Saturday, 29 September 2012

Despised and rejected of men and If I were the devil

Despised and rejected of men! Are you despised and rejected of men? That is a very good question to ask yourself!? If you are trying to follow Jesus Christ and you are generally accepted by your community, then I can not help feeling that you are not following in the footsteps of your Master Jesus Christ Himself! Who rejected Jesus? That is a good question! The Military? No! The Occupying Army? No! The Drunks and the Harlots and the criminals? No! The Atheists and members of other religions? No! In a sense the Sadducees, they were atheists and did not believe in the after life, and that is why they were so SAD YOU SEE! Yes they were trying to catch Jesus out just like the Pharisees. These are the very members of your church, just as they were the members of Jesus' church! In my local Church, I would go so far as to say that I am ignored, talked about behind my back and even hated. It is not very pleasant as it is these Sunday worshipping Christians who go to Holy Mass every Sunday and often during the week, that really look down on me as trash. It was discouraging at first and my priest really treated me like dirt until just before he died of a brain tumour and then he would place himself beside us in the street where we were trying to stop people and give them Gospel Literature and Holy Rosaries. He would just stand there with a smile on his face and watch us admiringly until it was rather embarrasing. A few weeks later he died and we carried the Mary Banner at his funeral! We have been working for exactly a year outside the DOM Cathedral in Cologne (Köln) and at last the priests who were openly hostile, have on the whole become less hostile as they can see that we mean exactly what we are saying. "We are Roman Catholic Lay Missionaries who distribute beautiful home made Holy and Blessed Rosaries, together with a colour brochure describing with attached Bible verses all the main events that happened to Our Lord before and during and after His short stay on earfth. This we do to the Nations of the World asking for a small donation to help us live and pay our bills. We get no Pension, not even a State one and we get no Government help except for 250 Euro a month to go towards our rent which all low income people are entitled to. Rather Like Child money of 368 Euro for our 2 children in the State school. We have all 7 children popping in and out of our Home so the Lord has to provide for them too plus Medical Insurance, 150 Euro a month, Car insurance and tax 0f 120 a month, Food, Diesel, School expenses.(We do get 12 Euro a month towards these expenses for the 2 children..). Electricity at100 Euro, Water and garbage collection of 100 Euro, Clothes and shoes, Radio compulsory payment of 7 Euro a month, train travel of nearly 200 Euro a month, plus a 100 Euro Birthday money 7 times a year for our 7 children, Internet and phone bills of about 80 Euro a month and I think this is about all. The great miracle of God is that we have never gone into the red. Our books balance every month. THIS IS A MIRACLE OF GOD!!!!!!! Some of you very kindly help and we have 3 very big supporters who give about 100 a month and then more who help us from time to time during the year. We work 30/31 days a month using our monthly train ticket... We have not taken a holiday in 25 years and do not intend to and indeed we could not afford it. Our income from Rosary and Literature distribution comes to about 1500 Euro a month and that together with the help we get with 2nd hand clothes and shoes is exactly enough to balance our books. HE IS GREAT!!!!! Isn't HE???? HE NEVER FAILS!!!! Now for a great testimony! § days ago an irate nasty little old lady came up to my sweet wife as she stood on a street corner just outside the Köln DOM and ripped all the tracts out of her hands and strewed them all over the wet ground. Irmgard quoted the Rosary prayer of "Hail Mary full of grace! Blessed art thou among women and Blessed is the FRUIT OF YOUR WOMB JESUS!" And then, "Holy Mary Mother of God. Please pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death!" As she meekly picked them all up again. I was angry with this old lady and asked her for her name. I tried to give her our own literature which has our address and phone number and email address and the sinners paryer but of course she refused. I told her next time we would call the Police! 5 minutes later a Chinese lady, from main land China, who for all intents and purposes, could have been an angel, suddenly was standing beside Irmgard and thrust a 20 Euro note into her hand. We get a donation of this size, on the streets, maybe twice a month! Then as we were packing up to go home the same wicked old lady approached Irmgard again and Irmy was looking helplessly in my direction as she was expecting a further onslaught, only this time she was bubbling with apologies and thrust a small donation into her hand. I was there by this time and I gave her a Rosary and hugged her and frankly I was overwhelmed by this experience and transformation. It was just beautiful!!! NOW TO CHANGE SUBJECTS!!!! Have you ever wondered why families are divorcing? Why families are breaking down? Over 50% of all marriages on the rocks! Child Cancer is up 10,000%! Ortism up the same! Life expectancy is on the decline! Families have on the average under 2 children and so the ethnic population is declining fast! Abortion is up at terrible levels and now they are saying that babies up to three years in age should be aborted if necessary. I mean murderd1 Euthanasia is being banded