Tuesday, 11 February 2014


IF YOU WITNESS YOU ALWAYS WIN... That is a great quote and I know it is true because I have tried it and lived by it nearly all my 45 years of Christian life...I have learned a few tricks, and so I thought I would try and share them with you for those who are interested. Without the help of the Holy Spirit no method will help but JESUS did say...Follow ME and I will make you fishers of men. The disciples did not learn this in one day and neither did I. But as soon as I started out trying to encourage people to say the simple prayer of ...Dear JESUS please come into my heart?? Please forgive me for my sins.. Please fill me with your love and give me the free gift of eternal life...matters just started popping... It is a big help to have a simple gospel tract with your name address! Telephone number and email too so that they can get in touch with you if they want to. Ok so let's get started... I place myself on a place where people are passing and where it is relatively easy for them to stop..It needs to be out of the wind and rain and snow if there is any..then as I catch their eye I say something like .....excuse me ... May I ask you a question? Many people will just continue on their way and so you just smile and I usually say JESUS loves you just to get a minimum witness in. If they stop many times they think that you want to know the way how to get somewhere so I quickly thank them for stopping and say something like this.....I come here every day for the last two years and I ask people what I consider to be a very important question... May be it is the most important question of your life...I used to say... Do you believe in JESUS but some time ago I changed this to something I believe to BE much more effective...do you love JESUS Christ?..and by the way He madly loves you....if they show some interest I will try to explain how much he loves them and for this I use the very popular and seen by many, Mel Gibson movie..The Passion of the Christ.....Jim Kavesel! did a fantastic job of playing the part of the tortured Christ..then. I say did you know that Being God He could have summoned one million angels and wiped out all the Roman army and all the enemy Jews in one fell swoop. But He didn't...Why....Because He is crazily in love with you and wanted to take the punishment that we all deserve on Himself...He did it all just for you and me...so that we could have eternal life with him in a heaven...pretty incredible... Now on the front of our leaflet is a picture of a famous painting made of a man in a rough sea clinging on to the foot of a cross sticking up out of all the waves and foam..The man is surrounded by waves and rough sea and there is no land in sight. I ask them if they can see the rescue helicopter????....and of course the answer is...no...Then I question them about his girlfriend....is she there?? ... No they have to reply?..what about all his money and his IPOD? Again they have to reply ...no...then I say I think very soon he will drown and die??? I add we all have to die and I am 75 so obviously, I will have to die pretty soon? However would you like to check out the good news? Then I turn the leaflet over and there on the back is the little prayer for asking JESUS to come into their hearts etc etc etc.. then I show them the rosary brochure.....it contains in pictures the main events of the life of JESUS with bible references for them to look up if they want to. The five main events surrounding his birth... Then His ministry... Then His passion... And last of all His resurrection....There is a great deal,of info for them to take home just there....then I show them the beautiful coloured rosaries and ask them if they would like to have one.. I point out that we are not selling them but live from the donations we receive from getting them out...In one year we get about 3000....50 each week...7 each day...We average between 5 to 10 Euro for each one distributed...we give the free to tramps and beggars and poor students. .and believe it or not from this we live and maintain exactly enough cash to pay our bills and all the other basic needs that we all have....I tell you it works and we get a wonderful insurance on top of protection and health and a feeling of challenge with butterflies in ones stomach at the beginning and then a feeling of great joy when the day is over and the job is done... For me and Irmgard , it is the very best job imaginable and we meet people from literally every country of the world.. People with all kinds of needs.. People dying of cancer...people with real problems at home...people just out of prison..on drugs with broken relationships etc you name it and we meet it...Over the course of one year we have met people from all over the World...as we speak very badly a smattering of many languages that is also a help.. But not a necessity...at the end of the day we go home with souls and friends tucked under our belt and donations to live from..WE DO THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY AND LOVE IT... WE HAVE NOT HAD A HOLIDAY IN YEARS NOR DO WE WANT ONE...WE JUST WANT TO SERVE THE LORD UNTIL OUR VERY LAST BREATH.. OF COURSE THERE ARE MANY VARIATIONS AND I AM SURE THAT AS YOU BRANCH OUT and witness The Lord and the Holy Spirit will show you other methods...ALWAYS SMILE AND WHEN PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO HELP JUST THANK THEM FOR STOPPING AND TALKING...THE LORD SHOWED ME THAT EVEN THE VERY UNRECEPTIVE ONES WILL REMEMBER THIS SHORT ENCOUNTER RIGHT UP TO THE TIME OF THEIR EVENTUAL DEATH.. THEY WILL NOT FORGET EVEN IF THEY WERE VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED.....GBY AND KGFG....WHY DONT YOU HAVE A BASH AS THE BRITS WOULD SAY..WHY DONT YOU HAVE A TRY AND SEE JUST WHAT THE LORD CAN ACCOMPLISH THROUGH YOU!!!!!????

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