Thursday, 21 November 2013
Dedicated to you all
including all my children and GRACE Gardner
the wife of my precious friend Greg
who shares the same birthday.
My 75th Birthday! November the 22nd 1938.
Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9
From HIM to us all
By the GRACE of GOD, I will soon be 75.
It is such a great privilege to still be alive.
All life is a gift to be cherished and well spent
In gratitude to Him whose life was cut short,
On purpose,
So that our lives could be bought
for eternity.
All life is precious from conception to the grave
and it was God's idea that His Son could us save
Because He is crazily in love with us all and everyone
with no exceptions.
Help us to respond to His sacrifice of great pain
By paying it forward to the blind and the lame
Whom we meet every day on life's journey
Until just around the very last bend
Our life on this earth will come to an end
And we will cross over to be with HIM
Who washed away all of our sin
With His precious blood poured out for us all
whether old and 75 or young and very small.
The wedding supper awaits us
What a feast that will be
As we run into His welcoming arms
for all eternity.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
my 75th Birthday Declaration
My 75th birthday declaration!
I am 75 on the 22nd November on the day President JF Kennedy was assassinated by criminal elements of the US Government at the time.
LBJ had a very large part to play in this murder for sure.
I realise that everything I write is read by the enemies of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is my all.
My future for eternity lies in His Merciful hands.
No one will be able to terminate my life without His Permission!
Why because I am firmly in His hands and not in the hands of any would be assassins.
The Holy Bible is my handbook.
I believe this to be the WORD of GOD!
I am a Roman Catholic.
This Church in spite of its incredible corruption and infiltration by the forces of evil, is still standing and accounts for about 1/2 of all Christians on this planet.
Altogether there are 2 billion Christians made up of approx 50% Roman Catholic..
and 30,000 protestant denominations accounting for the other 50%.
Nearly everything I write is a direct affront to the enemies of Jesus Christ and for that I make no apology.
My family if murdered with God's permission, would have to die anyway soon.
They have no future in a world that is being taken over by the forces of evil(with God's permission...see 2nd Chronicles ch 7 v 14 please look it up for yourself).
The enemies victory will be very short as Jesus Christ will soon return and slaughter His enemies at the famous BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON and a new heaven and a new earth will be set up after a 1000 rule on earth first with Jesus Christ as KING.
I would state here that I am totally against violence and the way to beat this luciferian enemy is by prayer and exposure of his wicked deeds and plans. The only excuse for violence would be in the defense of ones family and friends if and when they are under attack by the forces of evil.
I have had a wonderful life and only regret that I was not able to do more for HIS Everlasting KINGDOM!
I intend to keep going for as long as He allows me to.
GBY and KGFG!! He never fails.(GBY means God Bless You and KGFG means Keep Going For God)
michael jaffray king.
Google german translation
Mein 75. Geburtstag Erklärung !
Ich bin 75 am 22. November über den Tag Präsidenten JF Kennedy von kriminellen Elementen der US-Regierung zu der Zeit ermordet wurde.
LBJ hatte einen sehr großen Teil in dieser Mord sicher spielen .
Mir ist klar, dass alles, was ich schreibe, wird von den Feinden Jesu Christi zu lesen.
Jesus Christus ist mein all .
Meine Zukunft liegt für die Ewigkeit in seiner barmherzigen Händen.
Niemand wird in der Lage sein , mein Leben ohne seine Erlaubnis zu beenden !
Warum , weil ich bin fest in seinen Händen und nicht in den Händen von einem Attentäter sein würde .
Die Bibel ist mein Handbuch .
Ich glaube, das ist das Wort Gottes zu sein!
Ich bin ein römisch-katholisch.
Diese Kirche trotz ihrer unglaublichen Korruption und Unterwanderung durch die Kräfte des Bösen , steht noch und macht etwa 1/2 aller Christen auf diesem Planeten.
Insgesamt gibt es 2 Mrd. Christen up von ca. 50 % römisch-katholisch gemacht ..
und 30.000 protestantischen Konfessionen Buchhaltung für die anderen 50%.
