Thursday, 30 October 2014


WHAT MY PARENTS TAUGHT ME.. My parents were not committed CHRISTIANS..So what did they promote and what did they teach? As they did not teach me the Way, the Truth and the Life, they taught me a demonic substitute. Michael you are being a bit tough on them, aren't you? Well let's see.. They taught me the total superiority of the BRITISH race, the BRITISH empire and BRITISH values..they taught me what they called over and over again, The Killer Instinct!! In other words excel in everything you do Competitively!! The British do have an amazing SPIRIT..IT SURE AINT THE HOLY SPIRIT BUT... A spirit of dominating in sport in battle in glorious war and then to RULE.. WOGS, Western Oriental Gentlemen or really huliebulies, began at Calais.. Secretly they the whole BRITISH royalty and aristocracy really admired HITLER. Of course not during and after the war but before the war he was quite a roll model. Do some research and you will find that to be true. He believed in the Arian master white race.. Of course I swallowed this hook line and sinker until I read the Gospel of Saint John..THAT MADE ME ANGRY AND I FELT VERY CHEATED....The reason is obvious..In this famous beautiful Gospel, love, mercy and forgiveness just exude from every line... Nothing in my very expensive education had taught me that... My religious teacher, at the royal naval military academy DARTMOUTH..BRNC carefully explained away all the miracles of JESUS...I was not a Christian at the time and I raised my hand in protest to this headmaster of the College, and asked if it were not possible that the bible account might perhaps have been true?? He was furious but many in the class admired the daring of my challenge.... So was my teaching and upbringing Luciferian?? I would say Yes!! Because there are no neutrals.. Neutrality is the snake in the grass which when push comes to shove will ALWAYS fall in line with the enemy..

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