about like it should be normal World war 3 is on the cards and could happen at any time especially if Israel goes to war with IRAN. Pointless wars of Regime change to promote so called Democracy and leaves the country open for the Moslem Brotherhood and Elkaida to take control. As a result the small minorites of Blacks and Christians are being murdered and ethnically cleansed while NATO watches and does nothing! Have you realised that the Political parties are a sham and just there to deceive us into thinking that they have different policies when all the time the Huge Banking Consortiums headed by the International Rothschild family lead the way, controlling everything including so called Royal Families and the 6000 elites so called too???? Why the world is on the verge of another huge financial collapse that will take power away from soveriegn states and give overall control to the same World Banking Interests??? Hence the so called NEW WORLD ORDER! Please watch this short youtube video from decades ago called... IF I WERE THE DEVIL. Then maybe you will understand what is going on under 3 minutes by Paul Harvey THEN PLEASE WATCH A VIDEO BANNED BY OBAMA. I wonder why???? Ladies and Gentlemen... satan, lord lucifer is on track.. but let me tell you the very good news... ARE YOU READY?????? Romans Chapter 8 verse 28.. All things work together for good...( Did you hear and read that?) ALL THINGS!!!!! and here is the proviso.. TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD!!!! If this does not apply to you it is because...YOU DO NOT LOVE GOD! And I can promise you.... Yes I promise you absolute hell, in the coming months and years.... If this has helped you and if the Lord Jesus has touched your hearft, then please help us and send a donation however small or big to Michael King/ joint account with Irmgard King For those in Europe Account number. (kontonummer) 135409852 Bank number (banletzahl) 76010085 PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!!!! Even 5 or 10 or 20 Euro is a big help too. Thanx and the mnonth of October is always a tough month as the car tax of 360 Euro comes and also we need to buy more supplies of Gospel material, about another 620 Euro to stock up for the winter. God Bless and Keep you and Please Keep Going for God however tough the going gets. WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET GOING!!!! michael jaffray and irmgard. A very bad free translation into German for you if your english is not good enough Verachtet und von den Menschen! Sind Sie verachtet und von den Menschen? Das ist eine sehr gute Frage, die sich stellen? Wenn Sie versuchen, Jesus Christus zu folgen und Sie sind in der Regel durch Ihre Gemeinde akzeptiert, dann kann ich das Gefühl nicht los, dass Sie nicht in die Fußstapfen Ihres Meister Jesus Christus selbst! Wer abgelehnt Jesus? Das ist eine gute Frage! Das Militär? Nein! Die Besatzungsarmee? Nein! Die Drunks und die Huren und die Verbrecher? Nein! Die Atheisten und Mitglieder anderer Religionen? Nein! In einem gewissen Sinn die Sadduzäer, waren sie Atheisten und nicht in der nach dem Leben zu glauben, und das ist, warum sie so traurig SIE SEHEN waren! Ja, sie haben versucht, Jesus zu erwischen wie die Pharisäer. Dies sind genau die Mitglieder Ihrer Kirche, so wie sie die Mitglieder der Kirche Jesu waren! In meinem lokalen Kirche, ich würde so weit gehen zu sagen, dass ich ignoriert werde, sprach über hinter meinem Rücken und sogar gehasst. Es ist nicht sehr angenehm, da es diese Sonntag verehren Christen, die Heilige Messe gehen jeden Sonntag und oft während der Woche ist, das ist wirklich schauen hinunter auf mich als Müll. Es wurde zuerst entmutigend und mein Priester mich wirklich wie Dreck behandelt, bis kurz bevor er an einem Gehirntumor gestorben und dann würde er sich neben uns Platz in der Straße, wo wir versuchen, die Menschen zu stoppen und ihnen Gospel Literatur und Heiliger Rosenkränze wurden. Er würde nur dastehen mit einem Lächeln auf seinem Gesicht und sehen uns bewundernd, bis es wurde eher peinlich. Ein paar Wochen später starb er, und wir trugen die Mary Banner bei seiner Beerdigung! Wir haben für genau ein Jahr gearbeitet außerhalb der Kölner Dom (Köln) und endlich die Priester, die offen feindselig waren, geworden sind im Großen und Ganzen weniger feindselig, wie sie sehen können, dass wir meinen, was wir sagen. "Wir sind römisch-katholischen Laienmissionare, die schöne Heimat vertreiben gemacht Heiligen und Seligen Rosenkränze, zusammen mit einem Farb-Broschüre beschreibt mit angeschlossenem Bibelverse alle wichtigen Ereignisse, die unser Herr vor und während und nach seiner kurzen Aufenthalt auf earfth passiert. Das tun wir zu den Nationen der Welt zu fragen für eine kleine Spende, die uns helfen zu leben und zahlen unsere Rechnungen. Wir bekommen keine Pension, nicht einmal ein Staat ein und wir bekommen keine Regierung Hilfe außer für 250 Euro im Monat, um auf unsere Miete gehen, die alle niedrig einkommensschwache Menschen berechtigt sind. eher wie Kind Geld von 368 Euro für unsere 2 Kinder in der Schule. Wir haben alle 7 Kinder tauchen in und aus unserem Haus so hat der Herr für sie zu sowie Medical Insurance, 150 Euro im Monat, Kfz-Versicherung und Steuern 0f 120 pro Monat, Lebensmittel, Diesel, Schule Aufwendungen liefern. (Wir tun bekommen 12 Euro pro Monat auf diese Kosten für die 2 Kinder ..). Strom bei 100 Euro, Wasser und Müllabfuhr von 100 Euro, Kleidung und Schuhe, Radio obligatorische Zahlung von 7 Euro pro Monat, Bahnreisen von fast 200 Euro pro Monat, plus einem 100 Euro Birthday Verhältnis 7 Mal im Jahr für unsere 7 Kinder, Internet und