Saturday 12 November 2016

Common sense statements about the globe Copernicus model of the earth.

Common sense statements about the globe Copernicus model of the earth.
How can WATER stick to a spinning ball????
How can WATER curve?
How can you have a vacuum above an atmosphere ???? Without sucking the atmosphere into it.
At what point does the air atmosphere stop spinning with the spinning earth.. HOW high in the atmosphere does the spin stop???!
How come admiral Byrd said there was a huge continent beyond the South Pole bigger than USA?
How come with very simple curvature tests there is no curvature and if there is BY crooked camera work it is never measured.
How come a gyro when running at Speed does not lean over as the earth is moving under it at one revolution in 24 hours.
A butterfly or a hydrogen balloon easily defies gravity. 
How come MOON light is colder than moon shade when the moon is reflecting the heat from the sun.
Why do people on the bottom of the earth think that they are vertical when they are clearly upside down ?
How come aircraft do not fly out into space because I never heard of a pilot dipping the nose down to follow the curvature of earth?
None of the globe earth experiments have ever been demonstrated. Why???? Because the earth is flat...wakey wakey!!
Please type in flat earth into YouTube and do your own experiments. The bible nowhere explains that the earth is moving except when referring to future apocalyptic events.
A circle is not a globe it's a circle dahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

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