Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Dear P

Dear P
Dear P
This morning I got up early to try and put to rest the fact that I was pretty convinced that you were a spook.

I went to Safari ..iPad Google..and typed in your name....P.....no joy..just a lot of old codgers much older than you...

I was still confused but then I put your email address and then at last I got your picture and I was relieved.. 

As a thoroughly committed Christian I knew deep down that even if you were and are a spook, harm could only be done to me with God's permission but in spite of that knowledge I was apprehensive..

After our first meeting I was fascinated because.....
Hardly anyone reads my blogs....two tramps, a dog and a dying cat...
So the fact that you knew so much about me was bizarre. 

Then I looked for you on the Internet with absolutely no results...of course what I write is extremely controversial and I am not just a conspiracy theorist but a factualist...

If you still read my blogs you will know me pretty well, because we are what we write and what we do..( what I do is daily street evangelism)

I have a very strong feeling and this is only a Theory, (THEORY) but this year and especially from the summer to early autumn,say September October, I believe we are in for a very very bumpy ride..

I believe the NWO advocates especially the bankster Rothschild bunch are rattled because the Internet has allowed so much truth to come out and so many are waking up, that it seems possible that a huge diversion will be needed. 

JADE HELM??????!!!!!

Ukraine where I spent nine years is being unravelled and many see the real wickedness behind this Hegelian dialectic false flag and that Putin is coming out more and more as the hero and not the villain.

Any way I am delighted to see that you do not work for GHQ and the military industrial money mad making Mafia gangsters.

Look forward to hearing from you and especially about why you became interested in a 76 year old crazy missionary???.
Have a great time in Germany.
Sent from my iPad

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