Telefonrechnungen von etwa 80 Euro pro Monat und ich denke, das ist auch schon alles. Das große Wunder Gottes ist, dass wir nie in den roten Bereich gegangen. Unsere Bücher auszugleichen jeden Monat. DIES IST EIN WUNDER DER GOTT!!! Einige von euch sehr freundlich zu helfen und wir haben 3 sehr großen Unterstützer, die rund 100 pro Monat geben und dann mehr, die uns von Zeit zu Zeit zu helfen während des Jahres. Wir arbeiten 30/31 Tage im Monat mit unseren monatlichen Fahrkarte ... Wir haben nicht einen Urlaub in 25 Jahren genommen und beabsichtigen nicht und in der Tat konnten wir nicht leisten. Unsere Einkünfte aus Rosenkranz und Literatur Verteilung kommt auf etwa 1500 Euro im Monat und die zusammen mit der Hilfe, die wir bekommen mit der 2. Hand-Kleidung und Schuhe genau genug, um unsere Bücher auszugleichen. Er ist groß!! Ist er nicht?? HE VERLÄSST NIE!! Jetzt für ein tolles Zeugnis! § Tagen einem wütenden fiese kleine alte Dame kam auf meine süße Frau, wie sie an einer Straßenecke direkt vor dem Köln DOM stand und riss alle Verträge aus ihren Händen und streute sie alle über den nassen Boden. Irmgard zitierte den Rosenkranz Gebet "Gegrüßet seist du Maria, voll der Gnade! Gesegnet bist du unter den Frauen und gesegnet ist die Frucht deines Leibes, Jesus!" Und dann: "Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes. Bitte betet für uns Sünder jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes!" Als sie kleinlaut nahm sie alle wieder. Ich war wütend auf diese alte Dame und fragte sie nach ihrem Namen. Ich habe versucht, ihr eigener Literatur, die unsere Adresse und Telefonnummer und E-Mail-Adresse und die Sünder paryer hat, aber natürlich ist sie verweigert. Ich sagte ihr, wir das nächste Mal die Polizei rufen würde! 5 Minuten später eine chinesische Dame, vom Festland China, die für alle Absichten und Zwecke, ein Engel gewesen sein könnte, wurde plötzlich neben Irmgard und Schub ein 20 Euro-Schein stehen in ihre Hand. Wir bekommen eine Spende von dieser Größe, auf den Straßen, vielleicht zweimal im Monat! Dann, als wir packten nach Hause zu gehen das gleiche böse alte Dame näherte sich Irmgard wieder und Irmy hilflos in meine Richtung, als sie erwartet hatte einen weiteren Angriff, nur diesmal mit Entschuldigungen sprudelnden wurde und stieß eine kleine Spende in die Hand. Ich war dort zu dieser Zeit, und ich gab ihr einen Rosenkranz und umarmte sie und ehrlich gesagt war ich von dieser Erfahrung und Transformation überwältigt. Es war einfach nur schön! JETZT ZU THEMEN ÄNDERN!! Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, warum Familien Scheidung sind? Warum Familien brechen? Mehr als 50% aller Ehen auf den Felsen! Child Krebs ist bis zu 10.000%! Ortism up die gleiche! Die Lebenserwartung ist auf dem absteigenden Ast! Familien haben im Durchschnitt unter 2 Kinder und so die ethnische Bevölkerung stark zurück! Abtreibung ist bis auf schreckliche Ebenen und jetzt sagen sie, dass Babys bis zu drei Jahre im Alter sollte abgebrochen, wenn es erforderlich ist. Ich meine murderd1 Euthanasie ist etwa, wie es sollte normal sein gebändert Weltkrieg 3 ist auf den Karten und könnte jederzeit passieren vor allem, wenn Israel in den Krieg mit dem Iran. Pointless Kriege Regimewechsel zu fördern sogenannte Demokratie und verlässt das Land für die Moslem Bruderschaft und Elkaida öffnen, um die Kontrolle zu übernehmen. Dadurch werden die kleinen Minoriten der Schwarzen und Christen werden ermordet und ethnisch gesäubert, während NATO Uhren und tut nichts! Haben Sie erkannt, dass die Parteien eine Farce sind und nur da, um uns zu denken, dass sie unterschiedliche Strategien haben, wenn die ganze Zeit die riesigen Banking Consortiums vom Internationalen Familie Rothschild leitete den Weg, Controlling alles, einschließlich sog. königlichen Familien und der Täuschung 6000 Eliten auch so? genannt?? Warum die Welt steht am Rande eines anderen großen finanziellen Zusammenbruch, Macht übernehmen wird vom soveriegn Zustände und geben Federführung der gleichen World Banking Interessen?? Daraus ergibt sich die so genannte NEW WORLD ORDER! Bitte beachten Sie diese kurze youtube video von vor Jahrzehnten genannt ... Wenn ich der Teufel. Dann vielleicht werden Sie verstehen, was los ist weniger als 3 Minuten von Paul Harvey Dann nehmen Sie bitte ein Video von Obama VERBOTEN. Ich frage mich, warum?? Meine Damen und Herren ... satan, ist Herr lucifer auf der Strecke .. aber lassen Sie mich Ihnen sagen, die eine sehr gute Nachricht ... ARE YOU READY??? Römer, Kapitel 8, Vers 28 .. Alle Dinge zum Guten ... (Hast du gehört und gelesen, dass?) ALLE DINGE!! und hier ist die Bedingung, .. Ihnen, dass Gott lieben!! Wenn dies nicht auf Sie zutrifft ist es, weil ... du nicht liebst GOD! Und ich kann Ihnen versprechen .... Ja, ich verspreche Ihnen absolute Hölle, in den kommenden Monaten und Jahren .... Wenn diese Ihnen geholfen hat, und wenn der Herr Jesus Ihren hearft berührt hat, dann bitte helfen Sie uns und senden Sie eine Spende wie klein oder groß, um Michael King / Gemeinschaftskonto mit Irmgard König Für diejenigen in Europa Konto-Nr. (Kontonummer) 135409852 Bankleitzahl (banletzahl) 76.010.085 BITTE HELFEN SIE, WENN SIE KÖNNEN!! Auch 5 oder 10 oder 20 Euro ist eine große Hilfe zu. Thanx und die mnonth Oktober ist immer eine schwierige Monate, als der Wagen in Höhe von 360 Euro kommt und auch wir müssen mehr Lieferungen von Gospel Material zu kaufen, noch etwa 620 Euro zu tanken für den Winter. Gott segne und behüte dich und bitte Keep Going für Gott aber hart die in Schwung bringt. Wenn es hart auf hart kommt, bekommen die TOUGH GOING!! michael Jaffray und Irmgard.