Fast alles, was ich schreibe, ist ein direkter Affront gegen die Feinde von Jesus Christus und für die ich entschuldige mich nicht .
Meine Familie , wenn sie mit Gottes Erlaubnis ermordet , müssten sowieso bald sterben .
Sie haben keine Zukunft in einer Welt, die über von den Kräften des Bösen gemacht ( mit Gottes Erlaubnis ... siehe 2. Chronicles ch 7 v 14 Bitte schauen Sie es sich für sich selbst ) .
Die Feinde Sieg wird sehr kurz sein , wie Jesus Christus bald zurückkehren und Schlachtung Seine Feinde in der berühmten Schlacht von Armageddon und eines neuen Himmels und einer neuen Erde wird sich nach einem 1000 Herrschaft auf der Erde zuerst mit Jesus Christus als König eingestellt werden.
DIE ZUKUNFT IST so hell wie die Verheißungen Gottes .
Ich würde hier sagen, dass ich bin total gegen Gewalt und die Möglichkeit, diese luciferian Feind zu schlagen, ist durch das Gebet und die Belichtung von seinen bösen Taten und Pläne. Die einzige Entschuldigung für Gewalt würde bei der Verteidigung von Einsen , wenn Familie und Freunde sein und wenn sie unter Beschuss durch die Mächte des Bösen .
Ich habe ein wunderbares Leben und bedaure nur , dass ich nicht in der Lage , mehr für HIS ewiges Reich zu tun!
Ich beabsichtige , weiter zu machen , solange er mir erlaubt .
GBY und KGFG ! Er fällt nie aus. ( GBY bedeutet Gott segne Sie und KGFG Mittel Keep Going For God )
michael jaffray König.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Stanley Monteith
Stanley Monteith!!!!!!
If you want answers please go to Google....You tube....
LONG MAY THISgUY IN HIS 80s live!!!!!
The real problem in our world!!!!!
The Real Problem in this world!
Banksters? No!
Muslims? No!
Big Business? No!
Mormons, Jws, and all the non Christian cults and religions? No!
Rosacrucians? No!
Illuminati? No!
CFR? No!
Bilderbergers? No!
Trilateral commission? No!
Skull and Bones? No!
CIA? No!
Half hearted Christianity? No!
Politics? No!
Same sex Marriage? No!
Homosexuality? No!
Break down of the Family? No!
Obama? No!
Poisonous C hem Trails? No!
War encouraged by the Military Industrial Complex? No!
Eugenics with Fluoride in the water, Aspertam as a sweetner and Mercury in the vaccines?No!
The Koran? No!
Mass Media population manipulation? No!
There must be some many things that I have missed but that list will do for now...
Criminal legal system? No!
Masons at all top levels of society? No!
Police, the Military? No!
So what is the problem?????????????????????????????
All of the above are 10000000000% luciferian...
he lucy has always been there. God created him to give us free choice.. Free choice to love and adore and worship Jesus Christ and His Father and the Holy Spirit.
The below verse from 2nd Chronicles ch 7 v 14.. gives you the total solution..
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
No wonder satan lucifer the chief demon HATES THE BIBLE!!!!!!!
I would like to end with the famous quote from Jim Elliot, the famous missionary killed in Ecuador while evangelising.
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose....
This earthly life we will all lose one day soon anyway, but eternal life is for EVER!
Monday, 11 November 2013
The story of Judge and Christian revival
The story of judge my long lost friend for nearly 45 years..
John Dixon lived with me in a beautiful house in very fashionable Wimbledon.. Church hill number 5 to be exact.
The house had been lent to me by a rich young man whose name I have forgotten and who turned me on to the Paul Getty episode.(That is another crazy story to be told sometime) He was a friend of Paul Getty I think.
Living with me and susie and 2 or 3 kids, we had some young Christian guys. I was totally out of my depth trying to keep these guys including myself on a good track following Jesus Christ.
John or Judge as we affectionately called him as he was studying for the law, came to live with us too.
He was not a christian and I managed to get him saved as the enclosed letter will tell you. Now I do not know if he will remember this but I tell it not to make him feel bad but just to show how things developed.
