ANSWER TO THE QUESTION OF LIARY FLATTERMANN..." Do i believe in Dinosaurs????"
No they never existed.
There is not one genuine dinosaur bone, They are all made from fake materials and while I am about it
I do not believe in satellites either.
I am not prepared to back up my statements to you because I know that if I sent you hundreds of proofs, just like the earth being flat I would be wasting my time.
Same goes for moon landings and the age of the earth and carbon dating, evolution, Big Bang and six million Jews dying in gas chambers.
.I also believe that the world with God's permission is run by Satan!
So that we can have free choice!
I believe in a power structure of 33 degree free masons are working together to bring in a new world order just like at the time of the building of the Tower of Babel where God intervened by confusing the languages.
This time he will allow this plan to be implemented but will eventually invade and wipe out his enemies at the battle of Armageddon .
Soon there will be a cashless society plus a huge eugenics war.
And that the mixing of the races by bombing the hell out of the Middle East and the influx of refugees was all planned long ago by wicked satanic people just like you!!!!!!!!
I will not spend any more time trying to back up any of these statements but would strongly suggest you do your own investigation just like you failed to do over flat earth only this time paying attention to the help you can get from asking THE GREAT GOD OF ALL CREATION TO HELP YOU..HE IS EASILY ATTAINABLE ON HIS OWN PRIVATE HOT LINE....M..A..T..7..7....... and I strongly suggest that you avail yourself to HIS HELP.
Am I scared that I may be punished by the powers that be and conveniently suicided? No not really as no one can touch me or mine without HIS DIVINE PERMISSION. so if I am annihilated I will end up in a place that is indescribably beautiful..
1 Corinthians 2:9
“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”
I also believe that the world is run by a Jewish international banking consortium with Pseudo lord Jacob Rothschild at the head and also the Jesuit branch of the Roman Catholic Church .
Pope Francis is their man and we will not have to wait long before the NEW WORLD ORDER WILL PLUNGE THE WORLD INTO A TIME OF CHAOS AND THE BEHEADING OF SINCERE CHRISTIANS and anyone else that will get in their way.
The Rothschilds took over from the Medicis at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The Italian Jewish Medicis had run the world for six hundred years before the Bauer Rothschilds from Frankfurt were used to replace them at the top..
The Rothschilds worth 500 trillion also control the fake news media and Hellywood and all mind control organisations like the Govern Your Ments whether left right or centre or green or all main stream religions of Catholic Orthodox and Protestantism around the whole world...
The only yardstick of truth that God has allowed His people to rely on is the HOLY BIBLE 2 Timothy 3:16.
Since the uncovering of the clever deception put out by Copernicus and the Jesuits 500 years ago where heliocentric sun worshipping luciferianism was cleverly and extremely deceptively introduced to disprove Genesis chapter one, THE HOLY BIBLE HAS TAKEN ON A NEW LEASE OF LIFE...
Genesis one is no longer a biblical fairy tale..
I also know that my first cousin once removed will probably be back in the news again as a Rothschild candidate for primeministership of the disunited kingdom of Britain.
I am happy to lay out my case for the careful investigation of all who bother to read this and will certainly not help the likes of LIARY FLATTERMANN who lies and flatters his way through life.
I am however grateful to him as he has played a part in egging me on to find out THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE...FOR MYSELF!!!!!
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On 29 Jul 2017, at 07:24,
Good morning Michael. So, here is the question. Do you believe that the dinosaur ever existed? They are not mentioned in the Bible and yet there is plenty of evidence to support the claim that the they they did.
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