Sunday, 28 December 2014


A REPLY TO MY DETRACTORS WHO MAKE A SPORT OF Criticising The Roman Catholic Church... THEY CALL IT THE GREAT WHORE OF BABYLON... The seat of the antichrist. And more..Idol worshippers...tradition promoters...praying to saints and worshipping them and MARY too.. For those of you who would tend to agree please check out the above link of 24 short two minute apologetics in defence of the CATS BY John Martignoni... He has been a help to thousands and may be millions and broadcasts on EWTN the very largest Christian TV network on the planet. NOW FOR MY OWN TWO PENCE WORTH THROWN IN... Yes we do have a pretty terrible track record over the past 2000 years.. BORGIA Popes who should have been in prison. Continually meddling in Politics and the power structure.... Very unsuccessfully, I might add...just check out the crushing defeat of the famous Spanish Armada to try and crush the PROTESTANT rebellion in Britain. The inability to win the crusades and being driven back and back eventually coming to rest on the small island of Malta. The inquisition...and many many other complete misrepresentations of the life,..mercy,,....and sacrifice of OUR LORD, SAVIOUR, BEST FRIEND, AND BROTHER JESUS CHRIST....... HOWEVER WHAT IS MISSED BY MY PROTESTANT BROTHERS IS AN AMAZING PROMISE TO BE FOUND in the gospel of Saint MATTHEW chapter 16 and verse 18 in particular.... Matthew 16:18King James Version (KJV)PROTESTANT BIBLE NOT CATHOLIC BUT VERY CLOSE TO THE DOUAI VERSION FROM WHICH IT WAS LARGELY COPIED BY KING JAMES' TRANSLATORS.. 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. For the purpose of this exercise, let's leave out the part about PETER which our protesting brethren love to split hairs about but focus on the words...I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH..... NOW was JESUS making his first horrendous mistake??? Or was he giving a promise??? I believe that what He was and is saying up to this present time and into the future...COME HELL OR HIGH WATER, I JESUS CHRIST..ME PERSONALLY..WILL BUILD THIS CHURCH.... He is not saying that the human beings that he will use will be perfect or even good WHY? Because He refuses to interfere with our free choice, an exquisite gift that we have all been given.. We are not his robots even after accepting his salvation..there is no such doctrine in any holy Bible which declares once saved always saved.. Tomorrow or in five minutes I am at Liberty to join ISIS, become a Mormon or a member of the first church of satan. NOW THE AMAZING THING..THE AMAZING MIRACLE IS THAT THIS CHURCH WITH SUCH A TERRIBLE IN MANY MANY CASES, TRACK RECORD...STILL EXISTS TODAY...WHY.?? Because JESUS Christ promised to build it..if you don't like that then TARE up your holy gospels written in red when referring to the words of JESUS.. The RED LETTER WORDS and throw them down your toilet. I REST MY CASE... NOW PLEASE WATCH THE LINK ABOVE AND THEN GET BACK TO ME.. MY ADVICE TO YOU IS TO STOP SQUABBLING AND INSTEAD GO OUT INTO THE HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS AND PERSUADE THE LOST HURTING WORLD WHICH IS GOING TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET, (LEAD BY THE PRIVATE BANKERS, THE DISCIPLES OF LUCIFER,), TO ACCEPT CHRIST AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOUR.. By the way that is what I do together with my very faithful partner in the Lord, Irmgard my wife, 7 days a week 365 days a year, no holidays, I will soon be taking the inevitable journey into eternal life and will get my holidays etc there.

Thursday, 25 December 2014


BABYLON the great whore according to my Protesting friends...BABYLON leading the CHRISTMAS festivities with its very wicked agenda.. OK for Starters.... DAILY GOSPEL "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." John 6:68 Thursday, 25 December 2014 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas), Mass during the Day - Solemnity Saint(s) of the day : Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ See commentary below or click here Saint Basil : The birth of the Savior, the death of death Book of Isaiah 52:7-10. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, Announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, "Your God is King!" Hark! Your watchmen raise a cry, together they shout for joy, For they see directly, before their eyes, the LORD restoring Zion. Break out together in song, O ruins of Jerusalem! For the LORD comforts his people, he redeems Jerusalem. The LORD has bared his holy arm in the sight of all the nations; All the ends of the earth will behold the salvation of our God. Psalms 98(97):1.2-3ab.3cd-4.5-6. Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done wondrous deeds; His right hand has won victory for him, his holy arm. The LORD has made his salvation known: in the sight of the nations he has revealed his justice. He has remembered his kindness and his faithfulness toward the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God. Sing joyfully to the LORD, all you lands; break into song; sing praise. Sing praise to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and melodious song. With trumpets and the sound of the horn sing joyfully before the King, the LORD. Letter to the Hebrews 1:1-6. In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets; in these last days, he spoke to us through a son, whom he made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe, who is the refulgence of his glory, the very imprint of his being, and who sustains all things by his mighty word. When he had accomplished purification from sins, he took his seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high, as far superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs. For to which of the angels did God ever say: "You are my son; this day I have begotten you"? Or again: "I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me"? And again, when he leads the first-born into the world, he says: "Let all the angels of God worship him." Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 1:1-18. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. A man named John was sent from God. He came for testimony, to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world came to be through him, but the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man's decision but of God. And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth. John testified to him and cried out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'The one who is coming after me ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.'" From his fullness we have all received, grace in place of grace, because while the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. The only Son, God, who is at the Father's side, has revealed him. Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB Commentary of the day : Saint Basil (c.330-379), monk and Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, Doctor of the Church Homily for the Nativity of Christ, 2,6 The birth of the Savior, the death of death God on earth, God amongst us! It is no longer the God who gives the Law amidst lightning and thunder, at the sound of the trumpet on the mountain wrapped in smoke (Ex 19,18), at the heart of a fearful tempest (Ex 19,18), but he who converses gently and kindly with his brethren in a human body. God in our flesh! This is no longer he who only acts at certain times, as with the prophets, but he who assumes human nature completely and who, through the flesh that is our own, raises all humanity to himself. How is it that light has come into all of us by means of one alone? In what way is divinity present in the flesh? It is like fire in iron...: while still remaining in place, the fire communicates its own proper ardour to the iron. It is not at all made less by this but it wholly fills the iron to which it communicates itself. In the same way God, the Word who “dwelt among us”, did not go out from himself; the Word made flesh underwent no change; heaven was not deprived of him who contained it and earth welcomed him who remains in heaven… Enter fully into this mystery: God has come in the flesh to put to death the death concealed within it. Just as drugs cure us once they are assimilated by the body, so the darkness of a house is dispersed once the light comes into it, and so, too, the death that kept us in its power has been destroyed by the coming of our God. As ice formed during the night melts under the heat of the sun’s rays, so death has reigned till the coming of Christ. But when the Sun of justice arose (Mal 3,20), “death was swallowed up in victory” (1Cor 15,54); it could not withstand the presence of the true life... Let us sing glory to God with the shepherds, let us dance together with the angels, “for this day in David's city a Savior has been born to you, the Messiah and Lord” (Lk 2,11)... Let us celebrate the salvation of the world, the birthday of all humanity. Make a donation | Manage subscription | Contact us | Unsubscribe ---------------------------------------- The DGO is sent every day to more than 350.000 subscribers! Do you want to help us maintain this free service? The Daily Gospel is free of charge, but it is not free of cost. Make a donation directly on our website Thank you and God bless you. NOW PLEASE UNDERSTAND THESE PASSAGES ARE TAKEN OUT OF SATAN'S BOOK .....THE HOLY BIBLE...... THEN PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THOSE WICKED BABYLONIAN CATS PROMOTE PRO LIFE...ANTI EUTHANASIA....ANTI PLAYING GOD BIRTH CONTROL....HAVE MORE HOSPICES...SCHOOLS...UNIVERSITIES...PROGRAMMES FOR HELPING THE POOR AND UNDER PRIVILEGED THAN ANY OTHER ORGANISATION ON EARTH.... IF YOU REALLY WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS DIABOLICAL ORGANISATION, I SUGGEST YOU CHECK OUT JOHN MARTIGNONI ON YOU TUBE TO FIND HIS WICKED APOLOGIST ARGUMENTS IN DEFENCE OF THIS WHORE OF BABYLON.... ALL IRONY INTENTIONALLY INTENDED...... michaeljaffrayking......your servant in the LORD....THE TRINITARIAN LORD THAT IS......NOT ALLAH OR JUST JESUS BUT TRINITARIAN... HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND TO H!!L WITH YOUR HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!! HOWEVER WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE......I LOVE YOU AND PLEASE JOIN THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE AGAINST THE WICKED ONE WHO THROUGH PRIVATELY OWNED BANKS HAS YOU IN HIS TIGHT GRASP...IN CASE YOU DID NOT KNOW....MONEY TALKS AND BULLSH!T WALKS!!!!!!! PLEASE TRY WITH ALL YOU HEART GIVEN OVER TO JESUS NOT TO BE BULLSH!T....ON THE DAY OF AOON COMING JUDGEMENT IT WILL STAND YOU IN GOOD STEAD... THANKS TO STEVE ANDREWS FOR BEING THE CATALYST FOR THIS POST....CATALYST.... LIST of all the CATS are responsible for....PUN INTENDED

