Tuesday, 24 January 2012

6 Mega Bank Financial Oligarchs take over the running of the whole world in 2012! Just wait and see if you do not believe this!

6 Mega Bank Financial Oligarchs take over the running of the whole world in 2012!
Just wait and see if you do not believe this!

My advice is to be informed and use our most effective weapon....Prayer!!!!
What kind of a Prayer?
Dear Jesus help!!!
That would be a good start.
But the most effective prayer for normal people both Protestant and Roman Catholic and Orthodox would be......
Wait for it......
The Holy Rosary!!!!
That is just a silly and boring repetitive Catholic prayer!
No not really because the very first Protestant Martin Luther, believed in it!
The very first Protestant believed in and practised saying the Rosary!
Why is it so powerful?
OK! Let me remind you once again!
First it is a prayer when said faithfully during one whole week will take you in a meditation voyage over the whole ministry and life and existence and birth, death and resurrection of that most famous and most important of all Historical figures... Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
Second it is a prayer that includes at each session praying the very prayer that Jesus taught His Disciples! The Lord's prayer. The Our Father! Six times as if to really rub it in.
Let's say it now just to refresh our memory and I will underline the parts that I believe to be the most significant. It is all very significant but in my opinion there are three high points that need to be underlined.

Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
So there you have it. Take it or leave it! But my strong suggestion is to take it...apply it ....and try with all your might to live by it..asking HIM JESUS and the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT to help you.
Also ask Our Holy Mother to whom this prayer is directed, for her intercession on our behalf,  to help one do just this until the hour of our death.
Third it is a prayer that mentions the name of our Greatest Hero, Lord and Saviour, at least 66 times and in many cases even more. Do you remember
Romans Chapter 14 verse 11....[11] For it is written: As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God

For changing the world and for keeping evil in check... This is a very very important prayer and Our Lady of Fatima has pronounced and repeated on several occasions during her appearances on earth over the last 100 years that if we want World Peace and peace in our Own Lives then this amazing prayer is the key.
Takes 18 minutes of our precious time each day! But what a way to spend 18 minutes!!!!
GBY and KGFG and a wonderful and fulfilling New Year as you face what the Lord is allowing to happen to this World of ours.
Pray for the BANKsters... Prayer for the PRESStitutes... Pray for the Puppet Politicians...
Pray for all disciples of lord lucifer that they will see the error of their ways and repent and be saved and be baptised in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour and Creator of the us and the Universe and all that is in it.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

A day of Faith!!!!!

A day of faith!
Your own personal copy

Most of my life as a missionary in Brazil and then India, I never owned or even drove a vehicle.
We just hitch hiked everywhere and met the most extraordinary and wonderful people, and then prayed with them to ask Jesus Christ to come into their hearts.
In my old age I have become lazy and have an old Mercedes car valued at 200 Euro.. Not 2000 bu 200.
The kids are making their super important trip to England to meet Universal Publishers tomorrow morning and then Sony Publishers in the afternoon.
Of course we had to give them the car and about 500 Euro from our depleted account after Christmas and new Year, leaving us at about 1500 Euro instead of our normal 2500. As there is soon going to be a monumental economic FINANCIAL CRASH brought about by the Banksters...JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs and the Rockefeller's and the Rothschild's.. all planned and about to happen coinciding with a stupid and ridiculous war against IRAN, it does not really matter whether we have 1500 or 2500 but much more important is to have faith in God. Philipians Chapter 4 verse 19..."But my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus..".
IRAN has not yet made a Nuclear weapon whereas Israel have at least 200 Nukes and Rockets which can be sent anywhere they want on this planet. Do you remember those weapons of mass destruction that Sadam Hussein allegedly had????. Now at least 1,000,000 Iranians, men women and children will have to be killed. This will greatly please all the Elites and Eugenicists like the Royals and the Banksters and Bill and Belinda Gates who have zero empathy for us the cattle of the earth and want to reduce the population to 500,000,000 instead of the 7,000,000,000 at present.
Also for Iran to attempt any first strike on Israel would be suicide for that country but here again the elites think that we are stupid and in fact many of us are, to believe in all this warmongering hype. God help us and He will eventually when it gets totally out of hand and when He will send His Son Jesus to rescue the earth from these Demonic Weasels who are now and always have been in control of our Wonderful World.
Now back to today...
The kids suggested that we take the bus to the train station and of course that would be the sensible, normal thing to do. BUT..
As we have already hitch hiked 20,000 kilometres from Brazil to Singapore with 300 lifts and 100 German Deutsch marks, and then arriving in India with 3000 US$ made from small donations, really going from Bielstein to Dieringhausen about 5 kilometres was not really such a great challenge. We would also save 12 Euros on the deal.
BUT.. I have grown lazy and so yes I was a bit apprehensive as we set out early on Sunday morning.
Of course we had to go to Holy Mass as every Sunday is a day of obligation for us. I would not willingly miss a mass for all the tea in China or all the quadrillions of Dollars or gold bars in the world. To exchange cash for Faith in God is just not on and would be a very foolish exchange in my opinion. Cardinal John Henry Newman made such a remark too when he decided to become a Roman Catholic after studying Church History.
Well, there were very few cars on the road and none wanted to stop. We put a fleece before the Lord that unless He provided us with a lift in the next 10 minutes we would return home and try the bus.
At about minute 9 a sweet and brave lady stopped and took us to the bakery up the road which was only a very short distance but in the right direction. We explained that we were not Elkaida but rather Christian Missionaries and we did not realise how wise this little lift was. At the bakery there were many getting into and out of their cars to buy fresh bread.
The very first young man we asked gladly took us to the train station and from there we caugh our train with 10 minutes to spare.
Now the train was delayed and so when we walked into the Cathedral it was 12 o'clock and of course we had no idea when the Holy Mass would be on. It looked as if it was just coming to an end but the red coated temple guard said that it was just beginning so we snuck in up the front of a packed Church.
It was the first time that I had been to Mass in such a magnificent structure and the Organ playing and the whole ceremony was just awesome and gave me a glimpse of what it would be like in Heaven.
We just had 2 hours to do our witnessing exploits and in that time we met and prayed with many people from all Natioanalities, distributing 9 Rosaries and increasing our funds proportionately, and then caught the train home. Hitch hiking home was even quicker than if we had driven our own car and a lady took us a very little out of her way and dropped us off about 100 metres from our home.
God is very definitely good!
Hope you enjoyed that.
The kids safely arrived at their Mayfair flat just close to Hydepark and the next instalment will be what happens today as I recount this from yesterday at 5 25 a.m. Monday the 16th of January 2012.

