Saturday, 31 March 2012



Life should be in my opinion, a positive progression toward truth. In other words the older one gets hopefully one is ever closing that gap that exists between what we are being programmed by those in charge, (The so called elites!) and real TRUTH.
Jesus Christ exclaimed in Saint John's Gospel Chapter 14 verse 6..."I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!

What I am writing today, as I have an hour to wait before catching my train to Cologne is pretty obvious.
In any progression, one would be tempted to think that some of those steps in the past were a mistake.
Maybe there were mistakes, but it is through mistakes that we are able to learn where it is not at, and then adjust and try to aim where it is at.
I was a crack Marksman rifle shot. The first three shots were to calibrate the rifle and then the sites would be adjusted and wham wham wham, Bull's eye!
I was brought up as a semi Elitist.
My Grandfater was an Elite and is famous for building the BNR Bengal Nagpur Railway connecting the east coast of India to the west.
His eldest daughter, (A Beauty) and frankly a not very nice person in my opinion as she always talked bad about my mum in front of me, went on to marry into the Elites after being chosen to accompany the Prince of Wales on His Indian tour. She and her two other sisters were considered to be the prettiest girls in India, and were much sought after. Polly, Joy and Nell my mother. Polly was short for Mary Jane who is the Grandmother of the present Chancellor of the Exchequer of Great Britain, George Osborne. His Father Sir Peter Osborn is my first cousin, aged about 1 or 2 years younger than me. His infamous brother who died in 2002 John Aspinal was also the illegitimate projeny of my aunt Mary. John was a self confessed misanthrope and a pro EUGENICIST like nearly all of the elites who only number about 6000 in a world of 7 billion... in other words they are outnumbered 1,000,000 to I. This is one of the main reasons that they are determined to exterminate 80% of us leaving just a few to be their slaves. This one million to one is just too unballanced and too dangerous for them. Just imagine if that one million woke up? They would be toast!!
I progressed from being rather a spoilt brat waited on hand and foot by servants in India to go to my first boarding school, Ashdown House a prep school for Elitist (So Called) families and then on to the same kind of Elitist Public School attended by my dad and his brother, before me, at Cheltenham college. This was and still is one of the Elitist Military Prep Public School Colleges for the Army, Navy and Air Force. Cheltenham College boasted a huge number of Victoria Crosses awarded for barvery during two pointless and wicked World Wars carried out by the Banksters and Their Puppet Politicians. Did you know that the famous banking family and the famous elite Oil rich family of the Rockefellers and the Bushes financed Adolf Hitler and that Hitlers Grandmother was impregnated by a member of the Rothschild family and paid to change her name to Hitler???
Just type in the necessary details and you will find that this is documented on the WWW Internet.
Here I was given a good education and a strong Military brainwashing into thinking that those at the top, the rulers, the kings and queens, princes and governors and leaders, Admirals and Generals and Air Marhals, were really the good guys and should be admired and maybe even adored as the example to follow.
I swallowed all this hook line and sinker and graduated into the Royal Naval College Dartmouth very proudly and much to the joy and admiration of my dad a retired Indian army colonel, in third place. (Read my Auto Bio for the full story, which can be found by googling my name michael jaffray king and looking through the columns)
On joining the fleet of Minesweepers in my first job as a young Sub Lieutenant, I soon started to become disillusioned as I found so many injustices and badly formed equations and this lead to my departure from the RN at the age of 24 after only 8 years at sea. Although I joined the Navy to be a seaman, and passed out of the Naval College with the coveted Seamanship prize of the Doctor Common Telescope, they wanted to pressgang me into being an airman Navigator called and Observer. This was the last straw for me and although I received assurances from Admiral Walwin that I would be allowed back to SEA after a a couple of years as an Air Navigator, his verbal promise given to me on a visit to the admiralty, was later rescinded.
I too was broken hearted as my dreams had been smashed, and my next step was to become a Lloyd's Insurance broker in a firm called Thomas Stephens Poole UK.
The next jump came about because I started asking questions in my mind during my long 2 hour train journey back and forth from London Bridge Station and then crossing the Thames to Leadenhall street where I worked.
God was listening in as always, tapping that internal brain phone of what I thought was my secret mind, and HE lead me to people who knew His Son Jesus Christ and so I made my next step to become a born again Christian.
I found Church extremely boring and very Hypocritical. I read my Bible avidly and found out that Christ was challenging all of us to a deeper committment than just to warm up the benches on Sundays.
Because God is and always was listening in to my thoughts and continually tapping this innermost telephone of mine, He lead me to a Radical Group of Christians called the Children of God that had immigrated to the UK from California, and then went into all the world by a simple and child like faith in Jesus Christ and His Words in the Bible..
They were just great and I never, when I look back at this 25 year long experience, with any regret, even though they ended up full of error in some points and have now largely disappeared...
From there to Catholicism and to investigative amateur Journalism about the up to date true History, and not the fake branch that we are being fed as we hear and read on main stream media or the Presstitutes.
Thank God for God, and for His listening in to our thoughts at all times and also thank God for the Internet where we can discover hidden truths and where investigation is made much more easy and can be done at ones fingertips.
Have I now arrived??????? No way... There is still so much to learn and always will be until the day of inevitable departure from this planet into a realm where all will be made abundantly clear.
Do I regret any of the moves? No, not really, as they were all stepping stones and all helping me to get closer to my Creator and to the TRUTH, and more able to accept and even look forward to that inevitable journey that we all have to face sooner or later.
The whole point of writing this is to encourage you the reader to never just stand still but make progress until the last breath is breathed before going Home to be with Jesus Christ.
It is never too late to start progressing towards the TRUTH. You may have to give upo some of your own false conclusions but with the Good Lord to guide you as you put your faith in Him, you are bound to make progress. Matthew Ch 7 verse 7....Is the guarantee!!!

