Monday, 26 March 2012

My Sunday Blog..I Love To Write!

Dear All... dear reader... dear friend...dear brother or sister...or even dear enemy... yes enemies need to hear this too Ha!!!

My Sunday blog!!!25th March 2012.
I love to write!!!!

Yes!!! I love to write, because most of what I write is exposing the Truth and the Big Deceptive Lie...!!!!
It gives me very great pleasure and every now and then someone will write me and say something really encouraging like.."You are spot on!!! Keep going for God!!!"
That is worth more than a million dollars.
Talking about money, as those of you who bother to read my blogs will have found out, I put in a plug for financial help in every letter I write giving my paypal account and actually you will be surprised that I get very very few replies. Such few replies that a sweet couple sent me 75Euro and I did not even spot it on my account until they reminded me to have a look.
I do worry about money!! I shouldn't because my Boss owns the cattle on a 1000 hills and all the beasts of the earth are HIS including all those human beasts good and bad.
Last month I was particularly worried as my 5 oldest would be making a trip to England and that costs 3 to 4 hundred Euro. The water bill would come in, which it did and was 650 Euro over the top as instead of 4 people living here we have 8 or 9 and when they bring their delightful friends it can be 10 or 11.
Do not get me wrong we love it and as we are not on a fixed income we really have nothing to worry about as we have an amazing Employer.
I want to talk about my Employer for a moment.
Every day HE sends us out commissioned in Mark Ch 16 v 15 to preach the Gospel to the souls which gather outside the Cologne Cathedral DOM, a shrine in itself and visited from all nations around the earth.
Irmgard and I have to bring in a minimum of 50 Euro and better 60 to 70 Euro a day 6 days a week, just to pay the bills. We are just completing our fourth month or is it the 5th? And every day He has been faithful to do just that.
Let me tell you how it works or rather how HE works.!!!!!
With our Rosaries draped over our arm and a brochure which is like a miniature new Testament life of Jesus in pictures we try to stop people and talk to them.
Nearly every time, I do this for 40 to 50 minutes and am able to stop NO ONE, not a single person.
They hurry by and some smile and some growl!
We only have 3 hours, out of the 6, as it takes 3 hours to get there and back and we have to be back to help with the Jemmy's and Shelly's hiomework..
So here am I with 2 hours to go and not a bean and not even a conversation.
Being human I usually start to pannic. Lord!!! How are we going to do this??? Please help!!!!
Still nothing happens and as we watch the Human Fancy dressed white angels with painted faces, and the musicians all making cash and the majician too and we are like total losers getting no where!! Repeat no where!!
I ask the Lord what He is doing and this is what He says to me.
One day I will have to judge you. Satan will be there too accusing you! If I was to give you easy cash then Satan would hold that against you and Me. Instead I have to show him that you are doing this for a very small financial return proving to him and to ME, that you are doing this out of love.
I try to understand and then suddenly Irmgard and I and the people, all get the annointing...Bang bang bang!! People stop they talk and the share their problems, and we try to sympathise and offer andwers from the Word of God, and many take rosaries. We need to get out 5 each, a day, making ten in all and 60 a week, and this will bring in a minimum of 50 Euro but when we count up the cash it is usually 10 to 20% more.
This happens time after time without fail..He has never failed us and so even though we do not get so many donations from our readers and the readers of this blog we do get them directly from HIM through the amazing and needy, hurting people we meet every day.
On a normal day, by the time we pack up exhausted and head for the main station we have combined, prayed with 30 to 40 people to receive Jesus into their hearts and we will have explained the Gospel Good News to the same number and we will have made new friends and best of all we will have pleased our Creator and Lord and Saviour.
Did you get this far in your read?? I hope so and I hope that it will encourage you to trust in HIM. For those billions who do not care for him and for those dedicated followers of Satan, I have this to say... I pray for you every day that you would stop bering deceived by the Unholy trinity of the World and the Flesh and the Devil and instead turn to your Creator who loves you and wants to have Mercy on you and Forgive you and welcome you into His Kingdom for ever.
Satan only wants to use you, using fear as his main motivating driving force, and then discard you for the worthless piece of trash that he thinks you are.
By the way if you did not realise this it has now been disclosed that nearly all computers issued over the last 5 years have built in microphones and cameras to listen in to you by Big brother who is wanting to know all about you especially if you are waking up to his wickedness. Does that scare you?? It shouldn't but it should spur you on that Jesus is for real and the devil with his unholy trinity is just for a short time and he will end up in the lake of fire prepared for him and all his demons and all those who continue to follow him int hell.
Pray for those misguided brain washed poor souls who listen to and fear the deceiver.
Would love to get your reply to this even if without a donation! Ha!!!

Isaiah Ch 43 verses
[4] Since thou becamest honourable in my eyes, thou art glorious, (in the KJV it uses the word PRECIOUS..I like that best): I have loved thee, and I will give men for thee, and people for thy life. [5] Fear not, for I am with thee: I will. bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west.

[6] I will say to the north: Give up: and to the south: Keep not back: bring my sons from afar, and my daughters from the ends of the earth. [7] And every one that calleth upon my name, I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, and made him. [8] Bring forth the people that are blind, and have eyes: that are deaf, and have ears. [9] All the nations are assembled together, and the tribes are gathered: who among you can declare this, and shall make us hear the former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, let them be justified, and hear, and say: It is truth. [10] You are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that you may know, and believe me, and understand that I myself am. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there shall be none.

WOW!!!!!!!!!! He is so good. My and your Lord is soooooooooooooo Good!! Isn't HE? What do you think?

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