Despised and rjected of men and If I were the devil by Paul Harvey

Despised and rejected of men! Are you despised and rejected of men? That is a very good question to ask yourself!? If you are trying to follow Jesus Christ and you are generally accepted by your community, then I can not help feeling that you are not following in the footsteps of your Master Jesus Christ Himself! Who rejected Jesus? That is a good question! The Military? No! The Occupying Army? No! The Drunks and the Harlots and the criminals? No! The Atheists and members of other religions? No! In a sense the Sadducees, they were atheists and did not believe in the after life, and that is why they were so SAD YOU SEE! Yes they were trying to catch Jesus out just like the Pharisees. These are the very members of your church, just as they were the members of Jesus' church! In my local Church, I would go so far as to say that I am ignored, talked about behind my back and even hated. It is not very pleasant as it is these Sunday worshipping Christians who go to Holy Mass every Sunday and often during the week, that really look down on me as trash. It was discouraging at first and my priest really treated me like dirt until just before he died of a brain tumour and then he would place himself beside us in the street where we were trying to stop people and give them Gospel Literature and Holy Rosaries. He would just stand there with a smile on his face and watch us admiringly until it was rather embarrasing. A few weeks later he died and we carried the Mary Banner at his funeral! We have been working for exactly a year outside the DOM Cathedral in Cologne (Köln) and at last the priests who were openly hostile, have on the whole become less hostile as they can see that we mean exactly what we are saying. "We are Roman Catholic Lay Missionaries who distribute beautiful home made Holy and Blessed Rosaries, together with a colour brochure describing with attached Bible verses all the main events that happened to Our Lord before and during and after His short stay on earfth. This we do to the Nations of the World asking for a small donation to help us live and pay our bills. We get no Pension, not even a State one and we get no Government help except for 250 Euro a month to go towards our rent which all low income people are entitled to. Rather Like Child money of 368 Euro for our 2 children in the State school. We have all 7 children popping in and out of our Home so the Lord has to provide for them too plus Medical Insurance, 150 Euro a month, Car insurance and tax 0f 120 a month, Food, Diesel, School expenses.(We do get 12 Euro a month towards these expenses for the 2 children..). Electricity at100 Euro, Water and garbage collection of 100 Euro, Clothes and shoes, Radio compulsory payment of 7 Euro a month, train travel of nearly 200 Euro a month, plus a 100 Euro Birthday money 7 times a year for our 7 children, Internet and phone bills of about 80 Euro a month and I think this is about all. The great miracle of God is that we have never gone into the red. Our books balance every month. THIS IS A MIRACLE OF GOD!!!!!!! Some of you very kindly help and we have 3 very big supporters who give about 100 a month and then more who help us from time to time during the year. We work 30/31 days a month using our monthly train ticket... We have not taken a holiday in 25 years and do not intend to and indeed we could not afford it. Our income from Rosary and Literature distribution comes to about 1500 Euro a month and that together with the help we get with 2nd hand clothes and shoes is exactly enough to balance our books. HE IS GREAT!!!!! Isn't HE???? HE NEVER FAILS!!!! Now for a great testimony! § days ago an irate nasty little old lady came up to my sweet wife as she stood on a street corner just outside the Köln DOM and ripped all the tracts out of her hands and strewed them all over the wet ground. Irmgard quoted the Rosary prayer of "Hail Mary full of grace! Blessed art thou among women and Blessed is the FRUIT OF YOUR WOMB JESUS!" And then, "Holy Mary Mother of God. Please pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death!" As she meekly picked them all up again. I was angry with this old lady and asked her for her name. I tried to give her our own literature which has our address and phone number and email address and the sinners paryer but of course she refused. I told her next time we would call the Police! 5 minutes later a Chinese lady, from main land China, who for all intents and purposes, could have been an angel, suddenly was standing beside Irmgard and thrust a 20 Euro note into her hand. We get a donation of this size, on the streets, maybe twice a month! Then as we were packing up to go home the same wicked old lady approached Irmgard again and Irmy was looking helplessly in my direction as she was expecting a further onslaught, only this time she was bubbling with apologies and thrust a small donation into her hand. I was there by this time and I gave her a Rosary and hugged her and frankly I was overwhelmed by this experience and transformation. It was just beautiful!!! NOW TO CHANGE SUBJECTS!!!! Have you ever wondered why families are divorcing? Why families are breaking down? Over 50% of all marriages on the rocks! Child Cancer is up 10,000%! Ortism up the same! Life expectancy is on the decline! Families have on the average under 2 children and so the ethnic population is declining fast! Abortion is up at terrible levels and now they are saying that babies up to three years in age should be aborted if necessary. I mean murderd1 Euthanasia is being banded about like it should be normal World war 3 is on the cards and could happen at any time especially if Israel goes to war with IRAN. Pointless wars of Regime change to promote so called Democracy and leaves the country open for the Moslem Brotherhood and Elkaida to take control. As a result the small minorites of Blacks and Christians are being murdered and ethnically cleansed while NATO watches and does nothing! Have you realised that the Political parties are a sham and just there to deceive us into thinking that they have different policies when all the time the Huge Banking Consortiums headed by the International Rothschild family lead the way, controlling everything including so called Royal Families and the 6000 elites so called too???? Why the world is on the verge of another huge financial collapse that will take power away from soveriegn states and give overall control to the same World Banking Interests??? Hence the so called NEW WORLD ORDER! Please watch this short youtube video from decades ago called... IF I WERE THE DEVIL. Then maybe you will understand what is going on under 3 minutes by Paul Harvey THEN PLEASE WATCH A VIDEO BANNED BY OBAMA. I wonder why???? Ladies and Gentlemen... satan, lord lucifer is on track.. but let me tell you the very good news... ARE YOU READY?????? Romans Chapter 8 verse 28.. All things work together for good...( Did you hear and read that?) ALL THINGS!!!!! and here is the proviso.. TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD!!!! If this does not apply to you it is because...YOU DO NOT LOVE GOD! And I can promise you.... Yes I promise you absolute hell, in the coming months and years.... If this has helped you and if the Lord Jesus has touched your hearft, then please help us and send a donation however small or big to Michael King/ joint account with Irmgard King For those in Europe Account number. (kontonummer) 135409852 Bank number (banletzahl) 76010085 PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!!!! Even 5 or 10 or 20 Euro is a big help too. Thanx and the mnonth of October is always a tough month as the car tax of 360 Euro comes and also we need to buy more supplies of Gospel material, about another 620 Euro to stock up for the winter. God Bless and Keep you and Please Keep Going for God however tough the going gets. WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET GOING!!!! michael jaffray and irmgard. A very bad free translation into German for you if your english is not good enough Verachtet und von den Menschen! Sind Sie verachtet und von den Menschen? Das ist eine sehr gute Frage, die sich stellen? Wenn Sie versuchen, Jesus Christus zu folgen und Sie sind in der Regel durch Ihre Gemeinde akzeptiert, dann kann ich das Gefühl nicht los, dass Sie nicht in die Fußstapfen Ihres Meister Jesus Christus selbst! Wer abgelehnt Jesus? Das ist