Millions of people have been deceived by this lie.. Now in these last days the truth is getting out.
The United Nations logo is mocking us by hiding this fact in plain view.
The so called elite love to see the hypnotised mind controlled population being deceived.
Every 33 degree Mason knows the truth.
6000 people know that the earth is flat but are lying using NASA and all the space agencies around the world to deceive the people.
They are all in cohorts together.. That is why they have all agreed to sign the Antarctic treaty which forbids exploration of Antarctica, which is an ice ring around our land continents, until 2041.
Most people do not even know that we are all slaves to governments of the world.. Govern your MENT simply means mind control. The oppressed always turn to the Word of God for solace and comfort.
During the days of black slavery in the USA those slaves were greatly comforted by the bible songs and meetings.
It is within the great interest of these demonic leaders to knock this last prop out from under the feet of the Goyim..The Useless Eaters..THE SLAVES..
The Bible is stupid. We live on a spinning globe and there are vast galaxies and literally millions of other worlds.
All this to diminish our sense of importance, AND GOD'S IMPORTANCE. THE BIBLE'S IMPORTANCE..
I have a really stupid friend..(He is either stupid or else there is something much more sinister that is controlling him.) I believe the latter, but he is doing me a good turn as he is enabling me to expose his wickedness with such letters like this one.
What does this matter??
It matters terribly..
It will prove that those who rule our world are all very evil and work for Satan himself.
They will stop at nothing to prop up their antichrist lie.
When this cat jumps out of the bag, there will be a huge sigh of relief and a huge revolution will take place..back to God and to Jesus and to the Holy Bible.
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