Judge got pretty sad that Jesus would not do for him all that he expected. He was so upset that he threatened to kill me. I went to the police for help(stupid move!) and they told me that they could only help when there was a dead body Ha!!
Now I had a really good very Christ Like man friend much older than me called Kenneth Moynah. He was the most saintly guy I have ever met. So I asked him to help and he absolutely tamed dear judge and helped him to become what he is today a minister for Jesus.
Here is his letter after 45 years.. I received it this morning and send it to you to give you encouragement for your situation. Sadly Ken died shortly after with kidney failure. He was an Irish Rugby blue and a missionary in Ruanda and told the most wonderful story whiich I will send you at a later date.
To Me
Nov 10 at 11:21 PM
Dear Mike,
You cannot tell how pleased I was to see your face online a year or so ago. I was then a newcomer to the internet and tried in vain to get a message through to you. Hopefully, I will be more fortunate this time!
I am one of the countless numbers you led to the Lord, (in my case, in the bathroom of 5, Church Hill, Wimbledon at 5 minutes to midnight, 5th March 1970, after your fleece to the Lord, not to try further to persuade me, beyond midnight!)
That really says it all. Not many people with a young family and a 9-5 job, (LLoyds), would have a houseful of young, often argumentative, christian men and women, let alone sit up to midnight with one that was procrastinating! Thank the Lord, you did! That really won me over. I saw true concern, love and sincerity.
I had a troubled first 18 months as a Christian and deeply regret that I caused you and your lovely family such anxiety. Yes, I am the fellow who had the nickname "Judge Dixon", or "Judge", from my fairly advanced legal studies; also possibly remembered by you as being Col. `Willow` Lambert`s cousin, (he of The Sind Horse, I.A., a friend of your parents).
Mike, your example and leadership was not in vain. After we last spoke, (late 1971?), there have been many things I would have liked to share with you or just to chat again. I had a Madeiran address for you at one stage, but my letter was returned "Gone Away", or words to that effect.
I became a minister late in 1972 and have preached the Gospel in many countries, (I am inter-denominational -- not always an easy task, as you will know). My ministry tends towards Eph. 4 teaching but I have fitted into most categories over the years. I have never forgotten your kindness and love towards me and hoped I might also show some of that, myself, towards others.
I will stop here as I don`t know whether this will even get to you! If it does, it comes with my sincerest love and gratitude.
Hopefully, we can exchange emails and make up for some of the lost years,
Your brother in Christ,
john, (formerly Judge).
Isn't that simply beautiful!!!!!
Now as My Birthday present to all on my mailing list, I want to tell you a story as told me by my brother in the Lord Kenneth Moynah..The really wonderful man who was instrumental in taming judge. He died very soon after helping judge, of kidney failure. Judge coming back into my life has reminded me of this saintly man.. What made him so saintly was the fact that he was continually telling true stories about his failures and inadequacies. It made many of us cry for joy because of his sheer truthfulness and always glorifying Jesus.
He had been a missionary in Ruanda and this is his true story.
One area of Ruanda had been having a wonderful revival and renewal. The Holy Spirit was moving in wonderful ways and the people from that area were on fire for the Lord. Instances of people being raised from the dead and Pubs being turned into Gospel halls etc.
There was another area of Ruanda, I keep getting Ruanda and Uganda muddled up ha! Where Christianity was rather dull and dry,
So ministers from the dry area asked for help from the revival area so that they could find out the secret.
They sent two Ministers a White man and a Black man.
At the first meeting, in front of a huge crowd, The white man got up to speak.
Everyone was armed with notepads and pencils determined not to miss a single point that would help them too to experience the wonderful blessings from the wet area drenched in the Holy Spirit.
Do you have your pencils and pads ready?
OK so the white guy asks everyone to open their Bibles at the Gospel of John, 3rd chapter and verse 3..For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
There was a gasp of dismay from the crowd..
They knew and had memorized that verse very well.. No secret there and so they endured the sermon and were none the wiser.
Then it was the Black guy's turn. Eagerly they waited that perhaps now they would find out the secret....