Sunday, 21 December 2014


ISLAM IS NOT THE REAL ENEMY OF CHRISTIANITY so who is???? As usual lets go back to the Holy Bible and once again study the birth, life, DEATH, resurrection of our Saviour JESUS CHRIST.... The great deceiver was not rather brainless Esau but his incredibly smart Brother JACOB, together with his incredibly smart mother, Rebecca.... Who killed JESUS??? The ROMANS or the Jewish hierarchy??? Who controls the USA.???? The large and very smartly divided majority of CHRISTIANS, about 80% OR....a very tiny super intelligent MINORITY of JEWS ??? Just check out the names of very first, the BANKERS....ALL JEWISH...famous ROTHSCHILD quote, "if I control the money supply I care not who makes the laws" other words, " it matters not to me which political party is in power...they are all bank rolled by me!!" Then check out the names of all those in power??? I used to believe this anti MUSLIM propaganda and having read enough of the KORAN I realised that this is most definitely a demonic book.. Robert Spencer has done an amazing job of exposing how ridiculous and obviously satanic a religion, ISLAM is..... I do not know about you but I have been trying to uncover the TRUTH SINCE 1973 and even before.. My yardstick has been THE WORD OF GOD, personified in MY LORD AND SAVIOUR AND BEST FRIEND...JESUS CHRIST... I have written to Robert S a few times but have never gotten a reply....He never says a single word about the sacred JEWS who actually did their very worst to annihilate our saviour and to this day believe that he is the illegitimate son of a peasant girl MARY and a Roman soldier...AND SPIT AT THE MENTION OF HIS NAME... Please check out the following...ALL WARS....not just some wars....BUT ALL WARS are BANKERS WARS..... THINK ABOUT IT.......The bible, THE MOST HOLY BIBLE states that THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF.....wait for it....A L L EVIL. 1st TIMOTHY ch 6 verse 12.....Not just most evil or some evil but ALL evil. Money can be converted into power just like ice into water.... The desperate cunning of Jacob can only be matched and overcome by the wisdom of the WORD OF GOD... WHO TRAINED AND FUNDED ISIS?? The Jewish controlled banks who control the governments of the West.... JESUS wants to lead us with his unconditional LOVE whereas Lucifer wants to control us through fear... ISIS with its obvious atrocities is designed to control the and me, not by love but by FEAR... Robert Spencer is the darling of JUDAISM .....he would make a marvellous puppet president... He would lead the world against ISLAM which is just another false flag created by Jacob the cheat and the deceiver... If you do not believe me do your homework..MUHAMMED ...the KORAN ...ISLAM is the perfect false flag designed and implemented by Jacob..... FOR GOD'S SAKE AND YOUR OWN SAKE TURN TO JESUS NOW........TOMORROW WILL BE TOO LATE.. ASK THE SAVIOUR TO COME INTO YOUR HEART AND PURCHASE A HOLY BIBLE... My preference is the King James Version..That naughty king number 6 in Scotland and number 1 in England is my ancestor... I TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF WISHING YOU ALL..HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS CHRIST....HAPPY CHRISTMAS.... FROM Michael and family.. THANK YOU DEAR GREG FOR BEING THE CATALYST THAT INIRED ME TO WRITE THIS LETTER.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

