Wednesday, 19 June 2013


THANK GOD FOR THE BIBLE, PRESIDENT PUTIN AND THE TV STATION, RUSSIA TODAY!!! These three, Bible, Putin and Russia Today look like strange bed fellows. Let me explain how they are all linked. First of all they are all considered by the WORLD, the ENEMY. The Bible has been banned especially in the Western World from all Public places. Obama made his infamous speech where he made fun of the Bible. obama mocking the BIBLE(Look it up on youtube), Vladimir Putin's Christian Faith - in his own words Just a day or so ago, Putin reminded the other members of the G8 summit in Belfast Ireland, that arming the rebels against President Assad of Syria would be giving weapons to people who had just decapitated a soldier in Central London and who took pride in cutting out the heart of their enemies and then eating it on youtube. Elkaida whom we have been lead to believe is the arch enemy of the West since the FALSE FLAG of 9/11 are now cosidered the great friend and need to be given weapons to oust a President, a reasonably civilsed man, and instead some hooleboolies should be allowed to take over and bring chaos to Syria as has happened in IRAQ, LIBYA, EGYPT. Thank God too for RT, a media outlet which is for sure not perfect but does inform us of the TRUTH. IN VERY TRYING TIMES OF SHEER WICKEDNESS; SUCH AS WE FIND OURSELVES LIVING IN TODAY; GOD ALWAYS RAISES UP CHAMPIONS FOR THE TRUTH, WHETHER THEY BE ALEX JONES, RON PAUL, OR COUNTLESS OTHERS, who bravely expose the lies so that we the sheeple (Sheep people) can find out the truth. THANK GOD FOR JESUS CHRIST WHO IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!!!!!!!!

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