eine gute Frage! Das Militär? Nein! Die Besatzungsarmee? Nein! Die Drunks und die Huren und die Verbrecher? Nein! Die Atheisten und Mitglieder anderer Religionen? Nein! In einem gewissen Sinn die Sadduzäer, waren sie Atheisten und nicht in der nach dem Leben zu glauben, und das ist, warum sie so traurig SIE SEHEN waren! Ja, sie haben versucht, Jesus zu erwischen wie die Pharisäer. Dies sind genau die Mitglieder Ihrer Kirche, so wie sie die Mitglieder der Kirche Jesu waren! In meinem lokalen Kirche, ich würde so weit gehen zu sagen, dass ich ignoriert werde, sprach über hinter meinem Rücken und sogar gehasst. Es ist nicht sehr angenehm, da es diese Sonntag verehren Christen, die Heilige Messe gehen jeden Sonntag und oft während der Woche ist, das ist wirklich schauen hinunter auf mich als Müll. Es wurde zuerst entmutigend und mein Priester mich wirklich wie Dreck behandelt, bis kurz bevor er an einem Gehirntumor gestorben und dann würde er sich neben uns Platz in der Straße, wo wir versuchen, die Menschen zu stoppen und ihnen Gospel Literatur und Heiliger Rosenkränze wurden. Er würde nur dastehen mit einem Lächeln auf seinem Gesicht und sehen uns bewundernd, bis es wurde eher peinlich. Ein paar Wochen später starb er, und wir trugen die Mary Banner bei seiner Beerdigung! Wir haben für genau ein Jahr gearbeitet außerhalb der Kölner Dom (Köln) und endlich die Priester, die offen feindselig waren, geworden sind im Großen und Ganzen weniger feindselig, wie sie sehen können, dass wir meinen, was wir sagen. "Wir sind römisch-katholischen Laienmissionare, die schöne Heimat vertreiben gemacht Heiligen und Seligen Rosenkränze, zusammen mit einem Farb-Broschüre beschreibt mit angeschlossenem Bibelverse alle wichtigen Ereignisse, die unser Herr vor und während und nach seiner kurzen Aufenthalt auf earfth passiert. Das tun wir zu den Nationen der Welt zu fragen für eine kleine Spende, die uns helfen zu leben und zahlen unsere Rechnungen. Wir bekommen keine Pension, nicht einmal ein Staat ein und wir bekommen keine Regierung Hilfe außer für 250 Euro im Monat, um auf unsere Miete gehen, die alle niedrig einkommensschwache Menschen berechtigt sind. eher wie Kind Geld von 368 Euro für unsere 2 Kinder in der Schule. Wir haben alle 7 Kinder tauchen in und aus unserem Haus so hat der Herr für sie zu sowie Medical Insurance, 150 Euro im Monat, Kfz-Versicherung und Steuern 0f 120 pro Monat, Lebensmittel, Diesel, Schule Aufwendungen liefern. (Wir tun bekommen 12 Euro pro Monat auf diese Kosten für die 2 Kinder ..). Strom bei 100 Euro, Wasser und Müllabfuhr von 100 Euro, Kleidung und Schuhe, Radio obligatorische Zahlung von 7 Euro pro Monat, Bahnreisen von fast 200 Euro pro Monat, plus einem 100 Euro Birthday Verhältnis 7 Mal im Jahr für unsere 7 Kinder, Internet und Telefonrechnungen von etwa 80 Euro pro Monat und ich denke, das ist auch schon alles. Das große Wunder Gottes ist, dass wir nie in den roten Bereich gegangen. Unsere Bücher auszugleichen jeden Monat. DIES IST EIN WUNDER DER GOTT!!! Einige von euch sehr freundlich zu helfen und wir haben 3 sehr großen Unterstützer, die rund 100 pro Monat geben und dann mehr, die uns von Zeit zu Zeit zu helfen während des Jahres. Wir arbeiten 30/31 Tage im Monat mit unseren monatlichen Fahrkarte ... Wir haben nicht einen Urlaub in 25 Jahren genommen und beabsichtigen nicht und in der Tat konnten wir nicht leisten. Unsere Einkünfte aus Rosenkranz und Literatur Verteilung kommt auf etwa 1500 Euro im Monat und die zusammen mit der Hilfe, die wir bekommen mit der 2. Hand-Kleidung und Schuhe genau genug, um unsere Bücher auszugleichen. Er ist groß!! Ist er nicht?? HE VERLÄSST NIE!! Jetzt für ein tolles Zeugnis! § Tagen einem wütenden fiese kleine alte Dame kam auf meine süße Frau, wie sie an einer Straßenecke direkt vor dem Köln DOM stand und riss alle Verträge aus ihren Händen und streute sie alle über den nassen Boden. Irmgard zitierte den Rosenkranz Gebet "Gegrüßet seist du Maria, voll der Gnade! Gesegnet bist du unter den Frauen und gesegnet ist die Frucht deines Leibes, Jesus!" Und dann: "Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes. Bitte betet für uns Sünder jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes!" Als sie kleinlaut nahm sie alle wieder. Ich war wütend auf diese alte Dame und fragte sie nach ihrem Namen. Ich habe versucht, ihr eigener Literatur, die unsere Adresse und Telefonnummer und E-Mail-Adresse und die Sünder paryer hat, aber natürlich ist sie verweigert. Ich sagte ihr, wir das nächste Mal die Polizei rufen würde! 5 Minuten später eine chinesische Dame, vom Festland China, die für alle Absichten und Zwecke, ein Engel gewesen sein könnte, wurde plötzlich neben Irmgard und Schub ein 20 Euro-Schein stehen in ihre Hand. Wir bekommen eine Spende von dieser Größe, auf den Straßen, vielleicht zweimal im Monat! Dann, als wir packten nach Hause zu gehen das gleiche böse alte Dame näherte sich Irmgard wieder und Irmy hilflos in meine Richtung, als sie erwartet hatte einen weiteren Angriff, nur diesmal mit Entschuldigungen sprudelnden wurde und stieß eine kleine Spende in die Hand. Ich war dort zu dieser Zeit, und ich gab ihr einen Rosenkranz und umarmte sie und ehrlich gesagt war ich von dieser Erfahrung und Transformation überwältigt. Es war einfach nur schön! JETZT ZU THEMEN ÄNDERN!! Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, warum Familien Scheidung sind? Warum Familien brechen? Mehr als 50% aller Ehen auf den Felsen! Child Krebs ist bis zu 10.000%! Ortism up die gleiche! Die Lebenserwartung ist auf dem absteigenden Ast! Familien haben im Durchschnitt unter 2 Kinder und so die ethnische Bevölkerung stark zurück! Abtreibung ist bis auf schreckliche Ebenen und jetzt sagen sie, dass Babys bis zu drei Jahre im Alter sollte abgebrochen, wenn es erforderlich ist. Ich meine murderd1 Euthanasie ist etwa, wie es sollte normal sein gebändert Weltkrieg 3 ist auf den Karten und könnte jederzeit passieren vor allem, wenn Israel in den Krieg mit dem Iran. Pointless Kriege Regimewechsel zu fördern sogenannte Demokratie und verlässt das Land für die Moslem Bruderschaft und Elkaida öffnen, um die Kontrolle zu übernehmen. Dadurch werden die kleinen Minoriten der Schwarzen und Christen werden ermordet und ethnisch gesäubert, während NATO Uhren und tut nichts! Haben Sie erkannt, dass die Parteien eine Farce sind und nur da, um uns zu denken, dass sie unterschiedliche Strategien haben, wenn die ganze Zeit die riesigen Banking Consortiums vom Internationalen Familie Rothschild leitete den Weg, Controlling alles, einschließlich sog. königlichen Familien und der Täuschung 6000 Eliten auch so? genannt?? Warum die Welt steht am Rande eines anderen großen finanziellen Zusammenbruch, Macht übernehmen wird vom soveriegn Zustände und geben Federführung der gleichen World Banking Interessen?? Daraus ergibt sich die so genannte NEW WORLD ORDER! Bitte beachten Sie diese kurze youtube video von vor Jahrzehnten genannt ... Wenn ich der Teufel. Dann vielleicht werden Sie verstehen, was los ist weniger als 3 Minuten von Paul Harvey Dann nehmen Sie bitte ein Video von Obama VERBOTEN. Ich frage mich, warum?? Meine Damen und Herren ... satan, ist Herr lucifer auf der Strecke .. aber lassen Sie mich Ihnen sagen, die eine sehr gute Nachricht ... ARE YOU READY??? Römer, Kapitel 8, Vers 28 .. Alle Dinge zum Guten ... (Hast du gehört und gelesen, dass?) ALLE DINGE!! und hier ist die Bedingung, .. Ihnen, dass Gott lieben!! Wenn dies nicht auf Sie zutrifft ist es, weil ... du nicht liebst GOD! Und ich kann Ihnen versprechen .... Ja, ich verspreche Ihnen absolute Hölle, in den kommenden Monaten und Jahren .... Wenn diese Ihnen geholfen hat, und wenn der Herr Jesus Ihren hearft berührt hat, dann bitte helfen Sie uns und senden Sie eine Spende wie klein oder groß, um Michael King / Gemeinschaftskonto mit Irmgard König Für diejenigen in Europa Konto-Nr. (Kontonummer) 135409852 Bankleitzahl (banletzahl) 76.010.085 BITTE HELFEN SIE, WENN SIE KÖNNEN!! Auch 5 oder 10 oder 20 Euro ist eine große Hilfe zu. Thanx und die mnonth Oktober ist immer eine schwierige Monate, als der Wagen in Höhe von 360 Euro kommt und auch wir müssen mehr Lieferungen von Gospel Material zu kaufen, noch etwa 620 Euro zu tanken für den Winter. Gott segne und behüte dich und bitte Keep Going für Gott aber hart die in Schwung bringt. Wenn es hart auf hart kommt, bekommen die TOUGH GOING!! michael Jaffray und Irmgard.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

