Tuesday, 30 September 2014


OUR ONLY HOPE!!!!!!!!! Things are so bad in the world.. The few glimmers of good news are sadly fading into the darkness..The cease fire in UKRAINE is only to allow the evil forces to regroup...We all know that ISIS ISIL IS is just a false flag to enable the wicked west to realise goals that were denied last year..The false flag chemical attack by Assad on his own people....president VLADIMIR Putin personally responsible for the shooting down of MALAYSIAN air flight 17...EBOLA produced in laboratories and unleashed on the very poor black African community, whose land is full of very rich resources...the extremely cowardly attack by the western backed UKRAINIAN army shooting at buildings housing a civilian population....the same happening in Gaza against the Palestinian civil population...it just goes on and on and now the civil unrest in Hong Kong....So where can we turn.. Many of us are CHRISTIANS, so we turn to JESUS...I personally turn to JESUS and to HIS and our holy mother the Virgin Mary. Instead of catching our normal earlier train we watched the following videos and I pray that you would watch them too...TRULY AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL..THEY WILL ENCOURAGE YOU TO KNOW THAT WHATEVER HELL HAPPENS HERE ON EARTH, IT ALWAYS WORKS TOGETHER FOR GOOD. ROMANS chapter 8:28... http://youtu.be/rBIs8cuIwTo http://youtu.be/ZNeJH3ln-04 http://youtu.be/-K8K5GFWFME http://youtu.be/rqkeSKp9mXo http://youtu.be/bxCBxGmtUos Have fun and be encouraged...THE FUTURE although looking extremely dark IS AS BRIGHT AS THE PROMISES OF GOD... PLEASE WATCH AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK... SOME FURTHER THOUGHTS.. The media is doing a very good job(I really mean a bad deceitful job) at spreading vile propaganda to make us all terrified..Terrified of ISIS, terrified of an all out nuclear war with Russia, terrified of a huge financial collapse, terrified of the effects of trumped up global warming, terrified of TERROR itself.. WELL MY COMMENT IS FOR YOU UNRECEIVERS AND UNBELIEVERS, IS THE FOLLOWING... YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET.... IT'S GOING TO GET VERY MUCH WORSE...YOU WILL BE TEMPTED STRONGLY TO FALL FOR THEIR LIES AND BECOME SCARED AND START HATING MUSLIMS, POLITICIANS, FALSE MEDIA AND ALL THOSE INVOLVED IN FOLLOWING lucifer, that punk, the evil devil, AND SO I AM GOING TO START PUTTING OUT ON FACEBOOK AND EVERYWHERE I CAN ALL THE EVENTS AND PICTURES AND WRITINGS THAT SUPPORT JESUS CHRIST AND HIS HOLY MOTHER MARY AND HIS SAINTS......

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