Monday, 26 March 2012

Main line pressitute media ignoring the impeachment proceedings which have been started against Barak Hussein Obama.

Main line pressitute media ignoring the impeachment proceedings which have been started against Barak Hussein Obama.

As many of you already know, the secretary of Defence addressed Congress telling them that approval for declaring war is no longer in the hands of Congress but instead rests with the World Bankster, New World Order run UN and their Military wing NATO.
Impeachment proceedings was immediately started and is on the Table but although this is amazingly important news, every branch of the so called main line media otherwise known as the PRESSTITUTE media is totally ignoring this and so the US General Public...
Also learn the FALSE FLAG operation against CONY(The new fake Bin Ladin) which has gone viral on youtube and will give the Military Industrial Complex of the USA the excuse they need to attack and take over Africa and thus beat China to the post for this valuable prise of the natural resources of mineral wealth...
Only Jesus Christ and those of us who are awake can stop this Criminal activity.
What I told you about the immense significance of this extraordinary year 2012 was vastly under estimated. Jesus Christ please help us all to take YOU LORD completely seriously and stop burying our heads under the sand.
Ladies and Gentlemen..... Time to wake up!!!!
Pray the Rosary....
Pray any way you like but PRAY like you never did before..

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World War 3! Real Christianity and the Eugenecist Programme!

World War 3! Real Christianity and the Eugenecist Programme!

I do not have much time as I am always in a hurry.
I am not retired and wondering how to fill my last days on earth.
Maybe I will go fishing today?
I have a Doctor's appointment!
This evening we will be going to the Cinema!
I need to plan our yearly holiday!
Irmgard and I have not been on a holiday for 25 years.
I do go fishing every day.....Fishing for souls to accompany me on my last and inevitable incredible journey.
Life is short and death is inevitable and eternity is loooooooooooong!
One of my favourite quotes from An English Convert to the Roman Catholic Church over 150 years ago...
I have never been so busy and fulfilled.. ever... not in my whole life of 73 and a half years on this planet.
Every day with Jesus is better than the day before.. Literally and totally TRUE!

Pleased do not feel sorry for me but rather sorry for thre vast majority of old people who live by themselves and are desperately lonely and only have the brain smashing box to keep them occupied. That is right...The Goggle box...the TV...

They have never been taught to go out and make friends. Even going to the local pub and having a chat with the other lonely ones is better than staying at home waiting for death.

For the last 70 years we in Europe, or most of Europe have enjoyed the Luxury to be free from Bombs and mass death and destruction through which our parents and grandparents had to live through in the last century.

My dad had to fight in two pointless wars organised by Satan and his Eugenecist Goverment officials to try and reduce the world population and feed those same greedy officials' bellies with more and more cash. War is a great Cash Cow...
The Deaths in the last century from Government organised war was only just under half a billion.

Luckily for satan, his followers now have a weapon of mass destruction. And yes just like every other weapon ever invented, it was invented to use and not just to store away.
The great advantage of this weapon is that it does exactly that... Massssss Destruction...
As long as the perpetrators stay under ground for a few days, well it is better to be for year or two to let all the dead decompose, then they believe that they will be able to emerge and rebuild the very few that will be left into their perfect society of Elite and Slaves.

