on one of my Favourite Movies and it is on You tube called, "The Miracle of our Lady of Fatima!"
It was made in the 50s by Warner Brothers and I have watched it many times and I can thoroughly recommend it.
This time it was like I was watching it for the first time.. In 1910 The Monarchy was overthrown by the Communists in Portugal and an oppressive Police state was set up.
Churches were closed and the RC clergy were treated as criminals and only a few out back villages in rural areas were allowed to practice Christianity while being very closely monitored by the atheist authorities.
It was like watching a trial run of what is about to happen soon all over the world.
Please watch the movie and see what happened in the amazing dancing of the sun and the successive apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing to 3 shepherd children on the 13th of each month and culminating on October the 13th 1917 to an estimated crowd of 70,000 who had gatered there together with reporters from many National Newspapers.
THE MIRACLE...... Excerpts from the internet reports
As a great sign of the whole message truly coming from God, a marvelous miracle was worked in the sky above Fatima before 70,000 witnesses on October 13, 1917 at the time, date and place that Lucia and the other two children had prophesied in the name of Our Lady of Fatima. The children were told by Our Lady that God would perform a miracle so that people would believe in the apparitions. The date was October 13, 1917, in Fatima. On that date, 70,000 people came to see the phenomenon. The miracle occurred with the sun. All could stare perfectly at the sun without blinking, or even hurting heir eyes. While all were watching the sun, it rotated, got large and small, got close to the people, and got far away from them. The sun " danced ". Every single person who was there testified to seeing the sun dance, even non- believers who immediately dropped onto their knees and begged for forgiveness.
As early as July 1917 it was claimed that the Virgin Mary had promised a miracle for the last of her apparitions on October 13, so that all would believe. What happened then became known as "Miracle of the Sun". A crowd believed to number approximately 70,000,[7] including newspaper reporters and photographers, gathered at the Cova da Iria. The incessant rain had finally ceased and a thin layer of clouds cloaked the silver disc of the sun. Witnesses said later it could be looked upon without hurting the eyes. Lúcia, moved by what she said was an interior impulse, called out to the crowd to look at the sun. Witnesses later spoke of the sun appearing to change colors and rotate like a wheel. Not everyone saw the same things, and witnesses gave widely varying descriptions of the "sun's dance". The phenomenon is claimed to have been witnessed by most people in the crowd as well as people many miles away. While the crowd was staring at the sun, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta said later they were seeing lovely images of the Holy Family, Our Lady of Sorrows with Jesus Christ, and then Our Lady of Mount Carmel. They said they saw Saint Joseph and Jesus bless the people. The children were aged 10, 9, and 7 at the time.
Columnist Avelino de Almeida of O Século (Portugal's most influential newspaper, which was pro-government in policy and avowedly anti-clerical), reported the following: "Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bare-headed, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws - the sun 'danced' according to the typical expression of the people."
There is no evidence that people who came to Fátima, even those expecting a miracle, were staring at the sun before Lúcia spoke. Most would have been focused on the tree where the children said the apparition appeared. Some onlookers reported other phenomena, including luminous mist and the showers of flower petals seen around and above the tree during previous visitations.
In addition to the Miracle of the Sun, the seers at Fátima indicated that the apparition prophesied a great sign in the night sky which would precede a second great war. On January 25, 1938, bright lights, an aurora borealis appeared all over the northern hemisphere, including in places as far south as North Africa, Bermuda and California. It was the widest occurrence of the aurora since 1709 and people in Paris and elsewhere believed a great fire was burning and fire departments were called. Lúcia, the sole surviving seer at the time, indicated that it was the sign foretold and so apprised her superior and the bishop in letters the following day. Just over a month later, Hitler seized Austria and eight months later invaded Czechoslovakia.
So that is quite a bit to read and I personally found all this extremely interesting and the Film is well worth seeing and sticks closely to the events described in the above article.
Now for my Epiphany!
Jesus does not, repeat not do everything all by Himself. He could if He wanted to but instead He chooses others like you and me and all the great saints in Heaven and His Blessed Mother to cooperate with Him.
I really do believe that His Holy Mother is the Queen of Heaven and also the Queen of my heart. In the Old Testament, the queens were never the wives of the kings. Solomon had 900 wives, but instead the Mother of the King was chosen for this very important position.
I sincerely believe that just like Jesus is the New Adam, so Mary is the new Eve replacing the first Eve's sin with her decision to obey the command to become the Mother of our Lord and to be His teacher and instructor until he branched out on His own ministry.
