Saturday, 4 October 2014


Part 2 ...IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. Part 2.. TO GET THIS POINT EXTREMELY CLEARLY.... OUR LEADERS IN GOVERNMENT ARE LYING TO US ABOUT ISLAM....they tell us that "ISLAM is a peaceful religion" THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MODERATE PEACEFUL MUSLIM WHO READS STUDIES AND OBEYS THE KORAN..FULL STOP...PERIOD.... THE ONLY MODERATE PEACEFUL MUSLIM WOULD BE SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT READ AND STUDY AND OBEY THE KORAN...YES HE COULD BE A NICE CHAP AND A MODERATE...BUT...BUT...AS SOON AS HIS NORMAL KORAN READING MUSLIMS FIND OUT THAT HE IS ACTING IN A MODERATE PEACEFUL WAY....WHAT WILL THEY DO.??? THEY WILL MAYBE GIVE HIM A CHANCE TO REPENT AND IF HE DOES NOT THEY WILL KILL HIM..OR USE HIM AS A SUICIDE BOMBER TELLING HIM BY KILLING AND BLOWING UP THE INFIDEL ALLAH WILL FORGIVE HIM...I STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU SUBSCRIBE TO...JIHAD WATCH...ROBERT SPENCER WHERE YOU CAN DAILY GET UPDATES AS TO THE TRUE NATURE OF THIS TOTALLY DEMONIC AND VIOLENT RELIGION....KORAN chapter 47 verse 4 .....STRIKE THE UNBELIEVER IN THE NECK.....I REST MY CASE...READ THEIR BOOK... DO NOT BE FOOLED ANY LONGER... A point MUSLIMS will bring up in their defence is to say that CHRISTIANITY is also violent and will point the practises of the church in the Middle Ages..Crusades, Witch burning, The inquisition, hanging drawing and quartering of Roman Catholics by PROTESTANTS, AND of course Catholic violent treatment of PROTESTANTS...a great example was the Spanish Armada that was designed to teach those wicked infidel PROTESTANTS of the British Isles a lesson..God did not help them but rather the PROTESTANT defenders under the leadership of Sir Francis Drake, who after a great victory against overwhelming odds said, " GOD BLEW AND THEY WERE SCATTERED", the religious wars of Northern Ireland, and yes it is true that so called CHRISTIANS have behaved extremely badly, not because they were obeying the commands of CHRIST..TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR...PRAY FOR THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU AND DESPITEFULLY USE YOU..BUT because they were not obeying the very and extremely Holy New Testament of the extremely Holy Word of God ...THE HOLY BIBLE... PLEASE WRITE BACK AND REFUTE OR COMMENT ON WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN HERE.. I BELIEVE THAT WHAT WE ARE EXPERIENCING RIGHT NOW IS A DIRECT LEAD UP TO THAT TIME EXPLAINED IN THE BIBLE AS..."THE GREAT TRIBULATION". What do you think??? Please let me know... CHRISTIANS in the Middle East are already being beheaded crucified up side women and children..They are experiencing a time of trouble like never before...this experience the bible warns us, will be world wide, and a prelude to the 2Nd coming of JESUS Christ. Sent from my iPad

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