Saturday, 12 May 2012

May the month of Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ

May the month of Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ!

Saint Luis-Marie de Montfort: Treatise on True Devotion, paragraph 140 said the following.....
"Let us recall here, as a proof of the dependence we ought to have on Our Blessed Lady, the example which the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit give of our dependence.
The Father has not given and does not give His Son to the world except through and by her...
He God, has no children but by her.
He, God communicates no graces but by her
God the Son has not been formed for the whole world in general except by her.
And He is not daily formed and engendered except by her in union with the Holy Spirit;
Neither does He communicate His merits and His virtues except by her.
The Hioly Spirit has not formed Jesus Christ except by her.
Neither does He form the members of Our Lord's Mystical Body except by her;
Through her alone He dispenses His favours and His gifts.
After so many and such pressing examples of the Most Holy Trinity, can we without an extreme blindness dispense ourselves from Mary and not consecrate ourselves to her, and depend on her?"
To the above I can say with all my heart AMEN!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you can too!!!!!


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