Saturday, 14 April 2012

The Lord Jesus come into my heart club

The Lord Jesus come into my heart club!

Today I had this great idea...
I strongly believe that this idea, come into my heart, was directly from the Lord.
My main job as a missionary is not to promote the Roman Catholic Church..
My main job is not to promote any one of the 38,000 branches of Protetstantism..
My main job is to promote Jesus.
One of the most effective ways of doing this when I can get an audience..
Maybe an audience of a few school children..
I will say something like this..
I have very bad news for you..
One day you are sadly going to die..
Now I hope that this will be when you are 99 years old BUT
It could be sooner..
When you die you leave behind everything that you hold dear to your heart.
Your Omega watch..
Your I pad and I phone..
You dear little catsy watsy or dogsy wogsy or just plain mum and dad or wife or husband or children or favourite sport or TV programme or whatever has caught your fancy while on this very short visit to this planet..
It's gone!!! One second after breathing your last it is all over!!!
Very very final!!!
BUT there is something that will stand you in good stead at this ultimate moment of life. JESUS in YOUR HEART!!!!!
Now that I have your attention, I say please repeat the following very short prayer..
Dear Lord Jesus,,,,,repeat.... Dear Lord Jesus..
Please come into my heart.. Please come into my heart..
Forgive me for my sins...Forgive me for my sins.
Fill me with YOUR LOVE.. Fill me with YOUR LOVE!!
and give me the free gift of eternal life..
Dont you think that just a few seconds before you croak your last, that it would be good if you had Jesus in your heart??????
If you do not then read no further.. I am desperately sorry for you and I will pray for you..
But if you think that this is good, then join my"""" Dear Jesus come into my heart club""", NOW..
Entrance fee NIL
Just start praying this simple little prayer with everyone on two legs or sitting in a wheel chair or lying or sitting up in bed.
If you do this then you will be a Missionary and God will be very proud of you.
I try to do this a minimum of 20 times a day. That is 365 times 20 a year= 7300 times a year..
OK that is just a drop in the ocean but as Mother Theresa said where would this world be without all those drops in the ocean?
Let me know if you want to join and learn this prayer in French German Portuguese Russian and English for starters.
If you run with my preamble you will get people's attention..I can promise..
GBY and become an end time missionary today.
WRITE me pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

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