Thursday, 30 July 2015


Michael, Why?
Because war is the very best way to make a ton of cash...

Making cars, bicycles, food, pharmaceutical drugs, and and and, also makes money along with prostitution, pornography, child trafficking and and and...

But war is the favourite.. It is the spectacular favourite...

Let me try to explain why???

The war machines are very costly and totally useless contraptions unless they are used and then quickly replaced...

As long as there is continual war....and I mean all kinds of war...national war like civil war... International war between nations..
Race war....religious war....and and and.

When I use the words and and and it is just my way of saying that this is not an exhaustive study, because that would be drawn out and would lose your attention span and then you would not bother to read further..

Now the question is if war is so profitable, how do we keep it going..

All this talk about peace and democracy is just bullshit....

Well we have to false flag wars through.....wait for it ......lying propaganda.....

We have to keep the Goyim (cattle) population so busy just living out their three score years and ten, that they will never be able to figure out that they are being and have been played like a fiddle throughout their existence...

If they begin to be a little suspicious about their leadership which always promote themselves as the good guys, then they have to start a war to take your attention off the fact that they are a bunch of  luciferian wicked to the nth degree Mafia criminal thugs.

That has always been the way that satan has worked and will continue to work until that GREAT AND GLORIOUS MOMENT when JESUS CHRIST  will return and our swords ( guns) will be turned into plough shears and peace will reign under the leadership of the PRINCE OF PEACE Jesus Christ.

These controllers who are international private banksters, are out numbered 1,000,000 to 1. So they are always scared that the million will rise up and string them from the yard arm..

Thanks to my God I have been a drop out for over 50 years and I'm not drinking their coolade, LACED WITH FLUORIDE, GMO AND ASPARTAME any more..

HOW ABOU YOU???????????????????????????????????
DONT LISTEN TO THEIR LIES ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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