Can I, a mere mortal creation of God, improve the Truth??? The splendour of Truth, handed down since the time of Jesus and the Apostles??????
Original sin is to want to play God...
Excuse me Sir! or Mam, I want to be God! Get out of my way please!
You see the point is that these rules were made 2000 years ago and are not up to date..
The world wasn't overcrowded so of course artificial birth control, abortion, Euthanasia and Divorce are all a part of My right to choose.
What God said is out of date...
I know better because I have studied and I am a PHD in History etc etc etc....
ALSO a very very very important point..... I have the Bible in my language and can read it and interpret it any way I like...I am smart and why should I believe what has been handed down by fuddy duddy old men and women from yesteryear????
If you implicitly believe the Bible then let me ask you a few questions about your obedience to it and especially to those red letter high lighted words of Jesus Christ Himself.
Mark Ch 16 verse 15 say very plainly.... “ Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to very creature!”
Did you do that and are you doing that??????
Jesus said to forsake all and give up everything and follow Him... Did you and are you doing that???
“Go sell everything you have and give to the poor and come and follow me!” This is not a suggestion but a command.
There are scores of other points but let these suffice for now.
In Jesus' Church every Priest, every Friar, every Nun, has to forsake all and do as they are told by the chain of command.
I as a lay person am not expected to do this although I have opted for this all my Christian life.
I did not know about the Division of full time and part time followers set up by Jesus and the Apostles. So I opted for the full time...
Now hopefully you are beginning to see just how foolish and dangerous it is to act independently and not come under the Umbrella of Christ's ordained Church.
This recent event in Baghdad brings this out very clearly..
These people did not die a clean death as in a beheading or guillotining where death is instantaneous, but slow and painful from mortal wounds which left them bleeding and dying in terrible pain.
We are playing a very dangerous game...
That is why Jesus prayed for us all to be one..
What a stupid and silly prayer for Jesus to pray unless it was a distinct possibility..
Yes for this prayer of Christ's to be answered there has to be obedience on the part of the believers.
No hot shot individual... My way is right!!!
If you watch the You Tube Movie on the life of Saint Padre Pio of Petrocina, you will see how important obedience and submission is especially when it seems so unfair.
I re watched this free movie during the Halloween celebrations and am always moved by it and encouraged too.
Being a Roman Catholic...
Of course there are many aspects of being a Roman Catholic...BUT...
This came to me very strongly today on All Saints Day and also my Names Day.. Michael...But no Angel... Yet....Ha!!!
There is only one real Reason to be a Roman Catholic...
It's all about Jesus and has nothing REPEAT NOTHING to do with the Priests good or bad... People that you may or may not meet after Holy Mass, good or bad..Fellowship good or bad...
It's all about Jesus in the Eucharist and also about His Holy Virgin Mother and my Mother too...
People including yourself and myself will let you badly down from time to time and if your faith is in them, then you will go into a tail spin and crash...That's a promise!!!
If you are a Catholic because you want to have good experiences with People, then become a Protestant. But beware because they do not last... Why???? Because they are Human and crash and split ad nausea.
I want Jesus and more and more of Him and His Holy Mother....
This has nothing to do with good or bad examples of other Christians..
It is all about having a very deepening ever deepening, no standing still.. kind of I've arrived... But ever ever deepening relationship with HIM . Hour by hour and day by day....
If you want really good and reliable friends then choose all or any of the Saints... They like Jesus and His Mother will never let you down.
If you have a good priest or a good friends and good fellowship, then that is a bonus....
Do not ever ever ever put your trust in them though because that is all human stuff and can go terribly wrong...
One more thing
Being a Catholic is being part of a Theocracy.. God is absolute Boss and works down through the chain of Command..
Pope, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, deacons and last laity
Absolutely no Democracy..
God set it up and He knows exactly what He is doing.
We little gods trying to be better than God will always want to say we know better..
Rubbish!!! He knows better and What He set up cannot and never will be changed to suit some democratic opinion.
Be very very very thankful to have found a Rock so much higher than you or me.. Thank God for that Rock.. He changes not...
Peace and God bless you... Try very hard not to be your own god!!!
That is what original sin is all about... The Devil offered Adam and Eve a kind of an equal or higher position than the Almighty God.. “Ye shall be as Gods...!!”
Where does one begin???
They say rather obviously that the very best place to begin is at the beginning.
I am writing this with two very precious young ladies in mind.
One was the subject of great cruelty at my hands when I dealt harshly with her and her Mum some 18 years ago.
At the time I thought that I had done the right thing but the consequences that followed my action produced great and unnecessary pain especially for the young girl of 11.
Now this extremely precious and unique young lady in her thirties, hates religion and wants no part in it.
