Saturday, 22 September 2012

What they do not tell you

What they do not tell you! The Bible does tells it all and so do some but few Christians.. When you study the Words of Jesus Christ and I mean His Red Letter Words, then Yes He does expose evil and He does tell it all. The Church I belong to does expose some great evils like Abortion, Birth Control, and same sex intercourse as being opposed to God's laws. The NWO with their Global take over hate the Bible and they hate real Christians, why? Because they expose the very evils that are being promoted by the devil and his followers. Where do you find the devil today and in all History? Just follow the money and there he is. Very simple. Money means power and satan has been trying to take total control of the world since for ever, That is what he does. When trying to gain control and when in control, he will continue to do his job of destroying and killing and stealing..see what Jesus has to say about this in John Ch 10 verse 10. Sadly the Vatican has played and is still playing power broker, and not always in a good direction, to a certain extent. All of the Protestant or protesting branches of Christianity also withhold the TRUTH from their followers. Let me give you one of the Prime, in my opinion, examples. Jesus makes it very clear in John Ch 20 verse 23 that His Leaders, Apostles, Priests, should have the authority to forgive and not forgive sins. This does not exist in Protestantism. The reason is obvious as when I go to a priest and ask forgiveness for a current sin, he will ask me if I am prepared to give it up? If I say,"No!" Then I will not get absolution. Jesus also made it very clear that Holy Communion or the Eucharistic feast should play centre roll but only in a few denominations is this the case. Catholic and Orthodox are the notable ones. The rest put the Bible Preacher at the top and centre. If you are an effective and charismatic preacher of the Bible, then you will attract a following but if you are rather boring and lacking in good communication skills then you and your denomination will not make much progress. That is a FACT just as is John Ch 20 verse 23. So where am I really going in this Sunday Blog of mine? My Church tells me nothing about the the conspiracy facts that surround us and are being flaunted by our governments. We are being manipulated by the large Money Mad Banksters of this world. Satan is in control and we are following like dumb sheep. Our Churches with the exception of a Protestant Group called Liberty Fellowship, do nothing to warn us. My Church has even gone so far as to say that a World Bank would be the answer to all of the financial and criminal activity that has palgued our world since for ever. If that entity was controlled by a whistle clean Chairman and board of Directors, then of course that would be a solution. However that does not exist. To sum up this blog let me give a paraphrased quotation from both sides. Rather like the Rothschild family made the statement 200 years ago that as long as they controlled the Money supply, they couldn't care less who made the laws so let me paraphrase what my Church is saying. As long as the Eucharistic feast stays at centre and at the top of all Catholic activities, we could not care less as to how charismatic or even corrupt the followers are. I hope you get the point. Evil depends entirely on Money Control and Jesus' Church depends entirely on a faithful following of the Eucharistic feast. This feast contains the Gospel in its entirety. God bless you and keep going for God... Now for a short update as to my five singing pop kids. A financial backer with considerable means has invited them to go to Los Angeles on October the 10th.. All expenses paid. They will have the chance of a life time to be promoted by some of the most famous promoters etc. This seems to be the break that they have been waiting for for nearly ten years. You have to hand it to them, they do not give up. By a sheer miracle of God we have been able to support all 7 kids with our daily exploits to Cologne and Rosary and Gospel distribution together with help and support from you and your prayers on our behalf. If those of you who have not yet helped recently could do so by sending us some help, then that would be very greatly appreciated and would take off some of the pressure. Thanks!!!! Once again GBY and KGFG! mjk.

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