He stood up in front of them all and asked them to turn to the New Testament in their Bibles... which they obediently did....Then he said the name of the Gospel...John....Chapter 3.... Verse ....wait for it......16.
"Oh No!" They gasped and then he began something like the following...
"When you white men came to our country, you came to find GOLD! At first the Gold was easy to find as it was on the surface but as time drew on it became scarce and so they had to dig deep down in the earth to mine this precious metal. In many cases the mines went miles under the earth...
In our part of Africa we have found Gold at the foot of the cross and we are digging deeper and deeper and we ain't budging..."
The note books began to be discarded and weeping could be heard around the auditorium and YES!!! Revival came to this area of Ruanda
So that story is my Birthday Present to you all and without Judge writing to me after 43 years, which is really a very wonderful birthday present, I would not have remembered to give you this inspiration..
michael jaffray
Please pray for us both Judge and me and send a little financial help if you can.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
amendment to the dark side and my 75th birthday
Sadly I am not a quarter of a century old but three quarters.. Slight difference. I feel 25 but when I look in the mirror that delusion fades very quickly.
75th birthday...and the dark side....
On the 22nd of November this year 2013 I will be a quarter of a Century old.
I am already older than my mother and her sister's second eldest son John Aspinall my infamous 1st cousin... So if I was to croak today or tomorrow, I would have had a pretty good innings. The Bible promises us about three score and ten i.e. 70 years and I have passed that hurdle.
Thanks so very much for your prayers and every day is a gift of God.
The past is HISTORY
and the future is a MYSTERY
and the present is a wonderful GIFT OF GOD to be grasped with great thankfulness.
I have the greatest of all privileges to be able to go out every single day with not one day missed because of ill health to proclaim the very good news that Jesus not only loves us AND forgives us, but is absolutely crazy about each one of us..
If you do not believe that then please watch and re watch Mel Gibson's PASSION OF THE CHRIST featuring Jim Caviezel as Jesus.
Every graphic whipping and torture and murderous nail piercing crucifixion lasting six hours of sheer hell, is clearly depicted so THAT YOU WILL KNOW HOW MUCH HE REALLY LOVES JUST YOU!!!!!!
The Dark Side!!!!!
The dark side is always very attractive..It will give you what you want!!! What YOUUUUUUU want...
When you approach the dark side and especially in the very beginning you will get the following..Immediate results for what youuuuuuuuuuuuuu want. Instead of getting what God wants to give you because HE is crazily in love with you and will stand in your favour for eternity, you get what you want.
F AME !!!!
POWER!!!! lots of temporary POWER!!!!
and all will seem really good!!!!!
Why did I not try this before!!!!!
It works great for Opra Winfrey...
For most if not all the so called celebrities in the world today....
It works beautifully...
There are no rules...You can kill, destroy others and in fact anything you want as long as you give your allegiance to the leader of the dark side. Light candles for him and pray to him.........
This leader hides behind many names..
White witch...White magic....He loves to take names from the CREATION of GOD...The Universe... Mother Earth.... Nature....These are just other names for satan...satan is a creation of GOD and the Universe...Mother Earth...Nature etc are all creations of God..
Romans Ch 1 explains this beautifully..
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Here we see mother nature which is created by God...The universe also created by God...Mother Earth the same etc etc etc.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
A perfect example of what is going on today in all the Western civilized world.
No wonder we are in for WW3, Economic collapse and just about anything that will help us to see the evil of our ways and turn to God.
2nd Chronicles 7 14
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Study His story, history, and it has happened so many times in the past. God gives us over to the Luciferian Banksters and JP Morgans and Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and when we cry out for mercy having lost all we lusted after and temporarily enjoyed, then we as a last resort CRY OUT TO HIM and he forgives us and takes us back like the Prodigal Son.
Acknowledge the dark side, love the dark side and you will get many seemingly great benefits in the short term but will give you hell and lots of it, in the long run. You will be on pills and at the mercy of doctors and psychiatrists for the rest of your short life.
Worship Christ and God the Father and God the Holy Spirit and you will get everything that is for your good and not everything that you want. Surely the one who has created you knows what is best for you.
