Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Positive side of Negativity

The Positive side of Negativity!
Sunday Blog 9th September 2012!
Sounds like an oxymoron but let me try and explain.
There is Good and there is Evil...Even if you do not believe in a Good and Loving God and a really depraved and wicked devil..
Actually whether you like to admit it or not, good and evil exists in both you and in me. If you cannot see and understand where Evil comes from, then there is not much you can do about it. The Bible says that "The Love of Money is the root of all evil!" Money leads to POWER and especially power over others!
That to me really makes sense. Nearly every time when I lose it, it is because I am worried about not having enough of the filthy lucre.
Like I have said many times, I am very thankful to Alex Jones and all the many interesting people that come on his daily show, (Yesterday it was Lyndon LaRouche)because they expose the very great evil in High Places. All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!!
We all seem to have a great lust for power. Power over others. We love to correct people to show them how wrong they are and how right we are. It feeds our insatiable ego no end. We love it and we wallow in it.
I remember earning 100 US$ every day selling and buying Gold Kruger Rands some 40 years ago.
In those days it would be like earning 1730 Euro every day. A Kruger Rand of one ounce gold was worth around 100$ in those days and now of course it is worth 1730$
You see Gold has not really increased in value but Paper money has lost ground and is soon to lose so much ground that it will put us all in Starvation Mode, unless you happen to be among the 6000 Elite and part of the 13 families that rule and govern the world.
Planned, Organised, Engineered, DESTRUCTION OF THE HUMAN RACE is happpening as I write. Those 6000 are Luciferian. Misanthropic Eugenicists, just like their wicked god lord lucifer. To save you looking up what these words mean....Luciferian means following Lucifer. My daughter has a young colleague who has befriended her and her whole family are Satanists and go to black masses. This is right on our doorstep.
When I was a yachting famatic and a member of the Elitest sailing Club...ISC the Itchenor Sailing Club, I became a friend of Gordon Dashwood. He must have died by now and of course His family founded the Hell Fire Club similar to Bohemiam Grove and was a Black Mass where satan actually materialised from time to time. Misanthropic means a hater of the Human Race and a Eugenecist is a person that believes in murdering most of the human race by whatever means possible and so reduce the world population. The British Royal Family and in particular the Duke of Edinburgh are all Misanthropic Eugenicists. Sounds like Satan to me... What about you????
Outside my window in what would be a clear blue sky is a huge Chem Trail that has already turned into a wide cloud as it drops Aluminium, Barium and other heavy metals..
see one of many reports on this subject

Slow kill...Just like GMO food... When fed to rats it causes them to become infertile in the second generation. Your cell phone if you keep it in your pocket will also reduce your possibility of being able to reproduce and will lower your sperm count,and can give you cancer. Testicular cancer in particular. Do the Elites care?? No, they are delighted. Here is another word that you do not use much in daily conversation.
The Hegelian Dialectic..
A 4 minute you tube will show you just how effective this is in controlling populations and in fact just anybody.. Problem...Reaction... Solution..
Find out why false flags are so effective in controlling the people... Just 4 minutes..
Hope you found my Sunday Blog interesting.. Let me know..
A quick summing up of the Title to this blog..
Exposing Evil can and should lead to seeking out the Good. The more I undertsand evil the more I want Jesus Christ as My Saviour. He forgives and even blots out my evil when I say that I ams sorry. How about you?????

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