What they do not tell you

What they do not tell you! The Bible does tells it all and so do some but few Christians.. When you study the Words of Jesus Christ and I mean His Red Letter Words, then Yes He does expose evil and He does tell it all. The Church I belong to does expose some great evils like Abortion, Birth Control, and same sex intercourse as being opposed to God's laws. The NWO with their Global take over hate the Bible and they hate real Christians, why? Because they expose the very evils that are being promoted by the devil and his followers. Where do you find the devil today and in all History? Just follow the money and there he is. Very simple. Money means power and satan has been trying to take total control of the world since for ever, That is what he does. When trying to gain control and when in control, he will continue to do his job of destroying and killing and stealing..see what Jesus has to say about this in John Ch 10 verse 10. Sadly the Vatican has played and is still playing power broker, and not always in a good direction, to a certain extent. All of the Protestant or protesting branches of Christianity also withhold the TRUTH from their followers. Let me give you one of the Prime, in my opinion, examples. Jesus makes it very clear in John Ch 20 verse 23 that His Leaders, Apostles, Priests, should have the authority to forgive and not forgive sins. This does not exist in Protestantism. The reason is obvious as when I go to a priest and ask forgiveness for a current sin, he will ask me if I am prepared to give it up? If I say,"No!" Then I will not get absolution. Jesus also made it very clear that Holy Communion or the Eucharistic feast should play centre roll but only in a few denominations is this the case. Catholic and Orthodox are the notable ones. The rest put the Bible Preacher at the top and centre. If you are an effective and charismatic preacher of the Bible, then you will attract a following but if you are rather boring and lacking in good communication skills then you and your denomination will not make much progress. That is a FACT just as is John Ch 20 verse 23. So where am I really going in this Sunday Blog of mine? My Church tells me nothing about the the conspiracy facts that surround us and are being flaunted by our governments. We are being manipulated by the large Money Mad Banksters of this world. Satan is in control and we are following like dumb sheep. Our Churches with the exception of a Protestant Group called Liberty Fellowship, do nothing to warn us. My Church has even gone so far as to say that a World Bank would be the answer to all of the financial and criminal activity that has palgued our world since for ever. If that entity was controlled by a whistle clean Chairman and board of Directors, then of course that would be a solution. However that does not exist. To sum up this blog let me give a paraphrased quotation from both sides. Rather like the Rothschild family made the statement 200 years ago that as long as they controlled the Money supply, they couldn't care less who made the laws so let me paraphrase what my Church is saying. As long as the Eucharistic feast stays at centre and at the top of all Catholic activities, we could not care less as to how charismatic or even corrupt the followers are. I hope you get the point. Evil depends entirely on Money Control and Jesus' Church depends entirely on a faithful following of the Eucharistic feast. This feast contains the Gospel in its entirety. God bless you and keep going for God... Now for a short update as to my five singing pop kids. A financial backer with considerable means has invited them to go to Los Angeles on October the 10th.. All expenses paid. They will have the chance of a life time to be promoted by some of the most famous promoters etc. This seems to be the break that they have been waiting for for nearly ten years. You have to hand it to them, they do not give up. By a sheer miracle of God we have been able to support all 7 kids with our daily exploits to Cologne and Rosary and Gospel distribution together with help and support from you and your prayers on our behalf. If those of you who have not yet helped recently could do so by sending us some help, then that would be very greatly appreciated and would take off some of the pressure. Thanks!!!! Once again GBY and KGFG! mjk.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell..Sunday Blog 16th September 2012.

Did you know that the loving merciful Jesus talked more about Hell than He did about Heaven?
What is Hell?
Let's take a look first at Hell on earth.
There is plenty of it here and now.
At the top of the list is WAR!
War is extreme violence.
War is blood, body parts and guts and brains of humans, not just soldiers and the military, which would be bad enough, but of women and children and babies, splashed all over the place, accompanied by moans and screams and groans of the survivors who have not yet succumbed to death or who have just lost their loved ones.
In the last hundred years we have seen this kind of Hell often and it is perpetrated by the Money Mad Military Industrial Complexes egged on by the Mega Banks that rule the world and always have done with very few exceptions. No empathy, no love, no mercy, no forgiveness, just an insane lust for power and money.
Then there are many other examples and degrees of Hell, such as disease and accidents and divorce, abortion and premature death leaving loved ones to cope with extreme difficulties. Freezing to death without adequate clothes and shelter, and Starvation and on and on and on. Man's inhumanity to man motivated by the lust for filthy lucre.
All this is mainly carried out and orchestrated by the misanthropic eugenicist Elite, so called, numbering around 6000, and outnumbered one million to one, to keep their power over the masses whom they despise as animals and not really human.
If you do not believe in Hell then it is time to wake up and study History and read and listen to and watch the daily news.
That is just dealing with the Hell on earth, let alone the Hell that awaits us in the afterlife.
Now let's take a look at Heaven on Earth..
A baby is born to a loving family.
The amazing seasons of the year.
Friendship with those who know all your weaknesses and faults and yet they love you and appreciate you.
Families living together with Yes! Some strife but always enough healing forgiveness to carry on.
Music that moves your heart to tears of joy and emotion.
Flowers, birds, mountains and valleys and green fields and forests.
Pet dogs and cats and swimming in the sea and lakes surrounded by God's beautiful creation. Just like Louis Armstrong singing "It's a Wonderful World!"
A castle, a cathedral, a sailing boat, and yes, even a car or an aircraft. There is so much Heaven on earth and so much to be thankful for.
This has been put here by a loving God to be enjoyed during our very short life span.
Jesus tells us that" Eye has not seen nor entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for them that love Him!"
1st Corinthians Ch 2 verse 9..But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

That is worth waiting and looking forward for.
Jesus tells us that Hell is a place where there is the gnashing of teeth and torment and even the worst part is to be cut off from our Creator and Saviour and Lord and best friend. That is Hell! A place where there is no JESUS!!