O.K. GUYS AND GALS I'm going to be 76 on 22/11/14

Ok guys and gals, I am going to be 76 in two days.. Imagine that???? 76 that is old by any standards.. It is already older than my mum HELEN QUEENIE KING the wife of Colonel Rodney King MC, and john ASPINALL my first very rich GAMBLING AND CRAZY PRIVATE ZOO OWNER cousin, WHO BELIEVED THAT WILD BENGAL TIGERS COULD UNDER SPECIAL CONDITIONS ...BOND WITH HUMAN BEINGS. ( He lost not one, not two, but five of his ZOO KEEPERS to this crazy idea) and he was the half brother of the BRITISH Chancellor of the exchequer GEORGE GIDEON OSBORNE my first cousin once removed. And I want to tell you something... I believe that my life has just begun... Today is the first day of the rest of my life..I am happy!!!!!Why?????Because I am crazily in love with amarvellous spiritual being who was here in the flesh just 2000 years ago. If you can make yourself the time, please watch the MEL Gibson, Block Buster Classic....THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST... Ask yourself...If he really was the Son of God, Why?? Didn't he just call for a million Angels and beat up the whole Roman Army and take out those wicked jealous JEWS that had set him up, out of pure jealousy..??? OK...SO LET ME TELL YOU WHY..???. HE IS CRAZILY IN LOVE WITH EACH ONE OF HIS BILLIONS OF HUMAN CREATIONS AND HE WANTED TO DIE JUST FOR YOU.....JUST FOR LITTLE OLD YOU AND LITTLE OLD 76 YEAR OLD that I could go to heaven and have my sins forgiven. He bought my reclamation with HIS own precious red blood which HE shed for me on Calvary's tree, SOME 2000 years ago... Would I like to be 20, 30, years younger?? Hell!! No!!! Every Day with JESUS is better than the day before... Every Day with JESUS I love Him more and more... As the famous little Christian song goes.. Today, thursday the 20th of November we had one of our very best days out sharing the Gospel in front of the Dom and all around too. GBY. And. KGFG P.S. If you want to send me a small donation, please do..We live from just such donations.. You can send it an envelope to... King family TALBLICK 14 51674 Wiehl / Bielstein Germany or by transfer to Michael and Irmgard King Account number. 135409852 Bankleitzahl bank number 76010085 Or IBAN. DE 5876 0100 8501 3540 9852 BIC. PBNKDEFF THANKS FOR SUPPORTING US.. WE WANT TO KEEP GOING UNTIL THE VERY END.... Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

HELP!!!!!!!!!!! Part One

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PART ONE.... How does one help a friend who is a die hard SYSTEMITE, become a TRUTHER??????? I used to be a die hard SYSTEMITE. I was brought up to believe in and implicitly obey authority... I was educated at expensive schools and indoctrinated to believe that those at the top were?... THE JOLLY GOOD CHAPS...they had earned their powerful positions by working hard....going to university...OXFORD OR CAMBRIDGE OR SANDHURST OR CRANWELL OR LIKE ME THE B.R.N.C. DARTMOUTH OFFICER TRAINING ESTABLISHMENT. IF YOU WERE GOOD AT rugby foot ball cricket then that was a bonus but the real bonus was......If you were an aristocrat..... Only when I dropped out and joined the JESUS revolution of the late sixties and early seventies did I have the time and the opportunity to really study my KING JAMES BIBLE and find out first what God had to say on the subject.... ONE...... "And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: FOR THAT IS DELIVERED UNTO ME; and to whomsoever I will I give it." Luke 4:5-6, KJV From this verse one can see that the devil did have the authority to give JESUS at that moment in time, power to donate to him all the kingdoms of this world..... WHY???? Because by doing this God has bestowed on us His creation the GREAT GIFT OF FREE CHOICE... Without allowing the enemy the devil to be in control, then we would be ROBOTS WITHOUT FREE CHOICE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL.. HERE IS A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON THE SUBJECT "And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it." Luke 4:5-6, KJV "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 2 Corinthians 4:4, KJV "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:" Ephesians 2:2, KJV "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12, KJV I BELIEVE THAT ONCE YOU HAVE THIS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD, THE TEST IS PLAIN SAILING....

Friday, 5 December 2014

WHERE ARE WE TODAY 5th December 2014

WHERE ARE WE TODAY 5th December 2014????????????????????????????? Ok, let's check, shall we? Another very eventful year is coming to the end.... PRESIDENT PUTIN IS THE NEW HITLER!!! He is particularly wicked because he promotes Christianity..... How dare he??? Doesn't he know that little lord lucy is the true son of God as all of the Luciferian elite well know.. Doesn't he know that JESUS Christ was just a rabble rouser, the illegitimate son of a simple village girl called MARY and an unknown Roman soldier??? All JEWS even moderate ones hate him and are embarrassed by HIM.. Many spit at the mention of his Name... Doesn't he know that if he continues to support the few remaining Middle East governments like SYRIA and Iran, that the lucyites will start a THERMO nuclear war against his vast country??? They are preparing to do this right now.. They accuse him for the UKRAINE catastrophe...the west lucyites staged a coup in UKRAINE and then supported a bunch of thugs who bombed the EASTERN Russian part of UKRAINE, targeting private housing,hospitals and schools from a great distance killing thousands of innocent civilians and then blaming PUTIN. They then egged on the UKRAINIAN airforce to shoot down MH 17 and blame PUTIN....There is no end to the wickedness of obama SIN laden and his little puppy dog david cam MORON...all lead and controlled by the Luciferian ROTHSCHILD BANKSTERS. At the same time that they want regime change in RUSSIA, they are dividing and conquering their own country the US OF A by pitching blacks against whites, rich against the middle class and giving hell to returning vets from wicked pointless wars which fill the coffers of the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES OF THE WEST.. And in particular the USA. It just so happens that the CHRIST hating JEWS are funding training a new terror called ...wait for it ..ISIS ISIL or just plain IS. ALL THIS ANOTHER NAME FOR ISLAMIC JIHADIS who owe their trumped up religion once again to the master minded JEWS who not satisfied in crucifying and murdering their messiah are now hell bent on bringing the whole world under their nasty black umbrella of death and destruction. Once the jihadis have done their job they too will be eliminated whether they come from totalitarian hell of Saudi Arabia or from equally hellish Iran who kill you for saying one word against their jewish satanic created allah or his false prophet mahomed.... I HAVE TO END ON A REALLY POSITIVE NOTE.. THE GREAT GOD OF THE UNIVERSE IS ALLOWING THIS HELL TO HAPPEN BECAUSE OF THE MANY SINS THAT WE WESTERNERS HAVE COMMITTED... Not least of which is the annihilation and cruel murder of over 50,000,000. Unborn babies. Since Rowe versus Wade. And the practise of birth control, sex only for pleasure, promoting the break up of the family. And the encouraging of same sex marriages and the gay disgusting way of life..and euthanasia and generally lying to their populations whom they are meant to serve but instead control and manipulate by lying propaganda coming from the mass media which is totally under their control. There is much more but JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK AND THERE WILL BE A GREAT SLAUGHTER OF THE WICKED AS A RESULT.. THOSE OF US WHO LOVE HIM JESUS ARE ON THE SIDE OF THE WINNER.. HE AREADY WON, GAME SET MATCH ON THE SMALL BUT MOST FAMOUS MOUNTAIN OF ALL HISTORY, HIS STORY, C A L V A R Y ... GBY. KGFG and lets pray not only for each other but for these same mislead creations of God who are on the totally wrong track.. after all they too are creations of God and while there is life there is hope even for LORD JACOB ROTHSCHILD aged 91 and his unlimited fortune of made up from the blue, out of thin air, cash of a declared amount of five hundred not million not billion but trillion pounds sterling.

