Sunday, 15 April 2012

Dear Michael..Mercy Sunday

Dear Michael or HF as he likes to call himself..Homo Faber!!

My Sunday blog April 15th Mercy Sunday

On October the 5th 1938 a great little nun died. Faustina. Now Saint Faustina!! It was on my mum's birtrhday and 48 days later I came into the world. My parents were hoping for a daughter as they already had a son.. William Rodney Stuart King aged 8. This was of course before the days of ultra sound and my name had already been picked out.. Jennifer. Well surprise! Surprise! Not a jen but a michael like the name of the person to whom this letter is addressed.
It's OK I am not giving away your internet address and no one except yourself and little old me will know who you are. Oh dear I forgot one very important person in this equation and may He please forgive me. GOD!!!..
Michael HF doers not agree with me about anything I write. That is just fine but he punctuates his disagreements with comments like how I need to see a Psychiatrist and register at the local Lunybin etc.
Well of course his free speech is allowed but I cannot help feeling that it gets him nowhere to throw dirt at others. Like that old saying goes..."""If you throw dirt, you simply lose ground!"""Of course it gives him a small dose of self righteous satisfaction but if he wants to change my opinion to become an Agnostic, like he is..A Neutral.... and a total believer in the goodness of those who guide this world.. Banksters...Presstitutes...Puppet Politicians and all, then he should use reasoned arguments and not tell me that it is perfectly normal for Building number 7 to fall down at near free fall speed because of office fires on 3 of it 47 floors.
Only three high rise buildings have ever come down by fire and collapsed in a heap of very small dust particles as reported to us by those who waive the rules, and they all happened on the same day 9/11 2001.
It is also absurd to say that a large passenger airliner hit the Pentagon. Many Cameras were on when this happened and yet for obvious reasons, we are not allowed to see for ourselves how this enormous aircraft flew through a 60 foot hole and disappeared with out a trace.
I like HF used to believe all the hype that was handed down to me by the so called main stream Media but it would be wise to check and see who are the main stockholders of these information corporations... JP Morgan Chase and the very people who control the money supply.. A consortium of Private mega banks all under the wing of Lord Rothschild and his agents like Goldman Sacs and the Rockefeller Foundation who funded not only Hitler but Poll pot.. Lenin... Mao and of course Churchill and Roosevelt as well.
Then there is the Bush family and the Clintons and the Ford Foundation and the Good old Bill and Melinda Gates and the Royal families of Europe especially QE2 and her hubby Prince Phil. All these people are confrimed Eugenicists. Do your own research to see if I am telling you a lie or not.
Now I strongly advise you to pray for these totally wicked disciples of Lucifer as while there is life in them there is hope. It is no good hating them but it would be a good idea to continue to expose them and at least have a shot at stopping them from forming their one world dictatorship with a reduced population of just 500,000 drugged and servile slaves to do their dirty work of waiting on them hand and foot. This pathetic little group numbering no more than 6000 will soon be defeated by the second coming of our Champion. Their Goliath like Champion that they are putting forward will be slaughtered by none other than Jesus Christ and His Host of soldiers riding white horses. Their days are numbered and I strongly advise them along with HF to jump off their sinking ship and get on board His Majesty's Vessel called HMS The Kingdom of God!
GBY and KGFG mjk

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