Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life

To all my brothers and sisters, friends supporters and especially to all my enemies!!!

2013 years ago, forgiveness was born into the world. This is the greatest event ever to occur in the history of our planet. Because we are humans, we are a paradox of good and evil. We are all able to do wonderfully good things, and also horribly bad things. By a short reflection on history this is just obvious. We have just written a letter to my wife's brother. As he is in trouble and having great difficulties, simply to tell him that we love him. Irmgard said, I am your sister we are all the same blood, and we want to help you. She said all my children love you and miss you as their uncle. My husband misses you as his brother in law. Please forgive us for hurting you in any way in the past. This has been such a beautiful approach to her brother who now has no money to tax his car and buy diesel for it, that we wanted to apply this to all of you dear precious children and to all of you who know us. All of of you with out exceptions. To wage war and be angry and hate is just so simple. That is what human beings have done to each other since for ever. But now at this special time of Christmas and birthday of Jesus, we can bury the hatchet and start to love and forgive each other. I want to ask each one of you first to forgive me. I have miserably failed you on so many occasions. The list is a mile long of all the mistakes and hurtful things I've said and done. Please, I beseech you to forgive me. Your forgiveness would be the best Christmas present that I could ever ever dream of. I believe that you will do this. Even though I sure do not deserve it. I believe there is enough Jesus Christ in each one of you to be merciful to me your brother, friend and colleague. And now I'm going to ask you to do one more thing. Please and I beseech you forgive each other for all the wrong doings that have been done to you all by each other.  I realise this is a tough one. When I meet normal ordinary people in my daily job of talking to them, I tell them that Jesus Christ is crazy about them. I tell him that if they do not believe that, then they should watch the Mel Gibson movie, The passion of the Christ. I tell them when you watch this film, just close your eyes for a moment, and forget about all the other people in the world, and imagine that HE is doing this just for you not for them but just for you. Then you will have some idea how much HE loves you. He went through all that murderous beating, and humiliation, and torture, and excruciating pain, just for you. So my suggestion is for Christmas 2013, let's pay it forward. Let's pay it forward by forgiving and loving everybody and especially those one does not like and maybe deep down even hate. That would make the holy family extremely happy. That would make all the angels and saints in heaven rejoice. That would make us all so happy. I am sending this personally to all of you. Please help with this great project for today 24 December Christmas Eve. we love youmore than all the words could ever tell, but JESUS LOVES YOU EVEN MORE THAN THAT IN FACT MUCH MUCH MORE THAN THAT. A happy Christmas and a brilliant New Year for each and every one of you. 
Michael and Irmgard.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life

To all my brothers and sisters, friends supporters and especially to all my enemies!!!

2013 years ago, forgiveness was born into the world. This is the greatest event ever to occur in the history of our planet. Because we are humans, we are a paradox of good and evil. We are all able to do wonderfully good things, and also horribly bad things. By a short reflection on history this is just obvious. We have just written a letter to my wife's brother. As he is in trouble and having great difficulties, simply to tell him that we love him. Irmgard said, I am your sister we are all the same blood, and we want to help you. She said all my children love you and miss you as their uncle. My husband misses you as his brother in law. Please forgive us for hurting you in any way in the past. This has been such a beautiful approach to her brother who now has no money to tax his car and buy diesel for it, that we wanted to apply this to all of you dear precious children and to all of you who know us. All of of you with out exceptions. To wage war and be angry and hate is just so simple. That is what human beings have done to each other since for ever. But now at this special time of Christmas and birthday of Jesus, we can bury the hatchet and start to love and forgive each other. I want to ask each one of you first to forgive me. I have miserably failed you on so many occasions. The list is a mile long of all the mistakes and hurtful things I've said and done. Please, I beseech you to forgive me. Your forgiveness would be the best Christmas present that I could ever ever dream of. I believe that you will do this. Even though I sure do not deserve it. I believe there is enough Jesus Christ in each one of you to be merciful to me your brother, friend and colleague. And now I'm going to ask you to do one more thing. Please and I beseech you forgive each other for all the wrong doings that have been done to you all by each other.  I realise this is a tough one. When I meet normal ordinary people in my daily job of talking to them, I tell them that Jesus Christ is crazy about them. I tell him that if they do not believe that, then they should watch the Mel Gibson movie, The passion of the Christ. I tell them when you watch this film, just close your eyes for a moment, and forget about all the other people in the world, and imagine that HE is doing this just for you not for them but just for you. Then you will have some idea how much HE loves you. He went through all that murderous beating, and humiliation, and torture, and excruciating pain, just for you. So my suggestion is for Christmas 2013, let's pay it forward. Let's pay it forward by forgiving and loving everybody and especially those one does not like and maybe deep down even hate. That would make the holy family extremely happy. That would make all the angels and saints in heaven rejoice. That would make us all so happy. I am sending this personally to all of you. Please help with this great project for today 24 December Christmas Eve. we love youmore than all the words could ever tell, but JESUS LOVES YOU EVEN MORE THAN THAT IN FACT MUCH MUCH MORE THAN THAT. A happy Christmas and a brilliant New Year for each and every one of you. 
Michael and Irmgard.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Priorities for the rest of my life