That is why it is so important to preach the Gospel and to be instant in season and out of season and to Go into all the world and preach and spread this Good News as otherwise these poor wretched people will not hear and will not get a chance to realise what Our Saviour has done for them.
Irmgard and I do this on a daily basis and we love to do it.
I am too old and surely do not have enough cash to continue my travels into all the world as I have done previously but by going on a train to Cologne, and witnessing ánd distributing Gospel Literature and Home made very attractive Rosaries, we are reaching all the nations who come to this extraordinary shrine built without modern technology. It is really awesome and well worth a visit if you have not been there before.
We need lots and lots. We distribute on average 15 a day.
The cost for the material for 1000 Rosaries is around 650 Euro.
We do not store up gold and silver coins to beat inflation and the coming financial crash but we do want to have a good supply of materials to give out in the times of trouble which we believe lie ahead and have already started in so many countries around Europe and the Middle East.
We can send you the address of the supplier and so you can send your help directly to them if you want to.
Firma.. Konrad Kaiser, raw material supplier of wooden beads and string and crosses etc..
Marschalling 1
84337 Schönau
BRD Germany
Please also remember if you are a Protestant Christian that the Rosary prayer in one week takes you through the life, death and resurrection and ministry of Jesus Christ as the meditational part of the prayer. Martin Luther really liked this prayer and did not give it up..The Lord's very own prayer that He taught His disciples and us is repeated 6 times in every session. We also give out an accompanying Gospel tract with the Sinner's prayer which we pray with 20 to 30 people every day of the year including Sundays.
We believe this to be so important that we have not taken a holiday ever in our married life of 30 years.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!! and thus be a part of Jesus' command to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL Mark Ch 16 v 15
Thanks and please get back to us soon. Time does not stand still.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

I am for peace but they are for war!!!!

Psalm 120 verse7 I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.(says David)
Psalm 120 verse 7..

If you never watch anything else inyour life.. Please watch this.. It is truly amazing..Yes AMAZING!!!!!! God bless Liberty Fellowship and their Pastor Chuck Baldwin...
How about you??????
I am crazily in love with the TRUTH..
TRUTH has a Name???? What is it?????
........and Yes HIS HOLY MOTHER and MY MOTHER too Mary whose birthday it was yesterday..The Mother of the TRUTH... Her reply of Yes!!!!! To Gabriel resulted in our Redemption.

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Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Positive side of Negativity

The Positive side of Negativity!
Sunday Blog 9th September 2012!
Sounds like an oxymoron but let me try and explain.
There is Good and there is Evil...Even if you do not believe in a Good and Loving God and a really depraved and wicked devil..
Actually whether you like to admit it or not, good and evil exists in both you and in me. If you cannot see and understand where Evil comes from, then there is not much you can do about it. The Bible says that "The Love of Money is the root of all evil!" Money leads to POWER and especially power over others!
That to me really makes sense. Nearly every time when I lose it, it is because I am worried about not having enough of the filthy lucre.
Like I have said many times, I am very thankful to Alex Jones and all the many interesting people that come on his daily show, (Yesterday it was Lyndon LaRouche)because they expose the very great evil in High Places. All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!!
We all seem to have a great lust for power. Power over others. We love to correct people to show them how wrong they are and how right we are. It feeds our insatiable ego no end. We love it and we wallow in it.
I remember earning 100 US$ every day selling and buying Gold Kruger Rands some 40 years ago.
In those days it would be like earning 1730 Euro every day. A Kruger Rand of one ounce gold was worth around 100$ in those days and now of course it is worth 1730$
You see Gold has not really increased in value but Paper money has lost ground and is soon to lose so much ground that it will put us all in Starvation Mode, unless you happen to be among the 6000 Elite and part of the 13 families that rule and govern the world.
Planned, Organised, Engineered, DESTRUCTION OF THE HUMAN RACE is happpening as I write. Those 6000 are Luciferian. Misanthropic Eugenicists, just like their wicked god lord lucifer. To save you looking up what these words mean....Luciferian means following Lucifer. My daughter has a young colleague who has befriended her and her whole family are Satanists and go to black masses. This is right on our doorstep.
When I was a yachting famatic and a member of the Elitest sailing Club...ISC the Itchenor Sailing Club, I became a friend of Gordon Dashwood. He must have died by now and of course His family founded the Hell Fire Club similar to Bohemiam Grove and was a Black Mass where satan actually materialised from time to time. Misanthropic means a hater of the Human Race and a Eugenecist is a person that believes in murdering most of the human race by whatever means possible and so reduce the world population. The British Royal Family and in particular the Duke of Edinburgh are all Misanthropic Eugenicists. Sounds like Satan to me... What about you????
Outside my window in what would be a clear blue sky is a huge Chem Trail that has already turned into a wide cloud as it drops Aluminium, Barium and other heavy metals..
see one of many reports on this subject

Slow kill...Just like GMO food... When fed to rats it causes them to become infertile in the second generation. Your cell phone if you keep it in your pocket will also reduce your possibility of being able to reproduce and will lower your sperm count,and can give you cancer. Testicular cancer in particular. Do the Elites care?? No, they are delighted. Here is another word that you do not use much in daily conversation.
The Hegelian Dialectic..
A 4 minute you tube will show you just how effective this is in controlling populations and in fact just anybody.. Problem...Reaction... Solution..
Find out why false flags are so effective in controlling the people... Just 4 minutes..
Hope you found my Sunday Blog interesting.. Let me know..
A quick summing up of the Title to this blog..
Exposing Evil can and should lead to seeking out the Good. The more I undertsand evil the more I want Jesus Christ as My Saviour. He forgives and even blots out my evil when I say that I ams sorry. How about you?????

Monday, 3 September 2012

lord lucifer..Alex Jones and the Lord and Saviour JESUS C HRIST

lord lucifer, Alex Jones and THE LORD JESUS CHRIST

This is my take on these three!