What the Hell is going on?????


Please watch at least from minute 22 to minute 30--
It's your duty to watch and understand what the HELL is going on.
Please for God's sake wake up....
If enough of us wake up, we can stop this total take over by the DEVIL,,, Did you hear me??? It's the DEVIL!!!!!
We are being drawn into a Scientific Dictatorship of Eugenecists who believe that they are SUPERIOR HUMAN BEINGS and the rest of US are stupid Cattle.
You would be wise to watch and listen and pay attention to all 2 and half hours.
Otherwise be like the Ostrich.
Just watch your favourite football team and/or Soap opera, and then roll over and and be killed by a slow death.
I do not think that God will be so happy to welcome you for falling asleep. It is all in the Bible which you may read and not understand.
My own Church is totally asleep and probably yours too.
Sadly I believe that the top of our Churches know but want to keep silent.
My favourite Priest Father Robert Barron of the Catholicism Project is sadly complicit.
Our Pope who is an extremely well informed and intelligent person has agreed that a World Bank controlled by a Chief Bankster will help sort out all economic crimes that are being and have been carried out since for ever. HELP!!! JESUS HELP us all wake up as to what our punk enemy is doing.!!!

God's telephone number!

God's telephone number!
Matthew Chapter 7 veres 7 to 15.
So here is the numeber!
Matthew 7, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
and here is the proof of its authority..
Ask, and it shall be given you: ( Do not ask and you will get nothing!)seek, and you shall find:( Do not bother to seek and you will find????....absolutely nothing...Why? Because you did not seek... Just that simple) knock, and it shall be opened to you.( Do not knock and then obviously nothing opens [8] For every one that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.

[9] Or what man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he reach him a stone? [10] Or if he shall ask him a fish, will he reach him a serpent?
[11] If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children: how much more will your Father who is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him? [12] All things therefore whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you also to them. For this is the law and the prophets. [13] Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. [14] How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! [15] Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Now this is the point that I am trying to get across to you.
These verses are either the WHOLE TRUTH or they are for the Garbage. Tare this page out of your Bible and scrumple it up and throw it down the toilet.
I really mean that..
What are you going to do?
I know what I will do, I will totally and unreservedly believe it.
How about you??
Now this is very important... Yo have to make a decision. You cannot sit on the fence.
The fence has spikes and is extremely uncomfortable.
IF you want to know if 9/11 is an inside job, then ASK!! and do your own research on the Internet guided by the hand of God Himself.
Is all this info about the Banksters and their being worshippers of the god who lives and inhabits the centre of the earth, true or false?
I have sent you so much info and now it is time for you to ask God what is the TRUTH.
I sent you a great deal of stuff about the Catholic Church being the one True Church of God on earth and in heaven..Is that true or is that false?
Ask God and He will show you.
The Vatican and many priests and Cardinals including Pope Benedict are corrupt. B16 has endorsed a plan for a World Bank controlled by the Chief of all Banksters to be in controlof our funacial woes. Help!!!!
Amazingly corruption has not spolied in any way the Apostle's doctrine.
I am still a Roman Catholic but not because of B16 or the Borgia Popes or poor old middleaged Father Robert Barron who has dried up like an old rottern fig, are right or wrong. He had his chance to stand up for the Truth but sadly he sold his birthright for a mess of fame pottage and the Catholicism project which is dying even now on the vine.
It was not the earth shaking Truth that we had all hope it would be..Why?? Because he turned down a great opportunity to tell the TRUTH..
This year is going to be a real tester.. Just you wait and see.. It is going to be the most significant year since the birth and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ Himself.
It will be your opportunity to stand up and probably be martyred or to accept wicked offers for a few more years on death row. You and I are going to die anyway sooner or later so why delay just to get a few more days on a corrupt earth under the control of extremely evil men.

