Tuesday, 20 March 2012

3 in 1!!!

: Watch this at least once a week and wake up for ever.....Aaron Russo interview...once again... watch it over and over for your freedom from the terror of those who want to control ushttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvgYAmhmaDM&list=UUzMbc5cytdGEtvqvVYh0zCA&index=2&feature=plcp .

Well worth pushing for you to watch every week to reprogramme your whole mind with the Real Truth about what is going on..
Pray for Aaron and pray for these Luciferian disciples like Rockefeller.
Women's lib funded by the Rockefellers to bring women under control.. Check this out...This was not just a nobel thing but

Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aa...

I would like to be your friend once again.
First please watch this video and if you can show me reasonably how this interview with Aaron Russo is a lie I will be totally on your side.
I will start believing that the guys at the top like my first cousin George Osborn and all the rest of them.. The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and the Goverments and the Kings and Queens are the good guys and that people like me ar just crazy nuts.
I will even believe the Whopping Lie of the war on terror and 9/11 was Osama Bin Laden. I will believe the Kony Scam and all the other rubbish we are being fed by the Presstitutes and Banksters.
I genuinely miss your frindship but hopefully you will begin to see that what you used to believe is rubbish..repeat total rubbish..
Please take up this challenge and then get back to me.
Michael Jaffray King

Alex Jones is a Ranter!!
He is not a PHD!!!
He is a Zionist!!!
He is paid for by the Mafia!!!
He has made mistakes!!!
He has enemies!!!!
He is an agent of the Corrupt Vatican!!!
He drives three Ferraris!
He is worth Billions of Dollars!!!
His whole staff is totally corrupt!!!
Just watch this Video and you will find out that the above is all true!!!!
Aaron Russoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Uploaded by Astonisher2 on 18 Mar 2012

In an historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. Russo was told-- prior to 9/11-- of plans to stage terror attacks, invade foreign nations, and kickstart a high-tech police state control grid that would track the populations' every move with implantable RFID microchips

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