Thursday, 4 December 2014


Dear O My very good friend What I am going to say can be very offensive to MUSLIMS. The fact is that either the MUSLIMS are right about the CROSS or we CHRISTIANS.. If you take the cross out of CHRISTIANITY, we have a big fat zero..There is no CHRISTIANITY without a cross John ch 3:16 Is is very dangerous for you in a MUSLIM country to even entertain the fact that you consider CHRISTIANITY to be an can be killed for this.. But as a Christian I believe that my belief like in MEL GIBSON'S Classic is the truth. THE TRUTH. The Jews know that the cross is true..They were there at the time.. They crucified the messiah..and they hate him... THIS IS WHAT I WROTE A FEW DAYS AGO..... ISLAM AND JUDAISM... CHRISTIANITY is a belief that centres around the CROSS OF CHRIST...The cross is so important, that if you take it away, then we have absolutely no CHRISTIANITY. You can have bible, moral teachings about loving your neighbour and church services with great orators and lots of snazzy music plus much more... Pop bands ...praise and worship....communal meals....etc etc etc.. BUT IF YOU HAVE NO CROSS WITH JESUS THE SON OF GOD DYING..BEING BRUTALLY MURDERED...AFTER SWEATING BLOOD IN GETHSEMANE.... THEN BEING LASHED HALF TO DEATH WITH SCORES OF WHIPPINGS SO HE WAS BLEEDING FRONT AND BACK..... THEN BEING FORCED TO WEAR A CRUEL CROWN OF THORNS PRESSED HARSHLY INTO HIS BLEEDING SKULL...... THEN CARRYING HIS HEAVY CROSS EVEN THOUGH HE WAS ALREADY HALF DEAD, FALLING DOWN THREE TIMES AND THEN BEING CRUELLY WHIPPED BACK ONTO HIS FEET UNTIL HIS DEATH EVENTUALLY AND ACTUALLY IN A SIX HOUR LONG LASTING CRUCIFIXION... . A GOOD WAY TO UNDERSTAND THIS IS TO WATCH MEL GIBSON'S BLOCK BUSTER MOVIE..."THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.".... IT IS EXTREMELY REALISTIC AND IN MY OPINION IS A MUST SEE...FOR EVERYONE....ESPECIALLY IF YOU WANT TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND JUST HOW MUCH LOVE JESUS HAS FOR YOU AND ME... So let's ask a few questions??? What does JUDAISM think about the cross?? They do not deny it but see it as a just punishment for a rabble rousing false prophet the illegitimate son of Mary and a Roman soldier..JEWS actually spit at the name of JESUS.. They hate JESUS with a perfect hatred. Even some so called nice JEWS who come to visit the Dom shrine in Cologne, when I show them a rosary WITH A CROSS HANGING FROM IT..they shy away like I was offering them a hand grenade with the pin taken out... Why??? Because maybe they feel guilty?? Maybe they literally just hate JESUS and never want to be reminded of him. They have felt this way for two thousand years...This is nothing new.... NOW WHAT ABOUT MUSLIMS.?? A very nice MUSLIM can be approached and all goes very well and he may even give a donation but once he sees that cross....oh oh oh he just recoils in horror...many times I say why don't you give it to one of your Christian friends..??? No way hosay!!! YOU SEE THE CROSS HAS GREAT POWER.. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1st CORINTHIANS ch 1 verse 18... ALL OF THIS TO SAY THAT BIBLE BELIEVING, CROSS PREACHING, CHRISTIANITY IS ANATHEMA TO THE WORLD'S SYSTEM WHICH OF COURSE IS DOMINATED BY JEWISH ZIONIST BANKSTERS WHICH HAVE TAKEN OVER THE USA AND GB AND WESTERN EUROPE AND ARE NOW IN THE PROCESS OF TAKING OVER THE WHOLE WORLD.. My advice to you is to hang on to your Most Holy Bible and to your crucified and risen and ascended into heaven JESUS for all your worth. Do not be fooled by other religions which deny the cross like ISLAAM and who hate the cross like JUDAISM.


DO YOU REALISE THAT EVERYONE IS A SLAVE TO THE WORLD SYSTEM. We all have to work at least 5days a week from 9 to 5..


CHRIST crucified is of course the centre of our faith and if you examine my writings, and they are many, you will deduct that I am a ROMAN CATHOLIC Christian. However I believe that one of my jobs is to wake people up.. If you think about it carefully, CHRIST crucified will have more relevance in an atmosphere where people are being woken up as to the reality of the ticking time bomb than in a sleepy all is well don't worry one.. It seems father you are back beating your drum that people do not need to be woken up. Much of your correspondence to me is about that.. In a world where 99.999% of people are being lead astray by a satanic government run by the ROTHSCHILD banksters, when that is realised, CHRIST CRUCIFIED has a far greater relevance..Of course that is just my opinion.....but to me that is JUST COMMON SENSE... THE CHURCH TODAY is keeping very silent on this kind of issue.. Shame on our church for doing this.. Sadly it is because they are complicit...the Vatican has been infiltrated with NWO Masonic bishops and clerics. In MATTHEW 16:18 JESUS was not able to guarantee leaving behind good people.. He still gives us free choice every day every second actually. He did promise to keep building his church which is why it survives to this moment of writing..This is a great miracle that our church remains IN SPITE of its complicity in what I have mentioned above..I am a Roman Catholic not at all because I believe in the clergy but because I believe it is the church that JESUS promised to keep going in mat 16:18. The doctrine still holds spite of the fact that very little rocking the boat of exposing the system...yes on abortion and birth control it is clear...but on MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS and how the world is being taken over and a NWO is unfolding and the shooting down of mh17 and the demonising of the one Christian leader PUTIN because of his falling out with the jewish ZIONIST banksters which WILL RESULT IN THERMO NUCLEAR WAR.. THE CHURCH IS SILENT...IF THEY WERE TO WAKE PEOPLE UP THEN THE CHURCH WOULD WAKE UP AND PRIESTS WOULD BE SPENDING HOURS AND HOURS IN THE CONFESSIONALS....The church is asleep but still someone mentioned about the sleeping purring cat "kitty has gone to sleep but the engine is still running!!" Sent from my iPad On 26 Nov 2014, at 15:53, my friendly priest wrote: I did read to the end and I did notice the words about trust... yet encouragement to trust is not the full Good News I know from the Word of God... Sorry to say, but the bad news is very explicit in your mail while the good news is somehow watered down. Why don't you preach Jesus Christ crucified? (cf 1 Cor 2:1-2). peace, K. 2014-11-26 15:15 GMT+01:00 Michael Jaffray King : But I am very thankful that you bothered to reply..GBY. KGFG. Sent from my iPad On 26 Nov 2014, at 15:02, Michael Jaffray King wrote: I think that you did not read to the end..It has come to that.. We must trust the Lord..that is the good news.. U must try to learn to read to the end before making a comment.. The piece de resistance was in the last lines of the post... Sent from my iPad On 26 Nov 2014, at 10: my friendly priest wrote: THE WHOLE WORLD IS ON A COURSE OF TOTAL DESTRUCTION... THAT IS SATAN'S PLAN TO DESTROY GOD'S CROWNING CREATION, MANKIND.... (...) Look forward to hearing your comments... My comment: that is not a good news, where is the Good News? Is, according to your message, Satan more powerful than Christ's death and resurrection and his Spirit of Life? peace, ------------------------- When God delivers his people from bondage then Jacob will be glad and Israel rejoice (Ps -- ------------------------- When God delivers his people from bondage then Jacob will be glad and Israel rejoice (Ps


