Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Power of God!

The Power of God!!!

Romans Chapter 8 verse 28.
And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.
There is so much going wrong, so what''s the point?
The elections are rigged...There is absolutely no point in voting...The results are already known.
The New World Order is coming and is pretty much here and in place.
The water is contaminated with drugs to give you cancer, make you homosexual, and take away your sex drive.
The family unit is under attack and statistics show that there are now 37% of all families are single parent.
Cancer has increased 7 fold in the last 10 years with Melamine Bis phenol A and the vaccinations have Mercury in them to slow kill you.
It just goes on and on.
What the heck is God doing all about this?
I will tell you what He is doing.
He knows and in every case He is turning this Evil into good.
Not just a little good, but He is making it into even better GOOD than if the Evil wasn't there.
Let me give you a PRIME EXAMPLE:
Satan, the CIA, The Rockefeller foundation, Banksters, Puppet Politicians, Presstitutes had an amazing victory.
They nailed that SOB Jesus to a Cross. To a tree. Complete Total Victory!!!!
Or was it??????
God trumped this with HIS ACE.....The RESURRECTION!!!!!!
Total Forgiveness for all the world who believes in Him.
Take another more personal example..
My Brother drowned in a sailing accident in 1954 when he was 24 and I was 16 and the result of this tragedy... I became a Missionary....
Well what about your poor Brother???
What about him?
I am absolutely sure that where he is now is a whole lot better than if he had lived.
I am quite sure that if he was given the choice, he would not want to come back here from over there where he is now.
Life is eternal and love is immortal and death is only a horizon and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight. This quote is to be found on a memorial plaque in Saint Margaret's Church in Angmering, West Sussex.
What about all those babies who are cruelly dying of Cancer and wars and violence????
I am absolutely sure that if we could ask them if they wanted to come back to this world and leave the world that they live in there, over there, they would to a baby answer NOOOOOOOO??? They would all answer No Way Hosey!
To get focused one has to see beyond this extremely short period of three score years and ten and see the bigger and eternal picture and then you will be able to understand that Romans 8 28 is not a lie but it is the TRUTH.

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