If you would like to send me a little financial help, then that would be gratefully appreciated. paypal
bank account number 135409852
bank code Bankleitzahl 76010085
thanx and GBY and KGFG!
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Saturday, 9 November 2013
God's will and our will
God's will and our own will.
God's will for us is always the VERY BEST.
We pray for some situation to happen and we pray for this THING in Jesus' Name.
When we pray for something in Jesus' name there is always the PROVISO of THY WILL BE DONE AND NOT MINE BE DONE.
Many times we do not get what we asked for but in time we see that we got something much much better than we prayed for.
We pray for a good day out witnessing and getting out the word and rosaries for a donation. Financially that day we did what seemed rather badly but we got other extremely important fringe benefits that were not easily recognisable. We did not have an accident or some sickness that was planned by our enemy for us. We did make enough cash to live and pay the bills BUT not for some extra WANT that we thought at the time as so important so we are discouraged. We are blind to the excellent that God gave us and can only see that we did not get our selfish wants which in the long run are not that important.
That is what make the Lord's prayer so powerful.
That is what makes that extraordinary quote from the Holy Bible in Romans Ch 8 v 28 so very powerful.
"We know that ALL THINGS work together for GOOD and now the condition, to them THAT LOVE GOD." That is the important part...... To them that love Him...I tell people that God does not just love you but He is CRAZY about you!!!!!!!!! so please love HIM back.. He died for you and your sins and if you want a graphic description then watch the Mel Gibson movie THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST! Just see the beating he took just for little old you and me.
Satan, lucifer, or whatever name you want to call him like for example the god of this world or the universe fell from GRACE why?????
Because he thought that his own will was better for him than God's will.
In other words he knew best.
He knows better than God and His Son Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit and all the saints and our Holy Mother Mary all in heaven having a very good overview of our particular situation.
It is really silly that we should ever believe that we know what is best for us. We did not even create ourselves. We did not even create our characters and yet we stupidly think like lucy and sat and the dev THAT WE KNOW BEST. Please do not fall into that trap.
Yes!! You will be given what you ask for when you go to him...h i m all in small letters but when you go to HIM you may not get what you asked for but you will get something so much much better than your wildest dreams.
Ephesians ch 3 verse 20..
Just take a good look at the so called successful people.. Most of them are just bloody miserable and lonely and worried to hell about dying and having to leave it all behind at the point of death..
Dear Patrick Johansson
Dear Patrick
I do know that you have read my blogs and do read them... One of the very few who do! Ha!!
I have something extremely important to tell you so please get in touch with me either by e mail or phone as soon as possible.
I really enjoyed meeting you and hope that your friend Ania is well too.
Sincerely Michael.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
THE SECRET SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME ..Dr Stanley Monteith....... just type in his name in youtube and you will find plenty to watch and digest
Dr Stanley Monteith........
The Secret
since the beginning of time...
I want to make this really simple..
In the RED corner...... Lucifer...
In the BLUE corner.......Jesus Christ.. the Holy Bible...God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and all the saints in Heaven including His holy Mother Mary...
The objective of Lucifer...
To take over the whole world with a New World Order and a New World Religion..
The NWO will consist of a few Elite Disciples of lord lucifer ruling the world with a 95% reduced population of poor peasants controlled by hunger.
The only reason that this situation has not succeeded totally is because God has not allowed it.
2nd Chronicles Chapter 7 verse 14.....
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
When in History people have turned back to God and His Word under the influence of a famous evangelist from a depraved state, then God does intervene....
In this last effort in our lifetime and just around the next bend in the road, the final assault, using ATOMIC WAR, FINANCIAL ECONOMIC CRASH, DISASTER IN OTHER WORDS FOR THE WHOLE WORLD POPULATION.
The Muslims will continue to be encouraged to kill Christians and then they in turn will be exterminated.
Staged False flags everywhere..
With all this hell all around us then we remaining Christians will cry out to Our Heavenly Father, for mercy and learn more listen not only to Alex Jones but to all the youtube videos of Dr Stanley Monteith...and then Jesus Christ will return to physically save the world from this last effort by satan lucifer...
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