Thursday, 28 August 2014


The Rothschild satanic plan was never ever to try and produce democracy in the Middle East ..that was only the deception....the plan was take out the stable governments of Iraq Libya Syria and introduce chaos....satan is the author of confusion.... So they the Luciferian baby LON don ites will never agree to work with Assad ...they will more likely go in and destroy Assad in the process of helping get rid of ISIS which is their very own baby...funded and armed to the teeth by them...the huge infiltration of Muslims into the western world is also part of their plan to totally destabilise the is so important to see the big picture...Hammond must be very small fry to think that he can get the disciples of lucifer OBAMA Cameron OSBORNE etc to do something having said that our Great God and his Son Jesus Christ could do something if we continue to pray against these demonic and well laid plans,, they are now working on Ukraine and then from their point of view hopefully RUSSIA.. Our immigration policy over the past 50 years was always to destabilise the USA and GB..Muslims are the most unintelligent and easily manipulated people on the face of the earth..their religion is 1000000% satanic and so they can easily do the job???the Jews are satanically clever and even more dangerous in the long run???the biggest enemy of the NWO is the Christian and his belief in JESUS CHRIST. They have to be killed for their satanic plan to believing Christian is just one too much for the devil... Thank god for psalm 2 which shows us clearly who is really in charge......I have memorised this psalm....2 chronicles 7:14 is also a key to fight the spiritual battle that is waging all over the world...JESUS will come back again after the tribulation..TTL.!!!!!!!!

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