Mercifully they have both forgiven me but want no part of my beliefs..
Under the circumstances that is totally understandable and so I am having a shot at trying to reverse the hatred for religion and especially the Roman Catholic Church.
The sect that I used to belong to believed that the name Religion was closely associated with the contempt that the Communists had for Religion, calling it the Opium of the People.
I like the Communists held strongly to that view too.
I have often repeated the words of my Guru, Father Robert Barron of Word on Fire..see
WE ARE ALL WIRED FOR GOD.. There is just no getting away with it..
It matters not whether you live in a tribe in the depths of the Amazon Jungle or as a seemingly insignificant part of crawling humanity in some concrete jungle of apartment blocks in the cities of this world.
WE ARE WIRED FOR GOD and we will never find true happiness until we make a living and vital continuous contact with our Creator.
I think like many others that a good place to start is at the BIG BANG...
Which occurred some 13.7 billion years ago.
Georges LemaƮtre proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe
George was a Roman Catholic Priest which really makes me happy Ha!
Good for George!!!!!
O.K. So we can begin with this Big Bang...
Now it is important to realise that everything created can be measured and observed.. There is no Mystical Religious side to Science.
Distances fro me to you or from the Earth to Mars or anything, can be measured...
What did the Big Bang bring about??
Time!....Space!.....and Substance!....
So we can assume that before the Big Bang there was neither Time, Space or Substance.
Whatever there was had a completely different dimension..
O.K. Now the Big Question????
What or Who made the Big Bang????
Big Bangs do not just happen by accident out of nowhere.
If there is an explosion in the City Centre killing scores of people, It must have been caused by someone or something.
Maybe Terrorists or an Underground Gas pipe bursting???
Even Karl Marx admitted to a design..I am not an Academic and am just a simple JO!
But with only a limited education in Algebra, to have a Design, not just a simple random design but the most intricate and totally intelligent design of the Human Brain for example or the Galaxies or the structure of a Plant or Animal... The mind boggles at it all???? there must be a designer.
So can we say now that there is a Designer?
Will you agree to that?
OK that's the end of Lesson one...
Lesson 2 will follow shortly...
God Bless you!
Or should I say for your benefit, The Designing Force Bless you!!
Bye for now!
Contunuing... Where do we go from here ???series?????
So far we have seen good reasons to
Believe in a Higher Power... see the comments on the Big Bang..
And see the evidence about those crazy fishermen and their crucified leader telling them to conquer the whole world through preaching and demonstrating, mainly through Martyrdom, Forgiveness.
By any normal reasoning that is quite ridiculous.
Napoleon, the British, Caesars and Karl Marx and Hitler Mao, Polpot and the Muslims have tried to spread their Campaigns by force and bloodshed...
OK that is feasible but
by FORGIVENESS????? That sounds absolutely NUTS unless God might happen to be in it, for with Him, the Bible tells us, Nothing is impossible!
Now which kind of Christianity???
Which of the 38,000 different Denominations should I choose from???
Many tell me that 38,000 is a falsified number to show just how ridiculous Protestantism is...
OK so lets knock a Zero of it and make it only 3800.
If that is still too much... knock another Zero and make it a simple 380...
Personally, if I want to be a Christian, I would like to be a part of the original model set up by God Himself and not some Human improved variety...
This is the problem as Father Robert Barron of Word on fire is continually trying to tell us over and over
There is a big problem with the Human race... Yes!! That includes you and me... We all want to be God!!!
Satan's great temptation was...”You too can be like God!” “You do not have to be pushed around by Him any more!”
Women Priests ?? Of course... Times have changed... God's original plan is out of date...
Abortion?? Of course...We cant afford to have any more than 1.3kids.. One point three kids..
Birth control?? Condoms is a great idea!! Why not??? God is out of date... I am God, for God's sake!!
Divorce??? Of course... Why not??? We don't Looooooove each other any more....
Well there is a Church which keeps going no matter what..
No matter whether the people, the priests, the bishops, or even the Pope himself is good or bad... It just keeps rolling on and on and on.... Just like the river Nile or Thames or Mississippi..
Do you happen to know the name of this Church???
That's right!!!!
The Roman Catholic Church with it's Bells and Smells and men dressed up as Women, called Priests.
Many times sad to say, not very nice people... There are plenty of exceptions thank the Lord!!!!
OK so that's all I have to say about the Vietnam War.. Quote from Forest Gump..
Please check out the LINKS at the top and see 2 parts of an awesome movie on the life Of Saint Padre PIO.
Please try and understand!!!