For God's sake and for your own sake watch the real news!

For God's sake and your own sake, please watch the real news!

Why watch the Presstitutes???
They have been totally bought!
They have accepted the offer that cannot be refused!
The megabanks have bought them out!
Instead watch--- wait for it.... every day...
Alex Jones 2012-01-11 Wednesday...
Go to you tube and type in the above but put in the correct date of Yesterday...that's right YESTERDAY..
I promise that you will learn....
What will you learn?????
Wait for it......

The Catholic Church's Greatest Failure

The Catholic Church's greatest failure.

We are the biggest Christian Church by far.
We are bigger than all the Prots put together.
Surely the job of a good shepherd is to warn the sheep about the great pitfalls and dangers of life?
They the Great Church are meant to be leading us in a very ferocious spiritual war against Evil. Evil that word that is one letter short of the D..The Devil..
Why are they not telling us about the enormous corruption that is all over the world as a mere 6000 people from 24 families are doing their utmost to destroy us.
No mention of this...WHY?
They tell us nothing about the wicked Banksters who control the Puppet Politicians and all of us into the bargain and the Media... The Presstitutes.
How come they have never warned us before.
We have had to find out for ourselves through the Internet.
What kind of Shepherds are these, who allow us to be poisoned by Fluoride in the water, Aluminium in the Chemitrails and Mercury in the vaccinations.????????? AND much more.????????????????
Do not tell me that the Vatican is asleep to 9/11 being an inside job and that they know nothing about the Rockefeller foundation funding Hitler, Lenin, Poll Pot. Mao and Elkaida.
Why have they not warned us the sheep as to why the so called elites are and have been on a huge Eugenicist programme to kill us all off through Cancer and Epidemics and pointless wars and sheer destruction and vaccinations designed to eliminate most of us from the face of the earth.
Why do they not take the time to explain how real the words of Jesus are in The Gospel of Saiint John Chapter 10 verse 10...The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.
Why did the Vatican and the Pope not warn us about the wickedness of the Bilderberger's club and Skull and Bones and the CFR, The Trilateral commission and the Illuminati and the Masons and much much more.
Is it because Satan has so infiltrated their ranks, that they are complicit with all this knowledge which is now leaking out to the General Public through the Internet????????
They must be complicit and I think that Hell must be full of these wicked Shepherds who have with held information from their sheep.!
I became suspicious when Father Robert Barron of the now defunct Catholicism Project said and I quote.. "We pulled building 7 down through demolition!"
Please notice that he said WE not they.. Why WE???? Answer that for yourself.
He has not written me a word since that explanation of his...WHY??? Is he scared or something??? Is he scared that he might lose his job? Well he may not lose his job through his silence but he will lose a great deal in Eternity. Pray for him... It is disgraceful that a servant of God who has headed up the Catholicism Project is so silent about how the enemy is trying at every turn to destroy us through a programme of Eugenics which has been going on for all of History.
They tell us nothing about the false flag operations which have dogged the world for centuries.
I want to know why?????
Many millions of others want to know too.
The Prots with their disunited 40,000 different denominations have done little better in their total disunity.
Jesus and Mary please Help!!! Help us all!!!
No wonder the Cats are losing out in these last days before Jesus comes back to straighten this mess out.
I would not want to be in a position of Roman Catholic Leadership at a time like this amongst people who refuse to spill the beans and tell the Truth and damn the consequences. Yes they may kill you for exposing all this wickedness. We have to die anyway. Our kingdom of this world is not our home.
My reply to would be assassins is that if you kill me, then I will go to Purgatory for sure but if you torture me then I will go straight to Heaven.
What is your answer to these wicked people both within and without our Church which Jesus is still building... see Matthew Chapter 16 verse 18..
Oh but they will threaten and kill my children. OK go ahead.. What future have my kids got in a world controlled by extremely evil Banksters.
Three score years and ten is such a short period anyway.
That Great Englishman who died as the famous Cardinal John Henry Newman said and I quote for the benefit of all.

Informationwar..the fall of the Republic....



I really do not know what more I can do to help you wake up.....
If you do not wake up then the results that are about to fall all over us in disaster will be your fault.
What is more important??
The league football results or the rape of the world by the most wicked of men ever.. Did you hear that??
This is the crime of the 2 milleniums since Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins.
God help us and God help you if you refuse to pay attention....
As for me I will continue to storm Heaven for help.. Will you join me?? Or will you switch on your favourite soap opera and sport programme.
Time is running out... UNLESS you wake up....
Unless you wake up and help others to wake up and and and and PRAY to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our enemy is praying and following their lord satan...lucifer... the devil...
Which of these two leaders will you follow?
The choice is yours and not just today but tomorrow and for ever.