WHY you should NOT help us FINANCIALLY THIS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reason number one...........BECAUSE OF OUR CHOICE OF PROFESSION....THAT OF MISSIONARY WORK....LIVING ENTIRELY FROM DONATIONS, of course we desperately need help BUT unlike so many people WE LOVE OUR JOB SO MUCH that... (A) We have not taken a holiday or even a day off for a rest for the past 25 years....if we did, which we didn't we would want to spend that time sharing the GOOD NEWS OF CHRIST'S death....resurrection ....ascension and HIS TOTAL RELEVANCE IN OUR DESPERATELY HURTING WORLD of today...AND ESPECIALLY TODAY as we are on the verge of a nuclear confrontation with RUSSIA and a huge effort by ISLAM to once again attempt world domination.. (B) GOD supplies all of our needs through His Riches in Glory through CHRIST JESUS ...Philippians ch 4:19..... (C) He of course uses people like yourselves to be a part of this extremely unusual work, by touching their hearts to donate some of their hard earned cash to us.... These people will again of course, share in ETERNITY in the rewards of doing according to Christ's injunction TO GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE...Mark 16:15... (D)..But Michael I understand that when you went to ENGLAND, France, Spain, Portugal, BRAZIL, Uruguay, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, UKRAINE, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, India and USA AND CANADA...THEN YOU WERE A MISSIONARY, but not now as you live in a tiny town called Bielstein, surely you cannot say that you are going into all the world???? (E)..well actually yes!!! by having a yearly season train ticket to The centre of COLOGNE, where 20,000 people from all those countries that I have just mentioned and more, much more, come to visit the shrine of the THREE WISE MEN IN COLOGNE ......EVERY GOD BLESSED DAY...and yes we meet many of them EVERY DAY, NO HOLIDAYS at 76 years young...... Your Don Quixote along with his faithful SANCHO PANZA IRMGARD mother of 7 kids, JEMIMA aged 15 and Michelle aged 13, still at school just down the road and one MARIEANGELA separated from her husband in a bid to get a green card and MIKEY and DAVID working on songs to be promoted in the new year 2015 in the USA .....Jasmine and NATASHA in England touring as a singing and performing duo called BLONDE ELECTRA. We do keep approx statistics of the work accomplished which are as follows... Every week, we distribute around 300 pieces of Gospel Literature, not just handed out but involving a conversation sometimes long but usually well over a minute.. We pray with 150 to repeat the 1st step prayer of JESUS please come into my heart...please forgive my sins...please fill me with your spirit of love and give me the free gift of eternal life.. about 70 to 100 receive one of our hand made by us, coloured wooden rosaries for which they give us a small donation.. That is our main source of income..always just enough to pay our bills.. Reason number two, IN SPITE OF REASON NUMBER ONE, would you like to help towards raising an extra 500€ for buying clothes for the kids from Amazon so they can have something for Christmas and be kitted up to go to USA in early 2015????? God bless you and even if you feel unable to support us financially with 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 or more €, please pray for our whole family... GBY KGFG Love Michael and Irmgard.


These are not my words but I wish they had been.. Bishop williamson. Living Popes The Church needs living Popes, however bad. Kill off the Church they won’t, however mad. On January 29, 1949, Pope Pius XII made the following remarks about the importance of the Pope: If ever one day – speaking purely hypothetically – material Rome were to collapse; if ever this Vatican basilica, symbol of the one and only victorious Catholic Church, were to bury beneath its ruins the historic treasures and sacred tombs which it encloses, even then the Church would be in no way demolished or split. Christ’s promise to Peter would still hold true, the Papacy would last for ever, like the Church, one and indestructible, being founded on the Pope then living .” Since these words are classic Church doctrine (only the underlining has been added), resting as they do on Our Lord’s own words (Mt. XVI, 16–18), then it is small wonder if, ever since 1962 when the living Popes became Conciliar, millions upon millions of Catholics have been driven to becoming likewise Conciliar and liberal. The only way out of the problem that sedevacantists can see is to deny that the Conciliar Popes have been Popes at all, which can seem to be common sense, but to most Catholics it seems even more to be common sense that the Church designed by God to rest upon the living Pope cannot have existed for the last half century (1962–2014) without one. It is easy to see how the decline of Christian civilisation since the height of the Middle Ages has led to the present corruption of the living Popes. It is easy to see how God can have permitted this appalling corruption to punish that appalling decline. What is less easy to see is how the Church can still live when the living Popes on whom it is founded are convinced that liberalism, war on God, is Catholic. In Our Lord’s own words, A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit and an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit (Mt. VII, 18). But a tree half good, half bad, can produce fruits half good, half bad. Now taken as a whole, a mixture of good and bad is bad, but that does not mean that taken part by part, the mixture’s good parts are as bad as its bad parts. Cancer in the liver will kill me, but that does not mean that I have cancer in the lungs. Now no living churchman, any more than any man alive, is entirely good or entirely bad. We are all a fluctuating mixture until the day we die. So can there ever have been a living Pope whose fruits were entirely evil? The answer can only be, no. In which case the Catholic Church can have half-lived for the last 50 years on the half-good fruits of the Conciliar Popes, with a half-life permitted by God to purify his Church, but which he would never permit to go so far as to kill his Church. Thus for example Paul VI wept for the lack of vocations. Benedict XVI hankered after Tradition. Even Pope Francis surely means to bring men to God when he drags God down to men. So, Conciliar Popes are dreadfully mistaken in their ideas, fatall y ambiguous in the Faith where they need to be absolutely unambiguous. The Church has been and is dying beneath them, but whatever parts in them have still been good have enabled the Church to continue, and they have been needed as living heads to continue the body of the living Church, as Pius XII said. Then let us not fear that they will be allowed to kill off the Church, but let us for our part fight their liberalism tooth and nail and pray for their return to Catholic sanity, because we do need them for the life of our Church. Kyrie eleison.


