Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The Catholic Church's Greatest Failure

The Catholic Church's greatest failure.

We are the biggest Christian Church by far.
We are bigger than all the Prots put together.
Surely the job of a good shepherd is to warn the sheep about the great pitfalls and dangers of life?
They the Great Church are meant to be leading us in a very ferocious spiritual war against Evil. Evil that word that is one letter short of the D..The Devil..
Why are they not telling us about the enormous corruption that is all over the world as a mere 6000 people from 24 families are doing their utmost to destroy us.
No mention of this...WHY?
They tell us nothing about the wicked Banksters who control the Puppet Politicians and all of us into the bargain and the Media... The Presstitutes.
How come they have never warned us before.
We have had to find out for ourselves through the Internet.
What kind of Shepherds are these, who allow us to be poisoned by Fluoride in the water, Aluminium in the Chemitrails and Mercury in the vaccinations.????????? AND much more.????????????????
Do not tell me that the Vatican is asleep to 9/11 being an inside job and that they know nothing about the Rockefeller foundation funding Hitler, Lenin, Poll Pot. Mao and Elkaida.
Why have they not warned us the sheep as to why the so called elites are and have been on a huge Eugenicist programme to kill us all off through Cancer and Epidemics and pointless wars and sheer destruction and vaccinations designed to eliminate most of us from the face of the earth.
Why do they not take the time to explain how real the words of Jesus are in The Gospel of Saiint John Chapter 10 verse 10...The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.
Why did the Vatican and the Pope not warn us about the wickedness of the Bilderberger's club and Skull and Bones and the CFR, The Trilateral commission and the Illuminati and the Masons and much much more.
Is it because Satan has so infiltrated their ranks, that they are complicit with all this knowledge which is now leaking out to the General Public through the Internet????????
They must be complicit and I think that Hell must be full of these wicked Shepherds who have with held information from their sheep.!
I became suspicious when Father Robert Barron of the now defunct Catholicism Project said and I quote.. "We pulled building 7 down through demolition!"
Please notice that he said WE not they.. Why WE???? Answer that for yourself.
He has not written me a word since that explanation of his...WHY??? Is he scared or something??? Is he scared that he might lose his job? Well he may not lose his job through his silence but he will lose a great deal in Eternity. Pray for him... It is disgraceful that a servant of God who has headed up the Catholicism Project is so silent about how the enemy is trying at every turn to destroy us through a programme of Eugenics which has been going on for all of History.
They tell us nothing about the false flag operations which have dogged the world for centuries.
I want to know why?????
Many millions of others want to know too.
The Prots with their disunited 40,000 different denominations have done little better in their total disunity.
Jesus and Mary please Help!!! Help us all!!!
No wonder the Cats are losing out in these last days before Jesus comes back to straighten this mess out.
I would not want to be in a position of Roman Catholic Leadership at a time like this amongst people who refuse to spill the beans and tell the Truth and damn the consequences. Yes they may kill you for exposing all this wickedness. We have to die anyway. Our kingdom of this world is not our home.
My reply to would be assassins is that if you kill me, then I will go to Purgatory for sure but if you torture me then I will go straight to Heaven.
What is your answer to these wicked people both within and without our Church which Jesus is still building... see Matthew Chapter 16 verse 18..
Oh but they will threaten and kill my children. OK go ahead.. What future have my kids got in a world controlled by extremely evil Banksters.
Three score years and ten is such a short period anyway.
That Great Englishman who died as the famous Cardinal John Henry Newman said and I quote for the benefit of all.

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