Friday, 3 October 2014


WOULDN'T IT BE REALLY GREAT TO HAVE SOME EARTH SHAKING SUPERNATURAL EVENTS HAPPENING JUST NOW???? LIKE MARY APPEARING ON TOP OF A CHURCH...OR SOMETHING EVEN MORE OBVIOUSLY COMING FROM JESUS......... satan is doing his bit...We know that ....... ISIS has been designed to bring the world into fear and disorder. THE ANTICHRIST has to come in and help restore the beaten smashed world like a WICKED FALSE saviour..... EBOLA is also part of the NWO scare tactics... MONEY MONEY MONEY...... How many of you realise that money is a total scam??? THE BANKSTERS use money which literally they make up as they go along, they just pull it out of thin air and then they put this counterfeit money to use by lending it out...It creates debt....and then when no one has money to pay back the debt they just borrow more money...THEY TALK ABOUT BANK FAILURE..BANK BAIL OUT... We think of that in terms of how we little guys use cash...We get into debt and then we have to pay it back and if we can't do it by getting a better job or working hard at a second job, we throw ourselves at the mercy of the government and live off welfare... THE GUYS AT THE VERY VERY TOP CONTROL THE MONEY SUPPLY WHICH IS LITERALLY, JUST MADE UP FIGURES... WHEN LORD JACOB ROTHSCHILD SAYS THAT HE IS WORTH 500 TRILLION..HE COULD JUST AS EASILY HAVE SAID ONE QUADRILLION....NO ONE WOULD ARGUE..NO ONE AUDITS HIS BOOKS...that is why AMSTEL BAUER the original ROTHSCHILD in the early 1800s said..."If I control the money supply, I do not care who makes the laws!!!" The bankers money only really becomes money when it is lent out TO OTHERS at 8% interest... IF THEY WANTED TO, THEY COULD WIPE OUT ALL THE DEBTS IN THE WORLD AND START OVER....It is all scam money that they make up..not backed by gold, property, silver BUT just their word for it that it is real.. Only those people in the world, the vast majority of people like you and me can see the real value of their paper money because it buys a litre of milk, a car, a house, a yacht , a holiday, etc etc etc. HOW ON EARTH DO THEY PAY FOR CHEM TRAIL AIRCRAFT WHO PATROL THE SKIES DROPPING THEIR POISON ALL OVER US.??? THEY USE THEIR U N L I M I T E D SOURCE OF MADE UP OUT OF THIN AIR CASH. THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THEIR (MADE OUT OF THIN AIR MONEY) their M.O.O.T.A.M. Is to force us to submit to their tactics of turning us into slaves... SO PLEASE PRAY WITH ME THAT THE LORD WOULD DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW TO ENCOURAGE US POOR MORTALS BECAUSE WE ARE GETTING SWAMPED BY ALL THE INJUSTICES IN THIS SAD SICK HURTING WORLD..WE ALL PRAY IN JESUS NAME...........AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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