Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Why is there so much confusion today and in His Story????
THE TRUTH John 14 :6
Commentary of the day : by one of my HEROES.....Blessed JHN!!!!
Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890), priest, founder of a religious community, theologian
Sermon « Invisible Presence of Christ », Sermons on Subjects of the Day, no.21
"At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them because they were troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd"
Look around you, my brethren, on every side... Look round, I say, and answer, why it is that there is so much change, so much strife, so many parties and sects, so many creeds? because men are unsatisfied and restless; and why restless, with every one his psalm, his doctrine, his tongue, his revelation, his interpretation? they are restless because they have not found... It has not yet brought them into the Presence of Christ, in which "is fulness of joy" and "pleasure for evermore" (Ps 16[15],11). Had they been fed with the bread of life (Jn 6,35), and tasted of the honeycomb, their eyes, like Jonathan's (1Sam 14,27), had been enlightened, to acknowledge the Saviour of men; but having no such real apprehension of things unseen, they have still to seek, and are at the mercy of every rumour from without..O sad and pitiable spectacle, when the people of Christ wander on the hills as "sheep which have no shepherd;" and instead of seeking Him in His ancient haunts and His appointed home, busy themselves in human schemes, follow strange guides, are taken captive by new opinions, become the sport of chance, or of the humor of the hour, or the victims of self-will, are full of anxiety, and perplexity, and jealousy, and alarm, "tossed to and fro, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" (Eph 4,14) —and all because they do not seek the "one body" and the "one Spirit," and the "one hope of their calling," the "one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all," (Eph 4,5-6) and “find rest for their souls” (Mt 11,29)!
Matthew Ch 7 v 7
proves the point..
Keep looking and you will be sure to find. It is not a lottery but a dead cert....IFFFFFF you keep looking...!!!
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
GAME CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Game Change!
God is so so so so so good!!!!!!
The NWO who have been trying to take over the world since for ever, were hoping to reach their goal for WORLD DOMINATION AND WORLD CONTROL 10 years ago. Basically their plan is to bankrupt the world and starve the people into submission. See the movie "Hunger Games"....6000 elite which includes my first cousin' son George Osborne are still determined to reduce the world population from 6 billion to half a billion. In figures it looks something like this....6,000,000,000 to 500,000... in other words a 90 % reduction. Right now they are outnumbered 1,000,000 to 1....Those are very heavy odds....The real rulers are not the Politicians, and Royal families, and mega businesses, nor even the military and medical industrial complexes but the BANKS. The chief bankster is the family Rothschild. They have held this position for the last 200 years taking over from the Medici family in the early 1800s....https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Medici
Satan is a deceiver and is a master at his deadly, wicked art.
I have given the Wiki references knowing full well that Wiki is only one source and not always reliable, but it is a good place to start if you are carrying out your own investigation.
Why should we bother ourselves with discovering how satan, lucifer, the devil operates?
In John's Gospel Chapter 8 verses 32 and 33, it clearly states that the Truth will set us free. 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Free from what? Being lead along by the nose from all the lies that we read and hear about in the mainstream Media and Press.. These institutions are all the personal property of the Banks and therefore cannot be trusted.
Thank God for the alternative media and also for RT...Russia Today... which although not perfect gives one a much better idea as to what is going on than the more well known varieties. Infowars and prison planet, Trends, Drudge report and Jon Rappoport are also
great alternatives along with Lord Christopher Monckton and Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul his son.
In the last 24 hours in Egypt, we have seen the great power and effect of people power as the masses have toppled a very evil government, designed to bring about chaos, of the Muslim Brotherhood. This has been the plan of the NWO The New World Order all along. Thank God for God as He does not allow them to get their own way every time.
He does allow them to win some of the time because we get the leaders we deserve. If we back the break down of the family and the murder of millions of innocent children through abortion and now same sex marriage then we must expect God to allow satan to do his dirty work from time to time. The Muslims and the lower down members of the so called elite would do well to remember that as soon as they have served their evil purposes that they too will be mercilessly destroyed too.
Joseph Stalin's satanic idea of a joke was to curry the favour of an intimate friend and then one day when he was least expecting it to stab him in the back.. That has always been the tactic of lord lucifer...If I were you why not join the side of the ultimate winner now today by accepting Jesus Christ to come into your heart and place HIM on the throne of your Heart and Mind and Life from today onward.
That would be the smartest move that you could ever make. This move wil sail you from this day onward into eternity with your Creator..He has already won the battle beating the deceiver on the cross of mount Calvary 2000 years ago. Our arch enemy is fighting a rear guard deceitful battle pretending that possessing all the money, he rules and controls. Do not be BULLSHIT (Money talks and bullshit walks) but be a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ instead..!!! Money you cannot take with you on that inevitable journey that we must all take one day sooner or later but Jesus Christ in ones heart will go with you for ever and ever!
GBY and KGFG!!!
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Learning to live on even less! And some lessons learnt!!!
First for some really good news..