Sorry s but I just have to say this from one overweight to another.. This is a blast to all former backsliders from the YKW...THE YOU KNOW WHO COG FAMILY INTERNATIONAL.... How to win friends and influence people..... Posted this morning on facebook to all my old cronies..... 20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. 21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. I have tried to humour all my old comrades from the COG AND THE FAMILY INTERNATIONAL for long enough... I had hoped that my influence of being an old over weight fart of 76 that faithfully goes out witnessing every day, would influence others.....but frankly you are a completely lost cause together with sore penie PETER AMSTERDAM KELLY and sore eyes Karen Zerby mamamamamamama....who haven't been out witnessing in decades... But of course they promote loooooooooooove.... WELL LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING WHICH YOU CAN PUT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE REAL GOOD... IF YOUR LOOOOOOOVE DOES NOT INCLUDE GETTING YOUR HANDS DIRTY EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY...TAKING THE GOSPEL TO THE LOST AND HURTING WORLD, THEN IN MY OPINION YOU CAN FLUSH YOUR LOOOOOOVE DOWN THE TOILET...... The world situation now is so bad and the NWO are almost taking complete control with orchestrating chaos in every country with their promotion of ISLAM...ANTI FAMILY VALUES...HOMOSEXUALITY...ABORTION....BIRTH CONTROL.....EUGENICS ON A MASSIVE SCALE....CHEM TRAILS....POISON IN OUR FOOD AND WATER...GMO...AND DIVIDE AND CONQUER PITTING BLACKS AGAINST WHITES AND MUCH MORE....that God who is allowing all this mayhem because of our YOUR. Lukewarmness towards soul winning.. FRANKLY LET ME STATE THAT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, AND TO HELL WITH YOU IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, WE WILL DO OUR VERY BEST TO SERVE THE LORD AND NOT THE DALAI LAMA OR ANY OTHER TRUMPED UP BULLSHIT.............WE WILL SERVE THE LORD UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH......SO NOW YOU HAVE IT.....ALL YOU MUSICIANS WHO USED TO SING THE TRUTH..AND NOW....PRAISE AND WORSHIP IN YOUR DEAD COLD CHURCHES..ALL YOU LITNESSERS......ALL YOU FULL TIME DISCIPLES....ALL YOU WHO DID NOT JUST BENCH WARM IN YOUR GODLESS COLD CHURCHES...ALL YOU WHO BLOG AWAY FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL HEAVEN ON EARTH HOUSES..... I AM ASHAMED OF YOU..... I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU DEAR SYSTEMITES WHO KNOW NO BETTER BUT TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE TASTED AND THEN FORSAKEN THEIR CALLINGS... HOWEVER IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO REPENT AND CHANGE AND START LIVING TODAY ...THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY...JESUS CHRIST IS THAT WAY.....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE AND SHOULD STILL BE DOING WITH YOUR LIFE...????????????? I rest my case which I dare say THIS is God's case too. ENGLISH JOSEPH Sent from my iPad From s to me A lot of truth in what you had to say, michael, but you could work on your presentation in order to be more effective in my opinion. If your motive is to inspire others to be more like you, and be more active in their witnessing, outreach, etc., then you should think of re-tooling your message, as most of the people who read what you wrote are going to be put off by it, and dismiss what you said as "another diatribe from Ol' English Joseph." Give the Holy Spirit a chance to work instead of trying to do it all yourself. That's my suggestion. :-) My reply to s Thanks but I just got hit very hard by some anti catholic bullshit from former members of the family.. Who are doing zero except blogging to each other quoting bible verses ad NAUSEAM to back up their egos..I actually enjoyed writing what I wrote and if you look back at the last few months I have been very gentle on those whom I am now attacking and even if they won't listen to me the world as we know it is comin a tumblin down sooner than later.. Gods judgement on this world is soon going to hit very hard..much harder than bush' s 9/11 which the ROTHSCHILD BANKSTERS engineered. My advice to all is to make a double effort to get right with JESUS. One of the best ways of doing that is to work for him out in the hurting world.. S that is what I feel and if I did not say it lovingly enough maybe the time has come to call a spade a spade and not beat around the bush. LUV YER S mU know that!! I also love all the old bottles too. But I hit back after lying low for quite a few months... Faithful are the wounds of a brother and a friend rather than the buttering up of an enemy..


FOLLOW THE MONEY.... The motive for people doing the things they do is for money, usually that is. Many times they say it is religion but that is only a scape goat...There are exceptions to the MONEY TALKS BULLSHIT WALKS philosophy...My Christian faith is worth more to me than a ROTHSCHILD fortune. I cannot be bought for Five hundred trillion pounds sterling, which is said to be the total wealth of these modern king of the JEWS family...I hope I could stand up to torture, by the grace of God only could I do that... So what I am trying to say here is that whenever you see evil rearing its ugly head, be a Conan Doyle SHERLOCK Holmes and look for the motive... Let's take a few examples.... 9/11 What would bin Laden gain by striking the USA....??? Being bombed.....being hounded......never being able to live in peace again...he did not have the technology to run away to safety...motive out of 100.......0 On the other hand the government want to always extend their power over the people that they are meant to be serving...ALL POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY... BY staging 9/11 they can declare war on self imposed terrorism...the people will become afraid and will then allow restrictions and control like we see being done by the ridiculous TSA. JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING that has happened has been staged..IRAQ LIBYA AFGHANISTAN SYRIA UKRAINE mh17 and on and on it goes..TTL for the Internet and alternative media as now more and more are waking up. The next false flag will probably be a dirty terrorist bomb in Chicago or Detroit or somewhere not so the pentagon strike where a missile entered a part of the building that was the least important.. The twin towers too were getting old and a huge sum could be made from insurance...This has probably been planned ages ago. In history we can study the bay of Tolkin Nero burning down jerusalem and then blaming the CHRISTIANS...ISIS trained And funded by the west and ISRAEL again a ROTHSCHILD project....motive to instil fear in the population. CNN have just put out a warning about bombs going off at Christmas. CNN are controlled by JP morgan and goldmanSachs both agents of the king of the JEWS family R... THE PURPOSE OF THIS POST IS TO HELP US ALL LOOK FOR MOTIVES.. Just like Sherlock Holmes or really the excellent writing of Conan Doyle... HOPE THAT WAS A HELP,!!


