Saturday, 18 February 2017


Diane Sawyer interview 2004
Diane Sawyer interview 2004... 

absolutely beautiful faith building and extremely emotional.MUST WATCH..WILL INCREASE YOUR FAITH like a super tonic.

This human being has produced the most realistic and graphic representation on screen of OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST accurately portraying his last 12 hours of his existence on earth. 

He has done more for Christianity in my opinion than any church Organisation, Protestant or catholic, Saint or red and purple robed bishop, or tv evangelist, and will get a huge reward in heaven. 

I have also taken time to study his life with his many failings. 

I have watched him being interviewed where he bared his sinful soul to the whole world without justifying himself. 

I am sure that many self righteous people will have already written him off.

They will point to his alcohol addiction and his divorce from a wife who bore so many of his children, and his womanizing, but I want to let you know that his sinfulness and honesty about it, made me love this man even more than before I found out about his many failings.

He was chosen by God to do a mighty work and when I witness to people every day on the streets of Cologne I often ask them if they have seen this movie "THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST??"

I do not point them to the magnificent structure of the Dom Cathedral in all its splendor, or to an out of touch clergyman passing by with his head in the air and looking anything but, like the Jesus of the Bible.

Instead I remind them about this extraordinary movie, Mel Gibson's production of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST

Many people ask me how I know that Christ loves them and me and I refer them once again to this extremely successful and well known movie.

I tell them how Christ went through this torturous murderous experience of his own volition. 

He could have easily called a million angels to squash those wicked anti christ demonic lying Jews and any resistance offered by Roman soldiers.

Instead, He looked down into the future and saw struggling you and struggling me.

He gritted his teeth and determined to finish the job so that you and I could go free.. so that we could be saved.

When I think of Mel, I think of David of old.. 

A murderer...An adulterer...a man of passions good and bad, but also a writer of the most beautiful psalms for us to read and memorize today. 


I believe and I shout this from the house tops.."YOU TOO MEL GIBSON, ARE A MAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART !!!"

I am incredibly proud of you and your testimony about this movie.

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