Friday, 20 April 2012

The hour of my death

The Hour of my death!!
My Sunday blog!!
April 21st and 22nd 2012.

Have you noticed that this is not a popular subject!
How many times have you heard anybody write about this inevitable hour which is going to strike every person on this planet sooner or later??
I woke up in the middle of last night and grabbed a pencil and my notebook to write down this thought. I have found that when I get a good idea and forget to write it down then I forget everything about the subject. I rack my brains, pray, but it is gone.. Maybe it will come back and sometimes it does.. So much easier to write it down.
The hour of my or your death is extremely important. It is how we end up that is so so so so so important.
Matthew Ch 10 verse 22...He that endures to the end shall be saved...
None of this once saved always saved. The end is more important than the beginning.
However to ensure a good end, one has to live the life. One has to practise dying every day and then when that day arrives then you do have a good possibility of ending up well. Like Paul has told us about himself.." Ihave fought the good fight..2nd Timothy Chapter 4 verses...
[6] For I am even now ready to be sacrificed: and the time of my dissolution is at hand. [7] I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. [8] As to the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord the just judge will render to me in that day: and not only to me, but to them also that love his coming.
For Paul his end was beheading... Not a bad way to go as it is very quick and just a moment of extreme pain?? and then you cross over.
My end or your end??? Only God knows..
In the Rosary prayer which lasts about 20 to 25 minutes, we say in our words to the Virgin Mary..."Pray for us now!!!! And at the hour of our death!!!" 53 times...We say the Lord's Prayer 6 times and we meditate a period of Christ's life...Monday and Saturday we meditate on 5 scenes from his birth and early life... Tuesday and Friday 5 scenes from His Passion.. Wednesday and Sunday.. Five scenes surrounding His resurrection..Thursday 5 scenes on His ministry
So many of you will say..."Why do you pray to the Virgin Mary and not just straight to God!!!" OK!!! Why do you ask your Pastor or your Christian friend to pray for you or your sick son or daughter???
Praying is just plain and simple TALKING..COMMUNICATING...
The virgin Mary is not dead!!!
Your Mum and Dad who left this earth years ago are not dead. God is not a God of the dead but of the living... Here on earth and there in the other dimension of God's Eternity!!
Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ is alive and well in Heaven.. She is in a great strategic position to ask Jesus on our behalf. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG IN ADDRESSING Jesus directly just as there is nothing wrong in asking your friend or pastor or the Holy Mother to pray on your behalf. Now I know for sure that if you do not have an open mind, this explanation will go nowhere but I can always hope...
I have found in my daily work, the effectiveness of telling people in a half joking way, that I have Good and Bad news. I tell the bad news first... "One day for sure You are going to Die!!! I add that I hope that you will be at least 99 when this event happens but even so you will leave here. Your Ipod and dogsy wogsy and catsywatsy and mumsy wumsy etc etc will be left behind... so what can you take???
Pray this short prayer and there is something you can take... "Dear Jesus come into my heart"
Most do pray and then I feel that I have done the main part of my job.. That is what I do every day except Sundays and sometimes on Sundays too if I get the chance. This is what I want to do until my dying breath. Just remember that we will only spemd a very limited time here on earth and the real life is the one that is looooooong over on the the other side of death. Jesus talked a great deal about this so if He thought it was important, who are we not to take this very very seriously.
Please listen daily to YOU TUBE Videos on ASTONISHER 2 and ASTONISHER 1 channels..
It is basically a Radio show designed to help you wake up as to what Satan is doing all around us under the pretext of trying to help us.
Please do not forget to pray for the criminals who are very rapidly taking over the world.

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