To all my brothers and sisters in Christ. To all my friends and associates. May God bless you with a wonderful happy birthday Jesus 2013.
Life is incredibly precious, and incredibly exciting, isn't it?
I never really dreamed that I would live to the age of 75.
Time seems to be travelling so so quickly.
It is such a great privilege to still be here. Try to imagine the millions, no billions who have died before the age of even 25. Tragically killed in wars, motor accidents, disease and countless other hazards that are a part of our human existence.
Why me? Why am I 75, and still alive?
Because, it is the grace of God. GRACE...... God's Reward At Christ's Expense!!!!
The question is what should I do for the rest of my life??
I have been given this great opportunity and privilege so what should I do with it?
What is the top priority on my list of things to do?
This is a question that we must all ask ourselves very seriously?
Take a minute to think about this.
Of course there are many things that are very important.
Taking care of family, friends, being a good husband being a good wife, being a good father being a good mother, a Good brother or sister.
All these we must do. They are extremely important.
But is there something even more important than this?
Well I believe there is. And I'm sure that if you think about it you will most likely agree.
The truth is that I cannot even do or attempt to do those things without the help of my best friend.
My best friend is the reason for it all. He created me and has given me and you a job to do.
To be able to carry out his instructions, I have to have a good connection with him. He has left behind the most beautiful wonderful book for me to read. It is the world's best seller far outstripping any other piece of literature.
This is not just a book to read but a set of daily instructions.
Here I will be able to read and study how my best friend operates. I will be able to digest and try to copy Him.
He will teach me how to stay in good contact with him. Here he encourages me to talk to him without ceasing. What He is saying is that without his help you really cannot accomplish anything really good. And with his help you can do just about anything that is good and beneficial to others and in the long term even to yourself.
Now I know that most of you know about this and even understand it pretty well yourself. I want to ask you a tough question? If I know my friend, and that he is the total answer to every problem in this very sad and sick world of ours, then what should I do about it?
If I have the secret of life what should I do with this secret?
None of us know exactly how many more days, weeks, months, years, that we have before we actually go and meet him face-to-face in eternity. How long is it until we hear him say, "What have you done with your life?" "What have you done with this amazing privilege that I gave you?"
Let's take a look at His Word in the holy Bible shall we?
The Gospel of St Mark, chapter 16, and verse 15. Here we are told very clearly what to do."Go into all the world and tell the good news to every creature."
When you think about this verse, you will understand that this is exactly what the master did. He forsook all. He forsook the most amazing and wonderful place of existence that is even beyond our imagination, to come down to this Earth and live among us. He did this in such a way that even the poorest person in the world would be able to relate to Him. He arrived on the scene born in a cattle cave in the side of a hill side because there was no room for him and his mother and stepfather anywhere else in Bethlehem. This is what he did for us and now the question is what are we going to do in 2014 for Him?
I believe that your and my answer to this question will help shape the future. It will help shape your future and yes, even the future of the whole world.
If we neglect this question, then I can promise you that you will experience very little good and fun and meaningful.
The choice is up to us. And now for a practical tip.
Whether you are in school or have a spare moment in your office or in your work or talking to somebody in the supermarkets or where ever you may be, you can say something like this. "Excuse me may I ask you a question? Do you love Jesus Christ?" Now depending on the answer to that question you will have your opportunity to share your testimony and talk to them about your best friend. It is really just that simple. Of course you have to take the risk of being made fun off or even ignored or even a rude hurtful reply. I like the reply that Mother Teresa of Calcutta once gave to a person who asked "why do you have a black eye?" She calmly replied, "its all in a days work."
Once again a very happy and merry Christmas to you. And a wonderful rest of your life. If you would like to help us with a small donation please get in touch and we will show you the best way to do that. We live entirely from small donations given to us from the people whose hearts have been touched with this message.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

the Islamic and Jewish dilemma.

God bless you

 The Islamic and Jewish dilemma.

