Sunday, 30 June 2013


The right Christian attitude! Just when I needed to hear this the most, I received this from Jeff. I am not quite sure who Jeff is, but just at a time when I was feeling really hard done by, this amazing message from God arrived in my Yahoo mail box. This I believe was and is a direct message from God to me and maybe to you. It is radical but shines with a TRUTH that will be hard for many of us to take. I have just had 55 home made wooden beaded Rosaries confiscated by the Police in Cologne and told that I will not be able to distribute the Rosary and the accompanying Salvation Brochure any longer in this great city, visited by all the Nations of the World. Some enemy complained about us and this is the result.In the last 2 years without any hindrance, we have prayed with well over 10,000 people from all nationalities and walks of life, and distributed 15,000 and maybe more pieces of Gospel Literature and about 7,000 Home made Rosaries for donations. These donations along with a very few from the Internet, have kept us alive that is me and my six children who live with me most of the time. The 7th lives in the USA. Now the future looks bleak and maybe we will be forced to seek Government handouts to survive. I say maybe knowing that deep down God is about to do something unexpected and good for us. In Paul's letter to the Romans in Chapter 8 verse 28, he writes that all things work together for good to them that love God. At the same time my wife and I were experiencing an inside attack from those we love and try to help and altogether it was one of the toughest times of our lives. AND THEN THIS ARRIVED.........from Jeff. It often shames me to call myself a Christian . You can't know how many times a day I fail , my Lord first yet my own family as well. Christian is defined simply Christ one or Christ like! Really? Me CHRIST like? Not even close! I know I am forgiven, however I also know I will never deserve anything but eternal damnation . It is beyond me why God even gave me life. Not to mention forgiveness . I guess the best way to describe myself is scum . I thank The Lord that he sees more. It is all his faithfulness . I guess all I have to offer up is Praise and ask my feet to be washed several times a day. Any of you would you have driven the nails? In stupidity I once said oh no Lord not me. He gently reminded me that if born into that roman soldiers life raised educated trained by the military at that time, then given the orders!!!! Yes with honor and even a certain pride I would have driven each nail. Now the deeper truth is it is the sins of my life and yours that made it necessary for the remission or my sins and yours. I would encourage you to consider this , unless you walk in the shoes of the man or woman who do things you don't approve of, or even ungodly things , DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS, you do not know what surrounds their life. The do's and don'ts are there for us to protect us from ourselves . I hAve failed in what I placed around my life so many times, and made poor choices! I pray one day I will wake up and know the Holy Spirits lead in every possible situation . Lord I am sorry!

Monday, 24 June 2013


I am sending this to you personally! Why??? Because it is just that important.. You have already received this Blind copy bcc but this is coming to you direct. WHERE HAVE ALL THE GOOD MEN GONE???? ALEX JONES AT HIS CHRISTIAN BEST MUST WATCH IT IS TIME TO MAKE YOUR OWN PERSONAL STAND AGINST EVIL

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


THANK GOD FOR THE BIBLE, PRESIDENT PUTIN AND THE TV STATION, RUSSIA TODAY!!! These three, Bible, Putin and Russia Today look like strange bed fellows. Let me explain how they are all linked. First of all they are all considered by the WORLD, the ENEMY. The Bible has been banned especially in the Western World from all Public places. Obama made his infamous speech where he made fun of the Bible. obama mocking the BIBLE(Look it up on youtube), Vladimir Putin's Christian Faith - in his own words Just a day or so ago, Putin reminded the other members of the G8 summit in Belfast Ireland, that arming the rebels against President Assad of Syria would be giving weapons to people who had just decapitated a soldier in Central London and who took pride in cutting out the heart of their enemies and then eating it on youtube. Elkaida whom we have been lead to believe is the arch enemy of the West since the FALSE FLAG of 9/11 are now cosidered the great friend and need to be given weapons to oust a President, a reasonably civilsed man, and instead some hooleboolies should be allowed to take over and bring chaos to Syria as has happened in IRAQ, LIBYA, EGYPT. Thank God too for RT, a media outlet which is for sure not perfect but does inform us of the TRUTH. IN VERY TRYING TIMES OF SHEER WICKEDNESS; SUCH AS WE FIND OURSELVES LIVING IN TODAY; GOD ALWAYS RAISES UP CHAMPIONS FOR THE TRUTH, WHETHER THEY BE ALEX JONES, RON PAUL, OR COUNTLESS OTHERS, who bravely expose the lies so that we the sheeple (Sheep people) can find out the truth. THANK GOD FOR JESUS CHRIST WHO IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 15 June 2013


