Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Contingency plan to attack IRAN!!

"Contingency Plan To Attack Iran"
There's an old saying, "if you see a roach on the wall you can bet there's at least ten hidden behind the wall" somewhere, and the same goes for technology.  You may think you have the latest and most updated gadgets on the market but you can bet your bottom dollar that the government's technology is at least ten times more advanced than what you have or are allowed to have.  
Do we really always know what's going on behind the scenes?  In most cases we don't have a clue unless we warn one another after the fact that something has been leaked out to the public.  Then again, is anything accidentally "leaked" or is it intentional?  Step on the roach, but more will be coming. 
The king of the north is bent on controlling the Middle East and expanding his control of the resources of the world. Nothing will get in his way even at the expense of innocents, murdering men, women and children.  It doesn’t matter, the smaller the population the easier to control and these Satan worshipping elites want us all dead.  All in the name of fighting terrorism when the TRUE terrorist is America, the Vatican and the banksters pulling the strings behind the scenes to make their super profits, pitting nation against nation to make war, all for the purpose of their NEW WORLD ORDER. 
Project 'Paper Clip' was a secret plan that brought Nazi officers and Nazi scientists to the USA after World War II, for what reasons?  These evil men murdered millions of people with their gadgets of technology.  Why weren't they tried and put to death?  Maybe some didn't fly the planes, drop the bombs, or push the button for the rockets, but they were responsible, like many inventors, of developing weapons of mass destruction and murder.  These horrid Nazis were brought to America to instruct in the development of rockets for space (NASA) genetic manipulation of our food, animals, and believe it or not the human body (cloning etc).  They brought their knowledge of mind control on individuals and of the populous, developing technology to a higher standard and using it all towards one purpose... the plan of controlling the masses.
There is an established control system of the king of the north and this is how it all works.  The NWO wants to bring control and their so-called harmony to the world through their satanic communist system.  Now I've stated that America is Mystery Babylon. It is also the military apparatus of the NWO.  Over all, this beast of a system starts at the Vatican, which is the spiritual control center of the world. Don't think that the Vatican hasn't had their hands in the making of wars.  The genocide of millions has been by the order of the Vatican.  If you’re not Catholic, you’re out of here.
Then you have the banksters.  Where does the Federal Reserve get their orders?  Right out of London, England.  Haven't the Rothschild’s always controlled the money and banks?  You have the Vatican, London and then you have the District of Columbia, right in the USA.  Washington DC is where the military might is (i.e. the Pentagon).  These three entities or city states comprise the beast system or should I say again, the king of the north (Daniel 11:40).  The Vatican in Rome has the spiritual control. The City of London, England has the monetary control.  The District of Columbia in America has the military control.
Ring Of Power-intro 101 to the NWO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01K7kpApkBs
What am I leading up to?  World War III.  A thermo-nuclear war is being planned, as you read this, and as the oblivious population endures their brain-enhanced delusion in front of their TV's, eating and drinking as Yahshua stated, not paying any attention to what's happening in their world.
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
Matthew 24:38 KJV
Party while you can and enjoy life because that's in essence what Yahshua stated would be going on.  They will be doing their own thing and not paying attention.  Then there will be sudden destruction

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