Saturday, 31 March 2012



Life should be in my opinion, a positive progression toward truth. In other words the older one gets hopefully one is ever closing that gap that exists between what we are being programmed by those in charge, (The so called elites!) and real TRUTH.
Jesus Christ exclaimed in Saint John's Gospel Chapter 14 verse 6..."I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!

What I am writing today, as I have an hour to wait before catching my train to Cologne is pretty obvious.
In any progression, one would be tempted to think that some of those steps in the past were a mistake.
Maybe there were mistakes, but it is through mistakes that we are able to learn where it is not at, and then adjust and try to aim where it is at.
I was a crack Marksman rifle shot. The first three shots were to calibrate the rifle and then the sites would be adjusted and wham wham wham, Bull's eye!
I was brought up as a semi Elitist.
My Grandfater was an Elite and is famous for building the BNR Bengal Nagpur Railway connecting the east coast of India to the west.
His eldest daughter, (A Beauty) and frankly a not very nice person in my opinion as she always talked bad about my mum in front of me, went on to marry into the Elites after being chosen to accompany the Prince of Wales on His Indian tour. She and her two other sisters were considered to be the prettiest girls in India, and were much sought after. Polly, Joy and Nell my mother. Polly was short for Mary Jane who is the Grandmother of the present Chancellor of the Exchequer of Great Britain, George Osborne. His Father Sir Peter Osborn is my first cousin, aged about 1 or 2 years younger than me. His infamous brother who died in 2002 John Aspinal was also the illegitimate projeny of my aunt Mary. John was a self confessed misanthrope and a pro EUGENICIST like nearly all of the elites who only number about 6000 in a world of 7 billion... in other words they are outnumbered 1,000,000 to I. This is one of the main reasons that they are determined to exterminate 80% of us leaving just a few to be their slaves. This one million to one is just too unballanced and too dangerous for them. Just imagine if that one million woke up? They would be toast!!
I progressed from being rather a spoilt brat waited on hand and foot by servants in India to go to my first boarding school, Ashdown House a prep school for Elitist (So Called) families and then on to the same kind of Elitist Public School attended by my dad and his brother, before me, at Cheltenham college. This was and still is one of the Elitist Military Prep Public School Colleges for the Army, Navy and Air Force. Cheltenham College boasted a huge number of Victoria Crosses awarded for barvery during two pointless and wicked World Wars carried out by the Banksters and Their Puppet Politicians. Did you know that the famous banking family and the famous elite Oil rich family of the Rockefellers and the Bushes financed Adolf Hitler and that Hitlers Grandmother was impregnated by a member of the Rothschild family and paid to change her name to Hitler???
Just type in the necessary details and you will find that this is documented on the WWW Internet.
Here I was given a good education and a strong Military brainwashing into thinking that those at the top, the rulers, the kings and queens, princes and governors and leaders, Admirals and Generals and Air Marhals, were really the good guys and should be admired and maybe even adored as the example to follow.
I swallowed all this hook line and sinker and graduated into the Royal Naval College Dartmouth very proudly and much to the joy and admiration of my dad a retired Indian army colonel, in third place. (Read my Auto Bio for the full story, which can be found by googling my name michael jaffray king and looking through the columns)
On joining the fleet of Minesweepers in my first job as a young Sub Lieutenant, I soon started to become disillusioned as I found so many injustices and badly formed equations and this lead to my departure from the RN at the age of 24 after only 8 years at sea. Although I joined the Navy to be a seaman, and passed out of the Naval College with the coveted Seamanship prize of the Doctor Common Telescope, they wanted to pressgang me into being an airman Navigator called and Observer. This was the last straw for me and although I received assurances from Admiral Walwin that I would be allowed back to SEA after a a couple of years as an Air Navigator, his verbal promise given to me on a visit to the admiralty, was later rescinded.
I too was broken hearted as my dreams had been smashed, and my next step was to become a Lloyd's Insurance broker in a firm called Thomas Stephens Poole UK.
The next jump came about because I started asking questions in my mind during my long 2 hour train journey back and forth from London Bridge Station and then crossing the Thames to Leadenhall street where I worked.
God was listening in as always, tapping that internal brain phone of what I thought was my secret mind, and HE lead me to people who knew His Son Jesus Christ and so I made my next step to become a born again Christian.
I found Church extremely boring and very Hypocritical. I read my Bible avidly and found out that Christ was challenging all of us to a deeper committment than just to warm up the benches on Sundays.
Because God is and always was listening in to my thoughts and continually tapping this innermost telephone of mine, He lead me to a Radical Group of Christians called the Children of God that had immigrated to the UK from California, and then went into all the world by a simple and child like faith in Jesus Christ and His Words in the Bible..
They were just great and I never, when I look back at this 25 year long experience, with any regret, even though they ended up full of error in some points and have now largely disappeared...
From there to Catholicism and to investigative amateur Journalism about the up to date true History, and not the fake branch that we are being fed as we hear and read on main stream media or the Presstitutes.
Thank God for God, and for His listening in to our thoughts at all times and also thank God for the Internet where we can discover hidden truths and where investigation is made much more easy and can be done at ones fingertips.
Have I now arrived??????? No way... There is still so much to learn and always will be until the day of inevitable departure from this planet into a realm where all will be made abundantly clear.
Do I regret any of the moves? No, not really, as they were all stepping stones and all helping me to get closer to my Creator and to the TRUTH, and more able to accept and even look forward to that inevitable journey that we all have to face sooner or later.
The whole point of writing this is to encourage you the reader to never just stand still but make progress until the last breath is breathed before going Home to be with Jesus Christ.
It is never too late to start progressing towards the TRUTH. You may have to give upo some of your own false conclusions but with the Good Lord to guide you as you put your faith in Him, you are bound to make progress. Matthew Ch 7 verse 7....Is the guarantee!!!

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