Mary now lives firmly in my heart alongside Jesus the Son and God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.
I am ready to face the future with these formidable four in my heart. Yes Mary is only a creation of God and is no deity but she is a queen and deserves all the respect that the Queen of Heaven deserves. She is the most hated enemy of satan as she it is who crushes his head.
She is also my Queen and my Holy Mother too and can be yours too for the asking.
Now follows a Google rather bad translation of the above into German. Not the professional version which would cost cash but the free version.
Friday, 1 February 2013
We get the leaders we deserve
I have devoted the last years of my life, trying to uncover the secrets about the Leadership of this world.
This is my Sunday Blog of Feb the 1st week and I have chosen the title... We Get What We Deserve!
Yes!! satan controls the leadership of the world and always has done.
God allows satan to have this important job so that we all have free choice to follow him or HIM that was crucified for our sins and rose again in VICTORY for our eventual victory too.
However, satan is kept in check by God, and the whole book of Job is about this fact.
When ancient Israel was bad, they got into trouble and were beaten and almost completely destroyed.. Assyrians...Babylonians.. Romans and now the forces of the antichrist.
The same principle would apply to the USA who is a waning top dog at the moment.
The above link will help to show you much about this...
God warned the Israelites about the dangers of having a King. Just like the despotic rulers and Royal Families of today and yesterday, they are all evil and power hungry. To sum up they are all Eugenicist and Misanthropic. Murderers and haters of the ultimate creation of God brought about in His own image, MAN. They hate man but promote animals and the earth and all of the other lesser creations of God. The great duke of edinburgh calls humanity A PLAGUE!! I am sure that his wife agrees as do all the luciferian leaders especially those in control of the cash... THE BANKSTERS..
When the USA was set up in the 1770s and 80s, The leaders were aware of many of the pitfalls and tried to make a constitution to protect the USA citizens form oppressive governments such as they had experienced in Europe. These early leaders were nearly all Bible believing Christians and America quickly rose to world domination as a Super Power. However superpower also spells super corruption and now we are watching the taring down process allowed by God and perpetrated by satan.
There is much you can all do to research on the internet and this brings me to my last and perhaps most important point.
Recently I was getting very excited about the fact that I michael jaffray king had woken up while so many still seem to be asleep. Now I am beginning to realise that the enemy purposely wants many to wake up so that we will have two camps.. THE ENLIGHTENED... AND THE DUMBDED DOWN DRUGGED DOWN ASLEEP VARIETY...
They actually want a Civil War in the USA and all over the world too.
Sunny against Shia.. Protetstant against Catholic...the enlightened against those who are asleep. They want confusion because satan is the author of confusion. Maybe that is why AJ, Alex Jones is allowed to do what he is doing. In the master plan with a small m for satan, they want total confusion and civil war. All out war is bad enough but civil war is the cruelest and most shattering and frightening of all conflicts.
So there you have it for this blog at the beginning of Feb.
Yes it is a great deal later than you think and maybe instead of storing up food and Gold and Silver coins, you start developing a real living relationship with the ONE who has the whole world in HIS HANDS..
Dear Jesus Christ. Please come into my heart and take over my life completely and in every way imaginable. Help me to make YOU my very best friend as well as my LORD and MASTER!
I want to walk with YOU beside me at all times.
They want to make you mad..
They want the TSA to stick their fingers into your genitals..
They want you to discover that 9/11 was an inside job... Sandy hook..Piers Morgan...Alex Jones...Oklahoma bombing...Senseless wars in the Middle East and Afghainistan..Corruption at all levels of leadership.. The Higher up you go the greater the corruption..They love for all their false flags to be uncovered..Operation Gladio.. the Bay of Tonkin.. They want to get you mad and yes they will come for your guns... WHY???????????????????? BECAUSE they want a civil war a destructive civil war. They want NATO and the USA to collapse and allow a temporary space for CHINA to rule....
2013... lucky number 13 is going to be one heck of a roller coaster...
Just you wait and see..
Please watch the above link and ba ware of what is going on... Do not be drawn stupidly into violence... The worst they can do is to kill you and then you go somewhere where the eye has not seen nor ear heard nor entered int ot he heart of man what God has promised for those who love HIM... Hang on tight... It is much later than you think... Keep chatting away with Jesus.. He loves you and wants to be your friend..
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