Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura!!!! and Why Jesus is the only answer!!!!!!! From the following link to part 1 of 36 you will find 36 documentaries of 45 minutes each on every conspiracy theory that you can possibly imagine... Some are debunked but others, the majority are found to be absolutely TRUE...ALL OF THEM WELL THOUGHT OUT AND EXCITING TO WATCH!!!. Remember that the TRUTH will set you FREE. John ch 8 v 32b. satan who runs this world is, and always has been, out to destroy the creation of God, by all means imaginable. Scary???? Yes!!!!! The scientific word for this CRIME OF ALL CRIMES is, EUGENICS... When applied to Seals and animals we use the word CULLING... Reducing the world population from 7 billion to 500 million..A 90% reduction..Only the ELITE so called will be allowed to live and continue to procreate and reproduce...They will allow a few dumbed down and drugged down and brain damaged slave class to work the fields and do the mundane work. It is basically a return to the Middle Ages...Here are some of the ways and means that they will and are already using to do their murderous work...Nuclear war... Civil war...Poisoned water supply...Poisoned food... Orchestrated spreading of deadly diseases that will attack the immune systems and reproductive systems of all human beings. Forced vaccinations with deadly ingredients given to infants and grown ups alike in the face a Swine or Bird Flu epidemic which will also have been orchestrated. And Weather manipulation... False flag operation like operation Northwoods and many more... Dramatically and interestingly produced and easy to watch. At the end you will realise that a simple faith in Jesus Christ and His Holy Word in the Bible will be your only and very effective answer, defense and hope... Jesus has already won the deadly war on the Mountain of Calvary, 2000 years ago... PLEASE GET BACK TO ME!!!!!!!!! GBY KGFG 

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