WHY THE COG COLLAPSED WHY THE COG EVENTUALLY COLLAPSED !!!!!! Very easy to understand....Also why Protestantism has no glue to stick together....SAME REASON...... THE BIBLE IS JUST FANTASTIC....THERE IS ALWAYS A SOLUTION TO COMPLEX let us see what it has to say about the fall of the COG...and the DIVISION INTO FRAGMENTS OF every PROTESTANT denomination. In the Old Testament you will notice that the kings and the leaders always ALWAYS went into battle with their soldiers. WE ALL KNOW THE STORY HOW DAVID decided to stay home just one time...Normally he was a great and successful military commander. BUT BUT BUT one time he didn't go he stayed behind and then he was totally open to lucifer..When you have nothing to do you either over eat or you over indulge in sex.. Both..By lusting after BATH sheba who was having a BATH, HE NOT ONLY COMMITTED ADULTERY WITH HER BUT ORGANISED FOR THE MURDER OF HER VERY LOYAL, A TOTALLY GOOD GUY HUSBAND...Uriah ....... Thank God he only did it once but Christian leaders do it all and I mean alllllllll.ll the time. MD was never out in the battle.. He made lots of excuses and his first blow it, was getting himself a mistress who also knew nothing about going into battle...he forsook his wife that I actually knew quite well..she wasn't sexy enough for him..She was actually pretty radical...I liked her and she liked me and admired me for being revolutionary in-spite of being at least 10 years older than the others.. So from being a revolutionary Christian movement that believed in those harsh red RED LETTER WORDS like know them well..FORSAKE ALL ...LET THE DEAD BURY THE DEAD..GO INTO ALL THE WORLD...DONT WORRY ABOUT FOOD AND PROVISIONS FOR TOMORROW, JUST GET ON WITH THE JOB TODAY, I WILL PROVIDE FOR YOU TOMORROW.....GO INTO ALL THE WORLD..TRUST IN ME BECAUSE I CARE FOR YOU....etcetcetc... So now he had to justify his living for sex so we heard about JESUS having sex with Mary MAGDELENE..he then wanted us to join him in his sin... Sin loves company so volumes OF MO LETTERS WERE WRITTEN THAT TOTALLY SUPERSEDED THE BIBLE WHICH NOW BECAME A SECONDARY BOOK. THE RESULT WAS SUICIDE MURDER AND A WHOLE GENERATION COMPLETELY LEAD ASTRAY...If you study the Luciferian bankster so called elite that rule our world.. They are heavy into sex.. Paedofilia...lusting after younger and younger flesh.. The flesh can never satisfy but I can testify that every day following JESUS is better than the day before..I believe that it is my GOD given responsibility to expose your leader MD who is dead, and ZERBY and KELLY who are still alive and all of you leaders that i remember so well. I remember you for one really bad reason.. You stayed home while we soldiers went out fighting every day on the witnessing fields.. You literally followed the example of the leadership.. I remember when I arrived in India after hitch hiking around the world to be met by a leadership who would get A NEW LETTER OR AS WE CALLED IT THE NEW of some new garbage that MD had written and tell us...quote?.if you haven't read this amazing new wine then you will be left behind...GARBAGE..FALSE RUBBISH..MATTHEW MARK LUKE JOHN ACTS etc are much more powerful.. The volumes and volumes of garbage that we were dished up with did not have the blessing of God.. One old timer just wrote yesterday that ZERBY and KELLY are encouraging the few remaining mind controlled hypnotised remnant to go out witnessing. How dare they when they haven't been witnessing for decades..PLEASE COME OUT OF HER..A LUCIFERIAN NEW AGE MOVEMENT FOLLOWING A FALSE PROPHET WHO STAYED HOME..DAVID OF OLD IS ASHAMED OF YOU NEW DAVID.. YOU SPENT YOR LIFE STAYING HOME WITH SEX WITH YOUR MISTRESS AND EVERY YOUNG GIRL WHO VISITED YOUR SECLUDED SECRETIVE RESIDENCE.. YOU EVEN TRIED TO FORCE YOUR DAUGHTERS AND GRANDDAUGHTERS TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU...H.E.L.P.!!!!!!!!!! That is all for now but more will follow... I am writing this on my one hour journey to Cologne where we go every and I mean every day to meet the world that comes there 22,000 every day from all over.. Posted by Michael Jaffray KINGat 04:12

