Wednesday, 3 July 2013

GAME CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Game Change! ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD, Romans Ch 8 v 28.... God is so so so so so good!!!!!! The NWO who have been trying to take over the world since for ever, were hoping to reach their goal for WORLD DOMINATION AND WORLD CONTROL 10 years ago. Basically their plan is to bankrupt the world and starve the people into submission. See the movie "Hunger Games"....6000 elite which includes my first cousin' son George Osborne are still determined to reduce the world population from 6 billion to half a billion. In figures it looks something like this....6,000,000,000 to 500,000... in other words a 90 % reduction. Right now they are outnumbered 1,000,000 to 1....Those are very heavy odds....The real rulers are not the Politicians, and Royal families, and mega businesses, nor even the military and medical industrial complexes but the BANKS. The chief bankster is the family Rothschild. They have held this position for the last 200 years taking over from the Medici family in the early 1800s.... Satan is a deceiver and is a master at his deadly, wicked art. I have given the Wiki references knowing full well that Wiki is only one source and not always reliable, but it is a good place to start if you are carrying out your own investigation. Why should we bother ourselves with discovering how satan, lucifer, the devil operates? In John's Gospel Chapter 8 verses 32 and 33, it clearly states that the Truth will set us free. 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Free from what? Being lead along by the nose from all the lies that we read and hear about in the mainstream Media and Press.. These institutions are all the personal property of the Banks and therefore cannot be trusted. Thank God for the alternative media and also for RT...Russia Today... which although not perfect gives one a much better idea as to what is going on than the more well known varieties. Infowars and prison planet, Trends, Drudge report and Jon Rappoport are also great alternatives along with Lord Christopher Monckton and Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul his son. In the last 24 hours in Egypt, we have seen the great power and effect of people power as the masses have toppled a very evil government, designed to bring about chaos, of the Muslim Brotherhood. This has been the plan of the NWO The New World Order all along. Thank God for God as He does not allow them to get their own way every time. He does allow them to win some of the time because we get the leaders we deserve. If we back the break down of the family and the murder of millions of innocent children through abortion and now same sex marriage then we must expect God to allow satan to do his dirty work from time to time. The Muslims and the lower down members of the so called elite would do well to remember that as soon as they have served their evil purposes that they too will be mercilessly destroyed too. Joseph Stalin's satanic idea of a joke was to curry the favour of an intimate friend and then one day when he was least expecting it to stab him in the back.. That has always been the tactic of lord lucifer...If I were you why not join the side of the ultimate winner now today by accepting Jesus Christ to come into your heart and place HIM on the throne of your Heart and Mind and Life from today onward. That would be the smartest move that you could ever make. This move wil sail you from this day onward into eternity with your Creator..He has already won the battle beating the deceiver on the cross of mount Calvary 2000 years ago. Our arch enemy is fighting a rear guard deceitful battle pretending that possessing all the money, he rules and controls. Do not be BULLSHIT (Money talks and bullshit walks) but be a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ instead..!!! Money you cannot take with you on that inevitable journey that we must all take one day sooner or later but Jesus Christ in ones heart will go with you for ever and ever! GBY and KGFG!!!

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