After the horrific events in Baghdad where scores of Catholic Worshippers were slain, it appears that this was a revenge for a really stupid and I would say wicked gesture by one of those Pastors of one those thousands of Protestant sects that had decided to burn The Koran in front of his little church.
An organisation calling itself The Christian Voice, acclaimed this Pastor as Heroic!???????
This is why I keep posting Pro Catholic blogs to show just how dangerous it is to play God, interpreting the Roman Catholic Scriptures handed down to you on a plate, the way that suits you. You have no authority no structure and are out of control. I hope that you are all preparing yourself for Martyrdom, because this is where this blatant stupidity is taking us.
Sadly those Muslim fanatics think that all Christians are one... We are not one and never will be until you all learn to stop playing God and get under the Umbrella of the Church that Jesus himself initiated in Matthew Chapter 16 verse 18..
Yes I am angry!!! It is time to wake up!!! Otherwise there will be more horrors like this one all because of a total lack of Wisdom by the 38,000 sects playing God..
.A self inflicted bad day!!
I wonder if you ever have days like I had yesterday?
I woke up worrying!!!
Whenever I worry it is always about Cash..
Even though I can look back on 45 years as a Christian living entirely by faith without ever experiencing the failure of God, somehow this fact does not register on a self inflicted bad day!
We are not going to make it.
We are going to go bust and then Irmgard will have to get a crabby job in a factory which will take her away from the home for 12 hours a day.
God is going to fail us.. He cannot and will not keep up this miracle life of ours for ever.
Well let me tell you one thing very plainly.. God has never let me and my family down.
Irmgard was trying her best to explain this to me, but I couldn't find the brake.
I was going down hill backwards and gathering speed.
We took our Rosaries and arm bands and literature onto the walking street, and all morning I was proved right. We did not make enough cash to pay the Diesel, let alone the food bills.
Having Mikey and Dave to stay has added a great deal to our expenses.
It is such a privilege to have them but with two extra and sometimes three extra hungry mouths to feed has doubled our expenses.
Electricity is more than doubled.
Water consumption and waste water is also 2 to 3 times more.
By midday we were really not cutting the mustard so after prayer we decided to go to a small town called MUCH.
To our joy we found a Shell garage which was selling Diesel at a very very reasonable price and so we took the opportunity to fill the tank.
Yes this made me pleased a bit.
Over Halloween we had spent over a 100 Euro on fun and food and treats.
Now in Much we needed to make at least 50 E to make up.
For some reason the Children Money office each October decides not to give us more Kindergeld..
Crazy and so we have to fight for it..
Last week we did our fighting and they said they would send it, but it did not arrive.
I tried to put a brave face on all these factors and spent 2 hours in Much getting no where and instead of thinking about all the souls I should be winning onto the right path as I usually do I just got more discouraged.
Irmgard cheerful and unworried as usual was working in a car park independently from me.
When I got back to her and it was time to head for home, I found that she had had a wonderful time and many Rosaries and Literature out and many people helped in their faith.. I was a real shamer and to top it all she had 45 Euro which with my measly 5 made the 50 we had prayed for. The Children money also arrived..
God had blessed her and not me for obvious reasons.
When will I ever learn???
Hopefully soon...
God bless you and KGFG
Where does one go from here?
Sequel to where does one begin?
I have to assume that you are agreeing with me that there must be some Great and intelligent force that was working in a totally different Dimension..
If we agree thus far then maybe the next move is really a very simple one.
Will you acknowledge that 100 years ago, you and me, we were not here.??
Will you also acknowledge that in a 100 years time we will not be here either?
Have you ever thought about yourself as to how utterly unique you are?
There are no carbon copies on earth at present and in fact there never were and there never will be..
Even if you have an identical twin, you will still have different personalities.
This is a very good thought to always keep in the background as if you do not you may well get eaten up in the ant number syndrome..
i.e. You are just a number like an insignificant ant.
The next step is to examine Jesus Christ and the extraordinary spread of Christianity all over the World in the first 5 centuries after His death and resurrection.
Jesus' message unlike all other religious messages, was about forgiveness.
I like to use the word forgiveness instead of LOVE because Love is easily misunderstood and like the word gay has been hi jacked by evil.
This what someone called Boussuet said... I am paraphrasing his words to make it more easily understandable....
“Imagine how absolutely ridiculous and yet how heavenly the inspiration which possessed a bunch of Galilean simple fishermen??
Think about their enterprise and what they set out to accomplish...
No Prince or Military or Political Leader ever conceived such a Lofty plan. Without any human help, these fishermen partitioned off the world..
For conquest not with weapons great or small but with a plan of Love and Forgiveness, ordained by a crucified man in Jerusalem
So that's enough for now....more to follow soon....
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