Wednesday, 3 December 2014


WHY BE CATHOLIC.?? I am really writing this for those PROTS who really hate CATS and lose no opportunity to fire their venom at us... I am not writing this to suggest that you become a catholic at all but hopefully to clear up a few misunderstandings. 1). If you study history HIS STORY as it is really all about HIM who made everything including me and you, then you will be forced like Cardinal John Henry Newman a PROTESTANT theologian, to admit that a study of History and especially church history, will lead you away from Protestantism into the Catholic camp.. His famous comment was..."If you study History, then you cease to be PROTESTANT!" His friends on hearing this statement were alarmed...they knew that he was leaning more and more to Roman Catholicism... " If you become a catholic, you will lose all your friends and your handsome salary of £50,000 a year!!" To which he replied, " one holy EUCHARIST is worth more than all my friends and money...." 2).Matthew 16 : 18 clearly states that JESUS Christ Himself will build the church.. He did not guarantee good people because God has on purpose limited himself from interfering with Human Nature!! Even though I have chosen to be a fully committed Christian does not guarantee that I will be one tomorrow...or even in the next hour, minute or even second.. I have been given like you have too the amazing gift of free choice... 3). If you think carefully about this statemnt of CHRIST.."I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH!" this can really only be applied to one surviving church today...THE ROMAN CATHOLIC VARIETY... 4). All the LUTHER lead, Bible only..Sola Scritura churches have split and split and split.....THE COUNT TODAYS IS OVER 30,000 splits...These churches all claim to follow the Bible........DIVIDE AND CONQUER..Says lord lucy..and he has done just that.. in the USA the PROTESTANT churches are so divided that although the USA is a predominantly Christian nation it has been taken over by a small jewish minority....RUN BY THE ROTHCHILD BANKERS who control the Federal reserve private bank.. 5). Ok so now about many negative points... Our church has been at the forefront of politics over especially the Middle Ages..they did a remarkably bad job of it..God was not with them.. They got beat up at the crusades which were not God's will...these were not religious wars but money talks and bullshit walks wars. 1st TIMOTHY 6:10 check out this verse... God could not stop that or the BORGIA popes who should have been in jail..BUT THE AMAZING THING IS..THE APOSTLES DOCTRINE REMAINS IN PLACE... THE MIRACLE IS THAT OUR CHURCH with very unenthusiastic members..people who do very little personal witnessing...maybe I and my wife are the only couple amongst one point three billion members who do this job... So how did God make sure that this church will continue even if Pope Francis is a NWO operative, which he may well be, what is the secret??? THE LAST SUPPER...THE EUCHARIST.... JOHN CH 6... Please check out this whole chapter...later I will do a small bible's actually very simple.... The Eucharist is the centre of our faith.. Not a billy Graham who is great but there is no one to take over from him when he eventually dies... just the Eucharist which after a short prayer by an ordained priest, this wafer becomes THE BODY BLOOD SOUL AND DIVINITY OF YOUR DEARLY BELOVED SON OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, IN ATONEMENT FOR OUR SINS AND FOR THE SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD.... There are some great PROTESTANT denominations but they tend to revolve around a good or bad pastor or preacher..when he dies or when he runs off with the neighbours wife...then that particular denomination falls apart. The CATS AT LEAST SPEAK WITH ONE VOICE AGAINST ABORTION BIRTH CONTROL EUTHANASIA..ETC...even have a seat at the UN.. NOW ABOUT MARY WHO IS THE MOTHER OF JESUS AND JESUS HAPPENS TO BE GOD THE SON so it does not need rocket deduce that she is the mother of God.. If you can get hold of YOUCAT its a version of the catechism which has been made available for young people, you will see that MARY is not divine..she is a creation of God.. She is definitely not to be worshipped. But we revere her.... SHE IS BLESSED AMONGST ALL WOMEN and in john ch 2 she influences her Son to turn water into wine..she was there at the crucifixion.. She must have suffered terribly to see her only son tortured and murdered in front of her any parent she would have willingly offered herself in his place to let her son go free. She is very special and when JESUS offered her to his favourite disciple john to take as his mother, we CATHOLICS believe that we can have MARY to be our mother too.. I am sure that at the top of the Pyramid of power, there are many who are infiltrated enemies, just like we find in the 7 Churches in Asia in the first chapters of the book of Revelation, so this is nothing new. BUT JESUS PROMISED TO BUILD HIS CHURCH come hell or high water. And in spite of all the very valid criticisms of my church, it still keeps going. The last supper or the EUCHARIST is still valid and the centre of worship. The holy mass still has all the ingredients of the original Apostles doctrine of 2000 years ago. THE LITURGICAL WORD..A SHORT HOMILY ON THE LITURGICAL THEME FOR THE DAY, the Last Supper EUCHARIST hymns and singing and in the charismatic branch of our Church(the largest grouping of Pentecostalism in the world by far) we do have modern music and fun too. Unlike PROTS who have a great deal of very varied entertainment introduced..Guitars...fellowship...pot luck meals...modern music....fancy preachers....but absolutely NO UNITY...NO COMBINED VOICE TO STAND UP TO SATAN... PROTS HAVE BEEN DIVIDED NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE, BUT THIRTY THOUSAND TIMES...THAT IS WHY SATAN RUNS YOUR AND OUR COUNTRIES OF THE WEST.. THE KING OF THE JEWS the ROTHSCHILD family have been running the world for 200 years and the MEDICI for the previous 600 years before that... Yes they have infiltrated our church just like in the early 7 churches of ASIA in the New Testament of the Bible. God has allowed that because He cannot and has allowed HIS HANDS TO BE TIED OVER YOUR AND MY FREE WILL..THAT TOO IS WHY THE PROTESTANT DOCTRINE OF ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED IS BS,!!! We have free choice as committed CHRISTIANS to reject JESUS and choose satan any time we want.." HE THAT ENDURES TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED" No forced robots in God's Army. MATTHEW chapter 24:13... If you want to argue this point then take it up with JESUS not me. There is much more to say on this subject and if you come up with sensible criticisms then I will try to answer last thing.. Here is a question for you..have you checked out the miracle of the sun at FATIMA in PORTUGAL in 1913 October?? There is plenty of info on the Internet, let me know how you think that happened..?? GBY KGFG..

Tuesday, 2 December 2014


20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. 21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. I have tried to humour all my old comrades from the COG AND THE FAMILY INTERNATIONAL for long enough... I had hoped that my influence of being an old over weight fart of 76 that faithfully goes out witnessing every day, would influence others.....but frankly you are a completely lost cause together with sore penie PETER AMSTERDAM KELLY and sore eyes Karen Zerby mamamamamamama....who haven't been out witnessing in decades... But of course they promote loooooooooooove.... WELL LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING WHICH YOU CAN PUT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE REAL GOOD... IF YOUR LOOOOOOOVE DOES NOT INCLUDE GETTING YOUR HANDS DIRTY EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY...TAKING THE GOSPEL TO THE LOST AND HURTING WORLD, THEN IN MY OPINION YOU CAN FLUSH YOUR LOOOOOOVE DOWN THE TOILET...... The world situation now is so bad and the NWO are almost taking complete control with orchestrating chaos in every country with their promotion of ISLAM...ANTI FAMILY VALUES...HOMOSEXUALITY...ABORTION....BIRTH CONTROL.....EUGENICS ON A MASSIVE SCALE....CHEM TRAILS....POISON IN OUR FOOD AND WATER...GMO...AND DIVIDE AND CONQUER PITTING BLACKS AGAINST WHITES AND MUCH MORE....that God who is allowing all this mayhem because of our YOUR. Lukewarmness towards soul winning.. FRANKLY LET ME STATE THAT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, AND TO HELL WITH YOU IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, WE WILL DO OUR VERY BEST TO SERVE THE LORD AND NOT THE DALAI LAMA OR ANY OTHER TRUMPED UP BULLSHIT.............WE WILL SERVE THE LORD UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH......SO NOW YOU HAVE IT.....ALL YOU MUSICIANS WHO USED TO SING THE TRUTH..AND NOW....PRAISE AND WORSHIP IN YOUR DEAD COLD CHURCHES..ALL YOU LITNESSERS......ALL YOU FULL TIME DISCIPLES....ALL YOU WHO DID NOT JUST BENCH WARM IN YOUR GODLESS COLD CHURCHES...ALL YOU WHO BLOG AWAY FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL HEAVEN ON EARTH HOUSES..... I AM ASHAMED OF YOU..... I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU DEAR SYSTEMITES WHO KNOW NO BETTER BUT TO THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE TASTED AND THEN FORSAKEN THEIR CALLINGS... HOWEVER IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO REPENT AND CHANGE AND START LIVING TODAY ...THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY...JESUS CHRIST IS THAT WAY.....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE AND SHOULD STILL BE DOING WITH YOUR LIFE...????????????? I rest my case which I dare say THIS is God's case too. ENGLISH JOSEPH