Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Why is there so much confusion today and in His Story???? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT FOUND..... THE TRUTH John 14 :6 Commentary of the day : by one of my HEROES.....Blessed JHN!!!! Blessed John Henry Newman (1801-1890), priest, founder of a religious community, theologian  Sermon « Invisible Presence of Christ », Sermons on Subjects of the Day, no.21  "At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them because they were troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd" Look around you, my brethren, on every side... Look round, I say, and answer, why it is that there is so much change, so much strife, so many parties and sects, so many creeds? because men are unsatisfied and restless; and why restless, with every one his psalm, his doctrine, his tongue, his revelation, his interpretation? they are restless because they have not found... It has not yet brought them into the Presence of Christ, in which "is fulness of joy" and "pleasure for evermore" (Ps 16[15],11). Had they been fed with the bread of life (Jn 6,35), and tasted of the honeycomb, their eyes, like Jonathan's (1Sam 14,27), had been enlightened, to acknowledge the Saviour of men; but having no such real apprehension of things unseen, they have still to seek, and are at the mercy of every rumour from without..O sad and pitiable spectacle, when the people of Christ wander on the hills as "sheep which have no shepherd;" and instead of seeking Him in His ancient haunts and His appointed home, busy themselves in human schemes, follow strange guides, are taken captive by new opinions, become the sport of chance, or of the humor of the hour, or the victims of self-will, are full of anxiety, and perplexity, and jealousy, and alarm, "tossed to and fro, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" (Eph 4,14) —and all because they do not seek the "one body" and the "one Spirit," and the "one hope of their calling," the "one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all," (Eph 4,5-6) and “find rest for their souls” (Mt 11,29)! IF YOU HAVE NOT FOUND, IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT LOOKING.. Matthew Ch 7 v 7 proves the point.. Keep looking and you will be sure to find. It is not a lottery but a dead cert....IFFFFFF you keep looking...!!!

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