Christ was a beggar and all his holy apostles were beggars.
I have been a beggar for the past fifty years.
I have begged in so many countries and can speak a smattering of more languages than just about anybody that I have ever come across.
By some of the antagonistic people I meet, that is their most common criticism.."Why can't YOU get a proper job like me?"
However maybe, and I only say maybe and leave you to be the judge, I am a different sort of beggar to the normal types I meet around the cities (and with whom we are very friendly and often give out clothing or extra bread and food,) and wherever crowds of people gather in popular spots.
I once wrote a song about..begging...
We are the beggars
And we want the world to know.
We are the beggars
And we have a seed to sow,
We are the beggars
And Jesus loves you so.
It went on and I wish I had all the words. My kids hated this song and pretty much refused to sing it because there is a great deal of shame attached to begging.
When we are out on the streets every day of our lives and we talk to people about Jesus we end up our conversation with these precious souls by explaining that we live from donations.
And would they like to help?
We offer them a simple salvation tract to ask Jesus into their lives and an anti war, home made bracelet made from colored wooden beads with a silver cross on it and of course Jesus hanging on that cross.( I personally believe that an empty cross has no real meaning as it is just a capital punishment instrument like a gallows. Only when I see Jesus hanging there for my sins, does it really have real significance )
At the end of our time out in all kinds of weather, yesterday was the first warm sunny day of 2017.. it was just beautiful.
The day before was cold, rainy and windy into the bargain, but as usual the Lord was faithful to provide us with the essential for existence between 40 and 50€, shared between the donations given to both of us, dear Sancho Panza, (Irmgard) and me (michael) Don Quixote. 20 to 25€ each!
The Bible says in Matthew 7:7 that we should ask and then there is a promise of, Yes!, we do receive.
Not always first go, but if we are persistent, then we eventually are lead to people who will give and of course always in return for hearing the Gospel Good news message.
Of course it is humiliating but we know that if we do the very best job we can in talking to people about Jesus and telling them that he unconditionally loves them, then HE WILL REWARD US WITH CASH, and plus many fringe benefits. I THINK THE BIGGEST BENEFIT OF ALL IS TO KNOW THAT WE HAVE PLEASED HIM AND YES THAT FACT REALLY MAKES US REJOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like no other experience I know.
I often send out letters asking for help and nearly every time they are 100% ignored.
We actually only have three regular supporters..Two of them give a very generous 100€ a month and another a very gratefully received 25€ a month.
Our dear donor doctor friend is about to leave this world with terminal cancer at the age of 70 and may well have already departed so we will be left with just the two totaling 125€!
Am I worried? No, not really because I know the Lord well enough
So there is my little chat about begging. Hope it was at least enlightening. GBY KGFG
michael and irmgard.
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