Thursday, 12 September 2013

many in the church priesthood are not fit to be called servants of God I would really love to hear fromYOU as you try to shoot, today's message from Maria Divine Mercy, down in flames.. I am totally disgusted by the lack of acknowledgement by the Church as to the wickedness of what is going on in our Western World satanic leadership. The disciples of President OBOMBER, (The Elqaida, el C.I.A.D A, luciferian opposition to President Assad,) are being armed to the teeth, by the USA and others, while they attack and destroy Christian Churches beheading and amputating the limbs from little children and at the point of a gun forcing them to embrace a religion which on purpose LEAVES OUT THE CROSS OF CHRIST!and using poison gas and then blaming it on Assad. A typical use of the Hegelian dialectic FALSE FLAG so often used in past and very recent HIS STORY. Why is it so difficult for our Church to make a stand??? Maybe because they are complicit in this power struggle for world domination. President Putin has siezed the high moral ground and has become the leader of world freedom. MAY GOD BLESS HIM MIGHTILY.. No wonder that Maria from Fatima exhorted the world to pray for the conversion of RUSSIA. Please listen to his latest word to the New York Times...A masterpiece of common sense and dipolmacy and a stand for God and Christianity. Who cares about his KGB past? It is what he stands for in this present moment that counts. The Past is History and the future is a mystery and the PRESENT is a present from God to be seized upon. Now you know why he is on my list of HEROES!!! Read and digest what My new Internatiuonal Hero has to say.. May God bless him and keep him on track and not allow him to become the usual BULLSHIP which responds to MONEY TALKS... MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS.. What are you????? BULLSHIT??? OR A FOLLOWER OF THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD WHO DIED ON THE CROSS FOR ALL OF OUR MANY MANY SINS????

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