1st, lord lucifer...
his agenda is made perfectly clear in Saint John's Gospel, Chapter 10 verse 10..where Jesus Christ Himself clearly tells us the following....
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

The Creator of the Universe has put the world under his control...What do you mean by that???
Luke chapter 4 verses
6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.
8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

By doing this, the Great and Almighty Creator God, has given us one of the greatest gifts, FREE CHOICE..We have the choice to go along with the devil or to choose to believe and accept and love and obey God and His Son Jesus Christ. So lucifer ,satan or the devil has always had this responsibility and will continue to have it until Jesus returns at His Second Coming to take over and defeat him and all his billions of followers at the famous battle of Armageddon.
He has already been defeated at the battle of Mount Calvary, and is fighting a deceiving rear guard action until such time when he will be thrown into the lake of fire prepared for him and his ardent followers.
His greatest deception is to help people to believe that he does not exist and that those at the top of the pyramid of control of our planet, a mere 13 families and 6,000 hangers on, are really quite good chaps and have our interests at heart. Out numbered 1,000,000 to 1, he has done a very good? bad? Job!!! Now, however, many are waking up because of the information explosion on.. The Internet..Soon he will try to totally control the internet too just as he has the so called main stream media. His most ardent followers are those who are in charge of the Money supply. This money supply is the greatest deceptive scam ever perpetrated.
1st Timothy ch 6 v 10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
The Banksters control and have always done so..
Now to Alex Jones...
I do not think that there is anyone on earth who has done and is doing more to expose lord lucifer and his 6000 disciples..Just go to youtube and type in astonisher 3 and you can watch all his daily presentations of exposing the wickedness of the so called elite.
By joining Info wars and prison planet for just 15 cents a day you can watch these broadcasts on the same day that they are made as the youtube presentation is one day late.
Because of his influence, I no longer am taken in by the 6 major banks lead for the past 200 years by the Bauer family from Frankfurt and later called Rothschild or red sheild.
I no longer honour and worship the Royal families with their so calle Divine Right of Kings. They like those mentioned so far are MISANTHROPES AND EUGENICISTS and are four square on the side of lord lucifer.
Pray for Alex.. It is truly a miracle of God that he is still alive.
He has died for my sins and for yours too if you accept him and has already defeated satan, lucifer, the devil when HE ALLOWED HIMSELF TO BE VERY CRUELLY MURDERED as a sacrifice for my sins, on that bloody cross at Mount Calvary a mere 2000 years ago. He then conquered death that final trump card of evil by rising from the dead and so paving the way for all of us His followers to do the same.
He deserves our unreserved loyalty and devotion right up to the point of our death.
He is allowing this final purging of the Human Race that hsa sadly been lead astray by the evil one.
The Great Tribulation.. the time of Trouble never ever yet experienced by the whole world is soon to fall upon us..BUT..
FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM GOD, it will work together for our Good.
GBY and KGFG and I very much look forward to hearing from you soon, when you have time.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

a ghastly subject

Let us too remember that the Roman Catholic Church, with all its faults, stands against abortion and birth control and there is not a Protestant group that can hold a candle to this Great Church. I love my Protestant Brothers and I know that all things work together for good TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD! That is the Proviso. There is a terrible time of Judgement ahead, which could and most probably will add up to the Great Tribulation...Everything including these horrific events described here will somehow work together for good.. I do not know how but God in His wisdom deported all the Jews from their homeland into Babylon and all over the place until they learned their lessons and then they were mercifully allowed to come home. This world is full of the most terrible injustices and God has allowed satanic leadership under the banking cartel to take over. Luciferians all of them. Members of the Bohemian Grove and the Hell Fire club. I was a personal friend of Gordon Dashwood whose family was one of the elite brits who ran the hellfire club in London where satan actually physically materialised in front of the satanic black mass worshippers.
What part should we who LOVE GOD and HIS SON JESUS CHRIST do????
Continue to love and serve HIM with all of our might. We need to pray for these sadly and badly mislead people. They have taken a wrong turn in their lust for money. IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY!! ALWAYS!!! No exceptions.
I look forward to hearing from you with your comments.
GBY and KGFG!!

From: Nick Fortune
To: Nick Fortune
Sent: Sunday, 2 September 2012, 17:52

WARNING – The following is a ghastly story but it is factual and MUST be told. I certainly do not want to offend anyone’s sensibilities but because it sounds unpleasant we should not ignore it, especially because IT IS UNPLEASANT Nick F

“In February 2010, the office of an abortionist in Pennsylvania named Kermit Gosnell was raided for allegedly providing prescription medication for anyone willing to pay.

However, once the police were inside they discovered a butcher shop.

The room was occupied by drugged women who were bleeding in filthy recliners.

In the basement, they found the remains of 45 aborted babies in jars, bags and other containers.

Leading up to the trial, the extent of Gosnell's wickedness came to light.

Because Gosnell would perform abortions no matter how far along the pregnancy was, many of the babies were delivered alive.

This didn't stop Gosnell from following through with the death sentence.

Gosnell would stab a pair of scissors through the back of the breathing child's neck, severing the spine and killing the baby.

Seven babies were killed in this horrific manner that we know.

Gosnell and nine of his staff have been charged with murder, infanticide and abuse of a corpse.

As sick and disgusting and wrong as this is, what does it say about our society that many believe if these babies were killed weeks earlier, that Gosnell would merely have been performing a so-called "normal medical procedure" for these women?

What does it say when tens of thousands of babies die every week in our country?

When tearing them limb from limb when they are a little smaller isn't a crime?

What really separates Gosnell from a "doctor" who will perform an abortion when a baby is 20 weeks old and not when they are 25 weeks old?

Are they really different?

This isn't about women's "rights."

This is about the over 1.6 million babies destroyed by abortionists every year in our country alone -- babies who were to grow up and have a shot at making a life for themselves.

But they never get that chance.

1.6 million innocent babies are being aborted every year.

Stories like this crush my heart.

Martin Fox”

Saturday, 1 September 2012

It's not in me! It's only in Jesus!

It's not in me...It's only in HIM...
It's only Jesus..
A small happy song composed and put to guitar music by Aaron Berg the son of David Berg..
It's not in me..It's not in me...It's only in HIM...
It's only Jesus..It's only Jesus...Today...
I have been a Christian for almost 50 years and I am still learning the deep TRUTH and significance of this simple song.
Luke Ch 10 v 21
21In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

God has made Christianity very very simple....If He had not done this then so many would have been excluded because of a Low IQ or insufficient education.
God in His ultimate Love and Wisdom has designed the Message to be really very simple.
The Thief on the cross understood it perfectly when he requested to be remembered in the Kingdom that could be entered in a few hours.
On the point of death, many have repented and accepted Jesus' Love and Forgiveness and Mercy. Soldiers dying on the battlefield, Criminals before being executed and many other examples like those taking their last few breaths on their death beds. All have understood the significance of the fact that the only begotten Son of God was offering Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all those who believe and accept Him. Even some of those life long Luciferian Elites and members of Bohemian Grove or the Hellfire club, have woken up in their old age and accepted Christ before heading off on that inevitable journey... Better late than never!..
Here is a small true story illustration...
There were three Indian Army Generals having a cup of tea together, One was a Hindu and the other a Muslim and the other a Christian. The Hindu commented that he wished that the religious Hindu Women would have the same loving devotion as the Nuns who took care of the wounded in the local Military Hospital.
The Christian spoke out..."The reason is simple to explain!" "These Nuns are offering themselves in thankfulness to what their Lord and Saviour has done for each one of them individually."
"Their motivation is not some sort of religious piety but just plain thankfulness."..
Let us ask the Lord to help us all to have the same simple and thankful motivation too!