The West is cursed!!! Why??? Because.... Money TALKS and BULLSHIT walks!!! The word Bullshit seems very crude but is actually very Biblical..Saint Paul exclaimed that he counted his former pre Christian life as DUNG in comparison to his new found knowledge and love for Jesus Christ. Philippians Ch 3 v 8....Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, The question is this????? Are you Bullshit? Well!!! You do have a choice!!!! What is the choice? There are really only two choices!!! The TRUTH and the BULLSHIT, Luciferian, Mafia, Banker Money manufacturing out of thin air, Elite, LIE... The Latter has always been there since time immemorial... The former has also been there but more especially since the last 2000 years where Evil was defeated on CALVARY!!! The problem is found described in Saint John's Gospel Chapter 3 verse 19. And this is the condemnation, that LIGHT has come into the world....BUT men prefered darkness rather than light...Why???? Because there deeds are evil! The World and those who control it have already made their choice... It is time to really make up our minds. On whose side do we want to be? Most people have already made up their minds. The fact is that they made their choice long ago. They chose to be BULLSHIT and they are not going to change. When I say most people, I mean well over 80% so that leaves just a little old 20% of people like me and hopefully you too. We have chosen Jesus Christ, THE WAY and THE TRUTH and THE LIFE! He means everything to us and we live for Him and we will die for Him and thus live for ever in His Kingdom. I have just read a very spiritual book the ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coehlo a Brazilian famous writer. I really love this guy and I am going to listen to his story, the Alchemist for a second time, this evening. My wife Irmgard discovered him by picking up a small discarded book on the floor outside the DOM in Cologne. It is called the "Wanderer," and is full of just one page snippets of Wisdom taken from his extremely Christian thoughts. If you read this book it will change your life to become more like HIM than ever before. It take 4 hours to read and it will grip you from beginnning to end.. Full of Chritaian lessons. God is so good. This week He gave us the most beautiful car, a new Gospel Horse. It is a Ford Focus Combie and was foud for us by our amazingly friendly Motor Mechanic, Mr Schmidt of the ARAL Garage Gummersbach. He has done so much work for us for free and carries a Rosary hanging in a prominent place in his work shop. It cost 800 Euro and looks and behaves like a brand new car. He(Jesus) never fails. " weeks ago I needed 4 new front bottom teeth and out of the blue my dentist who knows all about our work for Jesus donated the false teeth including 2 extra ones at the back. God is good and merciful and loving and forgiving. There is none like HIM. He is the very best in the whole Universe. I so look forward to hearing from you.. GBY and KGFG! Michael Jaffray

Friday, 7 June 2013

The money scam that even grandma can understand

The MONEY SCAM that even Grandma can understand! The MONEY SCAM that even Grandma can understand! EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR ALL OF US TO UNDERSATAND!!!!! PART ONE 13 minutes, just watch and listen! PART TWO 10 minutes, just watch and listen! I thought I could explain this myself....... but to get a really changing...eye opening...revolutionary understanding...please go to the following link... IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND AND HELP YOU UNDERSTAND...... Please let me know your reaction... Did you really really really know this? If you take the time just 23 minutes in all, you will become an expert and will be able to help others..