The half life of the radiation from the effects of an Atomic will have largely dissipated within the first 8 days BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT. The half life of all the Atomic Reactors which will also be destroyed and let lose, lasts for 1000s of years..
Also Satan will not be happy to reward his followers, he will want them dead too. Why??? Because they are creations of his arch enemy God.

So these so called Elites are going to lose out heavy in the end. They will not get their way but satan's way and he will laugh as he destroys them too.
My message to these Elites to whom I am a fairly close relative is the following...
Wake up and realise that your demonic plans which look so good and favourable at this point in time will eventually destroy you too.

To make a comparison with the life of Jesus, we are now all of us Christians, praying in the Garden of Getsemane.
Our enemy is dancing around throwing parties because soon he will have us all crucified like he did 2000 years ago.
Yes it looks really bad!
BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT there is another factor in this equation which the deceiver himself knows to be true but that he is not letting out of the bag, after the crucifixion comes the resurrection!!
That means his ultimate and total defeat.
It will be your ultimate and total defeat too unless you wake up.

Please send some financial help to my paypal account at
Thanks and GBY and KGFG ad FROG PUSH

I have investigated J.C. And A.J. And I am convinced that both are genuine.!!!

I have investigated J.C. And A.J.
And I am convinced that both are genuine.!!!

If you are not reading and lapping up the Word of God every day..
If you are not memorising key verses of the Bible and especially the New Testament words of Jesus Christ..
If you are not doing the above so that you can help others to find Jesus..
If you are not watching AJ every day ( This is real news and not the mainline Presstitutes like CNN and BBC, which have been bought up by JP Morgan) and finding out what is really going on..
If you are not praying daily for the Great and Loving God of the Universe to show you the truth day by day..
If you are still the same person that you were yesterday or yesterweek or yestermonth or yesteryear..
If you are not looking for opportuities to spread the Truth at every opportunity..
If you are not looking forward to the day you die as a Martyr, tortured for your faith(I agree that is a tough one, but that is what the early Church believers had to go through so why should we expect less?)..
Did you get that??????
So that you can really be welcomed to our True HOME..
Yes you are failing God and His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and His Holy Mother Mary the Virgin.
That is my declaration for today.
I am expecting to die as a Martyr!!! God will give me and you the GRACE in such an eventuality!
Are you????

Take time to watch the following links..
Lyndon LaRouche

Big brother is watching you and has been watching you through your internet appliances and even electric appliances like fridges and washing machines, for the last five years at least...
Are you scared????
Please do not be..
If you want to be scared, then be scared of arriving in front of Jesus where you will be for ever and ever and be shown all the opportunities that you missed. In other words you will be a shamer... Is that what you want? To be a shamer??
If you are not a real WORD BIBLE believer then Yes! You will be scared.. Why?? Because you will be living for this life only..This is what most people are doing.... Sad to say!!!
I just heard the following and this is to encourage you......
The greatest feeling in the for it......helping others!!!!!!!!!
Now for the Bible quotes and hopefully this will really convict us BOTH.. This is the Word of GOD!!!!
Mark ch 8 verse...[38] For he that shall be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this adulterous and sinful generation: the Son of man also will be ashamed of him, when he shall come in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
Matthew ch 10 verse [28] And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell.

If you are worried then remember 1st Peter ch 5 verse 7
"Casting all your cares and worries upon HIM,(WHY?) Because He cares fo you!!
One of my very favourite verses.
Do not give up but ask God to help you at every turn of every day and please remember to thank Hin when he answers your prayesrs... That is important!!!
Also please pray for these wicked disciples of satan and help them to realise that they are in a no win situation as eventually their so called mighty lord will discard them like old and worn out clothing whereas Jesus Christ will welcome you and forgive you and love you and have mercy on you.

My Sunday Blog..I Love To Write!

Dear All... dear reader... dear friend...dear brother or sister...or even dear enemy... yes enemies need to hear this too Ha!!!

My Sunday blog!!!25th March 2012.
I love to write!!!!