I I have been thinking about this a great deal recently. I have been asking the Lord to show me step by step. I say step-by-step because I'm not very smart. If he shows me too much I will not understand it. So this is my conclusion so far. As you know the Jews do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. They are however the chosen race from which Christianity sprang from. The extreme Jewish element is Zionism. We know and probably so do you that the Zionism is totally Luciferian. Zionism drives the new world order and drives power and control by appropriating extremely large amounts of cash. This it does through the world banking system, and by creating huge amounts of debt, hopes to soon control the whole world. They are well on their way to accomplishing their purposes. You have often heard me say that money talks and bullshit walks!! I do not believe that the normal Jewish people living in Israel and around the world are all International Zionists. They are just normal sheep just like any other people in any nation. So much for the Jewish situation. Now for Islam. Islam has been around for 1300 years. At first glance it seems that Muslims are a little closer to Christianity then the Jews. For example they believe in Mary as the mother of Jesus, there are many similarities of their accounts which are obviously copied from the Bible, how ever they cunningly and deceivingly believe that Jesus was never crucified. He is just a prophet similar to Mohamed. Of course when you take the cross out of Christianity you destroy it totally and completely. From the studies I have made especially from the extremely good talks given by Robert Spencer on YouTube videos, Àllah is nothing more than a moon god that was chosen out of many other possibilities, and is therefore totally and completely Luciferian. The elite are using the Muslims to bring about their new world order. As I type this Christians are being slaughtered all around the middle east by Muslims. The main stream media which is run by the elite Zionist bankers, covers up this extreme form of total wickedness, and so we only hear about this from the Internet. There are horrifying videos on YouTube where Christians are having their heads cut off for nothing. They are being told convert to Islam or be beheaded. In the book of Revelation we know that we are living in the time of the end and that Christians will be beheaded by the end time Christ forces of Satan. This is happening now in the middle east and will soon be happening all over the Western world too. The elite a mere 6000 people, are overjoyed at this spectacle, because their worst enemy is Christianity and the Bible. So for now they are using the Muslims to accomplish their new world order take over. However once this is accomplished they will destroy the Muslims too. Let there be no doubt about this. So in summing up both of these forces are the enemy of Christ our Saviour Jesus Christ. So please wake up and pray for these two formidable enemies of Christianity. We must try to love these wicked wicked people. They are creations of God who had been led astray by Lucifer the enemy. It is just that simple. No need for rocket science to understand this dilemma. Pray pray pray and try to open a dialogue with Muslims when you meet them, even so-called moderate Muslims are very very difficult to talk to. But we should try. We have managed to get a few of them to pray and ask Jesus Christ the Messiah into their hearts. My problem is that I tend to get upset and annoyed with them. That is the wrong approach. God bless you have a wonderful Christmas season remembering that this is the birthday of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and if you can send a little financial help that would be fantastic as we live entirely from small donations. Love from Michael Jaffray King. Sent from my iPad

Friday, 13 December 2013

A new lesson to share with you

My latest blog. My latest blog. I am learning fast how to use this amazing appliance my iPad mini. It is very user-friendly. Otherwise I would not know how to use it. It is really pretty awesome. I want to share a lesson which I think I must have shared before that maybe it is worth repeating now. Surely we all want to find out the truth the truth about many things. What do you think is the first step when you want to find out something? Yes that's right ask God ask Jesus....Matthew chapter 7 verse seven......God's telephone number ......ask and you will receive. I do not think that it is much use asking when you keep all your own ideas in front of you. When talking to God and I am preaching this to myself, it is vital to have an open mind. Put all your preconceived ideas very much on the back burner. Then God has an open channel to talk to you and get through to you. When I witness to people who have a different opinion to me, I simply tell that something like this. "soon you will be walking away from me. why don't you just ask God as to which one of us is right, or maybe we are both wrong, just ask him with an open mind. Then I tell them you must allow this process to last for two weeks. Why on earth two weeks? Does it take God is so long to get through to us? The answer is not at all, it is us that need the two weeks. God will probably show you the answer in a few minutes. But you will think in your heart oh that is just a coincidence! When you have had two weeks of coincidence, coincidence coincidence, then maybe the penny will drop. I know this works because I have tried it so many times. God loves us he is crazy about us so why would He not want to tell us the truth? Think about it is just obvious isn't it? I think this is a great way to challenge Muslims atheists Jehova witnesses Mormons etc.... Please try this and let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you. We do not have to be ignorant about anything that is important and that we should know about. It is just that simple. God bless you and have a wonderfully happy Christmas. Thanks for all your prayers and support for me and my wife and our ministry together. You all are a part of this ministry. We could not do it with out you.