Saturday, 15 June 2013


The West is cursed!!! Why??? Because.... Money TALKS and BULLSHIT walks!!! The word Bullshit seems very crude but is actually very Biblical..Saint Paul exclaimed that he counted his former pre Christian life as DUNG in comparison to his new found knowledge and love for Jesus Christ. Philippians Ch 3 v 8....Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, The question is this????? Are you Bullshit? Well!!! You do have a choice!!!! What is the choice? There are really only two choices!!! The TRUTH and the BULLSHIT, Luciferian, Mafia, Banker Money manufacturing out of thin air, Elite, LIE... The Latter has always been there since time immemorial... The former has also been there but more especially since the last 2000 years where Evil was defeated on CALVARY!!! The problem is found described in Saint John's Gospel Chapter 3 verse 19. And this is the condemnation, that LIGHT has come into the world....BUT men prefered darkness rather than light...Why???? Because there deeds are evil! The World and those who control it have already made their choice... It is time to really make up our minds. On whose side do we want to be? Most people have already made up their minds. The fact is that they made their choice long ago. They chose to be BULLSHIT and they are not going to change. When I say most people, I mean well over 80% so that leaves just a little old 20% of people like me and hopefully you too. We have chosen Jesus Christ, THE WAY and THE TRUTH and THE LIFE! He means everything to us and we live for Him and we will die for Him and thus live for ever in His Kingdom. I have just read a very spiritual book the ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coehlo a Brazilian famous writer. I really love this guy and I am going to listen to his story, the Alchemist for a second time, this evening. My wife Irmgard discovered him by picking up a small discarded book on the floor outside the DOM in Cologne. It is called the "Wanderer," and is full of just one page snippets of Wisdom taken from his extremely Christian thoughts. If you read this book it will change your life to become more like HIM than ever before. It take 4 hours to read and it will grip you from beginnning to end.. Full of Chritaian lessons. God is so good. This week He gave us the most beautiful car, a new Gospel Horse. It is a Ford Focus Combie and was foud for us by our amazingly friendly Motor Mechanic, Mr Schmidt of the ARAL Garage Gummersbach. He has done so much work for us for free and carries a Rosary hanging in a prominent place in his work shop. It cost 800 Euro and looks and behaves like a brand new car. He(Jesus) never fails. " weeks ago I needed 4 new front bottom teeth and out of the blue my dentist who knows all about our work for Jesus donated the false teeth including 2 extra ones at the back. God is good and merciful and loving and forgiving. There is none like HIM. He is the very best in the whole Universe. I so look forward to hearing from you.. GBY and KGFG! Michael Jaffray

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