Yes!!! I love to write, because most of what I write is exposing the Truth and the Big Deceptive Lie...!!!!
It gives me very great pleasure and every now and then someone will write me and say something really encouraging like.."You are spot on!!! Keep going for God!!!"
That is worth more than a million dollars.
Talking about money, as those of you who bother to read my blogs will have found out, I put in a plug for financial help in every letter I write giving my paypal account and actually you will be surprised that I get very very few replies. Such few replies that a sweet couple sent me 75Euro and I did not even spot it on my account until they reminded me to have a look.
I do worry about money!! I shouldn't because my Boss owns the cattle on a 1000 hills and all the beasts of the earth are HIS including all those human beasts good and bad.
Last month I was particularly worried as my 5 oldest would be making a trip to England and that costs 3 to 4 hundred Euro. The water bill would come in, which it did and was 650 Euro over the top as instead of 4 people living here we have 8 or 9 and when they bring their delightful friends it can be 10 or 11.
Do not get me wrong we love it and as we are not on a fixed income we really have nothing to worry about as we have an amazing Employer.
I want to talk about my Employer for a moment.
Every day HE sends us out commissioned in Mark Ch 16 v 15 to preach the Gospel to the souls which gather outside the Cologne Cathedral DOM, a shrine in itself and visited from all nations around the earth.
Irmgard and I have to bring in a minimum of 50 Euro and better 60 to 70 Euro a day 6 days a week, just to pay the bills. We are just completing our fourth month or is it the 5th? And every day He has been faithful to do just that.
Let me tell you how it works or rather how HE works.!!!!!
With our Rosaries draped over our arm and a brochure which is like a miniature new Testament life of Jesus in pictures we try to stop people and talk to them.
Nearly every time, I do this for 40 to 50 minutes and am able to stop NO ONE, not a single person.
They hurry by and some smile and some growl!
We only have 3 hours, out of the 6, as it takes 3 hours to get there and back and we have to be back to help with the Jemmy's and Shelly's hiomework..
So here am I with 2 hours to go and not a bean and not even a conversation.
Being human I usually start to pannic. Lord!!! How are we going to do this??? Please help!!!!
Still nothing happens and as we watch the Human Fancy dressed white angels with painted faces, and the musicians all making cash and the majician too and we are like total losers getting no where!! Repeat no where!!
I ask the Lord what He is doing and this is what He says to me.
One day I will have to judge you. Satan will be there too accusing you! If I was to give you easy cash then Satan would hold that against you and Me. Instead I have to show him that you are doing this for a very small financial return proving to him and to ME, that you are doing this out of love.
I try to understand and then suddenly Irmgard and I and the people, all get the annointing...Bang bang bang!! People stop they talk and the share their problems, and we try to sympathise and offer andwers from the Word of God, and many take rosaries. We need to get out 5 each, a day, making ten in all and 60 a week, and this will bring in a minimum of 50 Euro but when we count up the cash it is usually 10 to 20% more.
This happens time after time without fail..He has never failed us and so even though we do not get so many donations from our readers and the readers of this blog we do get them directly from HIM through the amazing and needy, hurting people we meet every day.
On a normal day, by the time we pack up exhausted and head for the main station we have combined, prayed with 30 to 40 people to receive Jesus into their hearts and we will have explained the Gospel Good News to the same number and we will have made new friends and best of all we will have pleased our Creator and Lord and Saviour.
Did you get this far in your read?? I hope so and I hope that it will encourage you to trust in HIM. For those billions who do not care for him and for those dedicated followers of Satan, I have this to say... I pray for you every day that you would stop bering deceived by the Unholy trinity of the World and the Flesh and the Devil and instead turn to your Creator who loves you and wants to have Mercy on you and Forgive you and welcome you into His Kingdom for ever.
Satan only wants to use you, using fear as his main motivating driving force, and then discard you for the worthless piece of trash that he thinks you are.
By the way if you did not realise this it has now been disclosed that nearly all computers issued over the last 5 years have built in microphones and cameras to listen in to you by Big brother who is wanting to know all about you especially if you are waking up to his wickedness. Does that scare you?? It shouldn't but it should spur you on that Jesus is for real and the devil with his unholy trinity is just for a short time and he will end up in the lake of fire prepared for him and all his demons and all those who continue to follow him int hell.
Pray for those misguided brain washed poor souls who listen to and fear the deceiver.
Would love to get your reply to this even if without a donation! Ha!!!

Isaiah Ch 43 verses
[4] Since thou becamest honourable in my eyes, thou art glorious, (in the KJV it uses the word PRECIOUS..I like that best): I have loved thee, and I will give men for thee, and people for thy life. [5] Fear not, for I am with thee: I will. bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west.