Yesterday we went to see the Head Man in the City who is ultimately responsible for our situation. He was extremely nice and helpful. He returned us the 55 Rosaries!! Thank you Jesus!!!The fact that we have gotten away with with such a high profile existence getting out sometimes 20 Rosaries every day has been nothing short of a miracle. BUT some enemy has complained probably an anti christian and so now we are allowed to go to low profile areas and personally witness to people keeping our Rosaries concealed and just using our literature in the first instance.
Our approach now goes something like this...."May we ask you a question?" If we get an affirmative then we say.."Do you believe in Jesus Christ?" Depending on the answer we adapt a little but our goal is to try and get people to ask Jesus into their hearts. This we do by saying something like..." One day we all have to die and the bad news is, the I Pod stays behind and the cat and the dog and your friends and family...But if you repeat this little prayer to ask Jesus to come into your heart...Dear Jesus, please come into my heart and forgive my sins and fill me with Your Holy Spirit of LOVE and please give me the free gift of eternal life...Then you take something good with you into eternity"
Many say the prayer and many say they will say it later and take the small brochure with them. Some of course refuse and we just have to smile and say Jesus loves you and let them go unless they want to talk more. After listening to these kind of people many times they will then repeat the prayer. We also explain that when they use this prayer with other people then they become missionaries too.
Before they leave we explain that we live from small donations and would they like to help? We also point to the Rosary hanging around our neck and say that if they are prepared to give a donation of 4 to 5 Euro then they can choose a FREE Rosary that is concealed in our pockets. This way we are getting out about 5 Rosaries a day and lots of small donations of 20 to 50 cents. We have not perfected this yet and so out daily income has been halved but I believe that as we learn this new method we will get better at it. IN THIS INTERIM PERIOD, IF YOU COULD SEND US A LITTLE EXTRA HELP, THEN THAT WOULD BE SUPERB!
My new friend Jeff or just Jeff has given me some very good tips, not only writing me that brilliant article which is changing my life, THE RIGHT CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE which hopefully you have already read, but showing me how to keep in touch with Jesus 24/7/365.
In 1st Thessalonians Ch 5 v 17 it exhorts us to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! Jeff does this by talking to Jesus all the time. Even over the silliest and smallest of matters. I have heard this before but he reminded me to do this again and maybe you would like to try too????
Jesus is our friend and is deeply interested in all we do, think, and act upon.
Give it a try and as I ask God for more financial help to feed my 6 kids who live in Germany please would you consider being a part of that help so that we can continue to do our Low Profile activities for HIM in Cologne Germany.
love michael jaffray and Irmgard king
The right Christian attitude!
Just when I needed to hear this the most, I received this from Jeff.
I am not quite sure who Jeff is, but just at a time when I was feeling really hard done by, this amazing message from God arrived in my Yahoo mail box. This I believe was and is a direct message from God to me and maybe to you. It is radical but shines with a TRUTH that will be hard for many of us to take. I have just had 55 home made wooden beaded Rosaries confiscated by the Police in Cologne and told that I will not be able to distribute the Rosary and the accompanying Salvation Brochure any longer in this great city, visited by all the Nations of the World.
Some enemy complained about us and this is the result.In the last 2 years without any hindrance, we have prayed with well over 10,000 people from all nationalities and walks of life, and distributed 15,000 and maybe more pieces of Gospel Literature and about 7,000 Home made Rosaries for donations. These donations along with a very few from the Internet, have kept us alive that is me and my six children who live with me most of the time. The 7th lives in the USA.
Now the future looks bleak and maybe we will be forced to seek Government handouts to survive. I say maybe knowing that deep down God is about to do something unexpected and good for us. In Paul's letter to the Romans in Chapter 8 verse 28, he writes that all things work together for good to them that love God.
At the same time my wife and I were experiencing an inside attack from those we love and try to help and altogether it was one of the toughest times of our lives.
AND THEN THIS ARRIVED.........from Jeff.
It often shames me to call myself a Christian . You can't know how many times a day I fail , my Lord first yet my own family as well. Christian is defined simply Christ one or Christ like! Really? Me CHRIST like? Not even close! I know I am forgiven, however I also know I will never deserve anything but eternal damnation . It is beyond me why God even gave me life. Not to mention forgiveness . I guess the best way to describe myself is scum . I thank The Lord that he sees more. It is all his faithfulness . I guess all I have to offer up is Praise and ask my feet to be washed several times a day. Any of you would you have driven the nails? In stupidity I once said oh no Lord not me. He gently reminded me that if born into that roman soldiers life raised educated trained by the military at that time, then given the orders!!!! Yes with honor and even a certain pride I would have driven each nail. Now the deeper truth is it is the sins of my life and yours that made it necessary for the remission or my sins and yours. I would encourage you to consider this , unless you walk in the shoes of the man or woman who do things you don't approve of, or even ungodly things , DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS, you do not know what surrounds their life. The do's and don'ts are there for us to protect us from ourselves . I hAve failed in what I placed around my life so many times, and made poor choices! I pray one day I will wake up and know the Holy Spirits lead in every possible situation . Lord I am sorry!
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