Sunday, 9 February 2014

Positive points for Protestants

Some really positive points in favour of the 30000 PROT denominations..this goes right along with Romans ch 8 verse 28... All things not just most things work together for good to them that love GOD.. POINT 1 It will be very hard for the ac to get you all... You are so many and so spread out...30,000...... those big bird cats are easy meat.. They hung Drew and quartered them by the 1000s in the 16 the century.. Priest And Nuns and laity all got it in the neck... POINT 2 you really love the WORD OF GOD. Especially the easily understood parts.Cats hardly read their bibles..shame on them.... POINT 3 When we meet PROTS in the street, many times they are much nicer and helpful than many very self righteous cats.. POINT 4 They actually commit the Word of a God to memory especially key verses..and think that is important!! Cats hardly know one verse in the Bible with its reference address eg john ch 3 v 16 POINT 5 I personally have more real PROT friends than cat friends POINT 6 There are more positive points...maybe you can add some... POINT 7 They are more humble and less self righteous generally speaking from my experiencE POINT 8 And and and


  1. I read through almost everything of Chesterton's (a Catholic) last year. I'm currently reading the works of Tolkien (a Catholic). I've also read quite a bit of Peter Kreeft and Dinesh D'Souza (both Catholics). I agree with some of your points, but Protestants are way more self-righteous than Catholics - the dregs of puritanism!
    Please visit my blog:

  2. I guess I am speaking from experience as I am meeting scores of them both cats and PROTS every single day of my life and that is no exaggeration...there are of course some exceptionally nice cats and some pretty nasty PROTS..but generally speaking what I have written is pretty true..

  3. I am so glad that you are checking into GKC AND PETER KREEFT.. There is a great deal on you tube. Kreeft is a great apologist and seems such a nice and gentle man....CSL has quite a bit to say about the

  4. True definition of a gentleman as I am sure you can remember but Peter is a delight to listen to and is very good at putting over his points..
