Sunday, 1 April 2012

My Sunday Blog! Are you an April fool?

My Sunday Blog!
Are you an April fool?

I would like to try and keep this up every Sunday... I do not really mind that hardly anyone is bothering to read my blog.
I know one VIP that takes an interest and even helps me compose these weekly personal chats.
Yes! That's right...The Trinitarian God and the Holy Family and maybe the saints too.
As it is April the 1st, then I should come clean and admit that I am a conspiracy theorist and that every thing that I have found out about the New or rather the old World Oder is all just rubbish. Those at the top really love you and THEY, BIG BROTHER and SISTER really want to help you.
Alex Jones and the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers and the Rothschild families and the Rockefeller foundation and the 6 Major Banks and all the Royal Families and the Military leaders are......Wait for it........Yes you have guessed it.....
The Good Guys and really have our interests at stake.
Now that we have got that point totally clear then let me get you to scroll down...

April Fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish these really extremely wicked Satanic people were the good guys, but let me tell you that they are not and never have been. But if we continually pray for them then where there is life there is HOPE!
Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible and the very few that are trying to promote this in the world, are the True Sample.
You Cannot serve God and Wealth and so that statement by Jesus Christ, in itself disqualifies most of us.
At the top of the list would be those Roman Catholic Leaders and Priests and Brothers who have not been corrupted by power and wealth and yes other Protestant leaders who are putting their lives on the line and trying to follow Jesus Christ like the Early Apostles.
I cannot think of any by name but I am sure there must be a few who live by faith without personal wealth and holidays and just live to promote His Kingdom here on earth with every breath they breathe..until they breathe their last, just like the early Apostles and their followers down through the ages.
As 2012 is going to be the most amazing year in World History since the Birth of Jesus Christ, I was wondering if I will still be here next year just banging away at my typewriter and going to Cologne every day promoting the Spiritual Nuclear weapon of the Rosary Prayer, recommended by the Virgin Mary of Fatima... She said and I quote..."Pray the Rosary every day for world peace!"
She could just as easily have said and actually she did by default..."Do not pray the Rosary and there will be war!" And there was, another more devastating one, that started in in 1939 just 22 years later.
How is this for the latest news on BBC just received by me minutes ago
Email and web use 'to be monitored' under new laws
Comments (320)
Person using a laptop The actual content of emails, calls and text messages could only be accessed with a warrant
Continue reading the main story
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Plan to monitor all inter net use
Warning over phone calls database

The government will be able to monitor the calls, emails, texts and website visits of everyone in the UK under new legislation set to be announced soon.

This is not an April fool's message.

This is not me just having fun.
This is for real!!!
Now for a short story from yesterday March 31st 2012.
We went to Cologne as usual but only had one hour and a half. We have asked the Lord to provide us with a minimum of 50 Euro a day and now He had just one hour and a bit to do it, instead of the usual 3 to 4 hours.
The streets were crowded and Irmgard did pretty well but by the end of 40 minutes I had received nothing. Of course I had been mass witnessing to the crowds that went by crying out.."Home made Rosaries for a donation!!" "Do you believe in Jesus!!" "Check these beautiful Rosaries out. Handiwork!!! Not to sell but for a donation!!"
Nobody stopped.. Many smiled some approvingly and mostly indifferent. Then I said to the Lord "It seems that today I am going to draw a blank!" "This will be the first time in over 100 trips to Cologne and back!!""If You allow this to happen then I will be disappointed and it will be hard to be in a Victory state of mind. You know how much we need every day and you know that I need to at least get out 5 rosaries and hopefully make 25 Euro!"
I started to walk rather despondently in the direction of the Forum, opposite the Dom Cathedral and then a Hungarian stopped me and took 2 Rosaries and while I was getting them out another person was waiting to take 2 more. So now I had four out. Then a very poor man asked me to give him one for free and so I gave it to him and he was so happy. Then as I went onto the platform Number 10 at the Station, to catch our train home, and another person came up to me and gave me 5 Euro for the 6th Rosary. When I added up my cash, I had nearly 30 Euro...
The new Literature, (we have just had 10,000 copies printed) that we give out with our name and address on it and a message of Hope by Mother Angelica of EWTN the Eternal Word Television Network from Alabama USA, has this short prayer at the top which goes like this except it is in German...
Dear Jesus please come into my heart!
Forgive me for My Sins!
Please fill me with Your Spirit of Love and
Give me the free gift of Eternal Life!
Many scores of people pray this prayer with us aloud every day and we tell them that when it comes time for them to leave this earth which is inevitably sooner or later then they will be extremely happy to have this Jesus in their heart. Everything else will have to be forsaken.. Possessions and friends and relatives but this Jesus will be with them for ever!
So have a beautiful week and here is one more link to the Miracle prayer, on you tube, similar to the one we pray every day with all nationalities in Cologne every day except Sunday, with Father Peter Rookie with more than 3 million hits. It is just beautiful and I never get tired of it. Hope you do not either and the real fun is praying this with others.
Michael Jaffray King.

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