Sunday, 27 May 2012

SUNDAY BLOG 27th of May 2012....Are you readey for this?????????? By the Grace of God and only by the grace of God I am!!!

SUNDAY BLOG 27th of May 2012....Are you readey for this??????????

By the Grace of God and only by the grace of God I am!!!

Chuck Baldwin at his very best!!!

This is a challenge second to none!

Are you and me up to it?? Watch this sermon and see for yourself!!

We will very soon find out!!!

Events are speeding up towards these end time events...

Join me and make your declaration of Independence for TRUTH against the New World Order.

I michael jaffray king do hereby admit that I am a total rebel against satan's efforts to enslave this wonderful world under his completely wicked control..

I vote for freedom! And I vote for freedom to be legalised.

I vote for a simple and child like faith in Jesus Christ!!

I vote for a return to the Constitution of the USA.

I vote for a return to the people and their elected Government taking total control of the Money Supply and not leaving it up to Private Banks...THE BANKSTERS!!!!.

I am ready to give what is left of my life for this FREEDOM rather than illegal FEEDOM.

I will be happy to die and be tortured to death for this freedom.

If I am killed without torture then I will enter eternal life in a Purgatory for my perfection in LOVE, however if I am tortured then I will go straight to Heaven and both ways I will spend eternity with HIM... The Lord Jesus Christ!!! Both ways I win and you lose if you do not repent and believe the Gospel.

I hope and pray that you will be able to make this decision too!!

I fully understand that this statement will be read and monitored by those extremely wicked people whom we have stupidly allowed to be in positions of leadership over us.

My advice to you extremely wicked people is to realise that as Cardinal John Henry Newman said "Life is short and Death is INEVITABLE even for you tyrants, and that Eternity is a very long time..It is never too late while still in this life, no matter how evil you have been, to repent and believe the Gospel.

Yesterday there was a huge FUNERAL taking place in Cologne Cathedral as the Chief Mayor had died.

I like funerals because they are unavoidable reminders as to the transitory nature of life on this planet. It is a great leveller. A great equaliser. A great full stop for everyone so called Great and so called Small and seemingly insignificant.

Great News is that THEY will not be able to kill me until God allows them to.

They will only be able to silence me when the Lord of the Universe will allow them to do so..

I am so very thankful to be in HIS HANDS!!!

Some of my favourite beings are as follows..

The Lord Jesus Christ..

The Father..

The Holy Spirit..

Mary the virgin mother of Christ..

The saints of the Roman Catholic Church and in Particular.. Saint Pio, padre Pio and John Vianney, Luis de Montfort, Therese of Licieux, in particular.

Now for a list of mortals who are not perfect and who like all mortals make mistakes.

It is so dangerous to put total confidence in MAN. Why? For the very reason already stated. Psalm 118.. the very centre of the both the Old and the New Testaments, verses 8 and 9

[8]It is good and better to confide in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man. [9] It is good and better to trust in the Lord, rather than to trust in princes.


Peter Kreeft

John Martignoni

Father Patrick Peyton the Rosary Priest who died at the end of the last century.

Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship.. for laying it out so clearly.

Alex Jones..for exposing those at the top who masquerade as the good guys.

Lord Christopher Monckton..I really like this guy..He comes from the upper class and is an exception to the general rule of ELITES, which is wickedness egged on by their love of money and power..

David Ray Griffin

Ron Paul

Rand Paul

Paul Joseph Watson

Archbishop Timothy M Dolan of New York

Father Robert Barron

Lyndon LaRouche

There are thousands of others but these are just a few of my heroes including all the founding fathers of the American Revolution against the tyrannical and cruel British..

...and and and and.....

For the wicked opponents of all these forces for Truth I would say this.

I do not hate you and I do not despise you BUT I pray for your enlightenment and reclamation from the clutches of the evil one satan or lucifer or the devil or the dragon..

Please add your name and return to me even if you do not necessarily agree with my heroes, but just because you want to give your life for the TRUTH...


I wonder how many replies I will get??????????

Ha!!!! Chicken???? or Martyr???? Stand up and be counted...

michael jaffray king...

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