Friday, 10 October 2014


THE PAST, THE FUTURE AND THE PRESENT....... I love this following quote because it makes perfect sense.. THE PAST is history......... THE FUTURE is a mystery....... THE PRESENT is a gift from GOD ALMIGHTY and we should grasp this gift with both hands and make the very best out of it.. Crying over spilt milk and past mistakes and thinking about..WHAT IF.?? Is a total waste of time..we can't change the past but we can adjust the present so as not to make those same sins and mistakes again..We can learn from past experiences but anguishing over them is a thorough waste of time.. Worrying about the future as we don't really know WHEN AND WHERE is also futile...LEAVE THE FUTURE IN THE HANDS OF GOD.. HE KNOWS BEST AND...ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD AND TO THOSE WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSES...ROMANS CH 8:28.

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