[6] I will say to the north: Give up: and to the south: Keep not back: bring my sons from afar, and my daughters from the ends of the earth. [7] And every one that calleth upon my name, I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, and made him. [8] Bring forth the people that are blind, and have eyes: that are deaf, and have ears. [9] All the nations are assembled together, and the tribes are gathered: who among you can declare this, and shall make us hear the former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, let them be justified, and hear, and say: It is truth. [10] You are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that you may know, and believe me, and understand that I myself am. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there shall be none.

WOW!!!!!!!!!! He is so good. My and your Lord is soooooooooooooo Good!! Isn't HE? What do you think?

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

3 in 1!!!

: Watch this at least once a week and wake up for ever.....Aaron Russo interview...once again... watch it over and over for your freedom from the terror of those who want to control us .
Well worth pushing for you to watch every week to reprogramme your whole mind with the Real Truth about what is going on..
Pray for Aaron and pray for these Luciferian disciples like Rockefeller.
Women's lib funded by the Rockefellers to bring women under control.. Check this out...This was not just a nobel thing but

Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aa...

I would like to be your friend once again.
First please watch this video and if you can show me reasonably how this interview with Aaron Russo is a lie I will be totally on your side.
I will start believing that the guys at the top like my first cousin George Osborn and all the rest of them.. The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and the Goverments and the Kings and Queens are the good guys and that people like me ar just crazy nuts.
I will even believe the Whopping Lie of the war on terror and 9/11 was Osama Bin Laden. I will believe the Kony Scam and all the other rubbish we are being fed by the Presstitutes and Banksters.
I genuinely miss your frindship but hopefully you will begin to see that what you used to believe is rubbish..repeat total rubbish..
Please take up this challenge and then get back to me.
Michael Jaffray King

Alex Jones is a Ranter!!
He is not a PHD!!!
He is a Zionist!!!
He is paid for by the Mafia!!!
He has made mistakes!!!
He has enemies!!!!
He is an agent of the Corrupt Vatican!!!
He drives three Ferraris!
He is worth Billions of Dollars!!!
His whole staff is totally corrupt!!!
Just watch this Video and you will find out that the above is all true!!!!
Aaron Russoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Uploaded by Astonisher2 on 18 Mar 2012

In an historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. Russo was told-- prior to 9/11-- of plans to stage terror attacks, invade foreign nations, and kickstart a high-tech police state control grid that would track the populations' every move with implantable RFID microchips

Sunday, 18 March 2012

The other side of the coin!!

The Other side of the coin

Welcome to my Sunday blog sent first to all my friends and even detractors and then posted on my blogspot internet site.

Today is Sunday 18th of March 2012...
I have been posting blog after blog to bring to your attention the agenda of the New World Order which actually is a very Old World Order and dates back to the garden of Eden.
Jesus Christ was also offered a leadership role, in the NWO by the arch deveiver Satan and was told the following..
In Saint Luke's Gospel Chapter 4
[5] And the devil led him into a high mountain, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time;
[6] And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them. [7] If thou therefore wilt adore before me, all shall be thine. [8] And Jesus answering said to him: It is written: Thou shalt adore the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

So this no where near a NEWWWWWWW world order!!!!!!!!!

You have heard so much from me and much much more from Alex Jones about all the injustices that are being perpetrated by our Criminal Governments, which we deserve as we always get the leaders we merit. Incidentally they were voted into power by us and are meant to be the SERVANTS of the people and not the Bosses but here is......
the other side of the coin.
We get what we deserve!!!!!!!!
We neglect such a great and amazing way of Salvation as that offered by GOD and His SON JESUS CHRIST, at our Peril!!!
These events which are catapulting us into the time of Great Tribulation which is a prelude to the second coming and ultimate Military Victory of Jesus and His angels, are exactly what we all need to make us holy.
I am to blame and you are to blame and we all are to blame!
Why do we get Evil??? Because Good men sit around and do nothing about it!
The only way these events can be postponed, note I did not say cancelled, because these events are forecast to happen sooner or later from many chapters in the Bible.
IF we pray the Rosary Prayer daily as strongly suggested by Our Blessed Mother and by her disciple, Servant of God, Father Patrick Peyton...see the following links, then maybe our children will be allowed to live through a time of peace for another 70 years????
Have agreat Sunday and be thankful for every breath that God allows you to breathe!
Please send some financial help, however small or big, to our pay pal account
Help us to spread the TRUTH in the information war against Satan and his followers.
Please pray for these strongly deluded people who if they do not repent and turn to Christ will spend eternity in Hell.
As these same men grow old many of them do just that because thery know that their lord and master lucifer does not love them and is only using them and will eventually discard even his so called favourites and leaders.