Saturday, 18 August 2012

Banks!! The control group of the world

Banks!!! The Control Group in the world

200 years ago the Frankfurt Bauer family later known as the Rothschild Financiers made the very telling statement that as long as they controlled the money, they cared not who was making the laws. A family that allegedly traces its origins back to Nimrod are still the most powerful and close knit organisation and by the way are Luciferian.
It is now very obvious to all thinking and investigating people that the world banking take over is almost complete.
Bankers have always ruled but now they are criminally taking over the whole world by forcing a completely staged world financial collapse. This will cause civil war in the USA where millions are armed to the teeth and will not accept this lying down. Sadly this has also been taken into account by this wickedly Eugenicist group of 13 families and their 6000 hangers on. They welcome civil war whether it is in the USA or is a Sunni Shia contest in the Middle East.
World War is also on their agenda and of course this time it will be Nuclear. NATO against Russia and China.
In the view of many, this war has already begun.....
satan is attempting his last ditch effort to take over the world. He will not succeed except for a very short time and Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at that famous battle of Armageddon will once and for all put an end to his shenanigans.
Please do not be like my friend...Friend????? Yes in spite of the fact that he is extremely rude and self opinionated as a lapsed Roman Catholic Monk and is determined not to go to Hell alone but to take as many as he can with him. I pray for him in the same way that I pray for all these mislead followers of Lucifer which include my very close relatives.
What is your very best hope????
A simple child like faith in Jesus Christ and His Word.
The verse that comes to mind as I type this is... Matthew Ch 10 verse 28..28And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
The best is yet to come.. This world is not our home
and we are just passing through
and our treaure is laid up
somewhere beyond the blue!!!!!
The angels beckon me
From Heaven's open door,
And I can't feel at home in this world anymore.

Cheer up things could be worse.... and they probably will be. Ha!!!
We do not have long to wait so please keep in touch with HIM... Be His Friend...Talk to HIM in prayer at all times... Pray without ceasing....HE is our Lord... Saviour...and very best friend... I am also crazy about HIS mother Mary.
1st Thessalonians Ch 5 verse 17..Pray without ceasing!!!!
I look forward to your comments!!!

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