Friday, 10 February 2012

I am awake! Are you?

I am awake!!! Are you???

I have to keep asking you this question not only for your benefit but for mine too.
No wonder they want to ban the Bible!!
No wonder when the Bible is taught, the teachers do not tell you the TRUTH:
No wonder that you and I have been programmed since birth to believe the lies of the system!
THE BIG LIE IS........ wait for it.......
The Elite, those that rule over us are........ wait for it.......
THE GOOD GUYS and we are the criminals.
That is what I was taught from birth.
1st by my parents... total military zombies...My dad a Full Colonel and my mum a 3rd officer in the WRINS.
By my very expensive Preparatory School....Ashdown House in Sussex near East Grinstead..
Prearatory to prepare me to swallow the big LIE!!!!!!!!!
Then at my Public School... Cheltenham College to finish me off nicely to become a worshipper of the Elites and to try to become an Elite myself...
I did not realsie that I was already in the Blood Line of the Stuarts Monarchy. The last Catholics, before they went to Hannover to get a really good blood line from Transylvania, in Rumania. until my Uncle John went to Somerset House and found that fact out.
James the 1st of England and 6th of Scotland is my Direct ancestor. He was not a nice character and I am not proud to have him as my Grandddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddad.
Mary Queen of Scots, his mother is better Ha!!
So when did I start waking up?
On a Railway train going up to London, I started reading The Gospel of Saint John.
Here I started finding out that Forgiveness and Mercy and Love and resulting pure Joy were much more valuable assets than all the TRASH that I had been taught, culminating in the final piece of TRASH at the BRNC(Britannia Royal Naval College) Dartmouth where the Head Master, My Religions Teacher did his best to explain away all the miracles of Jesus Christ as being fairy tales.
All of this to say, when you follow the MONEY to its source you will find pure Evcil which knows no bounds, being the seat of satan himself whose goal is to Steal, Kill and Destroy, and will degenerate and degenerate until the world will become so awful that Jesus Christ Himself will have to Intervene and finally, once and for ever defeat Evil at the Battle of Armageddon.
We are well on the road to this end..
Are you prepared??? By that I mean... Are you awake to these facts about the limitless Evil that is being perpetrated by these followers of satan?

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